Seismic and Wind Forces SE Exam

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Forces STRUCTURAL DESIGN EMAMPLES 2d bition ¢ C TABLE OF CONTENTS About the Author...... Introduction . 4 SEISMIC DESIGN . 1.1 Design procedures. : ai 12 Site classification characteristics vs Jess sess esse 2 1.3 Barthquake response spectra. 3 13.1 General procedure La 132 Site-specific procedure 3 14 Site coefficient eee 1.5 Adjusted maximum ‘considered ‘earthquake spectral r response. se accelerations 9 1.6 Fundamental period of vibration ofthe structure Se oie tee eee r0 1.6.1 General approximate method u 1.62 Approximate method for moment-esstng frames... 01.0... ss.ssssscsssiessiseseceesevereel 1.633 Rational analysis method ean : : B 17 Design spectral response sceslrstion parameters 1. s0, vs. ss. yssiysoriessiverineorivsewseewensai6 1 Seismic use groups and oceupaney importance factors» : hs 119 Seismic design category Sette ee va 1.91 Seismic Design Category Aves. ante - 21 1.9.2 Seismic Design Category B ‘ 23 1.93 Seismic Design Category C.. 2 1.944 Seismic Design Category D Sea an an 23 1.95 Seismic Desian Category E : : ert ctios 1.96 Seismic Design Category F : paid 1.10 Lateral-force-resisting systems . 25 1.10.1 Bearing wal systems oe ee “a6 1.102 Building fame system... eam 1103 Moment-resistng frames | a8 1.104 Dual systems with special momentressting frames Sees Tg 1.1055 Dual systems with intermediate moment frames... 30 1106 Inverted pendulum stuctures......,.....e.e rss yesisrerssvsusvisesyesieewneveseecnnsre SL 1.11 Response modification coefficient... UNG LIL} Single seiemic-force-esisting system - ees aii 1.112 Combinations of seismic-foree-resisting systems 35 L12 Overstength MEW ss cecssecsesssssseestssesoveveoee Somenramene | 1.13 Deflection amplification factor : ‘ 38 1.14 Sela dead load... 5.02.5. sssrssovsossseevssescupgucesessvasonsevasensevusenne scene LS Seismic response coefficient 40 116 Seismic base shear eee egy Sen ee 117 Simplified lateral force procedures... 43 1.18 Vertical distribution of seismic forces. epee eee pe 44 1.19 Simplified vertical distribution of hase shear 47 120 Overurting.s cesses. eens fee “9 1.2) Diaphragm loads ane 51 122 Story di 2... sous ere eee t tee eee e nt isa 1.23 Simplified determination of dit ay ida Pelion eT eee epee re se 1.25 Bung separation |... : 1 1.26 Redundancy coefficient. ts . 62°, ‘Selomie and Wind Forces —Structural Design Examples Ww 1.26.1. Calculating yin for a braced frame structure 1.2622 Calculating rng fora moment-resisting frame structure - 1.26.3 Calculating rig fora shear wall structure 1.264 Calculating r;maxj for a dual system structure 1.27 Load combinations: 127.1 Strength design loads and load factors 1.27.2 Special seismic load combinations forthe strength design method 1.273 Allowable stress design method ..... : 1.274 Allowable stress design method: alterate load combinations ...- : 1.27.5 Special seismic load combinations for the allowable stress design method eect Sh 1.28 Structural elements... a 282 1.28.1 Comestions. : 282 1.28.2 Lateral design force on walls... : 8 1.28.3 Lateral design foree on parapets 86 129 Aeorage af coer x masonry wals in Simic Design Category C tee treo a 1.29.1 Anchorage to flexible diaphragms. : 89 1.202 Anchorage to rigid diaphragms. oy, 1.30 Architectural, mechanical, and ceil Components suppress. res 1.30.1 Design force on rigid components. : a ener 295 1.30.2 Design force on nonrigid componcats..... 02.2... q 97 1.303 Wall cladding displacements. 9 1.304 Wall cladding seismic forces... 101 1.31 Modal analysis procedure : 105 1.31.1 Plan structural irregularities ee 105 1.312 Vertical structural imegulartes. ooo. t cc 110 1.313 Selection of lateral force procedure... ‘ 13 1.314 Modal shapes. : pene ts 131.5 Modal participation factor. 119 131.6 Modal base shear 12 1.31.7 Scaling factors ‘ : cee 125 131.8 Vertical distribution of modal forces 2 : 128 References... DESIGN FOR WIND Loaps. ee 2.1 Analysis procedures . 2.2 ASCE analytical design method 2.2.1 Exposure category. a Se 134 2.2.2 Basic wind speed.......... 136 223 Velocity pressure exposure coefficients forthe whole building sesteessenseesetessesene BT 2.2.4 Topographic effects... : tects 138 2.2.5 Directionality factor. : bette tteereteeeee ee BBD 2.2.6 Wind importance factor. . 139 2.2.7 Wind velocity pressure See eevee aie ep teen eg eae era ante eet Ar TAD) 2.2.8 Design wind pressures... eee 144 2.2.9 Building rigidity See ee aurut eaona elas! 2.2.10 Gust effect factor... a aaietaeee q cee 18S 2.2.11 Enclosure classifications See tete tee oor Suunto tnt = 145 2.2.12 Internal pressure coefficients. . 146 2.2.13 External pressure coefficients for the whole building. . Seige aed seen 4B 2.2.14 Components and cladding......-...ees.20 eee i ceeeeeeees 155 ‘Seismic and Wind Forcos—Structural Design Examples 2.2.15 Velocity pressure exposure coefficients for components and cladding. 2.2.16 External pressure coefficients for components and cladding. 2.3 IBC simplified method for low-rise buildings 231 Sitplified metod apie tothe main wind-force-resisng system. 2.3.2 Simplified met apple to components and lading References ..-... : 3. SEISMIC DESIGN OF STEEL STRUCTURES. eae 3.1 Concentrically braced frames... 3.1.1 Ordinary concentrically braced frames ....-- 3.1.2 Special concentrically braced frames. . . 7 3.2. Eecentrically braced frames o ea ees 3.2.1 Link requirements - ce : 3.2.2 Beam requirements. ..... suet 3.2.3 Diagonal brace requirements 3.24 Column requirements, Beas 3.3 Special moment-resisting frames 3.31 Beam-o-colur joint and conpections 3.3.2 Design principles ...... 33.3 Strong column-weak beam concopt 3.3.4 Beam details.....-..-- 7 ated 3.3.5 Column details eae ete 3.3.6 Continuity plates ....2..2.5 tees 3.3.7 Panel zone thickness... References - 4 SEISMIC DESIGN OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES . aut 4.1 Special moment-resisting frames ALLA Design loads... 4.1.2 Beam details, . 4.13 Beam design. 4.1.4 Column details .. 4.1.5 Column design . ae oe 4.16 Joint design and detils - eae 42 Special reinforced concrete structural walls 4.2.1 Shear capacity of shear walls 4.2.2 Special boundary elements. ........2200+005 oe 4.23 Non-special boundary elements... ..-..20cs00seeeearees 43 Slender wall design. . fepeeern 43.1 General requirements .....-.-- 43.2 Required strength 4.3.3 Service load deflections, 4.4 Anchorage in concrete . 441 Design requirement for tensile Toading. 4.4.2. Design requirements for shear loading. 4.4.3. Interaction of tensile and shear forces . - References ....-- 5 SEISMIC DESIGN oF woop STRUCTURES. oo 5.1 General provisions -....+.++ ‘Seismic and Wind Forces—Structural Design Examples 156 158 166 168 ATL 216 ATT m7 -178 183 +206 207 221 221 230 2 DB4 2 234 237 239 245 246 247 252 236 259 5.1.1 Building classification 5.1.2 Design methodology 5.2 Laterabforce-resisting system 5.2.1 Lateral load path 5.2.2 Connection details 53 Diaphragms ‘ 5.3.1 General requirements. 5.3.2 Diaphragm strength 53.3 Diaphragm deflection 5.34 Diaphragm flexibility 5.3.5 Subdiaphragm requirements 5.3.6 Design of collectors, 5.4 Shear walls. 54.1 General requirements, 5.42 Shear wall strength 5.43 Shear wall deflection ee 5.44 Design using the segmented shear wall method 5.4.5 Design using the perforated shear wall method . 3.4.6 Design using the force transfer round openings method. References 6 SEISMIC DESIGN OF MASONRY STRUCTURES 6.1 Special reinforced masonry shear walls. 6.1.1 Reinforcement requirements 6.1.2 Design loads : 6.1.3 Strength reduction factors 6.1.4 Shear capacity ofa shear wall . 6.1.5 Axial load capacity ofa shear wall 6.1.6 Flexural capacity of a shear wall... 6.1.7 Boundary elements . 6.1.8 Deflections, ‘ 62 Walls with out-of-plane loading. 6.2.1 Strength reduction factors 62.2 Shear capacity . i 6.2.3 Flexural capacity of a slender wall 62.4 Deflection under service loads . 6.3 Headed anchor bolts. 63.1 Headed anchor bolts in tension . 