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in the clinic

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Section Editors The content of In the Clinic is drawn from the clinical information and
Christine Laine, MD, MPH education resources of the American College of Physicians (ACP), including
David Goldmann, MD PIER (Physicians’ Information and Education Resource) and MKSAP (Medical
Knowledge and Self-Assessment Program). Annals of Internal Medicine
Physician Writer editors develop In the Clinic from these primary sources in collaboration with
David J. Hunter, MD the ACP’s Medical Education and Publishing Division and with the assistance
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MKSAP provide expert review of the content. Readers who are interested in these
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resources referenced in each issue of In the Clinic.

The information contained herein should never be used as a substitute for clinical

© 2007 American College of Physicians

The author thanks Doug Gross, Grace Lo, and Bart Wise for helpful editorial
steoarthritis (OA) is the leading cause of disability in elderly persons

1. Prevalence of disabili-
ties and associated
health conditions
O (1). Recent estimates suggest that symptomatic OA of the knee
occurs in 13% of persons 60 years of age and older (2). The preva-
lence of OA is expected to increase as the U.S. population ages and the
among adults—Unit- prevalence of obesity rises. By 2020, the number of people with OA may
ed States, 1999.
MMWR Morb Mortal double (3, 4). Despite its growing prevalence, OA remains poorly under-
Wkly Rep. stood, and recent concerns about the safety of several medications that are
[PMID: 11393491] commonly prescribed for treatment have highlighted the deficiencies in
2. Lawrence RC, Helmick
CG, Arnett FC, et al. OA management.
Estimates of the
prevalence of arthritis
and selected muscu-
OA can be viewed as the clinical and pathologic outcome of a range of dis-
loskeletal disorders in orders that causes structural and functional failure of synovial joints with loss
the United States.
Arthritis Rheum. and erosion of articular cartilage, subchondral bone alterations, meniscal
[PMID: 9588729]
degeneration, limited synovial inflammatory response, and bone and cartilage
3. Badley E, DesMeules overgrowth (osteophytes) (5). OA occurs when the dynamic equilibrium
M. Arthritis in Cana-
da: An Ongoing Chal-
between the breakdown and repair of joint tissues become unbalanced (6).
lenge. 2003. Ottawa, This progressive joint failure can cause pain and disability (7), although many
4. Arthritis prevalence persons with structural changes consistent with OA are asymptomatic (8).
and activity limita-
tions—United States,
1990. MMWR Morb
OA can occur in any synovial joint in the body but is most common in the
Mortal Wkly Rep. knees, hips, and hands. OA may affect 1 or several joints. A diagnosis is
[PMID: 8202076] usually made by assessing the constellation of presenting clinical features on
5. Nuki G. Osteoarthritis:
a problem of joint
the history and physical examination. The diagnosis can be confirmed by
failure. Z Rheumatol. imaging.
[PMID: 10441841]
6. Eyre DR. Collagens This article will primarily emphasize prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of
and cartilage matrix
homeostasis. Clin Or-
OA of the knee, but many of the diagnostic and therapeutic recommenda-
thop Relat Res. tions also apply to OA of the hip and hand.
[PMID: 15480053]
7. Guccione AA, Felson
DT, Anderson JJ, et al.
The effects of specific
medical conditions
on the functional lim- What are the major risk factors In persons vulnerable to knee OA,
itations of elders in
the Framingham for OA? local mechanical factors, such as
Study. Am J Public
Health. 1994;84:351-
OA is perhaps best understood as malalignment, muscle weakness
8. [PMID: 8129049] resulting from excessive mechanical and alterations in the structural in-
8. Hannan MT, Felson
DT, Pincus T. Analysis stress applied in the context of sys- tegrity of the joint environment
of the discordance
between radiograph-
temic susceptibility. Susceptibility (such as meniscal damage), facili-
ic changes and knee to OA may be increased in part by tate the progression of OA. Load-
pain in osteoarthritis
of the knee. J genetic inheritance (a positive fam- ing can also be affected by obesity
2000;27:1513-7. ily history increases risk), age, eth- and joint injury, both of which may
[PMID: 10852280]
9. Felson DT. An update
nicity, and female gender (9). increase the likelihood of develop-
on the pathogenesis ment or progression of OA.
and epidemiology of Although OA has worldwide dis-
osteoarthritis. Radiol
Clin North Am. tribution, geographic and ethnic As few as 5 degrees of genu varum
2004;42:1-9, v.
[PMID: 15049520] differences have been reported and (bow-legged) malalignment results
10. Tetsworth K, Paley D.
Malalignment and
can provide further insights into in an estimated 70% to 90% in-
degenerative disease etiology (10). For example, crease in compressive loading of
arthropathy. Orthop
Clin North Am. the prevalence of hand and knee the medial knee compartment (10).
[PMID: 8028880]
OA is similar among Europeans This increase corresponds to a 4-
11. Sharma L, Song J, and Americans. However, there is fold increase in the risk for worsen-
Felson DT, Cahue S,
Shamiyeh E, Dunlop great variation in the distribution of ing OA of the medial knee over 18
DD. The role of knee
alignment in disease hip OA, with markedly lower rates months (11). Conversely, genu val-
progression and in African blacks, Asian Indians, gum (knock-kneed) malalignment
functional decline in
knee osteoarthritis. and Chinese persons from Beijing markedly increases compressive
JAMA. 2001;286:188-
95. [PMID: 11448282] and Hong Kong. load on the lateral compartment of

© 2007 American College of Physicians ITC8-2 In the Clinic Annals of Internal Medicine 7 August 2007
the knee, elevating the risk for lat- Before age 50, OA is more com-
eral OA progression 5-fold (11). mon in men than in women. This
is attributed to joint injury. In an
What should clinicians advise
effort to reduce the potential for
patients about diet and physical
injury and subsequent OA, sports
activity to prevent OA of the 12. Coggon D, Reading
knee? participants should be advised to I, Croft P, McLaren M,
Barrett D, Cooper C.
Obesity is the single most impor- use graduated training schedules, Knee osteoarthritis
tant modifiable risk factor for participate in appropriate condi- and obesity. Int J
Obes Relat Metab
severe OA of the knee (12, 13). tioning programs, and avoid in- Disord. 2001;25:622-
7. [PMID: 11360143]
Obesity has also been increasing in tense loading of previously injured 13. Felson DT, Zhang Y.
An update on the
prevalence in the United States joints (17). Persons involved in epidemiology of
over the past 4 decades (14, 15). contact sports are at greater risk for knee and hip os-
teoarthritis with a
Thus, it is critical to counsel pa- meniscal tears and cruciate liga- view to prevention.
tients to lose weight, particularly ment injury, which are known to Arthritis Rheum.
women with a body mass index predispose to OA (18, 19). [PMID: 9704632]
14. Flegal KM, Carroll
(BMI) of 25 or more. MD, Ogden CL,
Quadriceps weakness decreases the Johnson CL. Preva-
In the Framingham study, among women lence and trends in

with a baseline body mass index (BMI)

ability of muscle to distribute load obesity among US
adults, 1999-2000.
> 25, weight loss was associated with a across the knee joint and maintain JAMA.
significantly lower risk for knee OA. For a joint stability. Quadriceps weakness [PMID: 12365955]
woman of normal height, for every 11-lb may result from the pain of OA 15. Ogden CL, Carroll
MD, Curtin LR, Mc-
weight loss (approximately 2 BMI units), risk (20); however, some have suggested Dowell MA, Tabak CJ,
for knee OA dropped > 50%. A similar weight that quadriceps weakness precedes
Flegal KM. Preva-
lence of overweight
gain was associated with an increased risk and obesity in the
for knee OA (odds ratio, 1.28 for weight gain the onset of knee OA and is itself a United States, 1999-
of 2 BMI units). If obese (BMI > 30) elderly men risk factor for knee OA, particular- 2004. JAMA.
lost enough weight to fall into the over- ly in women (21, 22). Patients [PMID: 16595758]
16. Felson DT, Zhang Y,
weight category (BMI 26–29.9) and over- should be encouraged to maintain Hannan MT, Naimark
weight men lost enough weight to move quadriceps muscle strength through A, Weissman B, Ali-
abadi P, et al. Risk
into the normal-weight category (BMI <26),
strengthening exercise, as this may factors for incident
the incidence of knee OA would decrease by radiographic knee
21.5%. Similar changes in weight category diminish the risk for both radi- osteoarthritis in the
elderly: the Framing-
in women would result in a 33% decrease in ographic knee OA and sympto- ham Study. Arthritis
Rheum. 1997;40:728-
knee OA (16). matic knee OA (22). 33. [PMID: 9125257]
17. Felson DT, Lawrence
RC, Dieppe PA, et al.
Osteoarthritis: new
Prevention... Obesity is the single most important modifiable risk factor for OA of insights. Part 1: the
the knee. People participating in sports should be advised to engage in proper disease and its risk
factors. Ann Intern
training and conditioning to avoid injury, and all patients should be encouraged to Med. 2000;133:635-
exercise to maintain quadriceps strength. 46. [PMID: 11033593]
18. Englund M, Roos
EM, Lohmander LS.
Impact of type of
CLINICAL BOTTOM LINE meniscal tear on ra-
diographic and
symptomatic knee
osteoarthritis: a six-
teen-year followup

