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If your Hearthguard are equipped with javelins, your Levies

must also be equipped with javelins.

*Savagery: The Gall-Gaedhil unit may not be activated if another
friendly unit has already been activated during the current activation
phase. Their activations are always free, but they cannot rest unless
exhausted. They can never close ranks. If one of their activations is
cancelled (for any reason, including a failed charge), they may not be
activated any more during the current turn.

After both units have rolled their attack dice, the Gall-Gaedhil inflict a
number of automatic hits on the enemy unit equal to half the number of
hits that have been inflicted on them. The number of hits so inflicted may
not exceed half the number of Gall-Gaedhil figures in the unit.
This unit is made up of 8 Warriors. These Warriors have an Armour
of 5 against both melee and shooting. Their movement and charge
distances are S, both in open ground and in difficult terrain. In
addition, Flemish Mercenaries can only be activated once per turn
by their owner.
Controller's turn only
* Great Deeds
As long as the Warlord has the Wandering Bard in line of sight, he
gains the following benefits:
• His Charge activations are free.
• His Aggression is increased by +2.
• He benefits from Resilience (2) instead of Resilience (1).

friendly or enemy

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