Dispatching and Management Methods For Communication of UAV Swarm

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Dispatching and Management Methods for Communication of

UAV Swarm
Xiong Liu Dong Yin
National University of Defense Technology National University of Defense Technology
Changsha, Hunan, China Changsha, Hunan, China
+86 15274888658 +86 15616464855
1257840756xl@gmail.com yindong@nudt.edu.cn
Yongbin Zhou Zhihong Liu Yueke Wang
National University of Defense National University of Defense National University of Defense
Technology Technology Technology
Changsha, Hunan, China Changsha, Hunan, China Changsha, Hunan, China
+86 13517480091 +86 15575113697 +86 13807318987
yongbin@nudt.edu.cn yueke@nudt.edu.cn

applications in war are also being developed. Most countries

ABSTRACT attach increasing importance to the coordinated operation among
Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) swarms will be the development UAV swarms. In 2015, the United States launched a number of
trend of civil and military application. Effective and reliable low-cost UAV swarm research projects, such as a bulletin on the
communication is the requisite foundation of a UAV swarm "elves" project (DARPA-BAA-15-59) from DARPA and the US
architecture. In this paper, aiming at the design of a Navy's Low-cost UAV Swarming Technology (LOCUST) project.
communication system of the UAV swarm, a multi-layer model of In 2016, The Jungle Wolf UAV was displayed at the Farnborough
network communication and messages management is put Air Show. In 2017, China Electronics Technology Group
forward. Then according to the model, a swarm communication Corporation (CETC) unveiled its swarm technology, which
framework is implemented on the ROS platform as a includes 119 UAVs. As the largest UAV swarm to date in the
communication_node, in which scheduling algorithms and world, it has broken the record maintained by the United States
messages management schemes are applied. Finally, the results [1][2]. The record continues to be broken.
of experiments show that the communication_node meets the
requirements of swarm communications with unstable bandwidth Effective and reliable communication is the basis of swarm
changes. technology, which helps to improve collaboration capability of
multiple agents. While some typical applications and
CCS Concepts implementations of swarms are investigated, communication
• CCS➝Software and its engineering➝Software organization technology requirements of UAV clusters can be concluded as
and properties➝Software system structures➝Software below:
architectures➝Layered systems.
I. Communication resource management [3]. The swarm
Keywords system should be allocated to limited channels automatically,
UAV swarm communication; management architecture; ROS dynamically and quickly to all users of the system in order to
make the best use of channel and frequency resources to
1. INTRODUCTION communicate timely. In fact, due to the use of shared wireless
With the development of autonomous technology and networked links with limited bandwidth and imperfect channel conditions,
communication technology for UAVs, the modes of UAV wireless links are known to be prone to errors and failures. Now,
there are a lot of researches on bandwidth and channel conditions.
For example, Saleem.Y et al. propose the dynamic bandwidth
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for allocation using cognitive radio [4]. And Yifeng Zhou et al.
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are
propose a model with the advantages of flexibility and simplicity,
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights which is suitable for modeling wireless channels in UAV
for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be applications. In simulation, the model is able to simulate packet
honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or dropouts with non-stationary error statistics [5].
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior
specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from II. Real-time communication. Through reducing the message
Permissions@acm.org. delay, ensure that the UAV in the high-speed movement can
HP3C 2018, March 15–17, 2018, Hong Kong, Hong Kong. correctly execute control commands. For example, Daniel Henkel
© 2018 Association for Computing Machinery. et al. propose the Delay-Tolerant network structure by using
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6337-2/18/03…$15.00 special communication aircrafts to build mobile communication
https://doi.org/10.1145/3195612.3195622 links to reduce the delay and enhance communication system
stability [6].

III. Coordination of communication nodes. A UAV swarm has the devices,
advantage of multi-machine for searching, detection and attacking
by collaborating with others, and effectively improves the
survivability and overall combat capability of the UAVs. As WT
Luke Teacy et al. propose automatic detection of a multi-UAV
platform that uses multiple kinds of sensors to collect data from
multiple vantage points [7].
Based on the limited bandwidth and imperfect channel conditions
in UAV swarm communication, this paper mainly proposes a
communication node running in the ROS (Robot Operating
System) for messages scheduling and management. The sending
schedules for messages are firstly detailed, with the real-time
performance of messages taken into account. Then in the second
section, the multi-layer model of the swarm communication node
model is descripted. In the third section the implementation of the
communication node in the ROS environment is illustrated. In the
fourth section, experiments are adapted to the evaluation of design
performance. And in the final section, the conclusion and future
work are presented.

