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Level 7 Activates background knowledge to analyze literary texts, which

allow him to build different world views. Interprets global meaning
of the text based on complex inferences and information that
arouse from its socio-cultural background. Identifies rhetorical
devices which enhance the global meaning of the written work.
Evaluates the quality of arguments and perspectives presented in
the texts.

Level 6 III - IV Activates background knowledge to analyze literary texts related to

concrete, and abstract topics. Interprets global meaning of the text
according to the possible intentions of the writer or the reader.
Evaluates what is read comparing it with his point of view and
others regarding the theme, applying cognitive and meta-cognitive

Level 5 I - II Activates background knowledge to read literary texts related to

concrete, and abstract topics. Uses complimentary elements in the
text to expand his/her understanding. Interprets details and text
structure relating them with the global meaning.
Expresses opinions on topics and themes based on both the text
and his/her own socio-cultural background, applying cognitive and
meta-cognitive strategies.

Level 4 7th – 8th Activates background knowledge to read literary texts related to
concrete and abstract topics. Infers cause-effect relationships and
chronological and non-chronological sequence integrating relevant
details of the text. Expresses opinions on topics and themes read
integrating his/her specific knowledge on the theme. Understands
the global meaning of the text identifying relevant explicit and
implicit information, applying cognitive and meta-cognitive

Level 3 5th - 6th Activates background knowledge to read literary texts related to
concrete and abstract topics . Infers cause-effect relationships and
chronological and non-chronological sequence in relation to the
gist of the text. Expresses opinions on topics and themes read.
Understands the global meaning of the text identifying relevant
explicit and implicit information, applying cognitive and meta-
cognitive strategies.

Level 2 3rd – 4th Activates background knowledge to read literary texts related to
familiar topics supported by visuals. Understands the purpose,
format and language conventions of some texts. Expresses

AV. VICUÑA MACKENNA 700 – REÑACA FONO: 56-32-2386600/ FAX: 56-32-2386671 POST: CASILLA 558 VIÑA DEL
opinions on topics and themes read. Understands the global
meaning of the text identifying relevant explicit and implicit
information, applying some cognitive and meta-cognitive
Level 1 1st – 2nd Activates background knowledge to respond to simple, imaginative
texts related supported by visuals. Follows left to right
directionality. Recognize familiar words in new texts. Locates
specific information to answer questions. Predicts the meaning of
unfamiliar words by using contextual or visual clues applying basic
cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies.

AV. VICUÑA MACKENNA 700 – REÑACA FONO: 56-32-2386600/ FAX: 56-32-2386671 POST: CASILLA 558 VIÑA DEL

Level 1 1st-2nd Activates background knowledge to respond to simple,

imaginative texts related supported by visuals. Follows left
to right directionality. Recognizes familiar words in new
texts. Locates specific information to answer questions.
Predicts the meaning of unfamiliar words by using
contextual or visual clues applying basic cognitive and
meta-cognitive strategies.

Level 1 - Can-do Statements

Achieving this level implies that the student:
o Listens to text and reads text to make connections and respond to a wide variety of
significant works of children’s literature-including poetry and narrative.
o Describes the roles of authors and illustrators.
o Retells the main events of the story describing the beginning, the middle, and the end.
o Predicts what will happen next in stories.
o Distinguishes fantasy from realistic text.

Level 2 - Can-do Statements

Achieving this level implies that the student:

Level 2 3rd – 4th Activates background knowledge to read literary texts related to
familiar topics supported by visuals. Understands the purpose,
format and language conventions of some texts. Expresses
opinions on topics and themes read. Understands the global
meaning of the text identifying relevant explicit and implicit
information, applying some cognitive and meta-cognitive

o Listens to text and reads text to make connections and respond to a wide variety of
significant works of children’s literature-including poetry and narrative.
o Retells the main events of the story describing the beginning, the middle, and the end.
o Predicts and justifies what will happen next in stories.
o Describes cause-and-effect of specific events.
o Recognizes the use of rhyme, rhythm, and alliteration by a poet.
o Takes part in creative responses to texts such as dramatizations and oral presentations.
o Summarizes major points from literary text.

