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Eur 1 Appl Physiol (1994) 69:271-273 Short communication Saae App! ied Physiology ‘snd Occupational S'Sprngervenag Toe Times to exhaustion at 100% of velocity at VOrmax and modelling of the time-limit / velocity relationship in elite long-distance runners Veronique Billat’, Jean C. Renoux', Jacques Pinoteau’, Bernard Petit”, Jean P. Koralsztein” * Laboratoire ST.APS. Université Pars XII, 61, Avenue du Général de Gaulle, F-54010 Créteil cede, France + Centre de Medecine du Sport CCAS., 2 Avenue Richerand, F-75010 Paris, France ‘Accepted: 10 August 1998 Abstract. The aim of this study was to measure running times to exhaustion (Tlim) on a treadmill at 100% of the minimum velocity which elicits VOanax (YO2mas in 38 elite male long - distance runners (VOpmax = 71.4% 5.5™! min"! and WO2m = 21.8 £1.2 kmbe!), The lactate threshold (LT) was defined as a starting point of accelerated lactate accumulation around 4 mM and was expressed in %VOzmx. Tlim value was negatively correlated with WO2max (r= -0.362, p< 0.05) and VOzmex (¢ = -0.347, p< 0.05) but positively with LT (%WOrmax) (6 = 0.378, p < 0.05). These data demonstrate that running time to exhaustion at WO2mas in a homogeneous group of elite male long-distance runners was inversely related to WOnmes and experimentally illustrates the model of Monod and Scherrer regarding the time limit-velocity telationship adapted from local exercise for running by Hughson et al. (1984) . Key words: Exercise time to exhaustion - VOzmax - lactate threshold - modelling . Introduction Performance index of long and middle distance running can be represented by the time taken to cover a distance : this is the reason why speed has to be maintained at a maximum . For every running speed, an athlete is able 10 sustain a running time which we shall call "Time Limit" . Since Hill in 1927, numerous authors have been interested in the relationship between power and duration in either hyperbolic or exponential form (see e.g. Monod and Scherrer 1965, Peronnet and Thibault 1987). This study ‘examines the position of a point in the “velocity to time” relationship: the velocity at VOzmax (WOamex) and its time limit (Tlimy; WOames is defined as the minimum velocity requiring VOane. Therefore, direct measurements of time to exhaustion at or near VVO2mex indicate that the average Tlim at VOomex ranges between 2 min 30s and 10 min Gillat et a. 1994). In a recent study the reproducibility of Tlim at WO2mex on a treadmill has been established, despite a high coefficient of variation among sub-elite Jong-istance runners (Billat et al. 1994) . Moreover, the specific aim of this study is to examine in thirty-eight elite ‘male long-distance runners the relationship of Tlim among VOzmes and other important bioenergetic characteristics for long-distance running performance ie: ~ the lactate threshold (LT) (Aunola and Rusko 1984); - the running economy (RE) expressed as the ‘oxygen cost of running at a submaximal velocity (¢.g., 16 km.h") in"!.km™! (di Prampero 1986) ; = the predicted running velocity at VO2mex. ‘WOmus being the arithmetical ratio between VO2mes and running economy (di Prampero 1986); Methods Subject. “Ther age, body mass and height were 27+ 3 years (mean: SD), 68.6 -£5.8 kg and 178+ 5 om, The nner had a reach national level on an ‘alfrntatbon (2.1 fn) ce snc thei average runing velocdy Was 182 LOkmAT. The subject gave thet writen informed consent to inthe ndy according to the French Nasonal Commitee for Gina Resewch. Experimental protocol WOrmar WOrmax, snd Lactate Uheshold (LT) were measured Preliminary tos tuion sing progresive exercise protocol on # readmill Gyrrol 180), At the begining ped wat stat 12k (0% slog) and was increased by 2 km. every 3 min wp 0 BM ofthe ‘ynne/s ped ina Sk race md by Yt eer I heat