Business Ethics and Corporate Governance

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Business Ethics and Corporate Governance

Name Semester Programme Batch Email

Fr.Reginold John Second MBA A
Siby Jose Second MBA B
About the Course

Ethical issues have become a significant subject in Management Studies for the last 3 to 4 decades because of businesses transgressions leading to
the detriment of society and environment, in general, and sections of society, and individuals in particular. As future managers, it is imperative to
not only achieve high levels of economic performances but to operate on ethical foundations, including respecting the surrounding environment,
building stronger bonds with employees, and maintaining good market practices in terms of customer treatment and price. This course is framed to
help future managers widen their corporate governance perspectives and corporate social responsibility.

Course Outcomes mapped to Programme Learning Objectives (PLOs) PLO

To generate an awareness of the possible ethical issues and its interrelatedness to the particular
CO1 economy that has evolved as successful. PLO 1 a
To identify potential pitfalls in ethical and corporate governance areas and seek systems to avoid the
CO2 same. PLO 1 a
Students will be able to evaluate various alternatives with the concepts of ethics and to make ethical
CO3 decision values applicable to business . PLO 1 d
Mapped PLO
PLO 1a : Our graduates will be able to identify a business problem and its relevant stakeholders.

PLO 1d : Our graduates will be able to evaluate various alternatives and arrive at the best possible solution for a given problem.
Session Plan
Session Topic/Assignment Reading Methodology

Module-1: Introduction to ethics, Meaning,

Ethical theories - Utilitarianism,
1-2 Deontology, Virtue Ethics Book 1, chp 1 Lecture/Activity

Ethics and morality, Ethics and law, Ethics

and ethos, Values and its relevance in
3-4 Management, Values for Managers Book 1, chp 1 Lecture/Activity

Ethics in Business and Indian Value

system, Various approaches to ethics-
5-6 Indian examples Book 1 Lecture/Activity
7-8 Case Analysis Presentation

Module II Business ethics - Concepts,

Importance and benefits, theories of
9-10 business ethics Book 1, chp 2, 3 Lecture/Activity

Ethical leadership with examples, Ethical

11-12 Decision Making Book 1, chp 11 Lecture/Activity
Work ethics: nature and scope, Ethical
issues at workplace, Ethics and cultural
13-14 issues Book 1 Lecture/Activity
Environmental Ethics, Ethical dilemma,
15-16 ethical displacement Book 1, chp 4, 10 Lecture/Activity
Activity: Ethical situations and what
17-18 should be the response Book 1 Lecture/Activity

Module III Ethics in Functional Areas:

19-20 Operations, Marketing Book 1, chp 6,8 Lecture/Activity
21-22 Finance, HR, Information Technology Lecture/Activity
Recent challenges in ethics, Ethics in
23-24 different countries Book 1, chp 13,14, 20, 21 Lecture/Activity
Activity: Ethical situations and what
25-26 should be the response Book 1 Lecture/Activity
Module IV Corporate Governance – issues,
transparency and disclosure, role of
auditors, board of directors and
27-28 shareholders Book 1, chp 7,8 Lecture/Activity

Corporate Governance, Corporate

29-30 Governance initiatives in India and abroad Book 1 Lecture/Activity

Corporate Governance failures with

examples, General ethical issues and the
court verdicts in the domain of business
31-32 ethics, obligation to stakeholders Book 1 Lecture/Activity

33-34 Case Analysis Presentation/Quiz

Module V CSR and its significance in
35-36 Business Book 1, chp 9 Lecture/Activity
Social audit – Ethical Issues - Corruption -
37-38 Whistle blowing Book 1, chp 3 Lecture/Activity

Competition-privacy-trade secrets, IP
39-40 rights, Harassment & Discrimination Book 1, chp 8 Lecture/Activity
1.Business Ethics and Corporate Governance – An Indian Perspective by A.C. Fernando, Pearson
2.Manisha Paliwal, Business Ethics, Newage International press. New Delhi
3.Patyrick J. A. & Quinn J. F. Management Ethics, Response Publishing, New Delhi
4.Sherlekar, Ethics in Management, Himalaya Publishing, New Delhi.
5. Business Ethics and Corporate Governance, B N Ghosh
Grading Structure
Sl. No. Evaluation tool Marks CO Assessed Tool for Measurement
1 ESE 60
2 CAE 1- Class based 5
3 CAE 2- centralised 15 CO1 Rubrics
4 Individual Assignment 10 CO2 Marks
5 Presentation 10 CO3 Marks
Learning & Teaching Activities -
Learning & Teaching Activitiy Session Course Learning Objectives
Activity All Sessions CO 2
Presentation 7-8, 33-34 CO 3
Cases 17-18, 25-26 CO 1,2,3

Grading or Evaluation tools other than Examinations

Individual assignment (10 marks) Social Sensitivity - Assignment Each student would be provided with a company. Students have to prepare a
report on the CSR initiatives (Latest year) of that company: it's history, amount spent, the no. of people benefitted by it, the benefits (if any) to the
company as a result of the initiatives. The report should be submitted in Moodle as a word file, Font should be Times New Roman, 12”, justified
alignment. Subheadings – Introduction of the company (up to 250 words), issues tackled through the CSR initiative (up to 100 words), CSR
Initiative – what the company is doing (up to 250 words), remarks of the student (up to 50 words) and the source of the data.
Presentationsbased assessment/Quiz (10 marks) These are sessions to be anchored by assigned students / student groups. Topics will be assigned
at the beginning of the course. Criteria for evaluation shall include the preparation, presentation, ability to generate discussion and successful
handling of Q &A.

Course policies
Assignment Schedule
Sl.No. Date Assignment/Presentation Due Date
1 Session 7-8 Individual Assignment Session 7-8
2 17-18 Case Analysis 17-18
3 25-26 Case Analysis 25-26
4 33-34 Presentation 33-34

Course Requirement

Students are required to come prepared for each session by reading the respective reference material given in this course plan.

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