Diagnosis of meniscectomy
with matched con-
trols. Arthritis
What are the characteristic knee OA (24). Symptomatic knee 2003;48:2178-87.
[PMID: 12905471]
symptoms that should alert OA, defined as pain on most days 19. Roos H, Laurén M,
clinicians to the diagnosis of OA? and radiographic features consis- Adalberth T, Roos
EM, Jonsson K,
OA typically presents with joint tent with OA, occurs in approxi- Lohmander LS. Knee
osteoarthritis after
pain. During a 1-year period, 25% mately 12% of persons older than meniscectomy:
of people over 55 years have a persist- 55 years (23). prevalence of radi-
ographic changes
ent episode of knee pain, and 1 in 6 after twenty-one
years, compared
consult their general practitioner OA of the hand usually affects the with matched con-
about it (23). Approximately 50% distal and proximal interphalangeal trols. Arthritis
Rheum. 1998;41:687-
of these persons have radiographic joints and the base of the thumb. 93. [PMID: 9550478]

7 August 2007 Annals of Internal Medicine In the Clinic ITC8-3 © 2007 American College of Physicians
When symptomatic, especially at important to assess muscle strength
the base of thumb, hand OA is as- and ligament stability of the joints.
sociated with functional impair- Evaluation of joint involvement of
ment (25, 26). OA of the thumb the lower limb should include as-
carpometacarpal joint is a common sessment of body weight and BMI
condition that can lead to substan- and postural alignment during
tial pain, instability, deformity, and standing and walking (30).
20. Hurley MV, Scott DL, loss of motion (27). Approximately
Rees J, Newham DJ. 5% of women and To assess alignments, a goniometer
changes and func- 3% of men over can be used to visu-
tional performance
the age of 70 years ally bisect the thigh
in patients with
Common Symptoms of and lower leg along
knee osteoarthritis. have symptomatic
Ann Rheum Dis. Osteoarthritis their lengths. The
1997;56:641-8. OA affecting this
[PMID: 9462165]
joint with impair- • Pain (typically described as activi- centers of both the
21. Slemenda C, Brandt ty-related or mechanical, may
KD, Heilman DK, et ment of hand patella and ankle
occur with rest in advanced dis-
al. Quadriceps weak-
ness and os- function (25). ease; often deep, aching, and not should be located
teoarthritis of the well-localized; usually insidious and marked with a
knee. Ann Intern
Med. 1997;127:97- The prevalence of in onset). pen. The center of
104. [PMID: 9230035] hip OA is about • Stiffness of short duration, also the goniometer is
22. Slemenda C, Heil- termed “gelling,” (i.e., short-
man DK, Brandt KD, 9% in Caucasian lived) stiffness after inactivity.
placed on the center
et al. Reduced populations (14). of the patella, and
quadriceps strength • Reduced movement, swelling,
relative to body In contrast, studies and crepitus in the absence of the arms of this go-
weight: a risk factor
for knee osteoarthri- in Asian, black, systemic features, such as fever. niometer are extend-
tis in women? Arthri-
tis Rheum.
and East Indian ed along the center
1998;41:1951-9. populations indi- of the thigh and
[PMID: 9811049]
23. Peat G, McCarney R,
cate a very low prevalence of hip along the axis of the lower leg to
Croft P. Knee pain OA (28). The prevalence of symp- the center of the ankle.
and osteoarthritis in
older adults: a re- tomatic hip OA is approximately
view of community 4% in those populations (2). When should clinicians order
burden and current
use of primary imaging studies and other
health care. Ann The joint pain of OA is typically diagnostic studies in patients
Rheum Dis.
2001;60:91-7. exacerbated by activity and relieved with suspected OA?
[PMID: 11156538]
24. Cibere J. Do we
by rest. More advanced cases of Bearing in mind that radiographs are
need radiographs to OA can cause rest and night pain. notoriously insensitive to the early
diagnose os-
teoarthritis? Best The source of pain is not particularly pathologic features of OA, the ab-
Pract Res Clin
well understood and is best framed sence of positive radiographic
2006;20:27-38. in a biopsychosocial framework in findings does not rule out sympto-
[PMID: 16483905]
25. Zhang Y, Niu J, Kelly- which biological, psychological, and matic disease. Conversely, the
Hayes M, et al. Preva- social factors all play a significant presence of positive radiographic
lence of sympto-
matic hand role (29). Of the local events in the findings does not guarantee that
osteoarthritis and its
impact on functional
joint, cartilage loss itself probably an osteoarthritic joint is the active
status among the does not contribute directly to pain source of the patient’s current
elderly: The Framing-
ham Study. Am J because cartilage is not innervated. knee or hip symptoms; other
In contrast, the exposed subchon- sources of pain, including periar-
[PMID: 12446258] dral bone, periosteum, synovium, ticular sources, such as pes anser-
26. Cunningham LS,
Kelsey JL. Epidemiol- and joint capsule are all richly in- ine bursitis at the knee and
ogy of muscu- nervated and can be the sources of trochanteric bursitis at the hip,
loskeletal impair-
ments and nociceptive stimuli in OA. often contribute (8).
associated disability.
Am J Public Health.
1984;74:574-9. What physical examination According to the American College
[PMID: 6232862] findings should clinicians look of Rheumatologists (ACR) criteria
27. Armstrong AL,
Hunter JB, Davis TR. for in diagnosing OA? for classification of OA, radi-
The prevalence of
degenerative arthri-
The features on physical examina- ographs are less sensitive and spe-
tis of the base of the tion that suggest a diagnosis of OA cific than physical examination in
thumb in post-
menopausal are shown in Table 1. In addition the diagnosis of symptomatic hand
women. J Hand Surg
[Br]. 1994;19:340-1.
to evaluation of the joint, it is OA, but more so for OA of the hip
[PMID: 8077824]

© 2007 American College of Physicians ITC8-4 In the Clinic Annals of Internal Medicine 7 August 2007
and knee (31). When disease is
advanced, it is visible on plain
radiographs, which show narrowing
of joint space, osteophytes, and
sometimes changes in the subchon-
dral bone (Figure 1).

In clinical practice, OA should be

diagnosed on the basis of history
and physical examination. Radiog-
raphy should be used only to con-
firm clinical suspicion and exclude
other conditions.

