Dynamic Modelling of Converters

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Dynamic Modelling of Converters

➢ Power converters invariably require a feedback to

regulate the output voltage, regardless of changes
to Vin, load and other circuit parameters.
➢ With change in Vin or R the control loop varies the
duty cycle (d) such that the Vo = Vref.
➢ In inverter Vref = Vsinωt and the control loop
makes the output follow this reference.
➢ Our task now is to design the control loop such that
it makes the output follow a certain reference.
➢ What do we need to design the control loop?
What is the model of a converter?
➢ Fundamentally, model is the representation of
physical phenomena by mathematical means.
➢ In our case we are trying to see the response of
𝑉෡ (𝑠)
different sine wave at d on the output [= ෠𝑜 ]

= , 𝑖𝑓 𝐺𝐻 ≫> 1
𝑉𝑟𝑒𝑓 1 + 𝐺𝐻
≈ 1 → 𝑉𝑜 = 𝑉𝑟𝑒𝑓

• model of the plant(in our case 𝑑෠𝑜)
• Based on this info, the compensator
can be designed
➢ 𝜔𝑚 = the injected sinewave→we are
interested in the response of the output to this
➢ 𝜔𝑠 = switching frequency ( must be much
higher than the modulation frequency).
How to model a converter?

If D = constant
𝑥 0 = 𝑥 𝑇𝑠 →this is the definition of the
steady state
If D = Dm sinωt
𝑥 0 ≠ 𝑥 𝑇𝑠
➢Stability Analysis
1. Small Signal
2. Large Signal
3. Dynamic
Dynamic modelling of Buck converter
State Space Averaging
Dynamic modelling of Boost converter
Compensator Design
1. Draw the Bode Plot from the obtained plant transfer function, e.g. control-to-output
෡𝑜 (𝑠)
transfer function [෠ ] .
2. From the Bode Plot of the, status of the plant, i.e., steady state error, information about
the stability, and bandwidth is obtained.
3. Now as per the application requirement, additional poles, zeros, and dc gain need to be
added. These additional poles, zeros, and dc gain give the transfer function of the
4. Once the transfer function of the controller is achieved, it is synthesized in the circuit
form to get the circuit diagram of the controller.
5. It has been observed that there are three types of compensators (Type 1, Type 2, and
Type 3) that covers the entire range of the controllers from circuit view point.
Compensator Design
Compensator Design
Three types of compensators are used
➢ Type 1 compensator
➢ Type 2 compensator
➢ Type 3 compensator
Type 1 compensator

➢ Similar to a PI lag compensator with no inverted zero

➢ As dc gain≅ ∞ the loop gain at low frequency becomes very high leading to
𝑉0 = 𝑉𝑟𝑒𝑓 @ low frequency
Type 2 compensator

➢ Similar to PI with no high frequency pole(𝜔𝑝 )

➢ Dc gain = ∞ => 𝑉0 = 𝑉𝑟𝑒𝑓 @ DC or quasi DC
Type 3 compensator
Voltage Mode vs Current Mode Control

Voltage Mode Control Current Mode Control

Current Mode Control

➢Fixed Frequency Control

➢ Peak Current Mode Control
➢Valley Current Mode Control
➢Emulated Current Mode Control
➢Average Current Mode Control

➢ Variable Frequency Control

➢ Hysteretic Current Mode Control
Peak current mode control(PCMC)
➢ It is a fixed-frequency current mode scheme. It
sense the peak inductor current information when
the power switch is on, then uses it to turn off the
➢ Subharmonic oscillations at duty higher than 50%
➢ It has minimum on time limitation due to the time
delay, required to properly sense the peak current.
➢ This limit the minimum output voltage that
converter can generate at a given input voltage
and switching frequency.
Valley current mode control
➢ It senses the valley inductor current information when
the power switch is off, then uses it to turn on the
➢ It suffers from sub-harmonic oscillation at duty cycle
lower than 50%
➢ VCMV has a slower response to sudden input voltage
changes when compared to PCMC.
Emulated current mode control
➢ It combines the VCMV’s ability to operate very low
duty cycles with the PCMC’s quick response to
sudden line/load changes.
➢ ECMC samples the valley inductor current
information then uses it to emulate the inductor
current up slope.
➢ This emulated inductor current provides the peak
inductor current information needed to turn the
power switch off.
➢ ECMC suffers from sub-harmonic oscillation and it
would require a compensation ramp which has a
slope greater than half of the sum of the inductor up-
slope and down-slope to damp this oscillation.
Average Current Mode Control

➢ Good dynamic response. IL


➢Easy to implement
Hysteretic current mode control(HCMC)
➢ HCMC senses the valley as well the peak inductor
current information the uses it to turn the power
switch on and off.
➢ It doesn’t suffers from sub-harmonic oscillation or
minimum/maximum duty cycle limitations.
➢ The frequency of a power converter which utilizes
HCMC may vary significantly as both the load
current and the input voltage change. That limits its
use to certain applications.
Current mode control of SMPS

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