Solr of Fe woul ings od sme was caged sed analy for nc coscatrton elon Spgs Anayecn tal 2 “The time 10 exhaustion st WOrmex (Thm) war then measured on & treadmill one week Iter» Following « Simin warm-up pesiod at 6O% WOamer, the speed was quickly increased (less than 20 3) ep 10 ‘wWOrme. Then, the subject was verbally encouraged to fun 10 Enpan What ta Ciny ae Ms menor “Sisteas Siete ot cl Ste PO inn ot test The criteria used for Ozman were: 8 Se Der Come ay ceding me ove Pi HR over 90 % of the predicted maximal HR. W/Ormex was the lowest velocity which elicited a ¥Oz valve oqal 10 VOzmax, Fo the ‘termination of the LT, the relationship between blood lactate St tn sk ‘~/Ormay(Aunola and Rasko 194). Rung ecmomy (RE) wat. - capressed asthe oxygen cost of raming a 16 Km in kg"! oie a 1985) lye wvengeveloses rustined over. km wer expe in tan ceva cy m SLi, Das ae endo mena sada devin, Meng srer compare ung Suen text for pred datas ‘SoafideneConeaios benweea blocnergae chases were Setermined using Pesraon product moment correlation coefficient ‘The significance level war tt 0.05, RESULTS VOrmex and WOrmex mean values (and coefficient of variation in %) were equal to 71.4 + 5.5"!.min“! (17%), 21.84 1.2 kms! (5.3%), respectively. Time to exhaustion at WVO2msx mean values and ‘coefficient of variation (CV) were equal to 360+ 107 s (6 min + 1 min 47 s) (CV = 29.9%). Distance limit performed at WO2mes was equal to 2163.75 621.2 m (CV = 28.7%). Lactate threshold (LT) was equal to TIA £ 6.8 %WOrms (CV = 8.8%) and running ‘economy was equal to 197+ 13 mLkg”!.km“! (CV = 6.7%). Tlim values were correlated negatively with WO (P= -0.362, p< 0.05) (fig 1a), with VOamex (= - 0.347, p< 0.05) (fig 1b.) and positively with LT (r= 0.378, p< 0.05) (fig Ic.). There was no significant correlation between RE and Tlim (c= - 0.153) DISCUSSION ‘The measured values of Tlim are closed to the ones reported in previous studies (Billat etal. 1994). These data demonstrate that running times to exhaustion (Tlim) at vVOznes in a homogeneous elite male long-distance runners group is inversely related to ‘WOoee, VOames and positively to lactate threshold ‘expressed in fraction (%) of WOamex. Billat et al. (1994) have shown in a homogeneous sub- lite male long-distance runners group, that Tlim at WOrmes was not related to VOame and WOames bat was related to the speed over 21.1 km and to the lactate threshold (LT expressed in %VOzmex and in km.h"!), ‘And so, the subjects capable of sustaining their VWO2mex for a longer period of time are also those who display & ‘marked increased in laciale concentration ata later stage of a progressive exercise test and those who run faster a 21.1 kam race. ‘This study confirms the fact that the runners who ‘obtain the highest maximal aerobic power outputs are those who shorten their time to exhaustion . In fact, the thirty eight subjects ran at the same relative speed calibrated in % of W/Ozmus but if expressed in absolute ‘terms, it does not represent the same energy uptake . ‘This experimental finding is in accordance with the model of Monod and Scherrer. In this model "P" is the Power output that the runner has to sustain until ‘exhaustion, then can be calculated a work limit (Wlim) and a time limit (Tlim) and set : peMim @ ‘Tim ‘The model of Monod and Scherrer predicts that : (@) y=10887-3446n, r=-0302, POs Tin) oon re wu we WO rma (anh?) (bo) y=86499 65004, r= -0347,P< 005 VOamex (ratmin-leg!) (0) y= 10048 +596204,r= 0378, P-<005 oo) LT (VO rma) Fig. 1 a-c, The relationships among. WO zmassVO2mex, LT and Thm (=38) @ a In this pattern, "b" is the critical speed determined as slope of the relationship between running distance and time to exhaustion (in seconds) and y-intercept “a” of this line has been termed anaerobic running capacity . It follows from Eq, (1) and (2) ‘Wiim =a + bTlim = P.Tim @) hence : Tim = =A @ In this study, P is the power output at VO2mes ie. ‘WOnees and Tlim isthe time to exhaustion at WO2nes. Moreover "t estimated by the fraction of VOzmex at the lactate threshold since the critical speed can be compared with the LT value (Le chevallier etal. 1989). Given that b=F . VOams, © it can be inferred : Tims__a______ © WO rma - F VOrmax where FVOamr is the fraction of VOanex at the lactate threshold . Tn this model, the highest value of time to exhaustion At WOnmex is obtained with a high value of “a” and a low value of "P - b” which here, is the difference between vVOrme and the critical speed. In our experimental approach, according to the model of Monod and Scherrer (Eq. 6). subjects who have the highest time limit values are those who have the lowest wWOrmes - LT difference (or the highest LT value ‘expressed in fraction of vVOames) and therefore the lowest WOnms (km. Further studies will be necessary to elucidate the relationship between time 10 exhaustion at W7Oames and the anaerobic capacity . Acteowledants sa supped by grins rma Caine Gerla ahaa Saaes deste Gs Be Pomc, ‘Ades for siceer ‘Labornie Sciences Techniques det heives Universi Pas ‘XIL,61 Avenue du Général De Cre code, France. References ‘Aumoa S, Rusko H (1984) of serobic and anaerobic ‘treshcid in 20:50 year old men. Bar} Appl Physiol 33: ‘Billa V, Pinoten J, Petit B, Renoux JC, Koralzicin JP (1994) fing ine w exhanon mt /Opegs in ia and Exercise 26:254-25 4 Pampero PE (506) The energy con of amen kxameton on land snd in wate. Ie J Sports Med 7: 35-72 Haghaon RL, Or Ci, Stud LE (1586) i {eet 19 ances endarance raning potential. ‘Lechevalier JM, Vandewalle H, Chatard JC, Moreau A, Gansicu ‘V; Besson F, Monod H (1989) Relaonship between the: ‘mol runing velocity, the tme-distance felationship and the pean Act Pye Baca 9738530 Scherer J (1965) The work of synergy muscolar LS 965) The werk capciy of symery rest mening 1 Spons i Prgms F, Tibo , Rhodes BC McKenzie DC (1987, between ventory dresfol se traion rane Med $c Spons Exerc 6610615 23 Archives Internationales de Physiologie, de Biochimie et de Biophysique, 1994, 102, 215-219 215 Ropu le 24 octobre 1993 Time to exhaustion at VO,max and lactate steady state velocity in sub elite long-distance runners Y. BILLAT (), 0. BERNARD (), J. PINOTEAU (), B. PETIT () and J.P. KORALSZTEIN () () Laboratoire STAPS Universié Paris XII. 61, Avenue du Général de Gaulle, F-94010 Cotte (0) Laboratoire RESACT Sport, Université Joseph Fourier UFR-APS, BP 33X 38041 Grenoble. ‘and () Centre de Medecine du Sport C.C.A.S., 2 Avenue Richerand F-75010 Paris, France| figures) ‘The aim of the present study was to estimate the importance of lactate steady state velocity (WCL) of the running velocity at maximal oxygen uptake (Va max) and its time to exhaustion (Tim), in the performance of a half marathon stated by the velocity over 21.1 km sustained by the runners during 1h 12min + 2 min 27 s. The population consisting of ten sub-elite male Tong distance runners (32 + 4 years old) was homogeneous with regard to their velocities on 21 km (V21=17.5 + 0.88 km.h™, coefficient of variation, CV =5%) and their aerobic max- imal speed (Va max) (21.6 + 1.2 km.h-*, CV 6%). The fractional utilization of YO,max on 21 km was calculated from their own running economy (oxygen consumed per kilo of body mass and kilometer run (194 + 74"'.km™). V21 represented 83 + 5% VO,max (VO,max= 68.1 + 4.1“) and 81 + 3.3% Va max. The velocity corresponding to lactate steady state and called “lactate steady state velocity” (WCL) was measured according to a protocol proposed by CHassain (1986). The subjects ran twenty minutes at a constant velocity representing 70-75% and 85-90% VO,max. Lactatemia was measured at the fifth (Lact 5) and the twentieth minute (Lact 20). Lactate slope was