Magnetic resonance imaging

(MRI) can be used to facilitate di-
agnosis of other causes of joint pain
that can be confused with OA,
such as osteochondritis dissecans
and avascular necrosis. An unfortu-
nate consequence of frequent use of Figure 1: A weight-bearing plain radiograph of 28. Nevitt MC, Xu L,
Zhang Y, et al. Very
MRI in clinical practice is the fre- the knee depicting the characteristic features— low prevalence of
hip osteoarthritis
quent detection of meniscal tears. joint space narrowing, osteophytosis, and sub- among Chinese eld-
Meniscal tears are nearly universal chondral sclerosis—of osteoarthritis. erly in Beijing, China,
compared with
in persons with knee OA and are whites in the United
States: the Beijing
not necessarily a cause of increased should otherwise be reserved to osteoarthritis study.
symptoms (32). Removal of menisci exclude other types of arthritis Arthritis Rheum.
should be avoided unless there are when the diagnosis is uncertain. [PMID: 12124860]
symptoms of locking or significant- 29. Dieppe PA, Lohman-
der LS. Pathogenesis
ly decreased knee extension (33). What clinical factors should and management of
pain in osteoarthritis.
clinicians consider in deciding Lancet.
Do not rely on laboratory testing to whether to perform diagnostic 2005;365:965-73.
[PMID: 15766999]
establish the diagnosis of OA. Be- arthrocentesis? 30. Kraus VB, Vail TP,
cause OA is relatively noninflam- Consider aspirating a joint if effu- Worrell T, McDaniel
G. A comparative as-
matory, laboratory findings should sion is present and a diagnosis oth- sessment of align-
be normal. Instead, use tests to de- ment angle of the
er than OA is suspected. Synovial knee by radiograph-
tect conditions that therapy could fluid from osteoarthritic joints is ic and physical ex-
amination methods.
worsen. Consider obtaining a blood clear, viscous, and noninflammato- Arthritis Rheum.
count, creatinine level, and liver ry; leukocyte count is less than 2005;52:1730-5.
[PMID: 15934069]
function tests before initiating non- 2000/mm3. Always perform diag- 31. Altman RD. Classifi-
cation of disease: os-
steroidal antiinflammatory drugs nostic aspiration to look for septic teoarthritis. Semin
(NSAIDs) for OA, especially in arthritis, gout, and pseudogout if Arthritis Rheum.
elderly persons or those with other the joint is red, hot, and swollen. [PMID: 1866629]
32. Bhattacharyya T,
chronic illnesses. Laboratory testing If a diagnosis other than OA is Gale D, Dewire P, et
al. The clinical im-
portance of menis-
Table 1. Physical Findings Suggestive of a Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis* cal tears demon-
strated by magnetic
Tenderness, usually over the joint line resonance imaging
in osteoarthritis of
Crepitus with movement of the joint the knee. J Bone
Bony enlargement of the joint (e.g., Heberden and Bouchard nodes at the DIP and PIP joints, Joint Surg Am.
squaring of the first CMC joint), typically along the affected joint line in the knee [PMID: 12533565]
Restricted joint range of motion 33. Englund M,
Lohmander LS. Risk
Pain on passive range of motion factors for sympto-
matic knee os-
Deformity (e.g., angulation of the DIP and PIP joints, varus deformity of the knees [bowed legs]) teoarthritis fifteen to
twenty-two years af-
Joint instability ter meniscectomy.
Arthritis Rheum.
* CMC = carpometacarpal; DIP = distal interphalangeal; PIP = proximal interphalangeal. 2004;50:2811-9.
[PMID: 15457449]

7 August 2007 Annals of Internal Medicine In the Clinic ITC8-5 © 2007 American College of Physicians
suspected, the specimen should be axial (spine and sacroiliac joint) in-
sent for crystal analysis, Gram stain, volvement, consider these alternate
and culture in addition to cell count. diagnoses and investigate them
What are the diagnostic criteria
34. Altman R, Asch E, for OA? Many diseases can predispose a
Bloch D, et al. Devel-
opment of criteria When diagnosing OA of the knee, person to OA, including metabolic
for the classification
and reporting of os- consider using the criteria from the diseases like hemochromatosis,
teoarthritis. Classifi- ACR based on clinical, radiologic, Wilson disease, and ochronosis;
cation of os-
teoarthritis of the and synovial fluid anaylsis data (31, endocrine diseases like acromegaly
knee. Diagnostic and
Therapeutic Criteria 34) (Table 2). Similar criteria are and hyperparathyroidism; hyper-
Committee of the available for classification of OA of mobility due to the Ehlers-Danlos
American Rheuma-
tism Association. the hip and hand. syndrome; crystal arthropathy due
Arthritis Rheum.
1986;29:1039-49. to gout or calcium pyrophosphate
[PMID: 3741515] What is the differential diagnosis dihydrate crystal deposition disease;
35. Calmbach WL,
Hutchens M. Evalua-
of OA? neuropathic joints; and chondro-
tion of patients pre- Other forms of arthritis may pres- dysplasias. Patients may also pres-
senting with knee
pain: Part II. Differen- ent with hand, knee, or hip pain, ent with knee pain due to pes
tial diagnosis. Am
Fam Physician.
including rheumatoid arthritis, anserine bursitis, iliotibial band
2003;68:917-22. psoriatic arthritis, other seronega- friction syndrome (runner’s knee),
[PMID: 13678140]
36. Tallon D, Chard J, tive spondyloarthropathies (e.g., patella tendonitis, patellofemoral
Dieppe P. Relation
between agendas of
ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis pain syndrome, prepatellar bursitis,
the research com- associated with inflammatory bowel and semimembranosus bursitis (35).
munity and the re-
search consumer. disease, and reactive arthritis), and
sarcoidosis. The prognosis and Under what circumstances should
[PMID: 10885355] treatment for inflammatory clinicians consider consultation
37. Glazier RH, Dalby
DM, Badley EM, et al. arthropathy are quite different from with a rheumatologist or an
Management of
common muscu-
those of OA. If a patient presents orthopedist for diagnosis?
loskeletal problems: with features suggestive of inflam- Patients should be referred to a
a survey of Ontario
primary care physi- matory arthritis, such as prolonged rheumatologist for diagnostic con-
cians. CMAJ.
early morning stiffness, symmetrical sultation if the pattern of joint in-
[PMID: 9580733] peripheral polyarthropathy, promi- volvement is atypical, if the patient
38. Standing Commit-
tee for International nent soft tissue swelling, or extensive has symptoms that suggest an
Clinical Studies In-
cluding Therapeutic
2003: an evidence Table 2. 1986 Criteria for Classification of ldiopathic Osteoarthritis of the Knee*
based approach to Clinical and laboratory Clinical and radiographic Clinical †
the management of
knee osteoarthritis: Knee pain Knee pain Knee Pain
Report of a Task + at least 5 of 9: + at least 1 of 3: + at least 3 of 6:
Force of the Stand-
ing Committee for - Age > 50 years - Age > 50 years - Age > 50 years
International Clinical - Stiffness <30 minutes - Stiffness <30 minutes - Stiffness <30 minutes
Studies Including - Crepitus - Crepitus - Crepitus
Therapeutic Trials - Bony tenderness + Osteophytes - Bony tenderness
Rheum Dis. - Bony enlargement - Bony enlargement
2003;62:1145-55. - No palpable warmth - No palpable warmth
[PMID: 14644851] - ESR <40 mm/hour
39. EULAR Standing - RF <1:40
Committee for Inter-
national Clinical - SF OA
Studies Including
Therapeutics (ES- 92% sensitive 91% sensitive 95% sensitive
CISIT). EULAR evi- 75% specific 86% specific 69% specific
dence based recom-
mendations for the
management of hip * ESR = erythrocyte sedimentation rate (Westergren); RF = rheumatoid factor; SF OA = synovial fluid
osteoarthritis: report signs of OA (clear, viscous, or white blood cell count <2000/mm3).
of a task force of the †
EULAR Standing
Alternative for the clinical category would be knee pain + 4 of 6, which is 84% sensitive and 89%
Committee for Inter- specific.
national Clinical R. Altman, E. Asch, D. Bloch, G. Bole, D. Borenstein, K, Brandt, et al. The American College of Rheuma-
Studies Including
Therapeutics (ES- tology criteria for the classification and reporting of osteoarthritis of the knee. Arthritis Rheum
CISIT). Ann Rheum 1986;29:1039–49.
Dis. 2005;64:669-81.
[PMID: 15471891]
©2006 American College of Rheumatology

