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Inheritance Variation

Process by which
Basis of characters are Degree of
heredity passed on from difference b/w
parents to progeny progeny parents

Early Efforts :-

Human ---> Cause of variation ---> sexual reproduction

exploited variations

Selective breeding

Organism selected having all desirable characters

Eg. Sahiwal cows in Punjab
Mendel's law of Inheritance :-
Mid-nineteenth century [ 1856 - 1863 ] 2017

Hybridisation Garden pea

Gregor Mendel Experiments

( Pisum sativum )
Mendel -
First time used statistical analysis +
mathematical logic in bio.
Experiments - Large sampling size

Conducted using gave greater sampling size

On garden pea 2016
[Seven pairs] All True - breeding

having undergone
Manifesting continuous self
contrasting traits pollination

Seven 2015 Similar results

S. no Characters Contrasting Chromosomes
2015 Traits no.
1 Stem height Tall/dwarf 4
2 Flower colour Violet/white 1
3 Flower position Axial/terminal 4
Pod shape Inflated/constricted 4
5 Pod colour Green/yellow 5
6 seed shape Round/wrinkled 7
7 seed colour yellow/green 1
Inheritance of one gene :
Tall plant Dwarf plant
[TT] [tt]

1st filial Always resemble one of

generation Tt x Tt the parents + Generally
superior to one of its

2nd filial TT Tt Tt tt
generation (tall) (tall) (Tall) (dwarf)

Tall : Dwarf --> 3:1

In this characters not expressed in F1 are also expressed

Because Contracting traits do not blend at either F1 or F2 stage

Conclusion :

Something --> passed down (In unchanged form

--> Called it as ' Factors '

Unit of inheritance genes ( presently )

Alleles :
Genes having slightly different form
a pair of contrasting traits.
Homozygous :
Similar alleles eg. TT & tt

Different alleles eg Tt
Genotype :
Genetics constitution of an organism eg TT , Tt , tt

Phenotype :
External manifestation of an organism
--> Is due to genotype & environmental interactions
eg Tall or dwarf
Dominant factor:
Produces its effects even in heterozygous condition
eg 'T' is dominant over 't' i.e. Tt --> Tall type
Recessive factors:
Expresses only in homozygous recessive condition.
eg, tt --> short/dwarf
Normally , expressed without any blending in F2 generation.
#Capital letter for dominant trait & small - for recessive
Monohybrid cross:
Involve only one character eg, TT x tt
Dihybrid cross:
Two characters
TTRR x ttrr

# Parents gametes
Meiosis Random process
one allele is 50-50% chances
transmitted to
a gametes
Punnett square :2018 , 2019
By British geneticist - Reginald C. Punnett
graphical representation to calculate probability of
all possible gemotype
Tt x Tt

( Tall)

T t
t tT tt

Phenotypic ratio -> 3 : 1
genotypic ratio -> 1:2:1
Dwarf F2 plants ---> continued self breeding --> always
generate dwarf plants
# By looking at phenotypic composition , genotype can't
be predicted 2006 , 2010 , 2011 , 2012
can be detemined Test Cross

Dominant X Recessive
(to be parents
determined )

Homozygous dominant if all TALL

Heterozygous dominant TALL + Dwarf
M en de l's
la w s Law of Dominance Based on
Law of Segregation monohybrid cross

Law of Independent assortment

Dihybride cross
explains expression of only 1
Do m in an ce

character in F1 & both in F2.

La w of

characters By discrete units factors

Dissimilar Occurs in
similar - homozygous

No dominant - recessive relationship

La w of Se gr eg at io n
Universal law
Principle : Alleles do Both characters
no show blending in F2
Gamete segrate independently
Each gamete has one alleles
Inheritance of two genes :
Round & yellow wrinkled & green
[Dominant] [recessive]
[RRYY] [rryy]

Round Yellow
Phenotype ratio :
round green Wrinkled green

[3:1]^2 --> 9 : 3 : 3 : 1
round yellow
wrinkled yellow
Genotypic ratio :
[1:2:1]^2 --> 1:2:1:2:4:2:1:2:1
Law of Independent assortment
When two pairs of traits are combined in a hybride , segregation
of one pairs of characters is independents of other pair of

Eg, RrYy

RY rY Ry ry
25% 25% 25% 25%
Incomplete Dominance:
Exception to law of dominance

F1 phenotype doesn't resemble either of the parents &

was in between the two.
Eg. Dog flower [ snapdragon or antirrhinum species

RR rr
(red flowered) X ( white flowered )

pink Rr
Genotype ratio of ( Pink )
monohybrid cross = 1:2:1
red white
Phenotype ratio also resembles to genotype ratio in case
of incomplete dominance
differs from normal phenotype ratio of mohohybrid cross

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