2. MULTI-LAYER MODEL OF SWARM Figure 1. Swarm communication node model.

COMMUNICATION NODE such as the IP-based network, PTP and PMP transmission mode,
At present, many researchers are interested in the swarm and Input/output message buffer. Different communication
communication architecture based on the OSI 7-layer model. devices are used to achieve air-ground communications between
China's Southwest Institute of Electronic Technology proposes a UAV and GCS, as well as the construction of an inter link among
5-layer experimental network model for achieving that one the UAVs.
Ground Control Station (GCS) controls multi-UAVs by data links
[8]. The model consists of five layers, namely the physical layer, 2) Data classification and encapsulation layer
data link layer, network layer, transport layer and application This layer is shown as ②in Figure 1. Communication in
layer. And Imad Jawhar et al, who work for Lebanon Midcomp
UAV swarm is based on the MAVlink protocol. In the
Research Center, add an intermediate layer containing a basic
uplink from the GCS to UAVs, messages are decapsulated.
UAV nodes framework between the application layer and the
Then the messages are classified by the ID of messages,
transport layer to realize the UAV swarm network [9].
such as messages for the control module or algorithm
Considering the situations about: a) dynamic adaptation to implementation module. In the downlink from UAVs to the
unstable and unpredictable wireless communications in a GCS, messages are encapsulated and sent.
complicated environment and b) the information requirements at
3) Network routing management Layer
different steps of the mission, the swarm communication
architecture should focus on the management of messages for Shown as ③ in Figure 1. This module implements the
each step, e.g., what kind of information is needed, and how to collection and update of routing, which supports either a
schedule and dispatch the message sequence instantaneously. central network or a self-organizing network, such as adhoc
Drawing on the DDS-based distributed information and mesh. In the central network, the central node includes
communication structure, the multi-layer model for swarm global routing information, and the end node only has the
network communication node is designed. Meanwhile, QoS routing information of neighboring nodes.
policies for the wireless link status and topology of the
communication are presented. 4) Link status monitoring layer

The construction of multi-layer model of swarm communication This layer is shown as ④ in Figure 1. The status of
node is shown in Figure 1. There are six layers in the design. communication are obtained by analyzing relevant messages
Layer ①manages communication devices and data caches. Then from the GCS or other UAVs. And the status of
layer ② is constructed for data encapsulation and decapsulation, communication include transmission delay, transmission
rate, bandwidth information, etc. Then these communication
and messages classification. And layer ③ manages the network
conditions are provided to the messages management layer
route. In layer ④, different status of communication are obtained. for achieving better communication by selecting the
In layer ⑤ ,there are various sending policies for different corresponding sending strategies.
communication status. Through layer ⑥ ,the node exchanges
information with the host program. 5) Messages Management Layer

1) Wireless link communication interface layer This layer is shown as ⑤ in Figure 1. According to mission
requirements, feedback information and dynamic conditions,
Shown as ① in Figure 1, this layer provides different policies for information distribution and delivery
communication interface with wireless transmission link are selected, e.g., arraying priorities for messages and fusing
special messages, etc. So as to maximize the use of channel
and frequency resources in view of fine communication

Figure 2. Framework of airborne communication.
6) Subscription and Publishing Management Layer nodes
which is obtained from GCS or the inter UAVs communication,
so as to realize the advantage of the cluster; c) the status of data
This layer is shown as ⑥ in Figure 1. The UAV system can link: through the analysis of the related plug-ins, the link status,
be seen as a distributed one due to a large number of sensors such as the delay of messages, are obtained as the basis for
as mounted. For the convenience of exchange of managing messages, so on.
information with the host program in a distributed system,
this module is designed for implementation so as to simplify Table 1. Layered airborne communication nodes
the process of registration, update and maintain the implementation
information of subscribers and publishers. Communication Realization
model of swarm
BASED UAV SWARM COMMUNICATION Wireless link The mavconn library for network port
communication or serial port and other communication
MODEL interface layer hardware
3.1 The Structure of Swarm Communication
Introducing the mavlink protocol, this
Node in the ROS layer provides for messages
The Robot Operating System (ROS) provides a distributed Data classification encapsulation and decapsulation
communication model based on the topic publishing/subscribing and encapsulation according to the protocol format, and
model, which provides a good platform for the construction of layer messages classifying based on the ID
UAV swarm communication node [10]. According to the design of messages
in Figure 1, we realize each layer of the model as Table 1 and
construct the airborne communication_node (comm_node) in the Network routing The plugin is added to the pluging file.
airborne ROS environment. management Layer In the main function, it parses
messages and judges which plugin to
As Figure 2, the airborne software structure of the UAV is briefly call. Then the data are transmitted to
described. The comm_node subscribes /publishes messages the plugin
from/to the mavros_node (UAV control module catenating with Link status
Pixhawk) and the airborne algorithm processing module (host monitoring layer
program running in ROS). At the same time, it communicates This layer includes message
with the GCS through microhard radio modems. In comm_node, management program, in which useing
it mainly shows the location of messages management module Messages the QoS algorithm to manage messages
and link status monitoring module in messages flow transmission, management layer of up and down links
and the other modules are simply expressed in “Main_process”.
Subscription and Topic publishing /subscribing model in
Through the comm_node, messages are effectively transferred publishing ROS environment, and DDS
among the airborne processor, the airborne controller and the GCS. Management Layer distributed communication
These messages are imported from the communication device architecture.
through the serial port or the network port. According to Figure 1,
messages will be classified by their ID number. In software For example, the messages on delay, belonging to the status of
implementation, these messages are divided into the following data link, can be obtained by global clock synchronization method.
categories: a) the directly controlling messages: directly As Figure 3, GPS gives time to all global nodes. When the GCS
forwarding to the UAV control module, which is generally or the UAV_B detects that the data delay is too large according to
applicable to a takeover in an emergency; b) the status of UAV the time stamp in the message packet, the link delay report
swarm: the airborne processing module controls the UAV needed message will be sent to the UAV_A actively. And the UAV also
to consider the status information of the surrounding UAVs, can send test message and detect the delay of the return packet for