© 2007 American College of Physicians ITC8-6 In the Clinic Annals of Internal Medicine 7 August 2007
inflammatory arthropathy with consistent with OA and more
prolonged morning stiffness and consistent with a periarticular 40. Recommendations
for the medical
soft tissue swelling, or if the pa- source of pain, such as pes anserine management of os-
tient has severe or atypical pol- bursitis or trochanteric bursitis, teoarthritis of the
hip and knee: 2000
yarticular OA. Patients with consider referral to an orthopedist update. American
College of Rheuma-
atypical joint involvement or in- or rheumatologist if advice is need- tology Subcommit-
flammatory symptoms may not ed. A red, hot, and swollen joint tee on Osteoarthritis
Guidelines. Arthritis
have OA but rather another type of requires immediate joint aspiration. Rheum.
arthritis, or they may have a sec- If synovial fluid cannot be obtained [PMID: 11014340]
ondary cause of OA. Similarly, if a promptly, seek specialist consulta- 41. Superio-Cabuslay E,
Ward MM, Lorig KR.
patient presents with features less tion right away. Patient education in-
terventions in os-
teoarthritis and
rheumatoid arthritis:
Diagnosis... In clinical practice, the diagnosis of OA should be made on the basis a meta-analytic
of history and physical examination. Reserve radiography and diagnostic joint as- comparison with
nonsteroidal antiin-
piration to confirm suspicion in atypical cases and to exclude other conditions as flammatory drug
needed. treatment. Arthritis
Care Res. 1996;9:292-
301. [PMID: 8997918]
42. Marks R, Allegrante
and synthesis of re-
search evidence for
ing interventions for

Treatment reducing chronic

disability: implica-
tions for health edu-
cation practice (part
I). Health Promot
How should clinicians manage OA? (COX)-2 inhibitors, and total joint Pract. 2005;6:37-43.
Management of OA should be replacement, primary care for OA [PMID: 15574526]
43. Messier SP, Loeser
individualized to address specific should place greater emphasis on RF, Miller GD, et al.
Exercise and dietary
findings on clinical examination, nonpharmacologic treatments. weight loss in over-
including obesity, malalignment, Only when more conservative ef- weight and obese
older adults with
and muscle weakness in addition to forts fail to improve function knee osteoarthritis:
the Arthritis, Diet,
joint pain. Comprehensive man- should pharmacologic agents be of- and Activity Promo-
agement always includes a combi- fered. Surgery should be a last re- tion Trial. Arthritis
nation of treatment options direct- sort. Consult guidelines from pro- 2004;50:1501-10.
ed toward the common goal of fessional organizations for OA [PMID: 15146420]
44. Ettinger WH Jr, Burns
alleviating pain and increasing management that are based on evi- R, Messier SP, Apple-
gate W, Rejeski WJ,
tolerance for functional activity. dence from trials; expert consensus Morgan T, et al. A
Treatment plans should not be supports this approach (38–40). randomized trial
comparing aerobic
defined rigidly according to the exercise and resist-
The nonpharmacologic approach ance exercise with a
radiographic appearance of the includes education, weight loss, health education
program in older
joint because structural alterations exercise, physical therapy and adults with knee os-
on radiographs often correlate braces, and orthotics and other
teoarthritis. The Fit-
ness Arthritis and
poorly with pain and functional assistive devices. Seniors Trial (FAST).
JAMA. 1997;277:25-
limitation. Treatment should in- 31. [PMID: 8980206]
stead remain flexible so that it can What should clinicians tell their 45. Roddy E, Zhang W,
Doherty M. Aerobic
be altered according to functional patients about OA? walking or strength-
ening exercise for
and symptomatic responses. Education should be an integral osteoarthritis of the
part of treatment for any chronic knee? A systematic
review. Ann Rheum
Most interventions currently pre- disease and can affect disease out- Dis. 2005;64:544-8.
scribed for knee OA involve either come. All patients with OA should [PMID: 15769914]
46. Roddy E, Zhang W,
drugs or surgery (36), and options be encouraged to participate in self- Doherty M, et al. Evi-
dence-based recom-
for conservative care of patients management programs, such as mendations for the
with knee OA are often over- those conducted by the Arthritis role of exercise in
the management of
looked (37). In addition, because Foundation, or to consult videos, osteoarthritis of the
hip or knee—the
of the known toxicity and adverse pamphlets, and newsletters that MOVE consensus.
event profiles of such therapies provide information about the nat- Rheumatology (Ox-
ford). 2005;44:67-73.
as NSAIDs, cyclooxygenase ural history of the disease, resources [PMID: 15353613]

7 August 2007 Annals of Internal Medicine In the Clinic ITC8-7 © 2007 American College of Physicians
for social support, and instructions encourage patients to do exercise
on coping skills (41, 42). they enjoy to promote long-term
participation. Some exercises can be
A meta-analysis showed that various edu- harmful over time to an already-
cational interventions provided additional
pain relief in persons with OA who were us-
injured joint, particularly those
47. Deyle GD, Hender- ing NSAIDs (41). that involve high-velocity impact,
son NE, Matekel RL,
et al. Effectiveness of
such as running and step aerobics.
manual physical How effective is weight loss? These activities should be actively
therapy and exercise
in osteoarthritis of Overweight patients should be en- discouraged.
the knee. A random- couraged to lose weight through a
ized, controlled trial.
Ann Intern Med. combination of diet and exercise. When should clinicians prescribe
2000;132:173-81. formal physical and occupational
[PMID: 10651597]
48. Standing Commit- In The Arthritis, Diet, and Activity Promo- therapy?
tee for International tion Trial, participants in an 18-month pro- Refer patients with knee or hip OA
Clinical Studies In-
cluding Therapeutic gram of exercise and a calorie-restricted to a physical therapist for active
Trials ESCISIT. EULAR diet showed a 24% improvement in physi- and passive range of motion exer-
cal function and a 30.3% decrease in knee
2003: an evidence
based approach to pain. These improvements were far superi-
cise, muscle strengthening, instruc-
the management of
or to those seen in patients relegated to ex- tion on joint protection principles,
knee osteoarthritis:
Report of a Task ercise only or to diet only as well as those and manual therapy when you feel
Force of the Stand-
ing Committee for
seen in the control group. The greatest they are not obtaining maximum
International Clinical benefits were obtained after 6 months, and benefit from their own exercise
Studies Including
Therapeutic Trials
the diet-plus-exercise group maintained program.
(ESCISIT). Ann these benefits for an additional year, with
Rheum Dis. A randomized, controlled trial (RCT) that
no regression toward baseline values (43).
[PMID: 14644851] compared manual therapy (passive, physi-
49. Recommendations
for the medical
What kind of exercise should ologic and accessory joint movements,
management of os- clinicians recommend for patients muscle stretching, and soft tissue mobi-
teoarthritis of the lization) and a standardized knee exercise
hip and knee: 2000 with OA of the knee or hip?
update. American Exercise increases aerobic capacity, program to subtherapeutic ultrasound
College of Rheuma- found that patients receiving manual ther-
tology Subcommit- muscle strength, and endurance
tee on Osteoarthritis and facilitates weight loss (44). All apy improved more than controls. The av-
Guidelines. Arthritis
Rheum. persons capable of exercise should erage distance walked in 6 minutes at 8
2000;43:1905-15. weeks among patients in the treatment
[PMID: 11014340] be encouraged to participate in a
group was 170 m (95% CI, 71 to 270 m)
50. Neumann DA. Bio-
mechanical analysis
low-impact aerobic exercise pro- more than in the placebo group and the
of selected princi- gram, such as walking, biking, or average Western Ontario and McMaster
ples of hip joint pro-
tection. Arthritis
swimming (45). Quadriceps Universities (WOMAC) scores were 599 mm
Care Res. 1989;2:146- strengthening exercises also lead higher (CI, 197 to 1002 mm). At 1 year, pa-
55. [PMID: 2487719]
51. Lindenfeld TN, to improvements in pain and tients in the treatment group had clinically
Hewett TE, Andriac- function. (46)
chi TP. Joint loading and statistically significant gains over base-
with valgus bracing line WOMAC scores and walking distance;
in patients with Most strengthening exercise regi- 20% of patients in the placebo group and
varus gonarthrosis.
Clin Orthop Relat mens should begin with isometric 5% of patients in the treatment group
Res. 1997:290-7.
[PMID: 9372780]
exercises, then advance to isotonic had undergone knee arthroplasty (47).
52. Kirkley A, Webster- resistance exercises as tolerated.
Bogaert S, Litchfield
R, et al. The effect of Both aerobic walking and home- Some patients with hand OA may
bracing on varus go- based quadriceps strengthening re- benefit from referral to an occupa-
narthrosis. J Bone
Joint Surg Am. duce pain and disability from OA. tional therapist for range of motion
1999;81:539-48. exercises, joint protection instruc-
[PMID: 10225800]
53. Pincus T, Swearingen It is important to individualize ex- tion, and splinting of the first car-
C, Cummins P, Calla-
han LF. Preference
ercise therapy and provide adequate pometacarpal joint, preferably with
for nonsteroidal anti- advice and education to promote prefabricated neoprene (48, 49).
inflammatory drugs
versus acetamino- increased physical activity (46). As
phen and concomi- adherence is the main predictor of When should clinicians prescribe
tant use of both
types of drugs in pa- long-term outcome from exercise in devices?
tients with os-
teoarthritis. J knee and hip OA, adopt strategies Consider a cane, used in the hand
Rheumatol. to improve adherence, such as contralateral to the painful joint, in
[PMID: 10782831] long-term monitoring. Similarly, patients with persistent ambulatory

