Soham Dange 21020743: Sociology Quiz Time 8 PM To 9PM

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Time 8 PM to 9PM

Soham Dange

1) What are social facts?

A. Social forces that exist independently of an individual.
B. The shared values and beliefs that unite people in a society.
C. The subjective opinions of single people within a society.
D. The belief that society should be studied as a science.

2) Weber’s work focused on which idea to develop a sociological enquiry?

A. Anomie
B. Verstehen
C. The sociological imagination
D. Microsociology

3) According to whom it was believed that society was best understood through the
idea of conflict perspective which sees two groups competing with each other.
A. Karl Marx
B. Emile Durkheim
C. Max Weber
D. Herbert Spencer

4) The society which Karl Marx believed would be achieved after revolution against
capitalism is:
A. Feudal Society
B. Socialist Society
C. Agrarian Society
D. Industrial Society

5) “Sociology is the science of understanding of the meaning of social action.” This

idea was propounded by-
A. Max Weber
B. August Comte
C. Herbert Spencer
D. Emile Durkheim

6) According to Karl Marx societies have all along been divided between:

A. The haves and the have’s not

B. The educated and the elite
C. The religious and the educated people
D. The rich and the religious people
7) "The Division of Labour" was written by
A. Emile Durkheim
B. Georg Simmel
C. Vilfredo Pareto
D. Max Weber

8) According to Durkheim, modern societies are characterised by

A. Mechanical solidarity
B. Organic solidarity
C. Nominal solidarity
D. Attitudinal solidarity

9) A _________________allows us to see the important relationship between

personal troubles, which affect an individual and social issues, which reflect a
problem for the entire society.

A. Sociological Imagination
B. Structuralism
C. Socialism
D. Functionalism

10) According to Durkheim, altruistic suicide occurs when

A. Integration is high
B. Regulation is low
C. Regulation is high
D. Integration is low

11) Who developed the concept of ideal type?

A. Karl Marx
B. Max Weber
C. Talcott Parsons
D. Auguste Comte

12) According to Marx, when workers become estranged from the things they
produce, it is called
A. Alienation from the product activity
B. Alienation from the product
C. Alienation from the species
D. Alienation from fellow-beings

13) Statistical method are used to analyze qualitative data

A. True
B. False
14) Subjective evaluation is the central characteristics of ……………………?

A. Quantitative research
B. Qualitative research
C. Analytical study
D. Experimental research

15) When applying the conflict perspective, women’s subordinate position in society
is linked to their
A. relationship to the means of production.
B. desire to be men.
C. overly aggressive feminist agenda.
D. genetic makeup.

16) Anne believes that societal relationships are based on power, force, and coercion.
What sociological perspective does Anne take?
A. Functionalist
B. Conflict
C. Verstehen
D. Egoism

17) Which sociological perspective believes that inequality is necessary for the social
order, and reinforces cultural ideals of hard work?
A. Functionalist perspective
B. Conflict perspective
C. Interactionist Perspective
D. None

18) Social stratification refers to

A. A large number of people with similar amounts of income and education
B. One’s social ranking
C. The degree to which people feel a part of social groups
D. The ranking of individuals into social strata or groups

19) The sociological imagination challenges the claim that the social problems are
_______ and instead reminds us how social problems are _______.
A. “natural” or based on individual failures; rooted in society and in our
social structures
B. “unnatural” or based on social failures; rooted in individual failures
C. local; always global
D. usually historical; in the present

20) The family, education, religion, economics, and politics as all examples of
A. Human agency
B. Independent variables
C. Power
D. Social institutions
21) According to Karl Marx, what must happen first for social change to happen?
A. Class consciousness
B. Anomie
C. Species Being
D. The bourgeoisie must gain power.

22) Anomie is a consequence of:

A. Conflict
B. Fatigue
C. Normlessness
D. Patriarchy

23) Which perspective below uses a micro level of analysis?

A. Feminist theory
B. Conflict theory
C. Functionalism
D. Verstehen

24) Which of the following perspectives think society is held together by a set of
social institutions, each of which has a specific function in society?
A. Conflict
B. Anomie
C. Organic solidarity
D. Functionalist

25) Keisha is taking a social-problem course. For her final research paper, she wants
to use a functionalist perspective to study the phenomenon of teenage smoking.
Which of the following might be a guiding question for her project?
A. In what ways is teenage smoking bad for society?
B. Do teenage smokers face discrimination since they are not allowed to
purchase cigarettes until they are of legal age?
C. How do teenage smokers learn the folkways of smoking culture?
D. What is it about the institutions in society that might lead teenagers to start

26) Functionalists argue that when a society experiences rapid social change, such as
industrialization or political upheaval, _______________ can occur, which can
lead to ____________.
A. alienation; dysfunction
B. progress; social innovation
C. normlessness; anomie
D. class consciousness; revolution

27) In a city with a population of 100,000 people, one person is unemployed. What is
this an example of?
A. A subjective fact and a social problem
B. A subjective fact and a personal problem
C. An objective fact and a social problem
D. An objective fact and a personal problem

28) Which perspective would argue that a criminal plays a definite role in social life
and the maintenance of social order?
A. Functionalism
B. Conflict00
C. Interactionist
D. Feminist

29) Which of the following is NOT the type of ‘Social Action’ according to Max
A. Inter Action
B. Rational Action
C. Affectual Action
D. Traditional Action

30) "The Rules of Sociological Method" was written by 

A. Max Weber
B. George Simmel
C. Emile Durkheim
D. Vilfredo Pareto

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