the delay of data link asynchronously. The latter is simple but not schedule and poll messages. When the intervals of request
flexible enough, and there is a time and information services vary greatly, the round-robin scheduling algorithm tends
synchronization [11, 12] requirement in the UAV cluster control. to unbalanced load among the message queues. When a message
queue is polled, the amount of messages in the buffer is checked
firstly. And if there is no message, skipping and continue polling.
If the volume of messages in the buffer exceeds 70% of the
storage area for the acceptance rate of the messages is higher than
the sending frequency, send multiple times without destroying the
other data sending periods to ensure the real-time data in this
policy. Then, the mutual exclusion mechanism is established
between period and no-period to avoid data conflict. Finally,
based on time series and the interruption mechanism, we propose
a policy which is configurable and load-balanced for multiple
message queues, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 3. Delay feedback of messages under global clock.

In software, all the messages that need to be sent are managed in
the data management module. The inter UAV messages also need
to be informed of their transmission path through the network
routing management module. Finally, the messages management
module manages and sends the messages.

3.2 Message Distribution Scheduling

Management Methods
This section presents two transmission policies of messages Figure 4. Multi-message queue scheduling mechanism.
management module, which included in “Middleware” of Figure
2. According to the actual conditions and restrictions of the link The pseudo code program of the policy for sending messages in
status monitoring layer and mission requests from the GCS, time is as Figure 5:
corresponding policies are selected from the policy library in
order to achieve fine communication quality. More concretely,
these policies provide for sending messages in time, fusing and
simplifying the special messages, transmitting directly or through
the multi-hop routing and so on.
The policy for sending messages in time. Inmissions such as
independent takeoff and landing, the UAV swarm system is more
sensitive to the real-time feature of messages for accurate
controlling. When messages delay is increasing, important
messages are sent in time by arranging the polling sequence of
data buffer, so that UAV status can be reported and controlled
timely. The policy arranges the polling sequence of messages
based on the sorting parameter se_par of all kinds of messages in
various volumes. The se_pars are calculated by the priority and
update_rate (Hz) of messages. For example, in formula (1), the Figure 5. The pseudo code program for sending in time.
weights a and b of the priority and the update_rate are 1 and 0.1,
respectively. As the priority of the import message is high, if the
update_rate of messages is high, the message should be sent lately Another policy is for fusing and simplifying messages. When
for the continuously changing data. Meanwhile, it is required to multi-UAV cooperation needed in the mission, synchronization of
prevent it from being later than the next priority. If the separ is messages is more sensitive. In view of perfect execution of the
identical, the messages are sorted according to the initial order of cooperative action, the system caches the messages and later
communication arrival. sends a set of special messages with the smallest time difference
with others in this policy. These special messages are chosen
(1) according to different tasks. After selected, they needs to be fused
into a message for preventing the loss of part of information and
After arranging the data buffers sequence, the data is polled based
reducing data conflicts. This policy includes: a) the same or
on the Round Robin Scheduling method, which is used to