© 2007 American College of Physicians ITC8-8 In the Clinic Annals of Internal Medicine 7 August 2007
pain from hip or knee OA. A cane hospitalizations per year in the
reduces loading force on the joint United States, predominantly relat-
and is associated with decreased ed to gastrointestinal toxicity (56).
pain in patients with hip and knee Use both COX-2–selective and
OA (50). nonselective NSAIDs with caution
in light of concern about cardiovas- 54. Pincus T, Koch GG,
The importance of mechanical fac- cular risk (57). Rofecoxib and Sokka T, et al. A ran-
domized, double-
tors may explain why knee OA valdexocib, two COX-2-selective in- blind, crossover clini-
occurs more often in the medial hibitors, were withdrawn from the cal trial of diclofenac
plus misoprostol ver-
compartment, presumably because US market in 2005 for this reason. sus acetaminophen
in patients with os-
of its increased loading during gait teoarthritis of the
(51). Specially designed knee braces When are topical analgesics hip or knee. Arthritis
have been shown to realign the useful? 2001;44:1587-98.
knee, thereby reducing transarticu- Topical NSAIDs have been report- [PMID: 11465710]
55. Felson DT, Lawrence
lar loading on the medial compart- ed to be effective in relieving pain RC, Hochberg MC, et
al. Osteoarthritis:
ment with marked improvements when compared with placebo for new insights. Part 2:
in pain in persons with medial both hand and knee OA (58, 59), treatment approach-
es. Ann Intern Med.
tibiofemoral OA (52). but they are not widely available. 2000;133:726-37.
[PMID: 11074906]
This route may reduce gastroin- 56. Wolfe MM, Lichten-
Therapeutic taping of the knee may testinal adverse reactions by maxi- stein DR, Singh G.
Gastrointestinal toxi-
also be helpful in relieving pain and mizing local delivery and minimiz- city of nonsteroidal
disability. ing systemic toxicity but is associated antiinflammatory
drugs. N Engl J Med.
with more local side effects, such as 1999;340:1888-99.
In an RCT found of therapeutic taping in [PMID: 10369853]
patients with knee OA, at 3 weeks, 73% (21
rash, itching, and burning. 57. McGettigan P, Henry
D. Cardiovascular risk
of 29) of patients in the therapeutic tape and inhibition of cy-
Topical capsaicin can be used as an clooxygenase: a sys-
group reported improvement compared
alternative to systematic pharmaco- tematic review of
with 49% (14 of 29) of the control tape the observational
group and 10% (3 of 29) of the no tape logic therapy or as an adjunct when studies of selective
and nonselective in-
group (52). response to conservative therapy has hibitors of cyclooxy-
been suboptimal. Capsaicin in a genase 2. JAMA.
Which analgesic should clinicians concentration of 0.025% is better [PMID: 16968831]
58. Bookman AA,
prescribe first? tolerated than 0.075%. It should Williams KS, Shain-
Acetaminophen in doses up to 4 be applied 3 to 4 times per day for house JZ. Effect of a
topical diclofenac
g/day is the oral analgesic of choice at least 3 to 4 weeks. solution for relieving
symptoms of pri-
for mild to moderate pain in OA. mary osteoarthritis
In a study of patients with knee OA, 80% of
Table 3 presents pharmacologic of the knee: a ran-
capsaicin (0.025%)–treated patients had domized controlled
treatment options for OA. pain relief after 2 weeks compared with trial. CMAJ.
those randomized to placebo (60). [PMID: 15313991]
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory 59. Lin J, Zhang W,
drugs (NSAIDs) may be added or What are the best strategies for
Jones A, Doherty M.
Efficacy of topical
substituted in patients who do not avoiding drug toxicity in patients non-steroidal anti-in-
flammatory drugs in
respond adequately to acetamino- who require NSAIDs, especially the treatment of os-
phen. NSAIDs are considered by those with comorbid conditions?
teoarthritis: meta-
analysis of ran-
many physicians to be the preferred Patients at high risk for peptic domised controlled
trials. BMJ.
first-line agents for pharmacologic ulcer disease or gastrointestinal 2004;329:324.
management of OA based on bleeding include those older than
[PMID: 15286056]
60. Deal CL, Schnitzer TJ,
greater efficacy and patient prefer- 65 years, those taking anticoagu- Lipstein E, et al.
Treatment of arthri-
ence (53, 54). However, there are lants, and those with comorbid tis with topical cap-
disadvantages of routinely using medical conditions, or a history of
saicin: a double-
blind trial. Clin Ther.
NSAIDs in OA. For example, peptic ulcer disease or gastro- 1991;13:383-95.
[PMID: 1954640]
all NSAIDs, both nonselective intestinal bleeding. 61. Spiegel BM, Farid M,
and COX-2–selective, are associat- Dulai GS, Gralnek IM,
Kanwal F. Compar-
ed with significant potential toxici- In patients with increased gastro- ing rates of dyspep-
sia with Coxibs vs
ty, particularly in elderly people intestinal risk, nonselective NSAID+PPI: a meta-
(55). NSAIDs alone cause over NSAIDs plus a gastroprotective analysis. Am J Med.
16 500 deaths and over 103 000 agent, or a selective COX-2 [PMID: 16651060]

7 August 2007 Annals of Internal Medicine In the Clinic ITC8-9 © 2007 American College of Physicians
Table 3. Drug Treatment for Osteoarthritis*
Agent Mechanism of Action Dosage Benefits Side Effects Notes
Acetaminophen Exact mechanism 500–1000 mg qid Reduces pain Hepatotoxicity if Safe for elderly patients,
is unknown but maximum daily dose patients with renal disease,
thought to block exceeded or if used and patients at high risk for
pain-impulse generation with ethanol or who have a history of upper
in peripheral nervous GI bleeding, although high
system and to inhibit doses may be associated with
CNS prostaglandin adverse GI effects; does not
synthesis inhibit platelet function. Use
with caution in patients with
preexisting liver disease and
those who drink ethanol regu-
larly. Use with high-dose war-
farin may increase INR.

NSAIDs: Inhibit COX-1 Naproxen, 250 mg Reduces pain Peptic ulcer disease, Use lowest dose needed to
naproxen, and COX-2 bid; ibuprofen, and renal insufficiency, control symptoms; pain relief
ibuprofen, 400 mg tid or qid; inflammation edema, hyperkalemia does not appear to increase
diclofenac diclofenac, 50 mg with higher doses. Use
bid or tid analgesic, not anti-inflammatory,
doses. Higher doses may be
associated with greater toxicity.

COX-2 inhibitors: Selectively inhibit Celecoxib, 200 mg Reduces pain Edema, hypertension, May increase risk for myo-
celecoxib, COX-2 once daily or and renal insufficiency cardial infarction and stroke in
valdecoxib 100 mg bid inflammation patients at high risk; celecoxib
and valdecoxib are contra-
indicated in patients with
sulfonamide allergies.
Valdecoxib may cause serious
skin reactions, including exfo-
liative dermatitis, the Stevens–
Johnson syndrome, and toxic
epidermal necrolysis.

