Notebook 12

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Throughout this class I had the opportunity to write various notebooks that went along

with the topic of gun control and gun rights. The notebook that caused me to learn the most and

think differently about my project was when I went to a shooting range and observed what goes

there and how people act there. There are many things that you can learn from research but the

opportunity to do this really made the topic go from an issue that everyone talks about to

something that happens around me in my daily life and how various gun laws affect everyday


The notebook entry that I thought was the most fun was an activity where I created a

playlist based on my issue. I really enjoyed going through my songs and pondering how these

could go along with the issue. I also enjoyed finding new and different songs that I had never

heard before.

The notebook that I felt really demonstrated my best writing and is one of my favorites is

one in which I got to write all about my personal ethic. I am proud of the writing that I did with

this piece as well as getting to express, share and think about what things are the most important

to me as far as my personal ethic goes.

An activity that I would like to do again is one where I compared what I had known about

my overall topic and issue to what I know now. I think that if I were to do this again now I would

have learned more and my personal growth would have been seen more. I also think that my

writing could have been less rushed throughout this piece.

I would say that throughout writing these notebooks throughout the semester I have

learned to think more critically as far as my writing goes and not just write the first thing that I

think of. I learned the importance of reading through your work and how fixing small mistakes

can make a big difference. I would say however the biggest thing that I have learned from
writing these notebooks would be that there are so many different ways to write. These can all do

different things, show your different emotions and make different changes and this kind of thing

is important in the writing process.

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