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Brand Story

Owned Media Assignment #1

Comm 382
Ben Wendorf, Byron Garcia, Jaeden Langenberg

Where it All Began

While some of the things we do here at HEA may seem heroic, the people who lead us do
not have superpowers. In fact, the selfless individuals that work for us are likely your friends and
neighbors. As a 501c3 non-profit, we are built on the values of community and togetherness to
reach our goals. Our courageous founder shared these same values alongside a strong desire to
help every animal they could.
Joe Robinson grew up in a small town in northern Wisconsin, where family and friends
were extra important. From a young age, he had an undeniable love for animals and pets. That
love grew to new heights when he began helping at
his local animal shelter at age 15. Working
alongside the members of his small community,
Joe helped provide care for animals that were left
uncared for. When Joe moved to the Green Bay
Area in 2006, he sought to create similar change in
his new community. After discussing his ideas
with members of the community, he soon realized
the people in his new city shared similar core
values. HEA was founded then and there, in hopes to
continue helping animals in need. (Joe and a rescue dog in 2000)
When Joe first began his journey at HEA, things didn’t always come easy. Beginning the
organization in a small, run-down shop, Joe was delt some difficult cards including almost going
bankrupt. However, his strong will and desire to create change kept him going. After word about
HEA finally began to spread, selfless members of the Green Bay community started to offer their
time and effort. It was this sense of togetherness that fueled HEA and its workers in its early
Now years later, HEA still runs on the values it originated with and the unbelievable
people of our community. Every hard-working individual within our organization understands
the importance of small-town environments and just how big of an impact they have on every
animal within the shelter. Created to help animals, HEA continues its journey as a non-profit,
focusing the attention fully on the animals
instead of our own benefit. Moving
forward, we are constantly looking for new
ways to help our furry friends. No matter
what our future holds, one thing is certain;
everything we do as an organization will
be centered around our unrelenting love for
animals and the importance of togetherness
in a community!

(Our first volunteers in 2006)

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