measured for two running velocities in order to determine the velocity (WCL) corresponding to lactate steady state, i.e. the lactate slope is equal to zero. The main results showed that in the small and homogeneous sample of runners studied, WCL (km.h~) was related to V21 (km.h™) (r=0.55, P<0.07); Va max (km.h™' was related to V21 (*) (r=0.732, P<0.05) but time to exhaustion at Va max (6.11 + 2 min01sec) was not related to V2i (km.h~*) (r=0.27). However, Tlim at Va max was related to V21 express- ed in % Va max (r=0.775). Tlim at Va max was also related to WCL expressed in % VO,max (r=0.604) and to WCL expressed in Ye Va max (r=0.629). Tlim at Va max and WCL (express- ed in % VO,max or in Va max) were both endurance indices but at maximal and submaximal intensities, WCL being more specific to half marathon intensity. Key Words : long-distance running; maximal O, uptake; maximal blood lactate steady state. Abbreviations ‘Va max : running velocity at maximal oxygen uptake | HR : heart rate AnT anaerobic threshold MAS — : maximal aerobic speed i¢, minimal speed vo, ‘oxygen uptake which elicits VO,max- : ‘VO,max : maximal oxygen uptake Lact 5 : lactatemia measured. at the fith minute ‘lim; time to exhaustion at Va max Lact 20 : lactatemia measured at the twentieth minute, WCL — : lactate steady state velocity AL/At : differential value of lactic acid blood con- ‘V21 average velocities in half-marathon races centrations versus time @1.1 km) RE: running economy expressed as the oxygen CV = coefficient of variation cost of running (in'*.km") 216 + Introduction Running velocity at maximal oxygen uptake (Va max) seems to be the best predictor of performance in ‘niddle-distance running (Lacour et al., 1991; PaDLLa et al., 1992). WASSERMAN et al. (1973), KINDERMAN ef al. (1979), Daviset al. (1983) and Casozzo et al. (1982) have suggested that the anaerobic threshold (AnT) reflected endurance capacity. Moreover, the onset of blood lactate accumulation and the lactate threshold are defined as the VO; corresponding to a marked ac- celeration in the lactate curve around 3.5 mmol.I* (vom & Tacoss, 1981; AUNOLA & RUSKO, 1984). ‘They are also additional parameters which correlate with long-distance training (Cosrn, 1976; FARREL ef al,, 1979; SsOp0v & SvEDENHAG, 1985). All these pro- ‘cedures consider the kinetics of ventilatory or blood ‘Parameters as blood acid lactic concentrations and their ‘exponential augmentations with increasing intensity. ‘However, the duration and the increments of the stages influence the AnT value (YosmDa, 1984), and the max- imal lactate steady state work load is often ‘overestimated & KoNDERMANN, 1982). Lonpenez & Aues (1975), LAPONTAINE ef ai. (1981) ‘supported the lactate steady-state concept using rec- ‘tangular stages in order to measure it as well as the cor- responding maximal work loads. Moreover, NAGLE ef al. (1970) using three independent stages of 60, 40 and 30 minutes of duration at 70, 80 and 90% VO,max Tespectvely, founda lactate steady state equa 077% Direct measurements of time to exhaustion at Va max (Tlim) (Gueser & Voast, 1973; MACLELLAN & ‘Sxmmer, 1985; Lavomw & Menctr, 1987; Camus ef al., 1988; Houss et al., 1989; McLELLAN & CHEUNG, 1992; Pama et al., 1992; Perrer et al., 1992; PERON- ‘NET et al., 1987; Ramssottom ef al., 1992; BULAT ef al., 1994) indicate that the average time to exhaustion at Va max ranges from 2 min 30s to 10 min 30s. The reproducibility of Tlim at Va max and its relationship with lactate threshold have recently been assessed in sub-clite long distance runners (BULLAT et ai., 1993). ‘The aim of the present study was to estimate the ‘importance of lactate steady state velocity (WCL) and Va max and its time to exhaustion on the performance of a half-marathon defined by the velocity sustained over 21.1 km by these runners. Methods ‘The