Calaycay Week3 Daily Journal

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Republic of the Philippines


J. Lukban Extension, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

WEEK 3 (February)

21 February 2022 (Monday)

We begin to Revise/Editing of the Proposed CBAR according to

the recommendation of our Supervising Teacher
Training Activities

Updating the changes of the CBAR and other important

matters to groupmates
When it comes to editing the CBAR, there is no problem. But
on the part of the utilization and the reference, the plan of
Problem(s) Encountered
utilization of the material and the other references are not
match to the topic we had.
I ask my groupmates regarding the parts of the CBAR to
provide other references that are related to our topic. I also ask
them about the actual plan of utilizing the material or the
gamification. It is better to work in a group rather than doing
something individually. There are more ideas that can put on
your work.
22 February 2022 (Tuesday)

I continue Revising/Editing of the Proposed CBAR

Training Activities
I attended Webinar via Zoom about Kulturang Kamalayan
(Kabanata IV) with the guest speakers Dr. Jovert R. Balunsay
and Ricky Alintatao Solero

Problem(s) Encountered I don’t encounter any problem(s).

Participating in the webinar like this is very essential to us

especially to our identity as Filipino and as a Bicolano. The
culture and traditions we have must be preserve by us and give
importance to these things. Nowadays where our way of living
continues to change, it is important to preserve and instill the
culture, identity, and pride of being Bicolanos.
23 February 2022 (Wednesday)

Training Activities I attended The 14th CNSC Hayag Festival via Facebook Live.

Name of Intern/Program/Major
Republic of the Philippines
J. Lukban Extension, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

23 February 2022 (Wednesday)

Training Activities
I attended The 14th CNSC Hayag Festival via Facebook Live.

Problem(s) Encountered I did not encounter any problems during the activity.

The event Hayag Festival showcases the different artistic

performance and creativity of the CNSC community. It also a
celebration for the National Art Month which tells us that art is a
part of our life. In every thing we do or make we need to be
creative and artistic to deliver effectively what we are
conveying to the audience. In teaching, being flexible, creative,
and artistic can produce an efficient and effective teaching
methods and delivery of the lesson.
24 February 2022 (Thursday)
Training Activities
Attended 3rd day of The 14th CNSC Hayag Festival via Facebook
I attended/joined Meeting with Cooperating Teacher and other
Math Pre-service Teacher of Grade 7 and Grade 9. I also
attended Meeting with groupmates about making a test paper
and table of specification
Problem(s) Encountered It was the time of the meeting where there was a sudden
internet connection problem. The meeting was already started
but there still no internet.
I decided to go out and connect to other internet. Luckily, there
was nearby wifi vending machine where I can connect my
Reflection device. I immediately joined in google meeting after I
successfully connect my device. I gained information which
were essential in teaching the class.

Prepared by:

Name of Intern/Program/Major
Republic of the Philippines
J. Lukban Extension, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

Greg Anthony R. Calaycay

Cooperating Teacher

Name of Intern/Program/Major

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