6.3.2 Headed anchor bolts in shear References. INDEX..... wi Seismic and Wind Forces—Structural Design Examples re CHAPTER 1 Seismic Design 1.1 Design procedures To determine the seismic response of a structure, several factors must be considered, and these include: + site classification characteristics + maximum considered earthquake spectral response accelerations + site coefficient + adjusted maximum considered earthquake spectral response accelerations + fundamental period of vibration of the structure + design spectral response accelerations + seismic use groups and occupancy importance factors + seismic design category + lateral-force-resisting systems + response modification coefficient + overstrength factor + deflection amplification factor + seismic dead load + seismic response coefficient + seismic base shear In accordance with IBC! Section 1614.1, the seismic design of all structures may be accomplished by using the provisions of ASCE? Sections 9.1 through 9.6, 9.13 and 9.14 in their entirety. These provi- sions are applied without modification and are in lieu of IBC Sections 1613 through 1623. Altema- tively, the designer may choose to use the IBC provisions which, in several instances, refers 10 . sections of the ASCE and modifies the ASCE provisions in some cases. In general, the simplest and| ‘Seismic and Wind Forces—Structural Design Examples 2 Seismic Design i ‘most straightforward procedure is to use the ASCE provisions completely, and this text follows this approach, However, the designer should be aware that there may be an economic advantage in using the IBC provisions in some circumstances. 1.2 Site classification characteristics ‘The ground motion produced by an earthquake is affected by the soil profile through which the vibra- tions travel. The amplification of long period spectral amplitudes is significantly larger on soft soil than on hard soil or rock. To account for this potential amplification, six different soil types are iden- tified in ASCE Table ranging from hard rock to soft soil and to sites containing peat, highly plastic clay, or collapsible soil. The classification may be made by determining on site the average shear wave velocity in the top 100 feet of material. Alternatively, for site classification types C, D, or E, the classification may be made by measuring the standard penetration resistance or undrained shear strength of the material, Soil classification type B is defined as rock and is that material for which the maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration parameters are determined. Soil clas- sification type B occurs mainly in the western states. Soil classification type A is defined as hard rock and has the effect of reducing the ground response by 20 percent. Soil classification type A occurs mainly in the castern states. Soil classification type E is defined as soft soil and has the effect of increasing the long period ground response by up to 350 percent. Soil classification type F is defined as peat, highly plastic clay, or collapsible soil and requires a site-specific evaluation to determine the maximum considered earthquake response parameters. When soil parameters are unknown, in accor- dance with ASCE Section, soil classification type D may be assumed unless the building official determines that soil classification types E or F are likely to be present at the site. The site clas- sifications are defined-in ASCE Table and an abbreviated listing is provided in Table 1-1. Table 1-1 Site classification definitions Sito Soil profile | Shear wave velocity, classification name fisec A Hard rock. > 5000 B Rock 2500 to 5000 c Soft rock 1200 to 2500 D Stiff soil 600 to 1200 E Soft soil < 600 F oe I Selemic and Wind Forces-—Structural Design Examples 7 Chapter 1 3 Example 1-1 The two-story steel framed building shown in Figure 1-1 is used as an office building. The soil profile at the site consists of a 150-foot depth of stiff soil with a shear wave velocity of 1000 feet per second, Determine the applicable site classification. | oo ont. iy 7 Figure 1-1 Details for Example 1-4 ‘Solution From ASCE Table, the applicable site classification for this soil profile is site classification D. 1.3 Earthquake response spectra Earthquake response spectra are representations of ground motion accelerations and are based on the maximum considered earthquake. In most of the USA, this is defined as the probabilistic maximum considered seismic event with a 2-percent probability of being exceeded in fifty years. This has a recurrence interval of 2500 years, and it is considered that a structure designed to these provisions will have a low likelihood of collapse in this earthquake. In California, a deterministic approach is adopted to determine the maximum considered earthquake. The many active faults in California produce characteristic earthquakes every few hundred years. The deterministic maximum considered earthquake is obtained by increasing the median estimate of the ground motion accelerations of the characteristic earthquakes by 50 percent. ‘Selemie ond Wind Forces—Struclural Design Examples Seismic Design a ‘Two procedures are available for determining the maximum considered earthquake and the response spectrum. These are the general procedure and the site-specific procedure. The site-specific proce- dure is mandatory in the following situations: + in accordance with ASCE Section, for structures situated on sites containing peat, highly plastic clay, or collapsible soil (designated site classification F in ASCE Table except for structures having a fundamental period of 0.5 seconds or less + in accordance with ASCE Section, for seismically isolated structures located on sites designated as site classification F or when S; > 0.6 4.3.1 General procedure To apply the general procedure, reference may be made to the maximum considered earthquake spec- tral response accelerations mapped in the ASCE, IBC and NEHRP? recommended provisions. Two sets of maps are provided to designate the two parameters Sig and S). Ss represents the 5-percent damped, maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration for a period of 0.2 second for structures founded on rock (site classification B) and is applicable to short period structures. Sy represents the 5-percent damped, maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration for a period of 1.0 second for structures founded on rock (site classification B), Figure 1-2 shows the effect produced on the response spectra by different soil types. ‘Spectral response accelerations, 9 10 20 Potiod, sec ome Figure 1-2 Representative response spectra Seiemic and Wind Forees-—Structu’al Design Examlas - = - Chapter 1 5 ACD roms also provided with the IBC, and the two parameters Ss and S; may be determined from the latitude and longitude or from the zip code of a specific location, The two parameters were estab- lished as part of the National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project and may also be obtained from the United States Geological Survey web site at http: / 1.3.2 Site-specific procedure A site-specific study must account for the regional seismicity and geology, the magnitudes, recur- rence rates, and locations of earthquakes on known active faults in the region, and the soil profile. The procedure for determining the site-specific maximum considered earthquake response spectrum is detailed in ASCE Section As shown in Figure 1-3, this consists of comparing the spectra resulting from a probabilistic and a deterministic maximum considered earthquake with a predefined deterministic lower limit. Probabilistic response spectrum —— Governing value -©-o- Deterministic lower limit — — Deterministic response spectrum ‘Spectral response acceleration, g Period, sec om Figure 1-3. Site-specific maximum considered earthquake response spectrum The probabilistic maximum considered earthquake response spectrum is represented by a 5-percent damped acceleration response spectrum with a 2-percent probability of being exceeded in 50 years. The deterministic maximum considered earthquake is conservatively obtained by increasing by 50 percent the median estimate of the ground motion accelerations, at all periods, resulting from a char- | ‘Seismic and Wind Forces—Structurel Desion Examoles 6 Seismic Design acteristic earthquake on all active faults within the region. The deterministic lower limit