population consisting of ten sub-clite male long. distance runners (32 + 4 years old) was homogeneous ‘with regard to their average velocities in half-marathon (21) races (17.5 + 0.88 kin.h, CV=5%). ‘The subjects performed three experimental pro- tocols at interval of one week. ‘The subjects gave their written informed consent to participate in the study according to the French Na- tional Commitee for Clinical Research. Experimental protocol Determination of VO; max and Va max ‘VO, max and Va max were measured in a Preliminary test session using a progressive exercise pro- ¥. RILLAT, ©. BERNARD, J. PINOTEAU, B. PETIT AND J.P, KORALSZTEN tocol on a treadmil (Gymro! 1800). The initial speed ‘was set at 12 kmh" (0% slope) and was increased by 2 kam.h* every 3 min up to 80% of the runner's best performance in 3000 m, and by 1 km.h* thereafter. In the last 30's of each work load, a finger tip blood sample was obtained and analyzed for lactate concen- tration (YSI 27). The critera used for VO, max includ- ed : a plateau in VO, despite an increase in running speed; respiratory exchange ratio above 1.1; HR over, 90% of the predicted maximal HR (AsTRAND & Rrmu- mmo, 1954; Tayton ef al., 1955). The Va max was the Jowest running speed which elicited a VO, value equal to VO; max. Determination of time to exhaustion at Va max im) Following a 20-min warm-up period at 60% Va max, the speed was quickly increased (less than 20 s) up to Va max and the subject was verbally encouraged to run to exhaustion. Finally, average speeds sustain ed over 21.1 km were expressed in km.h” and as percentage of Va max. Third exercise protocol : determination of lactate steady State velocity Latate steady state velocity (WCL) was determin- ed with a protocol involving two twenty-minute exer- cises performed at 70-75 and 85-90% of VOsmax. The lactic acid blood concentrations were collected and ‘measured every 5 minutes during each exercise, the two sessions being separated by a forty minute rest period. ‘The velocity corresponding to lactate steady state and called “‘maximal lactate steady state velocity” (WCL) ‘was measured according to a protocol proposed by CCuassain (1986) : the subjects ran twenty minutes at ‘@ constant velocity representing 70-75 and 85-90% ‘VO,max. Lactatemia was measured at the fifth (Lact 5) and the twentieth minute (Lact 20) of the two exer- cises. WCL was calculated and was defined as the velocity when the differential value of lactic acid blood concentrations versus time (AL/At) is equal to zero toe cot off ranmng 6a wlng" ims) at 25% oxygen cost of running kon" ‘VO,max during the first 20 min session (Dr Paaurzno et a., 1986). The fractional utilization of VO,max over 21 km was calculated from the individual running economy values (oxygen consumed per kilo of body ‘mass and kilometer). Wh ih we xan alo be : heart rate, VOs, FVOs., ‘Tek TO EXHAUSTION AND LACTATE STEADY STATE VELOCITY. 217 For all experiments, VO, and VCO, were computed every 15 s (Jaeger Eosprint). Heart rate (HR) was also ‘monitored (Siemens Electrocardioscope) and recorded (Sportester PE 3000) throughout each test. Statistics Data were reported as means + SD. Means were compared using Student's ¢ test for paired data at 5% level of confidence. Table I shows speed sustained over the half- marathon (during 1h 12 min + 2 min 27 s) VO,max, ‘Va max, time to exhaustion at Vamax (Tlim) and WCL expressed in km-b* and in % VO, max measured in the ten subjects. VO, achieved at the end of the progressive ‘maximal test and at the end of time to exhaustion at ‘Va max are not significantly different (Student paired f test) (68.1 + 4.2 versus 67.4 + 4.8"'.min" ‘The correlation coefficients computed between the run- ning velocity sustained over half-marathon races (V 21 in km.h), Tlim and the bioenergetic characteristics of the ten