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Marquez 1

Cruz Marquez

Mrs. McCann

English 1302.201

20 February 2022

Lunsford Chapter 14 Questions

She starts to speak about her experience with Amazon Echo and her boyfriend. By

mentioning her experience first she begins to show her authority to write on the topic. Since she's

experienced it first hand she understands how it is like to have it and knows what it's like to deal

with it. Paolino indicates the question driving her analysis under the first paragraph. The question

is “Was it that she was female?”. This question sets the foundation for the rest of the analysis as

it talks about the way we speak to Alexa and Google Home.

The main audience of the analysis is women and people who own alexa plus and other

things like that. Throughout the writing the author talks about women and how it is a woman's

voice that is speaking back. The author's tone is exciting and cheerful. In the writing she uses

exclamation points to indicate that she is excited. Some evidence that she provides is that google

makes you say “Ok google” or “Hey google” which are introductory words according to her. In

addition, one thing she should add to make her stance stronger is mention that the way they

respond is different.
Marquez 2

Work Cited

Lunsford, Andrea et al. Everyone's an Author. 3rd ed., Norton, 2020.

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