Nonacetylated Decrease PMN 1000–1500 mg bid Reduces pain Tinnitus, CNS toxicity No effect on platelet
salicylates: aggregation, activation, for both drugs and aggregation.
choline magne- and chemotaxis inflammation
sium trisalicylate;

Capsaicin Depletes substance Apply 0.025% Reduces pain Local pain and redness Effective for hand and knee
P from neurons cream tid or qid OA; assess efficacy after a
4-wk trial.

Intraarticular Multiple inhibitory Methylprednisolone Reduces pain Postinjection flare, Usually reserved for patients
glucocorticoids: effects on inflammatory acetate, triamcino- and swelling transient flushing with exacerbations of knee
methylpredni- cells and mediators lone hexacetonide, quickly but only pain who also have effusions.
solone acetate; triamcinolone for a short time Hips are not usually injected.
triamcinolone acetonide: 20–40 mg;
hexacetonide; betamethasone
triamcinolone sodium
acetonide; phosphate–sodium
betamethasone acetate: 6 mg
sodium phosphate–
sodium acetate

Intraarticular HA: May restore visco- Intraarticular Reduces pain Injection site reaction Expensive; improvement may
hylan G-F 20; elasticity of synovial injection for 3 or 5 and improves not occur for several weeks;
sodium fluid, augment flow of consecutive wk function no data indicate which
hyaluronate synovial fluid, and patients might best respond.
normalize HA synthesis
and/or inhibit hyaluronan

© 2007 American College of Physicians ITC8-10 In the Clinic Annals of Internal Medicine 7 August 2007
Table 3. Drug Treatment for Osteoarthritis (Continued)
Agent Mechanism of Action Dosage Benefits Side Effects Notes
Tramadol, µ-opioid receptor Tramadol, 50 mg Reduces pain Nausea, More expensive than
tramadol– agonist, weakly blocks every 6 h; tramado– drowsiness, may narcotic analgesics
acetaminophen reuptake of serotonin acetaminophen, potentiate or and may have abuse
and norepinephrine (37.5 mg/325 mg), cause seizures potential. Nausea can
2 every 6 h especially with be reduced if the
concomitant use dose is escalated
of tricyclic anti- slowly.
depressants, SSRIs,
and narcotic
Narcotic analgesics: Opioid receptor agonists Starting dosages: Reduces pain Nausea, sedation, SR oxycodone has significant
codeine– codeine/ dizziness, constipation, abuse potential and is more
acetaminophen; acetaminophen pruritus, respiratory expensive than SR morphine or
hydrocodone– (30 mg/300 mg), depression, tolerance short-acting narcotics. Dose
acetaminophen; 1–2 every 4–6 h; should be titrated upward
SR morphine; hydrocodone– until pain is controlled.
oxycodone– acetaminophen Maximum dose is largely
acetaminophen; (5 mg/500 mg), determined by the amount of
SR oxycodone 1–2 every 6 h; acetaminophen in these
oxycodone- agents. The dose should be
acetaminophen increased with extreme
(5 mg/325 mg) 1-2 caution in elderly patients
every 4-6 h; because their susceptibility to
SR oxycodone, side effects is greater.
10 mg q 12 h

*bid = twice daily; CNS = central nervous system; COX = cyclooxygenase; GI = gastrointestinal; HA = hyaluronan; INR = international normalized ratio;
NSAID = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; OA = osteoarthritis; PMN = polymorphonuclear neutrophil; qid = 4 times daily; SR = sustained release;
SSRI = selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; tid = three times daily.

inhibitor, should be used. COX-2 with low-dose aspirin, it may be

inhibitors appear to have a similar more cost-effective to use a non-
gastrointestinal safety profile to selective NSAID with a PPI. 62. Silverstein FE, Faich
an NSAID plus a proton pump G, Goldstein JL, et al.
Gastrointestinal toxi-
inhibitor (PPI) (61). Caution should be exercised when city with celecoxib
vs nonsteroidal anti-
using COX-2 inhibitors and cer- inflammatory drugs
A meta-analysis of 26 studies comparing tain NSAIDs in patients with for osteoarthritis and
dyspepsia between COX-2 inhibitors and rheumatoid arthritis:
cardiac risk factors. Evidence sug- the CLASS study: A
NSAIDs revealed a 12% relative risk reduc- randomized con-
tion for COX-2 inhibitors with an absolute gests that patients with cardio- trolled trial. Celecox-
vascular disease who must take ib Long-term Arthri-
risk reduction of 3.7%. A comparison of pa- tis Safety Study.
tients with dyspepsia receiving an NSAID NSAIDs should be offered anti- JAMA.
plus a PPI compared with patients receiv- platelet agents when there are no [PMID: 10979111]
ing an NSAID alone revealed a 66% relative 63. Ray WA, Stein CM,
contraindications. Hall K, Daugherty JR,
risk reduction for the NSAID–PPI combina- Griffin MR. Non-
tion and an absolute risk reduction of 9%. In a study of NSAID use among 181 441 steroidal anti-inflam-
matory drugs and
Compared with the NSAID strategy, the Tennessee Medicaid recipients with heart risk of serious coro-
number needed to treat to prevent dyspep- nary heart disease:
disease age 50 to 84 years NSAIDs for a an observational co-
sia was 27 for COX-2 inhibitors and 11 for mean 1.5 years was not associated with an hort study. Lancet.
the NSAID–PPI combination (61). 2002;359:118-23.
increased or a reduced risk for serious coro- [PMID: 11809254]
nary heart disease or stroke when com- 64. Catella-Lawson F,
Concomitant use of low-dose as- pared with controls (63).
Reilly MP, Kapoor SC,
et al. Cyclooxyge-
pirin may partially abrogate the nase inhibitors and
the antiplatelet ef-
protective gastrointestinal effect Another study, however, suggested that ibu- fects of aspirin. N
of the COX-2 inhibitors (62); profen given before aspirin may limit the Engl J Med.
thus, if patients require treatment cardioprotective effect of aspirin as assessed [PMID: 11752357]

