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Harrison STEM e-Portfolio Requirements & Distinguished STEM Graduate Points

Annual e-Portfolio Minimum Requirements & Distinguished STEM Graduate Points System
The table below consists of 2 parts. The first portion lists the annual minimum requirements and point values per grade level. To be considered for recognition as a Distinguished STEM graduate, you
must meet ALL the minimum requirements. You must have accumulated the number of points listed below by the end of each school year to maintain eligibility. For example, if you do not earn the
full 19 points freshman year, you can earn more points sophomore year to get back on track.

◘ 9th Grade = 25 points ◘ 10th Grade = 50 points ◘ 11th Grade = 75 points ◘ 12th Grade = 100 points ◘

This minimum requirement list reflects all items that will be evaluated every 6 weeks each school year for a grade that will be entered in your science, math, and English classes regardless of
your eligibility for Distinguished STEM graduate.

The second portion of the table includes a list of additional options (highlighted) that you can add to your annual points as you work towards your Distinguished status. There are some maximums,
so please be sure to read each option carefully. At graduation, one senior student in each pathway will be recognized as the “TOP Distinguished Graduate” based on the point system. Ties will be
broken as outlined in the information following the points tables.

***Remember you must also meet the Academic & Integrity requirements at the end of your senior year to be considered, regardless of points earned.**

Annual Grade Level 9th 10th 11th 12th Description of Requirement & e-Portfolio Entry Specifics
Minimum Requirements
Outstanding project per content area 3 3 3 3 • One outstanding project from each content area is required annually. These may include products such as
ELA, Math, Science (may overlap) cross-curricular projects, models, Night Circus, prosthetics, diabetes models, brochures, etc. If you use a
project that was required for more than one content area, you may include the same project for both.
• We encourage you to post all projects to your e-portfolio so that you can edit for the best later.
• e-Portfolio entry must include the date, the class, picture(s) or file upload, and a written reflection describing
each project and what you learned from doing it.
• Submit the URL to the actual content page from the current academic year once evidence of ALL
3 projects are present!

Community Connections 2 2 2 2 • You are required to seek input from outside professionals who are willing to share their expertise in their
various fields. This would not include those individuals who present at STEMinars.
• This is a 5-10 minute conversation with someone about their job and how STEM relates to it. The person
you speak to does not have to be an astrophysicist; STEM is relevant to all career fields.
• e-Portfolio entry must in include the date, name of the person (first only is fine), a description of your
conversation and what they do, and a one paragraph summary describing a STEM connection you made. A
photo of you with the person is required, so if they are not willing to be photographed or there are other
privacy issues, do not use that person for your community connection.
• Submit the URL to the actual content page from the current academic year once evidence of
BOTH Community Connections is present!
Harrison STEM e-Portfolio Requirements & Distinguished STEM Graduate Points

STEMinars 2 2 2 2 • Each semester HHS will host “STEMinars” (seminars) featuring a variety of guest speakers ranging among
STEM professionals, college representatives, alumni, and other community members.
• Alternative options may be offered in advance by STEM faculty.
• e-Portfolio entry must include the date, name of speaker, title of STEMinar, and a 2-paragraph summary and
reflection of what you learned.
• Photo of speaker is preferred. Signed attendance form required.
• Submit the URL to the actual content page from the current academic year once evidence of
BOTH STEMinars is present!

Resume Booster 1 1 1 1 • List of extracurricular activities that are not STEM related such as work experience, club membership,
(Non-STEM promoted activity such as sports, other community service or volunteer opportunities.
band, orchestra, community service, • e-Portfolio must include date/date range, name of activity, description of responsibilities or activities.
sport, competition, or club such as • Submit the URL to the actual content page from the current academic year once evidence of TWO
Beta Club or National Honor Society) Resume Boosters is present!

