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Exercise 3:

A: Good afternoon, can I help you?

C: Yes, I’m looking for a gift for my sister. She’s
going to be 18 next week. So I thought a
piece of (1)………….. would be nice.
A: Good idea! Do you have anything particular
in mind – a (2)………….perhaps?
C: Mm, she has so many necklaces. I was
thinking of a pair of (3)………….., possibly.
A: Does she have a favorite color?
C: Mm, she likes blue…
A: What about this pair? They have some
beautiful little blue stones.
C: Mm, they’re quite (4)………….., I suppose.
A: They’re silver, and they’re handmade, so
you won’t find anything like them anywhere
C: Oh, really? So, how much are they?
A: Well, they were thirty pounds, but actually
we’ve got a sale on at the moment, so
they’re a little cheaper – only twenty
pounds. So you can (5)…………. ten pounds!
C: Great! I’ll take them.
A: And would you like me to (6)……………them
for you?
C: How much do you charge for that?
A: For £4 we give you a pretty box and your
own choice of wrapping paper. Or for £5
you can have our (7)………….. wrapping
service, which includes a silver box and
silver ribbon. And if you would like a card to
write your own personal message, that will
be £2 extra
C: Well, it’s a special birthday so I’ll take the
(8)………... But I already have a card, thank
A: That’s fine. I’ll do that for you now. And how
you would like to pay – cash or card?
xercise 4:
Calling all fans of Sam West! This famous
adventure writer will be in Westfield shopping
center tomorrow in Bookworms Bookshop on the
first floor. He will be signing copies of his latest
book “Time Out”. He is expected to get there at
(1)………… past two and will stay until half past
three. Get there as soon as you can because (2)
………….. will start to form as early as (3)………..
Don’t miss this great (4)……….. to meet everyone’s
favorite writer!

Exercise 5:
I had a great day at that new shopping center but

I wouldn’t (1)………… about one thing – and not

the usual kind of thing – the service in all the

shops was good, and I had a delicious lunch in the

café on the third floor. No, the (2)…………. thing

was the amount of rubbish I saw around me. I

think it was because there weren’t enough (3)

………… bins for people to put their empty cans

and sweet wrappers in. But, apart from that, I

would say it’s well-worth a visit.

Exercise 6:

We also sell a lot of T-shirts. When I first opened

the shop, I had a lot of designs that I’d worked on

at university and in general these had writing on

the front. I thought that it might be fun if people

could put a photograph on the T-shirts as well. I

(1)…………. quite a bit of money in this and they

were popular at first. We sometimes have young

children who come in with their (2)……………. and

they buy T-shirts with photographs on. I’ve

stopped designing T-shirts with writing on them,

because I don’t have the time, so now we sell

more T-shirts with (3)……….. on them at all. If

fashions change, I might go back to designing

them and if you want a photograph on your T-

shirt, you know where to come.


T Ex1:

News reporter: Here is the weather.

Weather reporter: Welcome to the weather

forecast. Now, let’s see what the weather is like

today. In the north of the country it’s very windy

and cold. There is a chance of some rain too, so

don’t leave home without your umbrella! The

temperature is around 10º centigrade. In the east

it’s rainy all day today, I’m afraid. There may be a

thunderstorm in the afternoon. The temperature

is a bit higher, at around 13º. In the west and

middle of the country the weather is dry, but

cloudy. So no rain for you, but it is quite windy

and the temperature is just 10º. The south of the

country has the best weather today. It’s cloudy

most of the time but sunny this afternoon. The

temperature is around 15º.

1.34 Lesson 4A, Exercises 4 and 5
It’s minus ten degrees Celsius and there’s a
lot of ice everywhere – on cars, on trees, on
houses. The ice is 10 cm thick in some
places! In a strange way, it’s beautiful to look
at. But icy roads are dangerous for drivers
and pedestrians. And there are many homes
in the area without electricity. We’re expecting
a little snow this afternoon.
There is some snow on the ground, and
already, it’s impossible to see more than a
few metres ahead. There isn’t any fog, but the
wind is blowing the snow into my face. It’s
difficult just to open my eyes! It’s very cold, it’s
very windy and this reporter is very glad to be
going inside now.
It’s early in the morning – just after six o’clock.
There’s a little frost on the grass after a cold
night. But it’s sunny, and temperatures are
starting to rise, so it won’t be frosty for long.
There aren’t many clouds in the sky, so I don’t
think any rain is on the way. But of course,
conditions can change quickly.