runners are shown in Table II. ‘The main results show that in the small and ‘homogeneous sample of runners, WCL (km.h"') was nearly related to V21 (km.b”) (r= 0.55, P<0.07); Va max (kin.h"*) was related to V21 (7=0.732; P<0.05) Fig. 2); time to exhaustion at Va max (km.t* was not related to V21 (km.h") (r=0.27). However, Tim at ‘Va max was related to V21 expressed as a percentage of Va max (r=0.775) (Fig. 4). Tlim at Va max was also related to WCL expressed as a percentage of VO, max (r=0.604) (Fig. 3) and to WCL expressed as a percen- tage of Va max (r=0.629) (Fig. 5). F=0732,n=10,P-<002 ”. vara veamny ‘a. 2. Relationship berween velocity over 2m (¥21 in km) and velocity at VOyn, (Va max in kmh") ‘Tams 1. — Individual values, meant 2 SD, coefficient of variation (CV) and range of the data from the thro experiments (sce txt) WOsmax vat vai wo | Tim E Subjects | tot! _| % Vomax 6 VOumex | mins | adores cH 2 213 16.15 76 04 as 1a x a2 213 31 2 Ba 11.00 23 A 4 mos 104 2 n6 327 as aa 761 m5 mas no 347 a wo ma ns st % mo 730 200 tr en 23 1636 “ 209 eas 19 mL os 2s 120 ss 33.6 734 190 “> 03 ms 18.8 as ma 440 198 aR 1 ms 1650 " soa 3 195 or n as no % n S16 206 Mean a 26 1130 5 37 on 1 = a 12 oss 3 116 201 “ oven ‘ 33 5.02 ‘ a7 “ ” Mision er 205 16s ” no a0 Maxine 761 25 31 32 09 11.00 206 ‘YOsnax, masimal onygen uptake (nlsmin™kg; Varmex = velocity t VOymax (an. Tim = ie to exhaustion at Va max; WC =lactate tendy sue veloc, Val veloc ovr 2k foce Qu.) RE-= running economy; O, om per km run and ky of body mass ("). “asus U, — Coefficients of correlation (n= 10) between velocity over 21 ka races (V21 kit) and tiesto exhaxston at Va max (Tim ‘na with bioenernte characteris. Vox | Vena wa. wot val Tim oink] Got) (vam) | VO | Vemm | Vat Game) 007 one | oss | oss 038 0263 on Tim 6) oo | os 038 asa | osore | arises + P<0.07; * P-<0.05; VO,max, maximal oxygen uptake (ml-min“.ky); Va max velocity at VO,max WCL=lacate steady-aate velocity in km and % VOsmax. a 218 \V, BILLAT, 0. BERNARD, J. PINOTEAU, B. PETIT AND J.P. KORALSZTEN 100 20604 9=10;P-< 095 Weiser ro, 3. Relationship between lactate steady state ve in $% POmax) anc ine to exhaustion a velocity at VOvmax (im in t 2 vai $¥ame iors ture cunirenni omnia ro, 4. Relationship between velocity ove 21km (V21 in Va max) ‘and time 10 exhaustion at velocity at VOsmax (Tlim in minutes). WCLS Vane Tin (ain) ro, S. Relationship berween locite steady state velocity (WCL in 5 Ya mec end tne fo chun fw t VO (Tn Discussion In a homogeneous group of subjects in regard to their velocities over 21 km (V21), there is no relation- ship between V21 and VO,max but between V21 ex- Pressed as a percentage of Va max and the time to exhaustion at Va max. A high level of Va max (ratio ‘between VO,max and running economy) is essential to performance in long distance running in accordance with Dr Paawreno et al. (1986) and Lacour et al. (1991). Endurance at 100% VO,max (Va max), defin- cd as the ability to sustain Va max as long as possible (time to exhaustion at Va max) was not related to velocity over 21 km. In the present experiment, the average value measured for Tlim at Va max is in ac- cordance with previously reported data (Gueser & Voast, 1973; Mac Laan & Sxmmvez, 1985), In a homogeneous group with a coefficient of variation only ‘equal to 6% for Va max, VO,max and V2I, a wide scat- ter of the data around the average value was also ‘observed : from 3 min 47 sec to 11 min and a coeffi- cient of variation equal to 34% in accordance with literature (Lavom & Muncam, 1987; Buxat, 1992). However, Tlim is related to lactate steady state veloci- ty QWCL in % VO.max). 