“About Me” Introduction 1 1 1 1 • Your name (first only is okay)

(Updated annually) • 9th & 10th grade – Introduce yourself, state why you are interested in STEM, add 1 additional paragraph
about you, your interests, & activities that are NOT school related. At least one photo of you.
• 11th & 12th grade – Introduce yourself, state your selected pathway and current post graduation plans. At
least one photo of you.
• e-Portfolio must include current and complete information on the “stand alone” content page.
• Submit the URL to the actual content page from the current academic year once evidence of your
“About Me” page is present!

Grade Level Skills Checklist by 1 1 1 1 • A bulleted list of at least 2 new skills acquired each semester (Fall & Spring). This can be a lab skill,
Semester computer skill, job skill. Something that is new and potentially useful for a future job or internship.
• e-Portfolio must include a heading for each semester followed by a bulleted list of skills. Example:
▪Fall 2022
• Digital microscopy
• Polymerase Chain Reaction
• Submit the URL to the actual content page from the current academic year once evidence of your
annual (by semester) “Skills List” is present!

End of Grade Summative Reflection 1 1 1 1 • You may address things such as, “What did you find most challenging this year?” or “What was your favorite
STEM event/activity of the year?” or “In what area do you think you had the most growth?”
• e-Portfolio must include a minimum of 2 paragraphs summary reflecting on your growth over the school
• Submit the URL to the actual content page from the current academic year once evidence of your
annual End of Grade Summative Reflection is present!
Harrison STEM e-Portfolio Requirements & Distinguished STEM Graduate Points

Science Fair Entry 1 1 1 1* • Entry & Interview in the Harrison Science & Engineering Fair is required annually. If student is selected to
(*12th grade not required IF 2 nd advance to Cobb/Paulding Regional Science Fair and/or Georgia Science and Engineering Fair, attendance
semester internship is secured by end is required.
of September.) • e-Portfolio should include your Research summary plan uploaded via Scribd (NOT all GSEF paperwork, just
the summary paperwork) & a photo of you with your Tri-Fold. Image of protype if applicable. Statement of
recognition (place earned) if applicable.
• Submit the URL to the actual content page from the current academic year once your Science Fair
project requirements are complete for the year!

End of Year Oral Defense 1 1 1* 1 • PPT overview of project, data, & conclusion. Summary of what was learned and future steps.
9th Grade = Scientific Research I • Presentation uploaded in Scribd.
class • 10th Grade in addition to first 2 bullet points, include reflection in the presentation that states why specific
10th Grade = White Coat Ceremony pathway was selected.
evening event • *11th grade students will write a reflection of the evening they facilitated. (No scribd)
11th Grade = Facilitate 1 Oral Defense • 12th Grade Senior STEMposium focus will be on the internship/independent research capstone project.
evening event for either 10th or 12th • e-Portfolio should include presentation in Scribd & reflection as stated above.
12th Grade = Senior STEMposium • Submit the URL to the actual content page from the current academic year once your grade level
Capstone evening event* requirement is complete for the year!
• Attend the 6-hour STEM academy during the summer prior to school year. Write a 2-paragraph reflection of
6 Hour STEM Summer Academy OR 1 1 1 0 what was learned each day.
PRE-Approved Equivalent OR 6
ADDITIONAL Volunteer Hours • Participate in a summer event in lieu of STEM academy that requires at least a 6-hour commitment. Must be
pre-approved. (Examples: Duke Tip, WellStar Volunteen, etc.) Summer job does not count. Write a reflection
of the experience AND include a summary of your responsibilities.
• Students who do not attend the STEM Academy or have a summer equivalent must volunteer for 6
additional hours during school year at STEM approved events (additional = beyond the required 2 hours).
• e-Portfolio should include the reflection, summary of responsibilities, and scan of documentation as outlined
• Submit the URL to the actual content page from the current academic year once your hours are
complete for the year!

