Challenges For Human Resource Managers

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Human Resource Management

Unit 1 Perspectives in Human Resource Management

Challenges for Human Resource Managers:
Managing Human Resources in an organization has
never been an easy task.
In the past few years, challenges of HRM have only
grown with the rapid growth of technology, the fast-paced
software updates and remote working has made HR
management even more challenging.
For an effective HR management system, the
challenge of HRM is to make sure that the time, money, and
resources of the organization are well-spent.
Furthermore, they make sure that employees have
the required resources to perform their best and reach their
highest productivity levels.
Human Resource Management
Unit 1 Perspectives in Human Resource Management
Challenges for Human Resource Managers:
1. Attracting Top Talent
As the demand for highly trained professionals at the
‘top of their game’ grows, it becomes a challenge for HR
managers to attract the best talents.
Managers should pay attention to how well an
employee fits into the organization; along with the job role.
Factors like an employee’s dedication, work ethic, and fit in
your company are more crucial than any other skills he/she
might have at present.
Furthermore, one of the challenges of HRM is to
market the company well enough to attract the top talents.
Human Resource Management
Unit 1 Perspectives in Human Resource Management
Challenges for Human Resource Managers:
The Solution For This Challenge of HRM is:

1. Creating videos of employee testimonial of working in the

2. Building a reward system of referrals to encourage
employees to bring in people to the company
3. Building a culture to captivate the top talents which
include showing appreciation, encouraging collaboration,
and practicing transparent leadership.
Human Resource Management
Unit 1 Perspectives in Human Resource Management
Challenges for Human Resource Managers:
2. Embracing Change With An Open Mind

One of the major challenges in HRM is to keep up

with continuous changes in the world Change is the only
constant, however, it is up to the HR managers to embrace
the change, and prepare their employees for the same.
Since HR managers are the strategic resource
planners of the organization they must ensure that the
company doesn’t have a deficit or a surplus of human
Human Resource Management
Unit 1 Perspectives in Human Resource Management
Challenges for Human Resource Managers:
The Solution For This Challenge of HRM is:

1. Having open, clear, as well as honest communication with

2. Ensure that the employees are well equipped with the
skills and resources to deal with the change. When
employees feel secure and capable, the outcome is more
likely to be positive.
3. Be a part of the high-level meetings to learn about the
future requirements of the company.
Human Resource Management
Unit 1 Perspectives in Human Resource Management
Challenges for Human Resource Managers:
3. Developing The Leaders of Tomorrow
HR Managers constantly face the challenge of
mentoring and developing the future pillars of an
organization. This is one of the trickier challenges HR
Managers face because a lot of employees have a poor
relationship with their managers.
However, developing your employees for better roles
helps you save the costs of recruiting and training a new
Furthermore, an employee that has grown within the
company has grassroots knowledge. While there isn’t a one
size fits all solution here, HR managers can take steps to
develop employees into leaders of tomorrow.
Human Resource Management
Unit 1 Perspectives in Human Resource Management
Challenges for Human Resource Managers:
The Solution For This Challenge of HRM is:

1. Managers can work on this by providing specific training

sessions to talented individuals.
2. Show employees a clear progression path ahead of them,
this will increase the likelihood of them staying in an
3. Develop interpersonal skills.
4. Give the employee opportunities to lead and present to
the team.
Human Resource Management
Unit 1 Perspectives in Human Resource Management
Challenges for Human Resource Managers:
4. Building a Culture of Continuous Learning

Learning is a key factor in any organization. Upskilling

employees help a company to gain an edge in the market
however, it is a difficult challenge in HRM.
Managers should ensure that the skills gained by a set
of employees serve to enhance their job roles.
If the workplace has a culture of learning and
developing oneself this will ensure that every employee
grows with every passing year.
Human Resource Management
Unit 1 Perspectives in Human Resource Management
Challenges for Human Resource Managers:
The Solution For This Challenge of HRM is:

1. Create a growth mindset where employees are willing to

take feedback to learn and grow.
2. Teach managers how to give great feedback. What points
should be covered, how to make it objective, and how to
make it easier for the receiver to receive it.
3. Set learning goals within teams. Set targets for employees
to learn a certain skill or a piece of technology every month.
4. HR managers can also use online learning, gamified
learning, and microlearning.
Human Resource Management
Unit 1 Perspectives in Human Resource Management
Challenges for Human Resource Managers:
5. Building a Diverse Team
As connectivity improves, the world becomes a
smaller place. One of the HR challenges now faces is the
challenge of managing a workforce with diverse
backgrounds, ideas, and experiences.
Also, This challenge of HRM comes with the
responsibility to build a corporate work environment that’s
welcoming for everyone.
Building an inclusive team doesn’t just bring fresh
perspectives into the company but also builds a chain of a
diverse network. If different voices are heard in your
organization, the company will be more innovative and more
sensitized to cultures.
Human Resource Management
Unit 1 Perspectives in Human Resource Management
Challenges for Human Resource Managers:
The Solution For This Challenge of HRM is:

1. Conduct cultural awareness activities to help employees

understand new and diverse backgrounds.
2. Team building activities will also enable the entire
workforce to work as one team on common objectives.
3. Educate your leaders to be open-minded and inclusive.
4. Celebrate cultural diversity.
5. Encourage culturally diverse hires.
Human Resource Management
Unit 1 Perspectives in Human Resource Management
Challenges for Human Resource Managers:
6. Looking After Health & Safety
Maintaining health and safety standards ranks very
high on any HR Managers priority list.
The general well-being of employees is what keeps an
organization running and growing.
Along with physical well-being, HR professionals must
also closely monitor the workload and stress levels of
employees in an organization.
A sustained period of high stress and anxiety is a
cause of concern for the workforce.
Human Resource Management
Unit 1 Perspectives in Human Resource Management
Challenges for Human Resource Managers:
The Solution For This Challenge of HRM is:

1. Build a system where work is divided equally amongst the

2. Managers should be trained to increase their emotional
quotient to help employees better.
3. Employees should be trained to manage stress better with
relaxation techniques.
Human Resource Management
Unit 1 Perspectives in Human Resource Management
Challenges for Human Resource Managers:
7. Managing The Turnover Rates

One of the largest challenges of HRM is the challenge

of reducing the turnover rates in an organization. One
solution to this is to create a quality employee experience.
High turnover rates in any organization lead to an
increase in cost and use of resources.
Apart from the cost, high turnover rates can also
affect the morale of employees in an organization.
Understanding the problems of employees can play a major
role in reducing turnover rates.
Human Resource Management
Unit 1 Perspectives in Human Resource Management
Challenges for Human Resource Managers:
The Solution For This Challenge of HRM is:

1. Always conduct exit interviews to truly understand the

reason an employee is leaving the company.
2. Select the right candidate for the job
3. Training as well as the development of employee
4. Be friendly with the employees
5. Think if flexible work hours would work for your company
Human Resource Management
Unit 1 Perspectives in Human Resource Management
Challenges for Human Resource Managers:
8. Globalization

HR managers often deal with teams and workforces

in geographically distributed areas. A company’s customer
demographic is also more diverse.
HR managers are tasked with devising new plans and
strategies to build an inclusive workforce that leverages the
technology of the 21st century.
It might be difficult to have the same effect virtually
on an employee however, there is software that can help you
build a work culture online.
Human Resource Management
Unit 1 Perspectives in Human Resource Management
Challenges for Human Resource Managers:
The Solution For This Challenge of HRM is:

1. Ensure the correct systems are present for better

2. Make sure that employees know where to connect in case
they need any help
3. Be accepting of diverse cultures and languages
Human Resource Management
Unit 1 Perspectives in Human Resource Management
Challenges for Human Resource Managers:
9. Compliance with Laws and Regulation

Many HR professionals struggle with keeping track of

laws as well as regulations applicable to the company. Also,
this one of the crucial challenges in HRM.
Not having the correct policies in place can affect the
company’s growth and resources. Failure to have the right
policies might lead to lawsuits, fines, or even closure of the
company at times.
As well as HR professionals should always stay
updated with the changes in regulations ranging from labor
laws, working conditions to CSR.
Human Resource Management
Unit 1 Perspectives in Human Resource Management
Challenges for Human Resource Managers:
10. Retaining Top Talent

Retaining top talent is a challenge of HRM that truly

affects the organization. Not only nurture but also retain the
top talent is important in the organization.
A high turnover rate is not only bad news for any
company but also it costs resources and adds pressure to the
top management.
Without the top talents working for your
organization, it will be difficult to truly build a company that
lasts. Without a steady set of leaders, an organization will
suffer greatly.
Human Resource Management
Unit 1 Perspectives in Human Resource Management
Challenges for Human Resource Managers:
The Solution For This Challenge of HRM is:

1. HR professionals can make sure that each employee feels

recognized, and also, motivated & engaged.
2. A favorable work environment will help retain talented
3. Also, Invest in the right technology pieces and hardware
for employees
4. Offer opportunities to develop further

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