AV. VICUÑA MACKENNA 700 – REÑACA FONO: 56-32-2386600/ FAX: 56-32-2386671 POST: CASILLA 558 VIÑA DEL
o Determines what characters are like by what they say or do and by how the author or
illustrator portrays them.
o Creates different endings to stories.

Level 3 - Can-do Statements

Level 3 5th - 6th Activates background knowledge to read literary texts related to
concrete and abstract topics . Infers cause-effect relationships and
chronological and non-chronological sequence in relation to the
gist of the text. Expresses opinions on topics and themes read.
Understands the global meaning of the text identifying relevant
explicit and implicit information, applying cognitive and meta-
cognitive strategies.

Achieving this level implies that the student:

o Listens to text and reads text to make connections and respond to a wide variety of
significant works of literature-including poetry and narrative.
o Identifies the main problem or conflict of the plot, and explain how it is resolved.
o Uses knowledge of the situation and setting and of a character’s traits and motivations to
determine the causes for that character’s actions.
o Takes part in creative responses to texts such as dramatizations and oral presentations.
o Summarizes major points from literary text.
o Identifies the qualities of the character (e.g., courage, cowardice, ambition), and analyze
the effect of these qualities on the plot and resolution of the conflict.
o Identifies the theme, understanding that theme refers to the lesson, moral, or meaning of a
selection, whether it is implied or stated directly.
o Creates different endings to stories.

AV. VICUÑA MACKENNA 700 – REÑACA FONO: 56-32-2386600/ FAX: 56-32-2386671 POST: CASILLA 558 VIÑA DEL

Level 4 7th - 8th Activates background knowledge to read literary texts

related to concrete and abstract topics. Infers cause-effect
relationships and chronological and non-chronological
sequence integrating relevant details of the text.
Expresses opinions on topics and themes read integrating
his/her specific knowledge on the theme. Understands the
global meaning of the text identifying relevant explicit and
implicit information, applying cognitive and meta-cognitive

Level 4 - Can-do Statements

Achieving this level implies that the student:
o Listens to text and reads text to make connections and respond to a wide variety of
significant works of children’s literature-including poetry and narrative.
o Identifies the main problem or conflict of the plot , and explain how it is resolved.
o Uses knowledge of the situation and setting and of a character’s traits and motivations to
determine the causes for that character’s actions.
o Defines figurative language, including simile, metaphor, exaggeration, and personification,
and explain the effects of its use in a particular work.
o Makes reasonable inferences, statements, and conclusions about a text, supporting them
with accurate examples.
o Takes part in creative responses to texts such as dramatizations and oral presentations.
o Summarizes major points from literary text.
o Identifies the qualities of the character (e.g., courage, cowardice, ambition), and analyze
the effect of these qualities on the plot and resolution of the conflict.
o Identifies the theme, understanding that theme refers to the lesson, moral, or meaning of
a selection, whether it is implied or stated directly.
o Analyzes the influence of setting on the conflict and its resolution.

AV. VICUÑA MACKENNA 700 – REÑACA FONO: 56-32-2386600/ FAX: 56-32-2386671 POST: CASILLA 558 VIÑA DEL

Level 5 I – II Activates background knowledge to read literary texts

MEDIO related to concrete, and abstract topics. Uses
complimentary elements in the text to expand his/her
understanding. Interprets details and text structure
relating them with the global meaning.
Expresses opinions on topics and themes based on both
the text and his/her own socio-cultural background,
applying cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies.