7 August 2007 Annals of Internal Medicine In the Clinic ITC8-11 © 2007 American College of Physicians
by impact on serum thromboxane B2 forma- What is the role of glucosamine-
tion and platelet aggregation (64). chondroitin, acupuncture, and
65. Bellamy N, Campbell
other complementary–alternative
J, Robinson V, Gee T, Nonacetylated salicylates such as therapies?
Bourne R, Wells G. In-
traarticular corticos-
salsalate and choline magnesium Glucosamine compounds in partic-
teroid for treatment of trisalicylate inhibit prostaglandin ular have attracted a great deal of
osteoarthritis of the
knee. Cochrane Data- synthesis less than other NSAIDs attention, mostly in the lay press.
base Syst Rev.
and can be considered in patients Possibly as a function of this pub-
[PMID: 15846755] with mild renal insufficiency. They licity, OA is the leading medical
66. Lo GH, LaValley M,
McAlindon T, Felson do not inhibit platelet aggregation condition for which persons use
DT. Intra-articular and may be used if the risk of alternative therapies (67) and the
hyaluronic acid in
treatment of knee os- gastrointestinal bleeding is consid- use of glucosamine is particularly
teoarthritis: a meta-
analysis. JAMA. ered to be increased. Tramodol or widespread. However, two meta-
2003;290:3115-21. opiates are options for patients in analyses on glucosamine (69,70)
[PMID: 14679274]
67. Morelli V, Naquin C, whom NSAIDs are contraindicated. and a recent one on chondroitin
Weaver V. Alternative
therapies for tradition- point out the defects of available
al disease states: os- When are intraarticular studies. They suggest that these
teoarthritis. Am Fam glucocorticoids or hyaluronan
Physician. agents seem to have a symptom-
2003;67:339-44. indicated? modifying effect similar to placebo
[PMID: 12562155]
68. Towheed TE, Maxwell In patients who present with acute (68-70), but their structure-modifying
L, Anastassiades TP, et exacerbations of pain and signs of
al. Glucosamine thera- benefits at this point are not clear.
py for treating os- local inflammation with joint effu-
teoarthritis. Cochrane sion but no evidence of infection or The Glucosamine/Chondroitin Arthritis In-
Database Syst Rev.
2005:CD002946. inflammatory arthritis on synovial tervention Trial assessed the efficacy of glu-
[PMID: 15846645] fluid analysis, intraarticular corti- cosamine and chondroitin sulfate alone or
69. McAlindon TE, LaVal-
ley MP, Gulin JP, Fel- costeroids are of short-term (about in combination and found that they were
son DT. Glucosamine 1 week) benefit in improving pain equal to placebo in persons with OA of the
and chondroitin for
treatment of os- and function (65). Do not use in- knee. Compared with the rate of response
teoarthritis: a system- traarticular steroids more often to placebo (60.1%), the rate of response to
atic quality assess-
ment and than once every 4 months because glucosamine was 3.9% higher ( P = 0.30),
meta-analysis. JAMA. repeated use can cause cartilage and the rate of response to chondroitin sulfate
2000;283:1469-75. was 5.3% higher ( P = 0.17), and the rate of
[PMID: 10732937] joint damage, resulting in disease
70. Reichenbach S, Ster- progression. response to combined treatment was 6.5%
chi R, Scherer M, et al. higher ( P = 0.09). The rate of response in
Meta-analysis: chon-
droitin for osteoarthri- Hyaluronan (hyaluronic acid) is a the celecoxib control group was 10.0%
tis of the knee or hip.
high-molecular-weight polysaccha- higher than that in the placebo control
Ann Intern Med. group ( P = 0.008) (71).
2007;146:580-90. ride found in the extracellular ma-
[PMID: 17438317]
71. Clegg DO, Reda DJ, trix of connective tissue. Pain relief There is growing evidence that
Harris CL, et al. Glu- from hyaluronan injection is equiv- acupuncture used as complemen-
cosamine, chondroitin
sulfate, and the two in alent to that from athrocentisis. tary therapy for treatment of OA
combination for
painful knee os- While meta-analyses of the efficacy of
of the knee shows benefit in reliev-
teoarthritis. N Engl J
hyaluronan are not in complete agree-
ing pain. Acupuncture plus di-
Med. 2006;354:795-
808. [PMID: 16495392] ment largely because of varied study selec- clofenac is more effective than
72. Vas J, Méndez C,
tion methods, most suggest that the ef- placebo acupuncture plus diclofenac
Perea-Milla E, Vega E,
et al. Acupuncture as fects are moderate. The pooled effect size for symptomatic treatment for OA
a complementary
for hyaluronic acid is 0.32 (CI, 0.17 to 0.47), of the knee (72). Acupuncture
therapy to the phar-
macological treat- despite significant evidence of heterogene- seems to improve function and re-
ment of osteoarthritis
ity, publication bias, and a significant lieve pain as an adjunctive therapy
of the knee: ran-
domised controlled placebo response (66). (73), although it may be a placebo
trial. BMJ. effect (74).
[PMID: 15494348] Note that 2 preparations of intra-
73. Berman BM, Lao L, articular hyaluronan are available in When should clinicians consider
Langenberg P, Lee WL,
Gilpin AM, Hochberg the United States: sodium joint lavage, debridement, or joint
MC. Effectiveness of hyaluronate (5 weekly injections) replacement?
acupuncture as ad-
junctive therapy in os- and hylan G-F 20 (3 weekly injec- Surgery should be reserved for pa-
teoarthritis of the tions). There are no data support- tients in whom symptoms can no
knee: a randomized,
controlled trial. Ann ing the use of one preparation over longer be managed with other
Intern Med.
another. These compounds are treatments. Typical indications for
[PMID: 15611487] only approved for use in the knee. surgery are debilitating pain and

© 2007 American College of Physicians ITC8-12 In the Clinic Annals of Internal Medicine 7 August 2007
major limitations in such functions no evidence-based guidelines to
as walking, working, or sleeping. support this. With proper patient
selection, good to excellent results
The role of arthroscopic debride- can be expected in 95% of patients,
ment of the knee is controversial. and the survival rate of a knee im-
In a well-designed placebo surgery plant is expected to be 95% at 15
trial, improvement in symptoms years (80). Joint replacement is an
could be attributed to a placebo irreversible intervention and should
effect (75). However, for a subgroup be reserved for persons in whom 74. Scharf HP, Mansmann
of knees with loose bodies, flaps of U, Streitberger K, et al.
other treatments have failed. How- Acupuncture and
meniscus, or cartilage causing
ever, once other options have been knee osteoarthritis: a
mechanical symptoms (especially three-armed random-
exhausted, joint replacement should ized trial. Ann Intern
locking or catching of the joint), Med. 2006;145:12-20.
not be delayed. If joint replace-
arthroscopic removal of these [PMID: 16818924]

unstable tissues may improve joint ment is postponed and the pa- 75. Moseley JB, O'Malley
K, Petersen NJ, et al. A
function and alleviate mechanical tient’s functional status continues controlled trial of

symptoms. to decline, surgery may not be arthroscopic surgery

for osteoarthritis of
able to restore function to the level the knee. N Engl J
Med. 2002;347:81-8.
Osteotomy, in which a wedge of when conservative treatment was [PMID: 12110735]
bone is removed from the tibia to first undertaken (81). 76. Naudie D, Bourne RB,
Rorabeck CH, Bourne
improve leg alignment, may delay TJ. The Install Award.
the need for total joint replacement Under what circumstances should Survivorship of the
high tibial valgus os-
for 5 to 10 years, although there are clinicians consider consultation teotomy. A 10- to -22-
no data to suggest that osteotomy with a rheumatologist or year followup study.
Clin Orthop Relat Res.
is more effective than conservative orthopedist for management? 1999:18-27.
[PMID: 10546594]
treatment or other surgical options Consider referring patients to a 77. Stukenborg-Colsman
(76). The relative merits of os- rheumatologist if they: C, Wirth CJ, Lazovic D,
Wefer A. High tibial
teotomy versus unicompartmental osteotomy versus uni-
knee replacement are currently be- • Display atypical features and compartmental joint
replacement in uni-
ing debated (77), and the subject may have a different or compartmental knee
warrants further investigation. concurrent rheumatologic joint osteoarthritis: 7-
10-year follow-up
disease prospective ran-
A recent systematic review of osteotomy • Have not responded to standard domised study. Knee.
suggested that this intervention improves therapy and may need a differ- [PMID: 11706726]
pain and function in patients with 78. Brouwer RW, Jakma
malaligned knees. (78). ent combination of methods TS, Bierma-Zeinstra
• May require otherwise difficult- SM, Verhagen AP, Ver-
haar J. Osteotomy for
Currently, the most common indi- to-perform arthrocentesis treating knee os-
teoarthritis. Cochrane
cation for knee and hip replacement • May require an overall evalua- Database Syst Rev.
(approximately 85% of all cases) is tion to address nondrug therapy 2005:CD004019.
[PMID: 15674926]
OA. The consensus among ortho- needs 79. Mancuso CA, Ranawat
pedic surgeons on indications for CS, Esdaile JM, Johan-
son NA, Charlson ME.
surgery, carried out by a postal sur- Consider referring patients to an Indications for total
vey, was severe daily pain and radi- orthopedic surgeon for joint re- hip and total knee
arthroplasties. Results
ographic evidence of joint space placement or other surgical proce- of orthopaedic sur-
veys. J Arthroplasty.
narrowing (79); however, there are dures if medical therapy fails. 1996;11:34-46.
[PMID: 8676117]
80. Callahan CM, Drake
BG, Heck DA, Dittus
Treatment... Comprehensive management includes a combination of options RS. Patient outcomes
following tricompart-
directed toward the common goal of alleviating pain and improving tolerance mental total knee re-
for functional activity. Primary care for OA should emphasize nonpharmacologic placement. A meta-
analysis. JAMA.
treatments, including weight loss, exercise, and physical therapy. Only when 1994;271:1349-57.
more conservative efforts fail to improve function should pharmaceuticals be [PMID: 8158821]
offered. Acetaminophen remains the first-line therapy for mild pain. NSAIDs 81. Fortin PR, Clarke AE,
Joseph L, et al. Out-
should be used with caution with due attention to their side effects. Surgery comes of total hip
should be reserved for patients with advanced disease and intractable symptoms and knee replace-
ment: preoperative
unresponsive to other measures. functional status pre-
dicts outcomes at six
months after surgery.
Arthritis Rheum.
CLINICAL BOTTOM LINE 1999;42:1722-8.
[PMID: 10446873]