on the maxi- mum considered earthquake response spectrum is represented by the response spectrum shown in Figure 1-4. F,, is the site coefficient at a period of 0.2 second and is obtained from ASCE Table with Ss taken as 1.5g. F, is the site coefficient at a period of 1.0 second and is obtained from ASCE Table with S; taken as 0.6g. Sy 206 F/T ‘Spectral response acceleration, g Petiod, see Figure 1-4 Deterministic jimit on maximum considered earthquake response spectrum The site-specific maximum considered earthquake response acceleration, Sqyq is taken as the proba- bilistic maximum considered earthquake response spectrum unless the ordinates at a period of 0.2 second or 1.0 second exceed the corresponding ordinates of the deterministic maximum considered earthquake. For this condition, the site-specific maximum considered earthquake response spectrum is taken as the lesser of the probabilistic maximum considered earthquake response spectrum or the deterministic maximum considered earthquake response spectrum, but not less than the deterministic limit on the maximum considered earthquake response spectrum, as shown in Figure 1-3. Example 1-2 ‘The two-story steel framed building shown in Figure 1-1 is located in Orange County, California, Determine the two maximum considered earthquake response accelerations, S¢ and Sy, for this loca- tion, which has the coordinates 33.62° North and —117.64° West. Seismig and Wind Foroes—Sttuctural Design Examples Solution The CD rom provided with the IBC gives the following values for the response accelerations: Ss =1.239g S, =0.457g Example 1-3 The two-story steel framed building shown in Figure 1-1 is located in Miami, Florida. Determine the ‘two maximum considered earthquake response accelerations, Sg and Sj, for this location, which has the coordinates 25.77° North and -80.19° West. Solution ‘The CD rom provided with the IBC gives the following values for the response accelerations: Ss = 0.060 S, = 0.024g 1.4 Site coefficient Site coefficients are amplification factors applied to the maximum considered earthquake response parameters obtained by the general procedure at a specific site, to account for the site classification characteristics and response parameters at the site. F, is the short period or acceleration based ampli- fication factor and is defined in ASCE Table, F, is the long period or velocity based ampli- fication factor and is defined in ASCE Table For site classification type B, the site coefficient is 1.0, reflecting the fact that the maximum considered earthquake response parameters are derived for site classification type B profiles. For site classification type A, the site coefficient is 0.8 because of the 20-percent reduction in the ground response. In general, as the soil profile becomes progressively softer, the value of the site coefficient increases, However, the short period site coeffi- cient for a value of Ss = 1.0 reduces for site classification type E, reflecting the tendency for the ground response to attenuate as the scismicity increases. ASCE Tables and are reproduced in Table 1-2. Linear interpolation may be used to obtain intermediate values. © and Wind Forces—Structural Design Examples 8 Seismic Design. ~~ Table 1-2 Site coefficients F, corresponding to S, and F, corresponding to S; Response acceleration, Se [Response acceleration, S Sitoctassitication | <025 | 060 | 075 | 100 | 21.25 | <01| o2 | os | oa | 205 A os | os [os ]os | os os | os] os] os | os B 10 | 10} 10] 10] 10 | 10 | 10} 10] 10 | Lo ic 12 | 12] 14} 10} 10 | 47] 16 fas] 14 | 13 D i6 | 14] 12} 11] 10 | 24/20] 18} 16 | 1s E 25 | 17] 12] 09] 09 | 35 | 32] 28] 24 | 24 F @® | @!@}]@| @ |) @] @|@}] @| @ ‘Note: (a) Sitespecific geotechnical investigation and dynamic site response analysis required exoept for structures with a period of vibration equal to or less han 0.5 seconds. Example 1-4 The two-story steel framed building shown in Figure 1-1 is located in Orange County, California, Determine the site coefficients for this structure. Solution From Example-11, the site classification at the location of this structure's site classification D. From Example 1-2, the maximum considered earthquake response accelerations are Ss 239g Sy 0.457g From Table 1-2, the site coefficients are determined as Fz =1.00 Fy = 154 Example 1-5 The two-story steel framed building shown in Figure 1-1 is located in Miami, Florida, Determine the site coefficients for this structure ‘Seismic ané Wind Forces-—Structural Design Examples eee Chapter 1 9 Solution , From Example 1-1, the site classification at the location of this structure is site classification D. From Example 1-3, the maximum considered earthquake response accelerations are Ss = 0.060g S, = 0.024g From Table 1-2, the site coefficients are determined as 1.5 Adjusted maximum considered earthquake spectral response accelerations ‘The maximum considered earthquake spectral response accelerations, obtained by the general proce- dure, must be modified for the site classification effects. ASCE Equations ( and ( define the modified spectral response accelerations at short periods and at a period of 1.0 second as : ) Sus =FiSs ) and Si = FS No adjustment is necessary to the maximum considered earthquake spectral response accelerations, oO Sarg derived by the site-specific procedure, as these values already reflect the site classification effects Example 1-6 The two-story steel framed building shown in Figure 1-1 is located in Orange County, California, ‘ Determine the adjusted maximum considered earthquake spectral response accelerations for the struc- ( ture, Solution From ASCE Equations ( and (, the adjusted spectral response accelerations at short periods and at a period of 1.0 second are ( Sus =FSs ‘Soles and Wind Foreas—Structural Design Examples ~ 10 Seismic Design = 1.00 x 1.239 = 1.239g and San FS, 1.54 x 0.457 =0.704g Example 1-7 The two-story steel framed building shown in Figure 1-1 is located in Miami, Florida. Determine the adjusted maximum considered earthquake spectral response accelerations for the structure. Solution From ASCE Equations ( and (, the adjusted spectral response accelerations at short periods and at a period of 1.0 second are Sus =FiSs = 1.60 * 0.060 = 0.096g ‘ and Sm =FS, : = 2.40 x 0.024 =0058e 1.6 Fundamental period of vibration of the structure Bach structure has @ unique natural or fundamental period of vibration that is the time required to complete one cycle in the first mode of free vibration. The factors determining the fundamental C period include the stiffness and height of the structure, ASCE Section provides three methods C for determining the fundamental period of a structure. These are the general approximate method, the approximate method for moment-resisting frames, and the rational analysis method. ‘Seismic and Wind Forces—Stuctural Design Bvamples Chapter 1 1.6.1 General approximate method ‘The general method utilizes ASCE Equation (,2-1) and the approximate fundamental period is given by T, = 0.028(h,)°%... for steel moment-resisting frames T, =0.016(h,)°9 ... for reinforced concrete moment-resisting frames T, = 0.030(h,)°7> ... for eccentrically braced steel frames T, = 0.020(,)"."5 ... for all other structural systems where: I, = height in feet of the roof above the base, not including the height of penthouses or parapets In order to use these values for moment-resisting frames, the moment-resisting frames must resist 100 percent of the required seismic force. The calculated base shear for a structure is dependent on the magnitude of the fundamental period, with a larger value of 7, producing a smaller value of the base shear. The approximate fundamental period determined by ASCE Equation ( underestimates the actual value of the fundamen- tal period, thus providing a conservative value for the base shear. Example 1-8 Determine the approximate fundamental period of vibration for the two-story steel framed building shown in Figure 1-1 Solution The approximate fundamental period is given by ASCE Equation ( as T, — =0.028(h,)°% where: hy = of height = 24 ft Then, the fundamental period is T, — =0.028(24)°* =0.36 sec ‘Seismic and Wind Forces—Structral Design Examples 12 ‘Seismic Design — 1.6.2 Approximate method for moment-resisting frames For moment-resisting frames not exceeding 12 stories in height and with a minimum story height of 10 feet, the approximate fundamental period may be determined by ASCE Equation (, which is T, =0.1N where: N — =number of stories Example 1-9 Determine the approximate fundamental period of vibration for the two-story steel framed building shown in Figure i-1 Solution The story height is A, = 12 ft > 10 ft... satisfactory The number of stories is N <12.... satisfactory ‘Then, for a moment-resisting frame, ASCE Equation ( specifies a value for the building period of I, =01N 12 =0.20 sec Seismic and Wind Forces—Structual Design Examples = Chapter 1 13 method ) wy 8, fi : Me by fe ) m oy fh wr Frame Story weights elections Lateral force Figure 1-5 Rayleigh procedure ASCE Section permits the fundamental period to be determined by a “properly substantiated analysis.” In accordance with NEHRP Commentary* Section 5.4.2, the Rayleigh procedure is an acceptable method and the fundamental period is given by ) T = 2n(Ew,8? /gdVs)' oO = (0.32)(Bw,8? /2f8)!? )__where: 8; =static elastic deflection at level i due to the forces f; ae i = lateral force at level i i Ww; = dead load located at level c g — =acceleration due to gravity a The lateral forces fj represent any lateral force distribution increasing approximately uniformly with ( height as shown in Figure 1-5. This distribution, in the form of an inverted triangle, corresponds to the distribution of base shear that is assumed in the ASCE and is equivalent to the inertial forces pro- duced in a frame with uniform mass distribution, equal story heights, and with acceleration increasing uniformly with height. The mathematical model representing the structure must include all significant elements of the lateral-force-resisting system. If the contribution of the nonstructural elements to the stiffiness of the structure is underestimated, the calculated deflections and natural periods are overesti- mated, giving a value for the base shear that is too low. To reduce the effects of this error, ASCE Sec- 7 tion specifies that the value of the natural period determined by this method may not exceed ¢ the value of eee Cady ‘Seksmnie and Wind Forces—Structural Design Examples 14 Seismic Design — a where: T, = approximate fundamental period determined by ASCE Equation ( y C, = coefficient for upper limit on calculated period Values of C,, are given in ASCE Table and are shown in Table 1-3. As indicated, the values of C,, are dependent on Sp,, the 5-percent damped, design spectral response acceleration at a period of 1.0 second. Table 1-3 Coofficient for upper limit on the calculated period So | 20.40 | 0.30 | 0.20 | 0.15 | 010 | <0.05 G} 14 | 14] as] ie] a7 | a7 Example 1-10 Using Rayleigh's method, determine the fundamental period of vibration of the two-story steel framed building shown in Figure 1-1, which is located in an area with a value for Sp, exceeding 0.40. The force system shown in Figure 1-6 may be utilized, and the seismic dead load at each level and the (otal stiffness of each story are indicated ; Wo = 25.60 kips }+—2. eg tina tq By ( a es (ee oy uN = ’ Solution Applying the force system indicated, the displacements at each level are given by 8 = thik ‘Seismic and Wind Forces—Strucuval Design Ex ( i a Chapter 15 = (20+ 10930 = 1.00 in b= fla +3) = 20/30 + 1.00 = 1.67 in The natural period is given by the Rayleigh procedure as T = 0.32(Ew,8? E78)! ‘The relevant values are given in Table 1-4, Table 1-4 Rayleigh procedure for Example 1-10 Level | w | fi | wo? 1 2 | 25.60] 20 | 1.67] 71.40 } 33.33 1 51.20} 10 | 1.00) 51.20 | 10.00 Total | 76.80 | - - 122.60 | 43.33 Then: T — =0,32(122.60/43.33)'? = 0.538 see Ina location with a value for the design spectral response acceleration at a period of 1.0 second of Spr> 0.4;the-value of the coefficient for the upper limit on the-caiculated period is obtained from Table 1-3 as Ceteaiia ‘The approximate fundamental period was determined in Example 1-8 as T, = 0.36 see Hence the natural period, in accordance with ASCE Section, is limited to 4x 0.36 = 0.50 see < 0.538 sec ‘Seismic and Wind Forces—Structural Design Examles 16 Seismic Design eee Zt Hence, use a maximum value of T — = 0.50 see 1.7 Design spectral response acceleration parameters ‘The design objective of the ASCE, in accordance with NEHRP Commentary Section 4.1.1, is to pro- vide a margin of safety of 1.5 against collapse under the maximum considered earthquake. This is achieved by designing a structure for !/; 5 or 2/3 times the maximum considered earthquake and rely- ing on the inherent overstrength of the structure to prevent collapse under a seismic event with a mag- nitude 50-percent greater than the design level ground motion. The 5-percent damped, design spectral response accelerations for a period of 0.2 second and for a period of 1.0 second are given by ASCE Equations ( and ( as Spg = 2Sys/3 and Spr = 28/3 sfienons > g a Spectral response o & e 0% 75 10 20 Period, sec Be Figure 1-7 Construction of response spectra ‘The general procedure response spectrum is derived from these parameters as indicated in Figure 1-7. The relevant parameters are defined in ASCE Section and are given by Sps = 5-percent damped, design spectral response acceleration for a period of 0.2 second 4 ‘Seiamic and Wind Focces—Stvctwal Design Evampies ae Chapter 1 17. Spi -percent damped, design spectral response acceleration for a period of 1.0 second T = fundamental period of the structure Ts =Spi/Sps T) =0.28pi/Sps For periods not greater than To, the design spectral response acceleration is given by ASCE Equation ( as Sq =0.6SpsTIT) + 04Sps For periods greater than or equal to Ty and less than or equal to 7s, the design spectral response acceleration is equal to Sips. For periods greater than Ts, the design spectral response acceleration is given by ASCE Equation ( as Sy = SpyT The design spectral response accelerations, using the site-specific procedure, are given by ASCE Equation ( as S, 2 = WS anf where: Saag = maximum considered earthquake response accelerations derived by the site-specific procedure In accordance with ASCE Section, the design spectral response accelerations derived from a site-specific maximum considered earthquake response spectrum may not be taken as less than 80 percent of the values obtained from the corresponding general procedure response spectrum. Example 1-11 The two-story steel framed building shown in Figure 1-1 is located in Orange County, California Determine the design spectral response accelerations and draw the general procedure response spec- ‘trum. Solution From Example 1-6, the modified spectral response accelerations at short periods and at a period of 1.0 second are Sys = 1.239g ‘Selamie and Wind Forees—Strucural Design Examples Seismic Design poe and Sm = 0.704g ‘The corresponding design spectral response accelerations are Sps = 2Sy/3 = 0.826 and Spr = 2Siy/3 = 0.469g The response spectrum parameters are given by Ts =Spy/Sps = 0.568 sec 1 .2Spy/Sps = 0.114 sec, At T=0, the design spectral response acceleration is given by ASCE Equation ( as Sq = O.6SpsT/To + 0.48 pg =0+04 x 0.826 130g The response spectrum is shown in Figure 1-8. : ean i Sql 20280 Bg, || sooo Foss £04 Soa 3 0.114sec 0.568 sec 2 é oT Ts 10 20 Period, sec Figure 1-8 Design response spectrum for Example 1-11, i ¢ « ¢ i “ € { C ¢ a Chapter 1 19 Example 1-12 The two-story steel framed building shown in Figure 1-1 is located in Miami, Florida. Determine the design spectral response accelerations. From Example 1-7, the modified spectral response accelerations at short periods and at a period of 1.0 second are Sus = 0.096 and Si = 0.058 The corresponding design spectral response accelerations are Sps = 2Sys/3 = 0.064 and Spr = 2Sya/3 = 0.0388 1.8 Seismic use groups and occupancy importance factors Seismic use groups and their corresponding importance factors are defined in IBC Section 1616.2 and are a measure of the degree of protection required for a building. The seismic importance factor pro- vides enhanced performance for those facilities that constitute a substantial public hazard