Annual Volunteer Hours 3 3 3 3 • Students must volunteer for a minimum of 2 hours annually at STEM approved events.
• Volunteer sheet should be printed from web site, signed by event supervisor, scanned, and turned in within
48 hours of the event.
• Seek approval for events prior to the event; don’t assume all volunteer work will count!
• e-Portfolio should include a summary of the event, responsibilities, a picture of you AT the event, and a scan
of the signed, completed volunteer sheet.
• Submit the URL to the actual content page from the current academic year once evidence of at
least 2 hours of volunteer work has been submitted.
Harrison STEM e-Portfolio Requirements & Distinguished STEM Graduate Points

Enrichment Trip 1 1 1 0 • Trips that occur off-campus that allow students to experience STEM topics in the real world. Most of these
can be trips through HHS STEM.
• Enrichment Trips should represent an enriching experience and should reflect a variety of Science,
Technology, Engineering and/or Mathematic experiences.
• If you have a trip planned, be sure to have it PRE-approved by your STEM advisor before including it in your
portfolio; Mission trips, the Atlanta Science Festival, and certain tours are all good examples of the types of
experiences we want you to have.
• Amusement parks, sporting events, family vacations, part-time jobs, most concerts and certain other types of
activities will not count as enrichment trips. (For example, trips to Disney World or Six Flags do not qualify,
but a trip to China probably will.)
• e-Portfolio entry must include several pictures, possibly tickets or other artifacts, and a reflective essay about
not only what you did, but also what you learned through the experience.
• Submit the URL to the actual content page from the current academic year once your enrichment
trip requirement is complete for the year!

Curriculum Vitae/Resume 0 1 1 1 • Professional resume/curriculum vitae updated annually.

• Name & email should be present but may state “Address & phone number available upon request.”
• Uploaded to Weebly in Scribd.
• Submit the URL to the actual content page from the current academic year once your resume is
present and updated for the year!

Digital Microscopy Slideshow 1 1 0 0 • 9th & 10th grade STEM courses will provide multiple opportunities to observe and collect microscopy images.
9th Grade = PBS Coursework • 11th & 12th grade STEM courses may also provide more images and while it is recommended that students
10th Grade = HBS Coursework continue to build their catalog, it is not required.
• e-Portfolio grade level digital microscopy images should be uploaded, labeled, and include total
• Submit the URL to the actual content page from the current academic year once evidence of your
ANNUAL microscopy images is complete and present!

Senior Capstone 0 0 0 1 • e-Portfolio entry will include links to all capstone paperwork and the capstone research paper. Capstone
presentation will be uploaded in Scribd.
• Submit the URL to the actual content page once evidence of your capstone work is complete and
Harrison STEM e-Portfolio Requirements & Distinguished STEM Graduate Points

Optional Activities for Additional ANNUAL Description of Requirement & e-Portfolio Entry Specifics
Points Towards Distinguished Maximum &
STEM Graduate Points Value
Additional Community Connection MAX 1 • See minimum requirements table for description.
1 pt • Submit the URL to the actual content page from the current academic year once evidence of 2
Required + 1 Additional Community Connection is present! (For a total of 3 Community

Additional STEMinar MAX 2 • See minimum requirements table for description.

1 pt • Submit the URL to the actual content page from the current academic year once evidence of 2
Required + 1 Additional STEMinar is present! (For a total of 3 STEMinars)

Additional Resume Boosters MAX 3 • See minimum requirements table for description.
1 pt each • Submit the URL to the actual content page from the current academic year once evidence of 2
Required + Each Additional Resume Boosters is present! (For a max total of 4 Resume Boosters)

Additional Volunteer Hours MAX 3 hours • See minimum requirements table for description.
1 pt each • Submit the URL to the actual content page from the current academic year once evidence of at
least 3 hours of required volunteer work + Additional volunteer hours have been submitted. (For a
max total of 6 volunteer hours.)

Additional Enrichment Trip MAX 2 • See minimum requirements table for description.
1 pt each • Submit the URL to the actual content page from the current academic year once your Required
Enrichment trip + Each Additional Enrichment trip requirements are complete for the year! (For a
max total of 3 Enrichment trips.)

