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Mystery story

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This is a true story narrated by my father.

Once my father told me that the town where he was born and grew up had many witches

and many ghosts came out and that when he was young he liked to go out on horseback to

parties in neighboring towns, on one of those many occasions he had warned him,

grandfather, to be very careful because it was known that a large and very poisonous snake

used to prowl the roads along which people usually passed from one town to another and

that it slept in the cattle pastures, the place where my father lived was from many swamps

and sometimes he had to skirt paths to avoid the floodwaters and mudflats.

One day my father and a cousin of his decision to go to a party that was just 30 minutes

from the town, my father rode his horse and the cousin secretly took a donkey that my

father's grandfather considered very good for work and which did not allow anyone to

mount it, however, he did and they left for the party at about 6 in the afternoon, when it was

midnight my father decided to return home because he was bored at the party, and told him

to his cousin to return, but he did not want to, so my father returned alone.
He said that that night the moon was quite clear and the road was illuminated, when

suddenly he heard a very sharp and distant whistle or whistle, it is said that when it is heard

far away it is because a witch is near and that when it is heard close it is because it is far

away, for which he hastened his pace, but once again he heard the whistle, until the horse

he was riding was scared, he remembered that his grandfather once told him; that if a witch

whistled at him or it was because she was in love or because she warned him of some

danger and he then remembered what they had told him about the snake, and decided to

speak to the witch saying "accompany me on my way so that I don't find a single snake on

it." cockroach that bothers me”, once he said this the witch whistled again and my father

continued on his way, when he approached a path the witch desperately began to whistle

making the horse go back, and my father understood that he should not continue there and

took an alternate path.

So he got to the door of the farm where he lived, and when he was going to go in he tried to

open it but it came back violently, he tried one more time to open it and he couldn't because

the door closed again and he thought why would this be? Looking up at the sky, he saw a

very large bird pass by that perched on the top of a tree and the horse was scared again,

then he remembered that he had asked the witch to accompany him and that she would not

leave without him thanking her for which he had to say goodbye to, and he said a few

words for her to leave, he said, "Thank you for accompanying me all the way without

anything happening to me, you who go out without God and without Saint Mary, come

back in the morning for a cup of coffee" and immediately my father managed to cross the

gate and reach the house.

In the morning my father woke up to the enraged cries of the grandfather who scolded the

cousin because he returned shortly after my father and the donkey on which he came was

killed by the snake just where the witch had prevented my father from passing, and the

grandfather more than upset about the death of the animal, he was upset because something

serious could have happened to them.

I asked my father if the witch had gone for the cup of coffee and he replied that in the

morning a lady known to them had come to drink coffee and that when she saw him she

just smiled at him and left.


By: Karin Yolany Muñoz López

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