similar data fusion: absolute height and relative height, heading data. If multiple groups of data are not synchronized, we will
angle and yaw angle; b) elimination of data or decreasing the notify the host program to change the update frequency of the dat
frequency of data transmission: some status information only used
to display in GCS or unrelated to the present mission. In this way,
due to short packets sent frequently are fused into a long packet,
the times of UAV requesting data links are reduce; With fusing
some special data and reducing the frequency of partial data, the
total amount of data is reduced. Through this policy, the signal
congestion at the receiving end will be relieved to a certain extent.
The synchronization of all kinds of sending messages is measured
by the max time difference between the latest data in the buffer
and the response time of the timer. In order to get the least
residence time of message in comm_node, it needs to consider
that the time axis of the timer and the message is not strict enough
and existing deviation between cycles of the timer and of the
periodic messages. So as time goes on, the deviation continuously
accumulates, which causes the time axes of the timer and the
messages misaligned and the residence time of messages larger.
For example, (1) the response of the timer takes precedence over a
message arrival, where the residence time of the latest messages
in the buffer is close to a data update period. As shown in Figure 6
(a); (2) the response point of the timer is later than the message
receiving, and the residence time of the latest message
continuously increases, as shown in Figure 6 (b). For information
synchronization, it is necessary to recalibrate the timeline of the Figure 7. The pseudo code program for sending in time .
timer and the messages for the least time differences among all a.
3.3 Message dispatching scheduling
management program
In the comm_node, a simple QoS mechanism is established. And
the policies are selected from the policy library according to the
conditions and constraints, such as Round Robin Scheduling
based on the timely sending and messages fusion for
Figure 6. Messaging timeliness management. synchronization. Figure 8 is the block diagram of the messages
management layer.
In Figure 6, t1 indicates the time difference between the start of
the timer and the first data transmission, and t2, t3, and t4,
respectively, indicate the time difference between the 1,2,3 timer
response data and the 2,3,4 messages reception. It can be seen
from Figure (a) that the second timing response arrives
simultaneously with the third and the third timer response takes
precedence over the fourth. Therefore, the sending message is still
the third time data, so the residence time is the timer period.
While a new message can be expected to arrive soon, waiting and
sending the next data for the better synchronization. And this can
be seen from the Figure (b) that the time difference between the
timer response time and the data arrival time gradually increases.
As a result, when the time difference exceeds the preset value, the
timeline should be recalibrated to reduce the time difference in the
program. When failing to find reasonable synchronous messages
twice for multiple messages with excessive time, the
synchronization should be abandoned to avoid over messages loss.
The pseudo code program of the policy for fusing and simplifying
messages is as Figure 7. As Figure 7, whether it is waiting for the
next data or restarting the timer, the delay is within a data update
cycle. In this case, the real-time of the data is not very important,
the reasonable extrapolation can be made on the basis of existing

Figure 8. QoS of the messages management layer.

Figure 9. Semi-physical simulation system for the UAVs Swarm.
4. Experiments 4.2 Experimental phenomenon of the UAVs
4.1 Construction of A Semi-Physical Swarm
In the semi-physical simulation experiment of 7 aircrafts, the
Experiment Environment for the UAV Swarm communication pressure is increasing during the process of
Pixhawk + XPlane semi-physical simulation. The pixhawk is used
connecting to the GCS. The experiment indicates that the actual
for developing applications of fixed-wing UAVs. The semi-
period for heartbeat signals is longer than 1s or beating several
physical simulation environment can be very good simulation of
times in a period of time after pause; the speed of uploading
the real flight environment. The swarm network communication
routes is particularly slow or failed and other poor status in
node model and, especially, the messages management layer are
communication, so on. The reason for such a phenomenon lies in
verified by simulations.
the bandwidth and power of the limited digital radio and the
1) Linking Xplane10 and QGroundControl is used to create a frequent communication of short packets, which resulting in
simulation environment that simulates the true flight
environment and flight-related data.
2) Simulation data are transmitted to the airborne pixhawk.
Data Transmission Rate (kB/s)

Then through the pixhawk, data are transmitted to the

airborne controller odroid, in which existing the ROS 3
environment and running the programs on controlling UAVs.
Odroid is responsible for communication and control of the
UAVs by automatically starting each ROS node. In the
odroid, the commander_nod is responsible for managing the 2
PID parameter; the mavros_node is responsible for
receiving message from pixhawk, and sending messages to
pixhawk; the comm_node is responsible for
receiving/sengding messages from/to the GCS; and the 1
control_onboard_node is responsible for generating
navigation information, etc.
3) Communication between the UAVs and the GCS through
radio. The UAVs transmit related messages to the GCS; and 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
the commands are also transmitted from the GCS to the
UAVs. The GCS can perform UAVs unlock, take off, t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 Time (s)
mission, off-board and other operations by communicating
Figure 10. The downlink communication rate of 7 UAVs.
with the simulation UAV.
packet forwarding delay, stacking or packet collisions, and
In Figure 9, the physical relationship in the semi-physical increase in packet loss rate and delay. Due to the loss of messages
simulation system for the UAVs swarm is presented. increasing, messages need to be fused to reduce the
communication rate and avoid data conflict based on the QoS.

The downlink communication rate of UAVs in the swarm is effectively scheduled. In the near future, we will focus on self-
monitored, as shown in Figure 10. Then we analyze the changes organization network for the UAVs swarm.
of communication rate and verify the QoS mechanism to ensure
the communication quality by selecting sending policies 6. REFERENCES
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