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Objectives of the Study

This study aims to determine the perceive resiliency level of teachers on

elementary schools Carmen South District, Carmen, Cotabato.

Specifically, it aims to determine the following:

1. determine the socio-demographic profile of the teachers in terms of their:

a. age

b. sex

c. position

d. civil Status

e. monthly Income

f. length in Service

2. determine the perceived resiliency level of teachers on elementary schools at

Carmen South District of Carmen, Cotabato during Covid-19 pandemic in terms of:

a. personal attitude factors

b. home related factors

c. preparedness factors

d. health related factors

3. determine if there is a significant relationship between socio- demographic profile and

the perceived resiliency level of teachers

Hypothesis of the Study

H0: There is no significant relationship between socio-demographic profile

of the teachers and their perceived resiliency level during Covid-19


Ha: There is a significant relationship between socio-demographic profile of

the teachers and their perceived resiliency level during the Covoid-19

Survey Checklist Questionnaire

I: Socio-Demographic Profile: Please supply the needed information by filling the

blanks or by simply checking the spaces appropriate to your answer.


TALLY 13 77

AGE 25-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60

TALLY 17 17 15 12 14 5 10


TALLY 49 5 29 7


TALLY 13 74 0 3

LENGTH IN 8-12 13-17 18-22 23-27 28-32 33-38

TALLY 40 20 10 10 5 5

MONTHLY BELOW 5,000-10,000 10,000-20000, 20,000-30,000 30,000

INCOME 1,000 above
TALLY 0 5 6 68 11

II. Resiliency Survey Questionnaire

Direction: Check the box that corresponds to your answer using the legends.

5-Strongly Agree



1-Strongly Disagree


Personal Attitude Factors 5 4 3 2 1

1. I believe that the actions taken by the 28 56 6

government to limit the spread of COVID-19

are effective.

2. I am committed to social distancing as a 60 30

protective measure against COVID-19.

3. I am scared about the current worldwide 58 30 2

situation of COVID-19 pandemic.

4. I feel frightened when I hear someone got 52 33 5

tested positive from COVID-19.

5. I feel frightened when I hear someone died 56 33 1

from COVID-19

6. Getting excessive information about COVID- 33 43 11 3

19 makes me more tensed.

7. I make sure that I spread the correct 60 28 2

information regarding the COVID-19.

8. I feel stressful due to the movement control 19 50 16 5


9. I am optimistic that COVID-19 will be shortly 35 49 6


10. I am pro sharing information about COVID- 43 45 2


Home Related Factors 5 4 3 2 1

1. During the movement restrictions period, I 57 30 3

have spent quality time at home by caring for

my family members/partner.

2. During the movement restrictions period, I 46 40 4

spend quality time at home obeying religion

(increase worship for God, reading religious

books, etc).

3. During the movement restrictions period, 38 47 4 1

virtually I make benefits of online media to

catch up with

friends/colleagues/neighbors/special someone.

4. During the movement restrictions period, I 55 32 3

utilize this time to do productive things for my

family (cooking, cleaning, indoor games, etc).

5. I make benefits of the movement restrictions 50 36 4

period to teach my kids/siblings.

6. I use the movement restrictions period to 31 47 12

learn new skills (graphic designing, software,

online professional certification course, etc).

7. I try to benefit from the movement 30 53 6 1

restrictions period to plan my future dreams,

goals, aims, and actions.

8. I can effectively study/work remotely at 31 51 7 1


9. I have still time to encourage my family to 43 46 1

think positively in this time of Covid-19


10. I don’t have any difficulty in fulfilling my 31 47 11 1

responsibilities at home.

Preparedness Factors 5 4 3 2 1

1. I currently stock up enough food and 24 38 27 1

necessities to last during the pandemic

duration prior to movement restrictions.

2. I currently have enough medicines to keep 26 37 25 2

me going during the pandemic duration prior to

movement restrictions if I’m ill.

3. I have searched for the nearest 23 45 21 1

healthcare/hospital location and phone number

to seek medical assistance if I fall sick with

symptoms of COVID-19.

4. I discuss with a friend/family member on 27 45 16 2

what we need to do if one of us catches the

COVID-19 virus.

5. I have self-preparation to cope to cope with 30 37 17 3 3

any possible changes in health-care during the

movement restriction period.

6. I am aware about sick leave, absenteeism 31 42 17

and working policies.

7. I prepare for travel like emergency cases in 19 44 24 2 1

the time of restriction period.

8. I maintain focus on my workplace even 24 47 7 8 4

under pressure in this time of Covid-19.

9. I keep focused on the end goal at all times 20 50 7 11 2

regardless of setbacks and failures in this time

of Covid-19.

10. I always stock healthy foods/vitamins/ for 27 43 20

myself and family in this time of COVID-19.

Health Related Factors 5 4 3 2 1

1. I carry my own hand sanitizer whenever I go 35 11 40 4

outside from home/outdoors and going to


2. I comply with proper hand washing 27 20 36 6 1


3. I wear a face mask when I am outdoors to 33 12 41 4

avoid catching the COVID-19.

4. I avoid touching my face, nose, eyes to 24 18 41 7

protect myself from the COVID-19.

5. I cover my nose and mouth with a tissue 25 19 42 4

when coughing or sneezing and throw it

directly after using.

6. I disinfect things I bring from outside (foods, 20 24 38 8

clothes, wears, drinks,).

7. I clean and disinfect high touch surfaces 21 22 37 10

(mobile phones, door knobs, table surfaces,

television, TV remote, windows).

8. I am aware of self-care activities and 24 19 32 15

precautions to prevent infections from Covid-

19 pandemic.

9. I manage my stress level on my health 24 21 2 33 10

issues and difficulties.

10. I am not afraid to be vaccinated given 27 15 4 36 8

against Covid-19.

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