'WCL expressed in km.h is related to V21 as previously shown in a recent study (Bazar et al. 1993). Over 21 km, the velocity is sustained for 74 min and produced a fraction of VOsmax equal to 0.85. In a previous study (Bu.LAr, 1992) it has been assessed that maximal lactate steady-state power output could be sus- tained for one hour on a bicycle. If : AL/At=0, the body is more or less in aerobic conditions (Dr PRAMPERO, 1986). Di PRaneno (1986) called this con- dition “‘evenly aerobic’’. Thus, he made a difference between “‘aerobic standard” when lactate production situation brings about an accelerated depletion of mus- cle glycogen stores in the muscle fibers producing lac- tate (FaRREL ef ai., 1979). That is the reason why the determination of a maximal steady state work-load is ‘ssential to high achievements in endurance sports such as long-distance running, swimming, cycling and triathlon, Sm Au ef al. (1991) have found that WCL ‘was very well correlated (7> 0.97) and almost equal to the critical speed determined by the slope of the linear relationship between distance and exhaustion time in ight subjects. In the same study, WCL was also well correlated with the maximal aerobic speed which elicits ‘VO,max as determined by the track test proposed by Laom and Boucazr (1980). Tn conclusion, the best predictor of the performance over 21km in sub-elite male long distance runners is ‘velocity at VO,max and lactate steady state velocity (WCL) when expressed in km.b-*. WCL when express- ed in fraction of VO,max is related to time to exhaus- tion at Va max another criterion of endurance but at 100% Va max. Time to exhaustion at Va max could be best related to performance in middle distance running. Résumé Lrobjectif de la présente étude est d’apprécierI'in- fluence de la vitesse maximale de course compatible avec un état stable de Ia lactatémie (WCL) et du temps dde maintien de la vitesse de course & la consommation maximale d’oxygéne (vitesse aérobie maximale : Va max) sur la vitesse d'un semi-marathon (V21). V2i est soutenue pendant 1h 12 min + 2 min 27 s par les 10 coureurs (Age moyen 32 £4 ans) participant? ‘Tt To EXHAUSTION AND LACTATS STBADY STATE VELOCITY A cette étude. Cette population était homogene concer nant V2i (17.5 + 0.88 kmh, CV=5%), Va max Q1.6 + 1.2 km.b, CV 6%) et VO,max (68.1 + 4.1 mLkg*-min“, CV= 6%). V21 sollicitait 83 + 5% de VO,max et 81 £ 3.3% de Va max. La fraction d'uti- listion de VO,max sur 21 km était caiculée d’apris Ié&o- nomie de course de chaque sujet (oxygtne consommé paar kilo de poids corpore! et par kilométre parcouru : 194 + 74 ki). La vitesse correspondant aun Gat stable de la lactatémie en fonction du temps (WCL) Gait mesurée a partir de deux courses de 20 minutes 4-70-75 et 85-90% de VO,max au cours desquelles Giaient mesurée la lactatémic & la Séme et 20éme minute. ‘WCL correspond alors a la vitesse (sur I’axe des x) que coupe la pente de la relation ALactate (20 min-Smin)/Avitesse (85-70% VO;max), ALactate étant éal A zéro. Les principaux résultats montrent que pour un ptt échantillon homogene de sporti, selon cr, ‘dre de performance sur semi-marathon, WCL (km.h") est corrélée & V21 (kan.h™) (r= 0.55, P<0.07); Vamax (') est corrélé & V21 (7=0.732, P<0.05). Le temps de maintien & Va max (6,11 + Zmin 01 s) n'est pas coméle a V21 lorsqu'll est exprimé ea Km. (7=0.27) mais lui est corrélé lorsque V21 est exprimé en valeur relative de la vitesse a VO, (Va max) ((=0,775). De méme, Tim 4 Va max était corrélé & WL exprimé en VOsmax (r=0.604) ct en ede Va max (7=0,629). Tlim & Va max et WCL exprimé en % VOsmax sont tous deux des indices d’endurance, mais respectivement & une intensité maximale et sous- maximale, WCL étant plus spécifique de I’intensité de course sur semi-marathon. Mots Clefs : course de longue distance; consomma- tion maximale d’oxygéne; état stable de la lactatémie. Acknowiedgement. — This study was supported by grants from Caisoe Centrale dex Activité Sociles @Electce et Gaz de France. 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