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NAME: Christy Shealtiel V. Gupeteo Day/time of P.




1.Mention at least three titles of the song composed today that might let you
dance? What made you dance to this music?

The three songs that I will pick Love dive by Ive. Zoom by Jessi, and Tomboy by
GIDLE. These three are all kpop songs the reason why I always dance to these
songs is the beats. The beats just make every bone in my body active; I am not
really a fan of melodic songs when it come to dancing any contemporary pieces is
not my type. But that does not mean I cannot dance to those type of music I can,
but I prefer loud beats with a unique base line. It just energizes my body especially
if I feel really down listening to these songs uplifts my mood.

2. Do you think dancing can be enjoyable if all of your friends will be part of the
Dance? What makes them fun to be with while dancing?

Yes, dancing in general is at the most enjoyable when shared with others, we all
know dances with one or two persons usually projects dramatic moves and uses
mellow music. With a lot of people especially your friends it is exciting and
enjoyable. What make it fun is the bond and connection you’ll make while dancing
which is very foreign to some especially to the ones who do not dance, it’s an
indescribable feeling.

3. How will you convince your parents, siblings, and relatives to dance with you?
Will that be possible?
Yes, it is possible, for me I just play their favorite song and they will definitely dance
to it. Since we all do Zumba dances since the start of quarantine it became a daily
routine for us to gather at our living room and dance but of course not everyone in
our house since my grandfather is not really the type to join so he just watches us,
hopefully someday he’ll join us.

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