Essay 2

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Jarrod Mays Mays 1

ENG 1201-515

Prof. Reynolds


            When analyzing the song “Nothing Else Matters”, there are different ways to take the

song. With the original song being famously written by Metallica, their spin on words is a lot

different than Chris Stapleton’s version of the song. But, both songs may be talking about

different things, they are still coming across the same point and showing how much their other

is important to them. This is what is awesome about listening to artists do covers of songs.

These writers put their own spin on original songs without changing the words, but have

completely different intents behind them. The intentions that Metallica’s version was too

show the love and compassion of their fans. While, Chris Stapleton’s version was more godly,

it had a bigger meaning through the words and was very powerful.

With that said, the original song was written to show appreciation to one another. With

the original version talking about the way the lead singer felt about his girlfriend how this can

be turned around to how the fans of Metallica made the band feel. The scenery or background

of the music video just showed how happy the band was to write these songs. The band was

smiling and joking around while writing a song with such a large and heartfelt meaning

behind it. This song was not written by just words they put together, it was written to express

their appreciation to their loyal fans and show them how much they truly have done to change

their lives, while they change the fans lives.

Chris Stapleton’s cover of the song had his own twist to it. While he used and sang the

same song with all the same lyrics, he was able to reach another kind of audience. This song
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showed Chris’ appreciation of the Lord. It expressed his love and devotion to his faith

“because in the end, nothing else matters.” The scenery of this music cover was the amazing

sights of the wilderness, the perfect sunsets, and other perfect sights that only God could

create. Chris was able to show a side of himself that he normally doesn’t show in his regular,

burly western songs.

Both songs reach different audiences. Metallica’s song reaches fans of their music and

people who can relate to the feelings the lead singer has for his girlfriend. While, in the cover

Chris made of the song, he reaches an audience that is more religious than others. He is able

to reach believers in life after death and expresses that if all in your life goes wrong, at the end

of the day Christ will still love and care for you. With the song Chris covers, he expresses this

feeling of safeness and calmness by all of the amazing sceneries of the world. All of these

unbelievable sights couldn’t be achieved without the work of God. His cover of the song

allows for people to believers in Christ. People can see whatever all believers see.

In these songs the artists use different rhetorical appeals to get their point across. The

original song “Nothing Else Matters” by Metallica, uses the rhetorical appeals of Pathos.

There is no logistical evidence and there is no factual evidence. There is reasoning within, but

it is all opinionated on how people’s emotions feel. The band is able to allow for the fans to

feel the joy and passion of their songs in their everyday lives. In the cover, Chris Stapleton

sings the exact same song, but with a different feeling. The feeling of faith. Chris is able to

turn the song into a religious feel with the breath-taking sights that only God could create.

Chris uses Pathos because he uses no statistics or evidence. He only shows these great

creations and what they mean to him. His beliefs are opinionated but may sway non-religious

people to consider seeking out the Lord because it has done great things for Chris.”
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In conclusion, both of the versions of the song “Nothing Else Matters” can be sang

with the exact same words but have completely different feels. These versions of the songs

show how people can be different through anything. People take things differently and with

the song by Metallica being as popular as it is, Chris’ song is so heartwarming and makes

people truly think about what they want in life and what truly matters.

Works Cited:

Metallica's original song:

            YouTube, Metallica, “Nothing Else Matters” 2/25/92  Metallica's original song.

 Chris Stapleton's Cover:

            YouTube, Chris Stapleton, “Nothing Else Matters” 8/12/21  .

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