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Marquez 1

Cruz Marquez

Mrs. McCann

English 1302.201

3 February 2022

More than Inconvenienced Assignment

The article was published by the journal Health Education and Behavior and was written by

more than one writer including Alyssa M. Lederer. The article is a peer-review and there are

some features that can prove that this article is peer-reviewed. For example, there is a section at

the beginning of the article under the abstract that is called “keywords” that every peer-review

article has. In addition, the abstract is present in every peer-reviewed article such as this one

further proving that it is a peer-reviewed article.

The author's thesis is to find ways to help college students that are struggling with any issues or

obstacles that have been caused because of COVID-19. The authors give various ways that

institutions can put in place to help students with these types of issues. They use various ways of

supporting their theses such as statistics with numbers and percentages, however, they do not

include graphs. To add to that, the authors provide many sources to back up their research and

studies. With this, their main audience is the institutions and colleges since they want to help the

students in these colleges.

[Last Name] 2

Work Cited

Lederer, Alyssa M., et al. "More than inconvenienced: The unique needs of US college students

during the COVID-19 pandemic." Health Education & Behavior 48.1 (2021): 14-19.

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