Level 5 - Can-do Statements

Achieving this level implies that the student:
o Listens to text and reads text to make connections and respond to a wide variety of
significant works of children’s literature-including poetry, narrative and plays.
o Uses knowledge of the situation and setting and of a character’s traits and motivations to
determine the causes for that character’s actions.
o Defines figurative language, including simile, metaphor, exaggeration, and personification,
and explain the effects of its use in a particular work.
o Predicts probable futures outcomes supported by the text, including foreshadowing clues.
o Takes part in creative responses to texts such as dramatizations and oral presentations.
o Identifies and analyze general themes, such as bravery, loyalty, friendship, loss, and
loneliness that appear in many different works.
o .Analyzes the influence of setting on the conflict and its resolution.
o Analyzes the importance of the setting (place, time, customs) to the mood, tone, and
meaning of the text.
o Analyzes how dialogue is used to develop characters and mood in a selection.
o Defines how tone or meaning is conveyed in poetry through word choice, figurative
language, sentence structure, line length, punctuation, rhythm, repetition, and rhyme.

AV. VICUÑA MACKENNA 700 – REÑACA FONO: 56-32-2386600/ FAX: 56-32-2386671 POST: CASILLA 558 VIÑA DEL

Level 6 III – IV Activates background knowledge to analyze literary texts

MEDIO related to concrete, and abstract topics. Interprets global
meaning of the text according to the possible intentions of
the writer or the reader. Evaluates what is read comparing
it with his point of view and others regarding the theme,
applying cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies.

Level 6 - Can-do Statements

Achieving this level implies that the student:

o Listens to text and reads text to make connections and respond to a wide variety of
significant works of literature-including poetry, narrative and plays.
o Uses knowledge of the situation and setting and of a character’s traits and motivations to
determine the causes for that character’s actions.
o Interprets and evaluates the impact of subtleties, contradictions, and ironies in a text.
o Explains how voice and the choice of a narrator affect characterization and the tone, plot,
and credibility of a text.
o Takes part in creative responses to texts such as diary entries, letters to characters, pieces
of news or articles inspired on the themes or events of the literary text, etc.
o Identifies various literary devises, including figurative language, imagery, allegory, and
symbolism; evaluate the significance of the devices; and explain their appeal.
o Evaluates the impact of word choice and figurative language on tone, mood, and theme.
o Analyzes the importance of the setting (place, time, customs) to the mood, tone, and
meaning of the text.
o Compares works that express a universal theme, and provide evidence to support the
ideas expressed in each work.
o Demonstrates listening comprehension of more complex literary text through classroom
and/or small group discussions.
o Compares and contrasts the presentation of a similar theme or topic across literary forms
to explain how the selection of form shapes the theme or topic.

AV. VICUÑA MACKENNA 700 – REÑACA FONO: 56-32-2386600/ FAX: 56-32-2386671 POST: CASILLA 558 VIÑA DEL

Level 7 EXCELLENCE Activates background knowledge to analyze literary texts,

which allow him to build different world views. Interprets
global meaning of the text based on complex inferences
and information that arouse from its socio-cultural
background. Identifies rhetorical devices which enhance
the global meaning of the written work. Evaluates the
quality of arguments and perspectives presented in the

Level 7 - Can-do Statements

Achieving this level implies that the student:

o Listens to text and read text to make connections and respond to historically and culturally
significant works of literature
o Uses knowledge of the situation and setting and of a character’s traits and motivations to
determine the causes for that character’s actions.
o Defines figurative language, including simile, metaphor, exaggeration, and personification,
and explain the effects of its use in a particular work.
o Predicts probable futures outcomes supported by the text, including foreshadowing clues.
o Takes part in creative responses to texts such as diary entries, letters to characters, pieces
of news or articles inspired on the themes or events of the literary text, etc.
o Identifies various literary devises, including figurative language, imagery, allegory, and
symbolism; evaluate the significance of the devices; and explain their appeal.
o Evaluates the impact of word choice and figurative language on tone, mood, and theme.
o Analyzes the importance of the setting (place, time, customs) to the mood, tone, and
meaning of the text.
o Compares works that express a universal theme, and provide evidence to support the
ideas expressed in each work.

Adapted from: Jefferson School District Literature Standards

AV. VICUÑA MACKENNA 700 – REÑACA FONO: 56-32-2386600/ FAX: 56-32-2386671 POST: CASILLA 558 VIÑA DEL

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