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[Last Name] 1

Cruz Marquez

Mrs. McCann

English 1301.201

24 January 2022

Peer Review Homework

There is a lot that goes on in peer-reviewed articles like what the article is about, whom it was

checked by, and how it was checked. The main goal of a peer-reviewed article is to “assess the

quality” of a scholarly journal according to the article Evaluating Information Sources: What Is

A Peer-Reviewed Article. Three of the main characteristics a peer-reviewed article has are a

summary of what the article is going to be about, many citations all throughout the article, and

being published as a scholarly journal. There are three categories of information resources. The

first newspapers and magazines, second is journals by professionals, and lastly is peer-reviewed

journals. Searching for peer-reviewed journals only, using the database, looking

to see if the article is peer-reviewed, and finding the official website are all ways to find peer-

reviewed sources.

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