because of high levels of occupancy or because of the storage of toxic or explosive substances and for those essential facilities that are required to resume operation immediately afier a severe earthquake. An increase in the seismic importance factor increases the design base shear for these buildings, with a ‘consequent reduction in the inelastic behavior and damage caused to the structure by the design carth- quake. Three seismic use groups are defined in IBC Table 1604.5. Group III buildings are essential facilities such as hospitals with emergency treatment facilities, fire and police stations, emergency centers, post earthquake recovery centers, and buildings housing equipment or supplying facilities for these installations. Also included in group I1l are structures housing toxic materials in such quantity as will endanger the safety of the public if released. Seismic Use Group III structures are allocated a seismic importance factor of 1.5. Group Il buildings are facilities with a high occupant load such as buildings where more than 300 people congregate, schools with a capacity exceeding 250, colleges with a capacity exceeding 500, health care facilities with a capacity of 30 or more that do not have emergency treatment facilities, jails, and power stations. Also included in Group II are structures( housing limited quantities of hazardous materials or explosives and not included in Group I. Seismic ‘Seismic and Wind Foross—Structual Design Examples 20 _ Seismic Design Use Group II structures are allocated a seismic importance factor of 1.25, Group I buildings are low hazard structures such as agricultural facilities, minor storage and temporary facilities. Seismic Use Group I structures are allocated a seismic importance factor of 1.00, Aiso included in group I are stan- dard occupancy structures that consist of all other types of facilities and are also allocated a seismic importance factor of 1.00. Details of the seismic use groups and corresponding seismic importance factors are given in Table 1-5, Table 1-5 Soismic Use Group and importance factors = a a Seismic importance Seismic Use Group Nature of occupancy factor, I | 1 Standard occupancy and 1.00 | low hazard structures | u Assembly structures 1.25 mt Essential or hazardous 1.50 | structures Example 1-13 For the two-story steel framed building shown in Figure 1- ~~ group and importance factor. Solution , determine the applicable seismic use The building is used as an office building that is a standard occupancy structure with an applicable seismic use group designation of [ and a seismic importance factor of Seismic and Wind Forces —Structral Design Examples aie Chapter 1 24 1.9 Seismic design category The seismic design category establishes the allowable height, structural system and irregularity, anal- ysis procedure, and detailing requirements necessary in the structure. In accordance with ASCE Sec- tion 9.4.2 and ASCE Tables and, six design categories are established based on the design spectral response accelerations in conjunction with the seismic use group. The seismic design category is determined twice; first as a function of the design spectral response acceleration at short periods, using ASCE Table, and then as a function of the design spectral response accelera- tion at a period of 1.0 second, using ASCE Table, The most severe seismic design category governs. Table 1-6 lists the six design categories. Table 1-6 Seismic design category ‘Seismic Use Group Sos Sor i w m Sps <0.167g | Spi <0.067g | A aca | eAE 0.167¢ S$ Sps<0.33g 0.067g 0.75g. Severe restrictions are placed on the use of some structural systems, irregular structures, and analysis methods, ‘Seismic and Wind Focoes—Stctural Design Examples 24 Seismic Design ~ 1.9.6 Seismic Design Category F Seismic Design Category F includes Seismic Use Group III structures located close to a major active fault that is defined as a region with a maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration at 1.0 second period of 5, 2 0.75g. Severe restrictions are placed on the use of some structural sys- tems, irregular structures, and analysis methods. Example 1-14 The two-story steel framed building shown in Figure 1-1 is located in Orange County, California. Determine the seismic design category. Solution From Example 1-11, the design spectral response acceleration at short periods is 826g > 0.50g From Example 1-13, the seismic use group =I From Table 1-6, the seismic design category = D From Example 1-11, the design spectral response acceleration at a period of 1.0 second is From Example 1-13, the seismic use group = I From Table 1-6, the seismic design category = D . . . governs Example 1-15 The two-story steel framed building shown in Figure 1-1 is located in Miami, Florida. Determine the seismic design category. Solution From Example 1-12, the design spectral response acceleration at short periods is ‘Seismic and Wind Forces—Structural Desian Examples Chapter 1 25 Sps = 0.064g <0.167g From Example 1-13, the seismic use group From Table 1-6, the seismic design category = A From Example 1-12, the design spectral response acceleration at a period of 1.0 second is Spr =0.038g <0.067g From Example 1-13, the seismic use group = From Table 1-6, the seismic design category = A... governs 1.10 Lateral-force-resisting systems ASCE Section 9.5.2 and ASCE Table detail six major categories of building types character- ized by the method used to resist the lateral force. These are illustrated in Figure 1-10 and consist of bearing walls, building frames, moment-resisting frames, dual systems with special moment-resisting frames, dual systems with intermediate moment frames, and inverted pendulum structures. These cat- egories are further subdivided into the types of construction material used. ‘Selamic and Wind Forces—Stuctural Design Examples 26. “Seismic Design TI aoe T ETTTT Pe . \ PERETTI WP Bearing wall system Building frame system Moment-esisting frame Dual system with Dual system with special Inverted pendulum intermediate ‘momentesisting frames, system momentresisting frame Figure 1-10 Structural systems 4.10.1 Bearing wall systems In a bearing wall system, shear walls or braced frames provide support for all or most of the gravity Joads and for resisting all lateral loads, Shear walls are of masonry or concrete, or of wood in wood frame construction. In general, deformations in a masonry or concrete bearing wall system are negli- gible and these systems provide an excellent method to limit damage to nonstructural components. However, the system has a poor inelastic response capacity and lacks redundancy because the Iateral support members also carry gravity loads and their failure will result in failure of gravity load carry- ing capacity. In addition, shear walls and braced frames restrict architectural expression by limiting free access in 2 building. For structures assigned to Seismic Design Categories D, E, and F, concrete and masonry shear walls are required to be specially detailed reinforced walls. These walls are generally limited to a maximum height of 160 feet with the exception of walls in Seismic Design Category F, which are limited to 100 feet. Ordinary steel braced frames in Seismic Design Categories D and E are limited to a maximum height of 35 feet. Wood frame construction with wood structural panels may be utilized in Seismic Design Categories D, E, and F to a maximum height of 65 feet. ‘Selamic and Wind Foroee—Structufal Design Examples f C c ¢ C C Chapter 1 27 Ordinary reinforced concrete shear walls and intermediate reinforced masonry shear walls may be used in Seismic Design Categories A, B, and C without limitations on their height, Bearing wall systems may comprise the types summarized in Table 1-7. These are the values given by ASCE Table Table 1-7 Bearing wall systems ‘Building height limitation as determined by ‘selamic design category, feet ‘System type AorB | c | D E F | Ordinary steel braced frame NE | NE | 350 [352 | pe Special reinforced concrete shear walls NL NL | 60 | 160 | 100 Ordinary reinforced concrete shear walls NL | NL | np | np | NP Special reinforced masonry shear walls NL | NE | 160 | 160 | 100 Intermediate reinforced masonry shear walls. | NL | NL | xp | np | NP Ordinary reinforced masonry shear walls NL | 160 | np | wp | np Light frame walls with wood structural panels | NL | NL | 65 | 65 | 65 ‘NL not limited , NP = not permitted =Permited in single-story structures up toa height of 60 feet when the ded load ofthe roof does not exceed 15 ivf? and. in penthouse structures. 