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Civil engineering department
Miss Pradnya Kamble
Jawale Sagar Subhash (2144)
Ghadi prashant balu(2143)
Potkar Vaibhav Vijayakumar(2123)

This is to certify that the seminar of micro project

entitled “PILE FOUNDATION” record of the year 2021-22
under the guidance of MISS PRADNYA KAMBLE of
department of Applied in partial fulfilment of
requirement for subject BUILDING CONSTRUCTION for
the third semester. S.Y.C.E of GOVERNMENT


• Jawale Sagar Subhash
• Ghadi Prashant Balu
• Potkar Vaibhav Vijayakumar

• Index

Sr.No. Title
1. Introduction
2. Pile classification
3. Driven piles
4. Bored piles
5. Screw piles
6. Micro piles
7. Piles walls
8. Geothermal piles
9. Piling equipment
10. Conclusion
11. Reference
Foundations provide support for structures,
transferring their load to layers of soil or rock that
have sufficient bearing capacity and
suitable settlement characteristics. There are a very
wide range of foundation types available, suitable for
different applications, depending on considerations,
such as:
▪ The nature of the load requiring support.
▪ Ground conditions.

▪ The presence of water.

▪ Durability of the materials.

▪ Cost.

▪ Accessibility.

▪ Sensitivity to noise and vibration.

▪ Proximity to other structures.

▪ Load exerted on the piles (see below).

Very broadly, foundations can be categorised

as shallow foundations or deep foundations. Shallow
foundations are typically used where
the loads imposed by a structure are low relative to
the bearing capacity of the surface soils. Deep
foundations are necessary where the bearing
capacity of the surface soils is insufficient to
support loads imposed and so they are transferred
to deeper layers with higher bearing capacity.
Pile foundations are deep foundations. They are
formed by long, slender, columnar elements typically
made from steel or reinforced concrete, or
sometimes timber. A foundation is described as
'piled' when its depth is more than three times its
breadth (ref. Atkinson, 2007).
Pile foundations are principally used to transfer
the loads from superstructures, through weak,
compressible strata or water onto stronger, more
compact, less compressible and stiffer soil or rock at
depth, increasing the effective size of
a foundation and resisting horizontal loads. They are
typically used for large structures, and in situations
where soil is not suitable to
prevent excessive settlement.
Pile classifications
may be classified by their basic design function (end-
bearing, friction or a combination) or by their method of
construction (displacement (driven) or replacement
End-bearing piles develop most of their friction at the toe

of the pile, bearing on a hard layer. The pile transmits

load directly to firm strata, and also receives lateral
restraint from subsoil.
Driven pile
Driven (or displacement) piles are driven, jacked,
vibrated or screwed into the ground, displacing
the material around the pile shaft outwards and
downwards instead of removing it.

Driven piles are useful in offshore applications, are

stable in soft squeezing soils and can densify loose

There are two groups of driven piles:

• Driven in situ: Either with a permanent concrete

or steel casing, or with temporary casing.
• Preformed: Prefabricated off-site from timber,
concrete or steel.
Bored piles
Bored (or replacement) piles remove spoil to form
a hole for the pile which is poured in situ. They are
used primarily in cohesive subsoils for the
formation of friction piles and when forming pile
foundations close to existing buildings.

Bored piles are more popular in urban areas as

there is minimal vibration, they can be used where
headroom is limited, there is no risk of heave, and
where it may be necessary to vary their length.

Screw piles
Screw piles have a helix near the pile toe so they
can be screwed into the ground. The process and
concept is similar to screwing into wood.
Micropiles (or mini piles) are used where access is
restricted, for example underpinning structures
affected by settlement. They can be driven or
screwed into place.
Pile walls can be used to create permanent or
temporary retaining walls. They are formed by
placing piles directly adjacent to one another.
These can be closely-spaced contiguous pile walls
or interlocking secant pile walls, which depending
on the composition of the secondary intermediate
piles can be hard/soft, hard/firm or hard/hard
secant walls
Pile walls
Pile walls can be used to create permanent or
temporary retaining walls. They are formed by
placing piles directly adjacent to one another.
These can be closely-spaced contiguous pile walls
or interlocking secant pile walls, which depending
on the composition of the secondary intermediate
piles can be hard/soft, hard/firm or hard/hard
secant walls
Geothermal piles
Geothermal piles combine pile foundations with
closed-loop ground-source heat pump systems.
They provide support to a structure, as well as
acting as a heat source and a heat sink.
In effect, the thermal mass of the ground enables
the building to store unwanted heat from cooling
systems and allows heat pumps to warm the
building in winter. Generally, ground source heat
pumps extract heat from the ground by way of
underground pipes which are laid either
horizontally or vertically in the ground. In
geothermal piles, the pipe loops are laid vertically,
within the piles themselves.
Piling equipment
A wide range of equipment is available for piling,

• Percussion drivers: hammers driven by steam,

compressed air or diesel.
• Hydraulic drivers: hydraulic rams push piles
into the ground.
• Vibratory drivers: piles are vibrated into the
• Rotary augers: used to screw replacement
piles into the ground.
Piles are often used because adequate bearing capacity
cannot be found at shallow enough depths to support the
structural loads. It is important to understand that piles
get support from both end bearing and skin friction. The
proportion of carrying capacity generated by either end
bearing or skin friction depends on the soil conditions.
Piles can be used to support various different types of
structural loads.
• Building construction book


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