Essay 3 Reflection

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Marquez 1

Cruz Marquez

Mrs. McCann

English 1302.201

20 April 2022

Essay 3 Reflection

Essay 3 compared to essay 2 and 1 was in between of both in the sense of difficulty. For

starters, essay 1 was not difficult because it was an experiment and I was the experimenter. In

addition most of the information came from me apart from a couple of sources that helped with

my experiment. Essay 2 on the other hand was far more difficult because I had to look for

additional sources than those that I already had in essay 2 and I had to give my opinion without

necessarily stating it was me giving the opinion.

In essay 1 I learned how to give my point of view without saying it was me who was the

one with that certain point. For instance, essay one required me to create and experiment and

give the point of view of the experimenter, however I could not use personal pronouns. In essay

3 I had to do something similar to this. In essay 3 it was prohibited to state your opinion with

personal pronouns which meant the use of I, we, me, us, and other words similar to this were not

allowed to be used. This was useful to learn in essay 1 and easy to apply in essay 3. Something

that was not applicable however was the experiment part. Since essay 3 was more persuasive

than an experiment, I could not do the same things I did as if I were to have done an experiment


Many things were learned in essay 3 that can be applied to other courses such as History,

Science, and other courses that require writing. One of these things that was introduced and

applicable to other courses is summarizing entire articles and creating your own idea about it and
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opinion regarding the topic. For instance, the essay I wrote was about how war crimes trials are

not very useful, however they can be fixed if people work together to make a change. For this

topic it was vital to read many articles containing different cases of war crimes and the

punishments given to the criminals. In other courses such as History where it is usually required

to read and analyze documents of historical events then write about what the documents were

about, it will be very helpful and will reduce the amount of time that you take in writing.

Creating an argument for the essay was quite difficult at the beginning, however toward

the middle of the writing process I realized that the side I had taken was the right one. As

previously stated the essay’s topic was about the inconvenience of war crime trials and how they

are nearly useless when it comes to serving justice. This argument can help improve my writing

because it allows me to examine and look into various perspectives and set myself on one. In the

future, I could be given the task to write about a dilemma and have to choose one side. However

with this essay I have learned that I should look into more than one side of the issue that is given.

In essay 2 the comments that were given to me were mostly negative, however I have

learned from my mistakes and now know how to fix the errors that were shown to me before. For

example in essay 1 and 2 I was told that my conclusion was not the best and that i should in turn

make it different or fix what I had wrong. This was very helpful and now I like to believe that

that error is fixed. In addition, there were some strengths and weaknesses. One of my main

strengths is that I know what I want to write about and I have good ideas as I'm told by my peers;

however , I do not know how to implement them into my essay and so my sentences and essays

in general tend to come out in a sloppy way.

One of the most challenging parts of this essay was going from an essay that is only

informative and does not allow the writer to give his own opinions to an essay that does exactly
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that. In essay 2 the opinion of the writer did not matter which meant that I should not be included

in the essay as it was stated in the prompt. However in essay 3 we were tasked with writing an

essay where we gave our opinion of what we are writing about. In addition, the essays were in

some way connected which made it even more problematic in my opinion. The least challenging

aspect of this essay was the citations. Since I had most of them already in my previous essay I

just had to look for more and make sure that those were usable. In the end the essay was not too

easy and not too hard.

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