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Name _____________________________________ Index No. ____________

Faculty of Economics Teacher ____________________

I Read the text and then circle the words or phrases that best fit into the gaps.
Originally, the company (1) _______________ as Starbucks Coffee, Tea and Spice. It (2)________________ its
first coffee beans in 1971.
Starbucks (3)________________ over 25 million customers a week in 7,500 stores around the world. And this
figure (4) _________________ rapidly, with 3 or 4 new stores (5)_________________ every single day! The
company is (6) ________________ worth $5 billion.
However, its global success comes (7)________________ a price. Although Starbucks has a company policy of
fair trade and employee welfare, it has been the recent target of anti-globalisation protests. Many people feel that
big corporations are never a good thing, as small, independent companies can’t compete and
(8)________________ business. Nevertheless, Starbucks’ (9) ________________ success in the face of
opposition shows that its blend of commercialism and comfy sofas is still proving an (10) ________________
recipe for world domination.
1. a. known b. has known c. knew d. was known
2. a. roasted b. has roasted c. has been roasting d. was roasted
3. a. serves b. has served c. was served d. is serving
4. a. is declining b. is dropping c. is increasing d. is raising
5. a. are opening b. being opened c. have opened d. are opened
6. a. recently b. eventually c. initially d. currently
7. a. beyond b. at c. for d. on
8. a. go out of b. make c. work d. produce
9. a. continuation b. continue c. continueing d. continued
10. a. unresistable b. iresistable c. irresistible d. unresist

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

II (1) Add a suffix to make a noun. (2) Add a prefix to make an opposite adjective.
1. flexible _______________ 1. hospitable ______________
2. dedicate _______________ 2. expensive ______________
3. aware _______________ 3. willing ______________
4. assign _______________ 4. honest ______________
III Put appropriate words from the list below in the gaps in the text.
A franchise is a legal and commercial relationship between the owner of a ____________ and an individual or
group wishing to use that identification in a business. Each franchise business has been ____________ by a
parent company, or franchisor, to sell their goods and/or services either in a ____________ space or a designated
geographical area. The franchise governs the method of _______________ business between the two parties.
Generally, a franchisee sells goods or services supplied by the franchisor or those that ______________ the
franchisor's quality standards. This relationship is regulated by FTC laws.
making company retail conducting follow
operate meet authorized done trademark 5

IV In each of the sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it by rewriting the sentence.
1. They are currently negotiating with a Finn company.
2. Seven applicants been interviewed so far.
3. Before you attend the interview, make some research about the company.
4. She isn’t used to speak in public, that’s why she is nervous.
5. The company has benefited on the newest policies.
6. Four employees report for her.
7. The newly elected chairman is a French.
___________________________________________________________________ 7

V Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Podstakni članove tima da preuzmu individualnu odgovornost u okviru grupe.
2. Jednom kada je vaša prijava odobrena, ugovor o franšizi potpisan, i naknada za franšizu isplaćena, možete
očekivati da će biti potrebno 6 do 8 mjeseci da počnete da poslujete.
3. Grčko Ministarstvo finansija ocenilo je da je ta zemlja ostvarila dosadašnje ciljeve za smanjenje budžetskog
4. Španska vlada danas kaže da će mere štednje čiji je cilj obuzdavanje budzetskog deficita usporiti ekonomski
rast zemlje.

VI complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

1. If I ______________ (have) heaps of money, I ________________ (spend) it all on cars.

2. If you _____________ (care) to see some of his projects, I ________________ (send) them round to
your office.
3. If you ________________ (work) more slowly, you _________________ (make) so many mistakes.

VII Change the sentence:
a) into passive:
1. They have transferred him to the New York office.
2. The ministers are currently reviewing the tax regime.
3. They will have to adopt a different attitude.
b) into active:
4. Administrative expenses were cut by 12.3 percent. .
5. Had inflows should have been imposed earlier.
VIII Complete with the words and expressions that are commonly associated with each theme.

Retailing Franchising Management

______________________ ______________________ ______________________
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______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Empower, subordinate, royalty, operation manual, trademark, negotiating style, stock overheads,
Discount, front end fee, mall, delegate

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