1.10.2 Building frame system A building frame system has separate systems to provide support for lateral forces and gravity loads. A frame provides support for essentially all gravity loads with independent shear walls or braced frames resisting all lateral forces. The gravity load supporting frame does not require special ductile detailing, but it is required to satisfy the deformation compatibility requirements of ASCE Section, and this imposes a practical limitation on the height of a building frame system. Failure of the lateral support members will not result in collapse of the building because the frame continues to support gravity loads. For structures assigned to Seismic Design Categories D, E, and F, specially detailed concrete and masonry shear walls, as specified for bearing wall systems, may be utilized and these are limited to a maximum height of 100 feet for category F structures and 160 feet for category D and E structures. Steel braced frames in Seismic Design Categories D, E, and F may be special concentrically braced frames, as specified in SEIS Part 1, Section 13, or eccentrically braced frames, as specified in SEIS \ ‘Seismic and Wind Forces—Structral Design Examples 28 Seismic Design Part 1, Section 15, with a maximum height of 100 feet for category F structures and 160 feet for cate- gory D and E structures. Ordinary concenttically braced frames, as specified in SEIS Part 1, Section 14, may also be utilized with a maximum height of 35 feet for category D and EF structures and are not permitted for category F structures. Wood frame construction with wood structural panels may be uti- lized in Seismic Design Categories D, E, and F to a maximum height of 65 feet. Ordinary reinforced concrete shear walls and intermediate reinforced masonry shear walls may be used in Seismic Design Categories A, B, and C without limitations on their height. Buil ing frame systems may comprise the types summarized in Table 1-8. Table 4-8 Building frame systems Building height limitation as determined by | selsmie design category, fost system yee past Men Da eH Eccentrically braced frame, moment-resisting | NL | NL | 160 | 160 100 connections at column away from link beam Eccentrically braced frame, non-moment- we] wt | 190 | 160 | 100 resisting connections at column away from link Special steel concentrically braced frames ne | NL | 160 | 160 | 100 Ordinary steel concentrically braced frames NEL | NE | 352 | 35" | NPA Special reinforced conercte shear walls NL | NL | 160 | 160 | 100 Ordinary reinforced concrete shear walls | we | NL | np | Ne | NP | Composite steel concentrically braced frames | NL | NL | 160 | 160 | 100 Special reinforced masonry shear walls NL | NL | 160 | 160 | 100 Intermediate reinforced masonry shear walls | one | NL | np | NP | ONP Light frame walls with wood structural panels NL | NL | 65 | 65 | os | NL not fimited , NP = not permited ‘8. permitted in penthouse structures and in single-story butldings up to height of 60 feet when the dead load of the roof docs nat exceed 15 Ib? 4.10.3 Moment-resisting frames Moment-resisting frames are specially detailed to provide good ductility and support for both lateral and gravity loads by flexural action. In Seismic Design Categories D, E, and F, special reinforced concrete and structural steel moment-resisting frames are required to be detailed to satisfy ACI’ Sec- ‘Seismic and Wind Forons—Structural Design Examples Chapter 1 29 tions 21.2 through 21.5 or SEIS Part 1, Section 9. No restrictions are placed on the height of these systems. Moment-resisting frames have the advantage of affording unlimited free access in a build- ing. In addition, a high degree of redundancy can be provided and the system has an excellent inclas- tic response capacity. Large lateral displacements may be developed while the gravity load carrying capacity remains intact, The large displacements, however, may cause damage to nonstructural ele- ments. Special moment-resisting reinforced masonry wall frames may also be utilized in Seismic Design Categories D, B, and F with a height limitation of 100 feet in category F and 160 feet in cate- gories D and E, Intermediate and ordinary steel moment frames and intermediate reinforced concrete moment frames may be used in Seismic Design Categories A, B, and C without limitations on their height. Moment-resisting frame systems may comprise the types summarized in Table 1-9. Table 1-9 Moment-resisting frame systems Building height limitation as determined by seismic design category, feet System type awe] ce | » | © | Special steel moment frames NL | NL | NL| NL | NE Special steel truss moment frames Font | Nt | 160 | 100 | Ne Intermediate steel moment frames NL | NL | 35 | NP | NP Ordinary steel moment frames NE | NE | NP | NP | NB Special reinforced concrete moment frames we.{ome | ni | NE | NE Intermediate reinforced concrete moment frames NL NL NP NP NP Masonry wall frames NL | NL | 160 | 160 | 100 NL = not limited , NP = not permitted 1.10.4 Dual systems with special moment-resisting frames A dual system provides a comparably high level of seismic safety since a secondary redundant lateral support system is available to assist the primary nonbearing lateral support system. These systems may be used in regions of high seismic risk. Nonbearing walls or bracing supply the primary lateral support system with a special moment-resisting frame providing primary support for gravity loads and acting as a backup lateral force system. The special moment-resisting frame must be designed to independently resist at least 25 percent of the base shear and, in addition, the two systems shall be ‘Seismic and Wind Forces—Strucurat Design Examples 30 Seismic Design designed to resist the total base shear in proportion to their relative rigidities. The primary lateral- support system may comprise the types summarized in Table 1-10, and these may be used in all seis- mic design categories without limitations on their height, Table 1-10 Dual systems with special moment frames System type Building height limitation as determined by seismic design category, feet AorB] C D E ‘Special reinforced concrete shear walls Special reinforced masonry shear walls Eccentrically braced frame, moment-resisting connections at column away from link beam Eccentrically braced frame, non-moment- resisting connections at column away from link, Special steel concentrically braced frames F ne | NL | NL | NL | NE NL NL NL NL NL ne | NL | NE | NL | NL NL | NL | NE | NL | NL NL | NE | NL | NL | NL NL = not limited , NP = not permitted 1.10.5 Dual systems with intermediate moment frames These systems may be used in regions of moderate seismic risk and may be used in Seismic Design Categories A, B, and C without limitations on their height. The primary lateral support system may comprise the types summarized in Table 1-11 Table 1-11 Dual systems with intermediate moment frames System type. ] Building height limitation as determined by ‘seismic design category, feet AorB | c o |. F Special reinforced concrete shear walls Ordinary reinforced concrete shear walls Intermediate reinforced masonry shear walls Special steei concentrically braced frames NE | NL | 160 | 100 } 100 NL | NL | NP | NP | NP NL | NL | NP } NP | NP NL | NL } 35 | NP | NP [NL = not limited , NP = not permitted Socmlc and Wind Forces —Strucurai Design Examples Chapter 1 31 1.10.6 Inverted pendulum structures An inverted pendulum structure has a large portion of its mass concentrated near the top. These struc- tures have limited redundancy and overstrength and concentrate inelastic response at their bases. Hence, failure of the system due to lateral forces will also cause failure of the gravity load carrying capacity. Inverted pendulum structures may comprise the systems indicated in Table I-12. Table 1-12 Inverted