Job Shadowing MAX 2 • Gain experience by shadowing a professional in a field you are interested in exploring. The experience must
4 pt each be approved by a STEM advisor before including it in your e-portfolio.
• e-Portfolio submission should include pictures and a reflection, in addition to a documentation form.
• You must have official documentation forms signed (either from STEM or other official forms). If using other
documentation--dates, hours, and supervisor’s signature must be clear.
• We encourage you not to miss school for shadowing unless it is an experience offered through HHS.
• Your parents or the school should help you arrange and must approve of your shadowing experience.
• Transportation is your responsibility.
• Bring a stamped, addressed “Thank You” note in an UNsealed envelope for the person you did the
internship with to STEM Coordinator to mail.
• Submit the URL to the actual content page from the current academic year once you’ve uploaded
the above evidence of your Job Shadowing to your e-Portfolio by the end of year!
Harrison STEM e-Portfolio Requirements & Distinguished STEM Graduate Points

College Visit MAX 2 • Include pictures and a reflection

3 pt each • These campus visits may be through HHS trips or on your own.
• If it is on your own, include proof that your tour was organized by the college (ex: email confirmation,
signatures/stamps from college, follow-up letter, etc.).
• An informal tour will not count. Documentation must be provided to prove it was an official tour.
• The visit is not about stepping onto a campus, but it is about giving yourself every chance to learn everything
the school has to offer.
• e-Portfolio submission should include pictures and a 2-paragraph reflection of your impression of the school.
• Submit the URL to the actual content page from the current academic year once you’ve uploaded
the above evidence of your College Visit(s) to your e-Portfolio by the end of year!

Multicultural Event/Experience MAX 2 • Events such as attending professional theater, symphonies, symposiums, or festivals.
2 pt each • Events which relate to or represent several cultural or ethnic groups.
• e-Portfolio submission should include several pictures of you at the event and a reflection that summarizes
what the event was and what you learned from your participation.
• Submit the URL to the actual content page from the current academic year once you’ve uploaded
the above evidence of you at a Multicultural Event(s) to your e-Portfolio by the end of year!

STEM Ambassador MAX 2 • We expect our students to become leaders and representatives of the Harrison STEM program.
2 pts each • Activities include helping run STEM Academy, talking at open house, guest speaking at feeder middle
schools, speaking at STEM night, running STEM camp, helping with STEM applicant interviews, etc.
• All activities will require sign up & pre-approval.
• e-Portfolio submission should include pictures, volunteer paperwork signed, and a reflection including a
summary of what you did.
• Submit the URL to the actual content page from the current academic year once you’ve uploaded
the above evidence of your work as a STEM Ambassador to your e-Portfolio by the end of year!

Grant No MAXIMUM • Grant writing is a valuable and sometimes necessary skill if you plan to conduct research in the future.
2 points for grants • Students are encouraged to find grant opportunities to fund their science fair or independent research
under $100 projects.
5 points per grants • For consideration, this must be a grant in the truest sense – not just a fund-raising opportunity.
over $100 • e-Portfolio submission should include grant information, grant proposal uploaded to Scribd, and letter of
(Go Fund Me is NOT approval.
a grant!) • Submit the URL to the actual content page from the current academic year once you’ve uploaded
the above evidence of your grant approval to your e-Portfolio by the end of year!
Harrison STEM e-Portfolio Requirements & Distinguished STEM Graduate Points

Additional STEM Competition No Maximum • We want you to get the recognition you deserve for all your hard work. If you participate in ANY STEM
3 points each related competition other than the Harrison Science & Engineering Fair, you will earn points!
• e-Portfolio submission should include information about the event. Evidence/artifacts of your submission and
a reflection of what you did and what you learned.
• Submit the URL to the actual content page from the current academic year once you’ve uploaded
the above evidence of your participation in a STEM competition to your e-Portfolio by the end of
Harrison STEM e-Portfolio Requirements & Distinguished STEM Graduate Points

What is an e-portfolio?

Over the course of your four years in the Harrison STEM program, you will be required to keep a STEM e-portfolio. Each year there are minimum requirements
that will be included as part of your grade in your math, science, and English courses every grading period. So what is an e-portfolio?