For residents of this town, it’s another cold,
grey winter day. Temperatures are around
zero, but because of the icy wind, it feels like
minus five. There’s a lot of snow in people’s
gardens, but the roads are clear now.
However, there’s a little ice on the pavements,
so pedestrians have to be careful. It isn’t
snowing at the moment, but they say more
snow is on the way.
It began this morning. The sky became very
cloudy and the air felt stormy. There were a
few showers and it was windy too. Everyone
knew what was happening, and many people
left their homes and went inland, away from
the coast. Now there’s a lot of rain and the
wind is extremely strong. Nobody is outside; it
isn’t safe.
Greg: Hi, Penny. How’s it going?

Penny: Not bad, thanks, Greg. But I’m glad we’re meeting up. There’s lots for us to do before
next week, I think.

Greg: You’re right. What do you want to discuss first?

Penny: Shall we start with next Friday’s lecture?

Greg: Sounds good to me, Penny.

Penny: OK. We need to do a bit of preparation for it. I mean, the tutor told us that we should
do some background reading on money, didn’t she?

Greg: Yes, but not money in general – only on its history. So starting from prehistoric times
and ancient cultures – all the way up to the 21st century.

Penny: That’s right. So we should start by looking at what people used before money was

Greg: OK, so before money I think it was all about trade. So, like, in prehistoric times, people
probably exchanged all kinds of things – things that might have no value at all today, like
colourful stones.

Penny: But they were very valuable then, so people really wanted them. And I’m sure they
gave each other useful things as well. Um, you know, like tools? Or food? For instance, maybe
one person had a tool for hunting, and that was worth a lot to him, and he could exchange it
with another person who had some meat or eggs or fruit.
Greg: Yes, you’re probably right. And then when they did start to use money, maybe people
used bronze to make their coins. Because it was a metal that was quite easy to use.

Penny: Maybe, yes. Now, what was the name of the book that the tutor told us to read? I
remember the first part of the title: The Financial …?

Greg: The Financial World.

Penny: Oh yes, that’s right. Shall I see if I can find a copy in the university library for us?

Greg: OK, that’d be great, then we can …

Exercise 1:

Exercise 2:
Now, as you’re all new, I’m just going to show
you a map of the hospital and point out a few
key places. Let’s start with the recreation center.
At the moment, we’re in the main building,
that’s here…and if you go out of the main
entrance and just along the main road to the
east…you’ll find the staff recreation centre. It’s
this T-shaped building…and there’s a range of
things that you can do here to help you relax.
If you get ill, we do have a health center for all
registered employees, and this is directly behind
the main hospital building. So, if you go out of
the back exit, it’s just in front of you, and there’s
a small pharmacy next to it. I’m based here and I
have a few leaflets on things if you want to come
and see me.
Many of you will be doing shift work, so you
might like to go to the 24-hour swimming pool
and sauna. They’re very close by, and it doesn’t
cost much money to get in. If you walk out of the
front of the main building, there’s a road straight
ahead of you…go down that and turn left into
Tye Road – you’ll see the pool entrance at the
end of that road, just beyond the line of trees.
We’ve talked about eating healthily, and there’s
a very useful store nearby that sells a large range
of organic products and health-food
supplements. This is also in front of the main
building, but this time you need to go beyond
the turning for Tye Road and you’ll see it on the
right-hand corner, directly opposite another
Finally if you want a healthy meal and you have
very little time to get it, of course there’s always
the canteen inside the main building. But I would
recommend a place called Jenny’s restaurant.
Leave the front of the main building and head for
the roundabout. When you’re there, take the
second turning on the left…it’s just along that
road before the trees. You can get a number of
excellent dishes here at a reasonable price. Well,
I think that’s all that’s….

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