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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10


Learning Area: English
Grade Level 10:
Quarter: 1

A. Content Standards:
The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve as
ways of expressing and resolving persona conflicts, also how to use strategies in linking textual
information, repeating, enhancing communication public speaking, emphasis markers in
persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive and intensive pronouns.
B. Performance Standards:
The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text using a variety of persuasive
techniques and devices.
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives (MELC Q1):
Determine the effect of textual aids like advanced organizers, titles, non-linear illustrations, etc.
on the understanding of a text. EN10RC-Ib-2.15.2:
D. Integrated MELC:
MAPEH (Health) H7N-IId-f-23
 Determine the effect of advanced organizers on the understanding of a text.
Make Graphic organizers
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages: pages 30-32
2. Learner’s Materials Pages: Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature pages 47-49
3. Textbook Pages: Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature pages 47-49
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal

B. Other Learning Resources

Editorial cartoon about discrimination, visual aids

IV. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A.Presenting New
Lesson Examine the editorial cartoon below and answer the
questions that follow.
Sample answers:
1. What situation is shown in the editorial cartoon?
2. Is there a discrimination in the cartoon? If yes, what kind 1.It is about the effect of
of discrimination is reflected? Corona Virus to Children. CoVid
3.Why do you think the scenario happen? 19 is scary.
4.What would you do if you were in the shoes of the one 2.Yes. Children cannot go out
being discriminated by the situation? and attend face to face class.
3.Answers may vary.
4. Answers may vary
B.Establishing a New As we go on with our activities, we will use advance graphic
Purpose for the New organizers in understanding a text.
List down the effects of pandemic using
concept map. Identify if situation/ given words to be flashed
has effect on family, school or peers using the app Hat.

Effects of Pandemic

Possible Answers:
1. raise anxiety among children
and tension in parents
FAMILY SCHOOL socialization face to face classes of family time delivery mode of
teaching and learning
Use of virtual platform to
maintain social connection

C. Presenting Divide the class into groups of 4. Identify specific

Examples/ Instances of scenarios where discrimination is present or evident.
the Lesson Accomplish the given chart .
Group 1 - Age
Group 2 – Gender
Group 3 - Physical Appearance
Areas of Sample Possible
Discrimination Situation Solution

AGE Answers may vary from each



D.Discussing New
Concepts and Ask: Expected Answers:
Practicing New Skills 1. What are advance graphic organizers? 1. Advance graphic organizers
2. What are the types of advance graphics organizers? are visual displays of key
3. How do these organizers help you understand a text? content information designed
to benefit learners who have
difficulty organizing
information. (Fisher and
Schumaker, 1995).
A teaching and learning tool
that is used to organize
information and ideas in a way
that is easy to comprehend and
2.Types Graphic Organizers
a.Concept Map
b. Flow diagram or Sequence
c.Venn Diagram

d.Cause and Effect Diagram

e. Plot diagram
a.Advance organizers help
structure students’ thinking
about a topic. c.Advance
organizers link the material
students are trying to learn
with what they already know.
c.They can be helpful to all
students and can be especially
helpful to those with
organization and attention

E.Developing Mastery Task (SGD)Small Group Discussion through Video

ICT Integration presentation

Watch a short video clip.

Divide the class into three groups. Provide them a task card.

Group 1-Cause and Effect.

Identify the cause and effect of the
actions of the people.
Group 2- Compare/ Contrast.
Compare and contrast the roles
of being a medical frontliner and
being member of the community.

Group 3- Write the important ideas presented in the video.

Make your own graphic organizer.

F.Finding Practical Across the Curriculum:

Applications of
Concepts and Skills in Why are health protocols necessary? Answers may vary
Daily Living

G. Making
Generalizations and
Abstractions about the
Lesson Why do you think advance graphic organizers are important
in understanding a text?

H. Evaluating Learning A. Determine the effect of textual aids in understanding a

Questions will be posted on

I. L. Additional Homework
Activities for Use a graphic organizer in showing the different types of
Application or pronouns.
Prepared and demonstrated by:

Teacher III

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