pendulum structures Bullding height limitation as determined by seismic | design category, fect System type Aors | ¢ D = F Special steel moment frames ne [ nc | we | NE | ONL Ordinary steel moment frames bone | nt | np | np | ne Special reinforced concrete moment frames | NL | ne | Ne | NEL | ONL NL not limited , NP = not permitted 1.11 Response modification coefficient It is uneconomical to design a structure to remain entirely within its elastic range for a major earth- quake, and advantage is taken of the nonlinear energy absorbing capacity of the system to allow lim- ited structural damage without impairing the vertical nonlinear load carrying capacity of the system. This energy dissipation occurs as a result of the hysteresis effect. In addition, as yielding occurs, the natural period of the structure lengthens and the damping ratio increases; thus reducing the seismic force developed in the structure. A single seismic-force-resisting system may be used throughout a building with a single value for the response modification coefficient, or several different systems may be combined. ‘Selene and Wind Forces~Strusiral Design Examples “32 — Seismic Design 4.11.4 Single seismic-force-resisting system Lateral force, V Lateral deformation, 8 Figure 1-11 Inelastic foree-deformation curvo* The structure response modification coefficient R is defined in NEHRP Commentary Section 5.2 as the ratio of the theoretical seismic base shear, which would develop in a linearly elastic system, fo the prescribed design base shear and is a measure of the ability of the system to absorb energy and sustain cyclic inelastic deformations without collapse. As shown in Figure 1-11, the modification coefficient is given by Ro = Vis where: Vg = theoretical base shear in an elastic structure Vs = design base shear Seiamic and Wind Forcee—Strucu‘al Design Examples Table 113. Design factors for seismic-orce-resisting systems Chapter 1 Selemle-torcerenleting eystom R | % | cw Ordinary steel braced frame 40 | 20 | 35 2 | Special reinforced concrete shear walls 5.0 | 2.5 | 5.0 z Ordinary reinforced concrete shear walls 40} 25 | 40 | speciat reinforced masonry shear walls 50 | 25 | 35 & | intermediate reinforced masonry shear walls 35 | 25 [225 Ordinary reinforced masonry shear walls 2.0 | 2.5 | 1.75 Light frame walls with wood structural panels 6.0 | 3.0 | 4.0 Eccentrically braced frame, moment-resisting 8.0 | 2.0 | 4.0 ‘connections at column away from link beam Eccentrically braced frame, non-moment-resisting 7.0 | 2.0 | 4.0 ‘connections at column away from link beam g Special steel concentrically braced frames 6.0 | 2.0 | 5.0 & Ordinary steel concentrically braced frames 5.0 | 2.0 | 4.5 B | Special reinforced concrete shear walls 60 | 25 | 50 2 Ordinary reinforced concrete shear walls 5.0 | 2.5 | 45 Composite steel concentrically braced frames 5.0 | 2.0 | 45 Special reinforced masonry-shear walls 55] 25 | 40 Intermediate reinforced masonry shear walls 40 | 2.5 | 40 Light frame walls with wood structural panels 65 | 25 [4.25 ‘Seismic and Wind Forces Structural Design Examples 34 Seismic Design Table 1-13 (continued ) Design factors for seismic-force-resisting systems ‘Seismic-force-resisting system R | Qo) Ca Special steel moment frames 30 | 3.0 | 55° 2 | Special stect truss moment frames 7.0 | 3.0 | 5s E | intermediate steel moment frames 45 | 3.0} 40 3 | Ordinary steel moment frames 3.5 | 3.0 | 3.0 'S | Special reinforced concrete moment frames 8.0 | 3.0 | 55 Intermediate reinforced concrete moment frames 5.0 | 3.0 | 45 Masonry wall frames 55 | 3.0 | 5.0 & | Special reinforeed concrete shear walls 80 | 25 | 65 7 Special reinforced masonry shear walls 7.0 | 3.0 | 65 $ | Eccentrically braced fame, moment-resisting 8.0 | 25 | 40 & | connections at column away from link beam | E | Eccentrically braced frame, non-moment-resisting Peles lag connections at column away from link beam. Special steel concentrically braced frames 30 | 25 | 65 | ge, | Special reinforced concrete shear walls 60 | 25 | 50 ‘ z Ordinary reinforced concrete shear walls 55] 25 | 45 7 oa & | Intermediate reinforced masonry shear walls | s0|30| 4s : Special steel concenttically braced frames 45 | 25 | 45 ‘ | Special steel moment frames 25 | 20] 25 i & | Ordinary steel moment frames 1.25} 2.0 | 25 ¢ | special reinforced concrete moment frames 2.5 | 20 | 1.25 ‘SMF = special moment frame, IMF = intermediate moment frame In addition to compensating for the energy dissipation capability, lateral-force system redundancy and increase in natural period and damping ratio, the response modification coefficient allows for the pro- vision of secondary lateral support systems, and the observed performance of specific materials and structural systems in past earthquakes. The value of R increases as the overall ductility of the structure and its energy dissipation capacity increase and as the degree of redundancy increases. Lightly damped structures constructed of brittle materials are unable to tolerate appreciable deformation in excess of initial yield and are assigned low values of R. Highly damped structures constructed of duc- ( ‘Seismic end Wind Forces-—Strucural Design Examples q « C C ¢ ¢ - Chapter 1 35 tile materials are assigned larger values of R. To justify these larger values of the response modifica- tion coefficient, it is necessary to implement the special detailing requirements specified for each seismic-force-resisting system so as to sustain the cyclic inelastic deformations that occur, Even in the event that wind forces govern the design, ASCE Section 9.1.1 mandates that the application of the detailing requirements prescribed for the lateral-force-resisting system are utilized. Values of the response modification coefficient for various seismic-force-resisting systems are given in ASCE ‘Table and are summarized in Table 1-13. 1.11.2 Combinations of seismi -force-resisting systems When combinations of seismic-force-resisting systems are used in a building, the IIBC introduces con- trols to ensure that an adequate value for the response modification coefficient is adopted. For the sit- uation where structural components are common to systems with different R values, ASCE Section requires design of the component for the higher R value to ensure that adequate ductile details are provided, Special reinforced Ordinary steel conorete walls \ moment frames Ree ‘ypical R235 Figure 1-12 Different systems used along two orthogonal axes In accordance with ASCE Section, when different seismic-force-resisting, systems are used along two orthogonal axes of a structure, the appropriate value of R shall be used for each sys tem. However, the lower value of the response modification coefficient must be used for the entire structure if a system with R less than 5 is used in the building. As illustrated in the building frame sys- tem structure shown in Figure 1-12, special reinforced concrete shear walls provide lateral resistance in the longitudinal direction, and ordinary steel moment frames provide lateral resistance in the trans- verse direction. The concrete shear walls have an R value of 6 and the ordinary steel moment frames an R value of 3.5, and this value governs for the whole structure. Detached one- and two-family dwellings constructed of light framing are exempted from this requirement. When different structural systems are used over the height of a building, the response modification coefficient for a story shall not exceed the lowest value, in the direction under consideration, for any) story above, excluding penthouses. As illustrated in the building in Figure 1-13, special reinforced Seismic and Wind Forcos—Structural Design Exampios 36 __ Seismic Design- - concrete shear walls, that also support gravity loads, with an R value of 5.0 provide Jateral resistance in the upper stories. Special reinforced concrete moment frames with an R value of 8.0 are used in the first story. To comply with ASCE Section, a value of 5.0 must be adopted for the full height of the building. Detached one- and two-family dwellings constructed of light framing, and sup- ported structural systems with a weight not exceeding 10 percent of the total weight of the structure, are