Initially you may think an e-portfolio sounds like a digital collection of artifacts, but it is much more than that. A good e-portfolio is both a product (a digital collection of
artifacts) and a process (of reflecting on those artifacts and what they represent). Therefore, your academic e-portfolio will be a collection of your course-related work,
like essays, posters, labs, photographs, videos, and artwork, as well as a snapshot of other aspects of your student life, such as volunteer experiences, employment
history, extracurricular activities, and more. In other words, the e-portfolio documents and makes visible ALL of your student learning.

Distinguished STEM Graduate

If you wish to be considered for recognition as a STEM Distinguished Graduate and wear a STEM stole at graduation, you must meet the following additional

• Your e-portfolio must include the minimum requirements for each grade level, some of which must be approved and signed off by a STEM advisor at that
grade level.
• You must have a minimum CUMULATIVE 3.5 GPA.
• Have no academic integrity infractions at any grade level.

**ONE STEM Distinguished Graduate from each pathway will receive special recognition for meeting all annual requirements and earning the most points in
distinguished optional grade items. See point values for “extra” items added Fall 2019, not retroactive.

o Ties will be broken as follows:

Cumulative weighted GPA 1st

Cumulative volunteer hours 2nd

Cumulative STEM related awards/recognitions 3rd
Harrison STEM e-Portfolio Requirements & Distinguished STEM Graduate Points

STEM e-portfolio Definitions

Regular meetings with your STEM advisor(s)
• STEM Advisor is defined as any current STEM related content teacher you have during an academic semester. IF you have a semester with no STEM
specific course or have questions regarding summer opportunities, your STEM advisor contact will be the STEM coordinator, Ms. Allard.
• Continued communication with your STEM advisor(s) is key to success.
• You must show that your e-portfolio has been updated throughout your time at HHS.
• You must meet all posted deadlines for your portfolio.
• You must maintain records of checklists to turn in with your e-portfolio.
• If you choose not to communicate with your STEM advisor(s), you will not receive a STEM cord.

• Each semester HHS will host “STEMinars” (seminars) featuring a variety of guest speakers ranging among STEM professionals, college representatives,
alumni, and other community members.

Community Connections
• These are brief conversations with individuals you may have contact with every day such as the mailperson, your neighbor, your dentist, etc.
• The point of these is to learn other job descriptions and make connections to see how STEM is part of virtually any career you can think of.
• No teachers. 1 coach, 1 family member MAX!

Outstanding Projects
• These are examples of your “best work” in high school! You work hard – show it!

Resume Boosters
• Make a list of all the extracurricular activities you do each year such as work experience, clubs, sports, etc.

Job Shadowing
• There is no better way to learn about a career than to spend a day with the people who do it every day.

College Campus Tours

• Go to any campus of your choice/interest and take an official tour. Remember – you are only allowed a certain number of excused absences each year
for college visits!

STEM Enrichment Trips

• Take an off-campus trip to experience STEM in real time. Be sure that if it is not a trip planned by HHS STEM, you must have pre-approval for it to count.
Harrison STEM e-Portfolio Requirements & Distinguished STEM Graduate Points

Multicultural Events
• We want you to be well-rounded, so we encourage you to attend events such as professional theater, symphonies, symposiums, or festivals.

STEM Ambassadorship
• As an upper classman we expect you to become a leader and representative of the Harrison STEM program.

Volunteer Hours
• Volunteer to give back to your community

Other things to consider:

You will earn a 10% deduction for each day you are late in submitting your e-Portfolio link for the 6-week grading period checkpoints.
Invalid links will accumulate the same 10% deduction per day until it is fixed.
We know that once you publish your Weebly it is “live;” therefore, after e-Portfolios are graded each 6 weeks, you will have 72 hours (3 weekdays) to review the
feedback on the Schoology rubric and request a review of any grade you feel is inaccurate. During this time DO NOT edit or publish your e-Portfolio (we will ask for
proof of this) or the grade will stand as is.
This is a professional working document, a representation of you and the STEM program. Spelling and grammar will ALWAYS count!

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