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Procedures to running the afterschool program

The afterschool program is an organization that a place where parents can take their child where
they can be watch while parents are still are work and it safe and fun envoirment for the kids

1. When you come into the school, gather the attendance sheet and the phone of the

2. When you get to the cafeteria, charge the phone and fill out the top part of the
attendance sheet so it is ready to go.

3. The phone is used for when a parent calls to pick their kid up and you must bring
them to the door.

4. If you are unsure of a parent make sure they check their IDS to make sure who
they are who they said they are.

5. You will have another worker come in later during the day, but you will be by
yourself for a little bit

6. When they come into the cafeteria, they will grab a snack and write their name
on an attendance sheet and what time they came in.

7. After the snack is done you will line them up and they will take a water break and
a restroom break.

8. After they have their break, they line back,up

we head to the playground for outside time keep they out they for a least 45 mins to
an hour

if the weather it has be above 32 have them go to the gym for outside time

9. After outside time I take another restroom break and water break.

10. We all go to the classroom after that and whatever the specific week is depends
on the craft for the day.

11. Also make sure to break them up into groups when it comes to craft time you do
the craft while the other teacher does it with the other half.
12. Make sure you’re really engaging the kids in the activities for the day and make it
something fun; the really drawing, painting, making friendship braclets

13. Clean up for the crafts time and everybody goes and wash their hands especially
with any kind of craft that include painting or glue.

14. After the craft is homework time which lasts about 30 minutes if a kid doesn’t
have homework then a sheet of paper with intensive homework questions, so we
don’t make the other kids feel bad.

15. After homework is game time where you can ask the kids what game they want
to play. Their favorite things are musical chairs and hangmen.

16. After game time is free play, which is anything, they can draw, play board
games, and read books after that can be played inside.

17. Also, if you have another worker make sure to go organize the cabinet and check
the files and make sure they are up to date on everything.

18. After all kids leave make sure that you fill out the attendance sheet on what time
they left and review that.

19. Check to make sure no child have left anything behind if they have put it in the
cabinet to give them the next day

20. After that swipe the tables the tables and swipe the floor and turn the lights off

21. Put the phone and attendance sheet back in the cabinet and any material you got
out of the cabinet.

22. Make sure before you leave that everything is done and that the phone and
attendance sheet is in the same place every day.

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