7 August 2007 Annals of Internal Medicine In the Clinic ITC8-13 © 2007 American College of Physicians
What do professional exercise in the management of hip
Improvement organizations recommend and knee OA in 2005 (40). The
regarding the care of patients Consensus differentiated research-
with OA? based evidence from expert opinion
The European League Against to guide health care practitioners
Rheumatism (EULAR) recom- caring for patients with OA. Ten
mendations for management of propositions related to aerobic and
knee OA, published in 2003, were strengthening exercise, group versus
developed using an evidence-based home exercise, adherence, con-
and consensus approach. These traindications, and predictors of re-
recommendations cover many sponse were adopted.
treatment options for management
of hip and knee OA (39). Are there performance measures
related to the care of patients
The OA Research Society Interna- with OA?
tional (OARSI) Treatment Guide- The Centers for Medicare and
lines Committee has developed up- Medicaid Services (CMS) initiated
dated evidence-based, consensus a Medicare pay-for-performance
recommendations for the manage- program, the Physicians’ Quality
ment of hip and knee OA. This Reporting Initiative (PQRI) in July
committee has undertaken a critical 2007, which enables physicians to
appraisal of published guidelines, report on quality measures applicable
and a systematic review of more re- to their practice through the claims
cent evidence on the effectiveness process. To date, although many of
of relevant therapies has been com- the measures are relevant to inter-
pleted. Publication is planned for nal medicine, none relate to OA.
late 2007. Expansion of the list of quality
measures is expected, and given the
The MOVE Consensus developed high prevalence of OA, it is likely
and published evidence-based to include OA-related care meas-
recommendations on the role of ures in the future.

in the clinic
in the clinic Osteoarthritis module in PIER, an electronic decision support resource
designed for rapid access to information at the point of care.

Tool Kit

The role of exercise in arthritis. Complete resource on management of
arthritis including weight control, nutrition, exercise, pain management,
Osteoarthritis complementary and alternative therapies and rehabilitation.
Exercises including video on range-of-motion exercises.
Strength training for older adults developed by Tufts University and
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Twenty specific low-impact exercises with video demonstration
designed for the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine.

© 2007 American College of Physicians ITC8-14 In the Clinic Annals of Internal Medicine 7 August 2007
Annals of Internal Medicine

O steoarthritis causes pain, swelling, and difficulty moving, especially

in the knees, hips, and hands. Exercise and keeping your weight
down are as important as medication in treating osteoarthritis.

Web Sites with Good Information

about Osteoarthritis
The Arthritis Foundation
National Institute of Arthritis and
Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
Arthritis Research Campaign (UK)
American College of Rheumatology
Arthritis Research Campaign

Patient Information
Osteoarthritis makes your joints hurt and swell. It can make it hard to move around and do the
things you want to do.
What You Can Do: Things to Ask your Doctor:
Keep as active as you can. • Which medicines are best to treat my pain?
If you are too heavy, try to lose weight. Ask
your doctor for help. • Are there side effects? If so, what are they?
Do the exercises you and your doctor agree are
right for you. Go to physical therapy if you • What do I do if my medicines stop
need to. working?
Use canes, braces, and other aids to make it
easier to get around. • Will shots into my joints help?
Call your doctor if you have fever; red, hot, or
swollen joints; more pain than usual; falls. • Will I need surgery on my joints?

*HEALTH TiPS are developed by the American College of Physicians Foundation and PIER
CME Questions
1. A 60-year-old woman is evaluated 3. A 68-year-old man is evaluated because metacarpophalangeal, and proximal in-
because of a 1-year history of bilateral of increasing pain in the second and terphalangeal joints. On musculoskeletal
knee pain and low back pain. She has third metacarpophalangeal joints of examination, range of motion of the
some stiffness for approximately 15 both hands. He has had osteoarthritis right hip elicits pain and flexion is
minutes when she awakens in the morn- for many years and has had arthroplasty/ limited to 85 degrees. Internal rotation
ing. The pain becomes worse in the after- joint replacement of both shoulders, the of the right hip also is markedly limited
noon. As she describes her pain, she slides left knee, and right ankle. Other comor- and painful.
her hand down the anterior thigh to her bid conditions include insulin-dependent Laboratory findings are as follows:
knee on the right to show where the pain diabetes mellitus, intractable erectile
Hemoglobin 11.5 g/dL (115 g/L)
is most severe. dysfunction, and slowly progressive
Leukocyte count 8,700/µL (8.7 5 109/L)
On physical examination, she has slight congestive heart failure.
Platelet count 350,000/µL (350 5
swelling and tenderness to pressure of On physical examination he is found to 109/L)
the distal interphalangeal joints 2–5 on have hard exostoses around all meta- Erythrocyte 25 mm/h
both hands. All of the joints are brought carpophalangeal joints, without soft tis- sedimentation
through full range of motion without sue swelling, and limited motion of the rate
pain. There is slight crepitus with motion joints on which he had surgery. Abnor- C-reactive 1.5 mg/dL (15 mg/L)
of the right knee. malities include bilateral cataracts, protein

Which of the following is the most likely tachycardia, intermittent third heart Aspiration of the right hip joint guided
diagnosis? sound, and a slightly enlarged liver by ultrasonography yields 1 cc of clear
without hepatojugular reflux. fluid with a leukocyte count of 1200/µL
A. Rheumatoid arthritis (1.2 ✕ 109/L) (60% mononuclear cells).
B. Psoriatic arthritis Which one of the following tests should
C. OA be performed? Which of the following is the most likely
D. Ankylosing spondylitis A. Serum iron and iron-binding cause of this patient's hip pain?
E. Osteonecrosis of the femoral capacity A. Osteonecrosis
condyle B. Serum rheumatoid factor and flu- B. Hip fracture
orescent antinuclear antibody C. Secondary osteoarthritis
2. A 72-year-old retired lawyer is evaluat- C. Radiographs of both shoulders D. Septic arthritis
ed because of swelling of his right knee. D. Thallium stress test
He has mild OA and stays active swim- E. Serum free testosterone and thy- 5. A 53-year-old woman is evaluated for a
ming and playing tennis and golf. roid function tests 3-day history of swelling of the right
On physical examination, he has effu- knee. Her pain is exacerbated with
sion in the right knee. The right thigh is 4. A 45-year-old woman with an 18-year weight bearing and initiation of move-
4 cm smaller in diameter than the left history of rheumatoid arthritis is evalu- ment after inactivity. She does not
at a point in the middle (measured from ated for increasingly severe right groin have fever.
the superior border of the patella). There pain of 6 months' duration. Her pain Musculoskeletal examination reveals
is crepitus with right knee flexion. The awakens her at night and causes signifi- bony hypertrophy, and the right knee
knee is not warm. cant difficulty in walking. On initial has medial joint-line tenderness and a
diagnosis of her rheumatoid arthritis, large joint effusion. Arthrocentesis is
Which of the following is the best next she was rheumatoid factor and
step in the management of this patient? performed. Synovial fluid is clear and
anti–cyclic citrullinated peptide anti- viscous with a leukocyte count of
A. Order radiographs of both knees and body positive. For the past 5 years, her 1100/µL (1.1 × 109/L) with 30%
treat the patient with ibuprofen. only medications have been methotrex- neutrophils.
B. Order radiographs of the right hip ate and infliximab, which have signifi-
and right knee. cantly alleviated her inflammation and Which of the following is the most likely
C. Aspirate the joint fluid in the right improved her function and limited the diagnosis?
knee and refer the patient for progression of visible joint damage in A. OA
physical therapy. her hands and wrists. B. Gout
D. Aspirate the joint fluid in the right On physical examination, temperature is C. Septic arthritis
knee and obtain blood cultures. 37° C (98.6° F). She has an obvious right D. Calcium pyrophosphate deposition
E. Treat the patient with celecoxib, leg limp. There are moderately severe disease
and advise him to stay off his feet rheumatoid deformities of the wrist,
for 48 hours.

Questions are largely from the ACP’s Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program (MKSAP). Go to
to obtain up to 1.5 CME credits, to view explanations for correct answers, or to purchase the complete MKSAP program.

© 2007 American College of Physicians ITC8-16 In the Clinic Annals of Internal Medicine 7 August 2007

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