exempted from this requirement. As shown in Figure 1-13, the penthouse with wood structural panel shear walls, with an R value of 6.0, is supported by a special steel moment frame with an R value of 8.0. The moment frame and the penthouse may be designed independently for response mod- ification coefficients of 8.0 and 6.0, respectively. Wood panel shear walls ‘Special reinforced ‘concrete walls R=30 ‘Special moment- [7 resisting frames |. Special moment- Tesisting frames R=8 Figure 1-13 Different systems used over the height of a structure |Special moment: resisting Frames ‘Special reinforced masonry R=5 Figure 1-14 Different systems used along the same axis In accordance with ASCE Section, when different scismic-force-resisting systems are used in the same direction, the least value of R for any of the systems shall be used for that direction, As illustrated in the building in Figure 1-14, special reinforced masonry shear walls that also support gravity loads, and special steel moment frames provide lateral resistance in the transverse direction. ‘The masonry shear walls have an R value of 5.0 and the steel moment frames an R value of 8.0. The R Seismic and Wind Forces—Struct Design Examples os Chapter 1 37 value of 5.0 governs for the transverse direction. Detached one- and two-family dwellings of light frame construction are exempted from this requirement. Resisting elements may be designed using the least value of & for the different structural systems found on each independent line of resistance. Example 1-16 The two-story steel framed building, shown in Figure 1-1, is located in Orange County, California. Lateral foree resistance is provided by special steel moment-resisting frames in the transverse direc- tion and special steel concentrically braced frames in the longitudinal direction. Determine the appli- cable design factors. Solution For a special steel moment-resisting frame the following values are obtained from Table 1-13 R ate Q =3 Cy 355 For a special steel concentrically braced frame the following values are obtained from Table 1-12 R aie Q =2 Cais aca In both the longitudinal and transverse directions, the value of R exceeds 5.0. Hence a value of R= 8 may be used in the transverse direction and a value of R = 6 may be used in the longitudinal direction 1.12 Overstrength factor The overstrength factor is a measure of the reserve capacity of a structure to resist the actual seismic forces generated by the design ground motions and is given in ASCE Table As shown in Fig- ure 1-11, the overstrength factor is given by 2) =KiNs where: Vy =base shear at formation of the collapse mechanism ‘Saisie ard Wind ForoesSiructurat Design Examples 38 — Seismic Design i ee ‘The factors contributing to the overstrength of a structure are + energy dissipation capabilities + overstrength of materials + application of the resistance factor @ to members to ensure adequacy under design loading + selection of member sizes in excess of the minimum required by the design + the design may be governed by drift limitations rather than strength ‘As shown in Figure 1-11, the duct Ry =VpiVy and R = RQ ity reduction factor is given by The tabulated value of the overstrength factor Qg may be reduced by subtracting '/, for structures with flexible diaphragms but shall not be taken as less than 2.0 for any structure, 1.13 Deflection amplification factor The deflection amplification factor is used to determine the actual displacements produced by the design ground motions and is given in ASCE Table As shown in Figure 1-11, the deflection \ amplification factor is given by eeu ¢ Ca 8: Bre where: 8, =design displacement of the structure actual anticipated displacement caused by the design ground motion C Bee = theoretical displacement, caused by the design ground motion, as determined f by an elastic analysis, Taking into consideration the occupancy importance factor, ASCE Equation ( gives the ¢ value of the actual displacement as « 6, = CgBxell ‘ where: I =occupaney importance factor given in Table 1-4 ‘Seismic and Wind Foroos—Structural Design Examples — — Chapter 1 39 1.14 Seismic dead load The seismic dead load W as specified in ASCE Section 9.5.3 is the total dead load of the structure and that part of the service load that may be expected to be attached to the building. This consists of + 25 percent of the reduced floor live load for storage and warehouse occupancies. Live load in public parking structures need not be included + 9 minimum allowance of 10 pounds per square foot (Ib/f2) for movable pattitions or the actual weight, whichever is greater + 20 percent of flat roof snow loads exceeding 30 Ib/fi? + the total weight of permanent equipment and fittings Roof and floor live loads, except as noted above, are not included in the value of WV as they are con- sidered negligible by comparison with the dead loads. For movable partitions an overall average value of 10 Ib/ft is adopted for seismic loads. For permanent walls that are constructed of heavier materials, the actual weight of the walls shall be used. Freshily fallen snow, not exceeding 30 Ib/f?, haas little effect on the seismic load as it tends to be shaken off the roof in the initial phase of an earth- quake. However ice and compacted snow, exceeding 30 lb/ft?, may be expected to partially adhere to the roof and contribute to the seismic load. Example 1-17 The two-story, steel framed buil lowing component weights: shown in Figure 1-1 is used as an office building a1 Roof diaphragm 20 lb/ft Second floor diaphragm 30 Ib/ft? Walls 40 Ib/f? No allowance is required for permanent equipment or snow loads, Determine the applicable seismic dead load for an interior bent, in the transverse direction, at the roof and second floor levels if the roof and second floor diaphragms may be considered flexible, Solution ‘The relevant dead load tributary to the roof diaphragm in the north-south direction is due to the north and south wall and the roof dead load and is given by Roof =20%40 = 800 Ib/ft ‘Seismic and Wind Forces—Structural Design Examples 40 ~ Soismic Design a North wall =40« 12/2 = 240 Ib/ft South wall = 40% 12/2 = 240 Ibyft ‘The total dead load tributary to an interior bent at roof level is Wy = (800+ 240 + 240)20/1000 = 25.60 kips ‘The relevant dead load tributary to the second floor diaphragm in the north-south direction is given by Floor =30*40 = 1200 lb/ft North wall =40%12 = 480 Ib/ft South wall =40x12 = 480 Ib/ft Partitions = 1040 = 400 lb/ft The total dead load tributary to an interior bent at the second floor level is W, = (1200+ 480 + 480 + 400)20/1000 =51.20 kips 1.15 Seismic response coefficient The scismic response coefficient C, given in ASCE Section represents the code design spec- trum. ASCE Equation ( defines the longer period, velocity-related region of the spectrum and is given by Cy =SpliRT but shall not be taken less than C, =0.044 Spsi where: Spi = design spectral response acceleration at a period of 1.0 second I =occupaney importance factor from Table 1-5 R _=response modification factor from Table 1-13 T = fundamental period of the structure Sps = design spectral response acceleration at short periods ‘Seismic and Wind Foroes —Structural Dosign Examples ¢ Chapter 1 41 ‘The maximum value of the seismic response coefficient, which defines the flat top or acceleration- related region of the spectrum, is given by ASCE Equation ( as C, = Spot This latter expression defines the short period portion of the spectrum for structures with a fundamen- tal period of less than Ts =Spi/Sps To prevent too low a value of the seismic response coefficient being adopted for long period structures in Seismic Design Category E or F, the minimum permitted value is given by ASCE Equa- tion ( as SS UR where: 5S, = maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration at a period of 1.0 second For regular structures not exceeding 5 stories in height and with a fundamental period not exceeding 0.5 seconds, C, may be calculated using values of S, = 1.5g and Sj = 0.6g. Example 1-18 The two-story steel framed building shown in Figure 1-1 is located in Orange County, Califomia. Lateral force resistance is provided by special steel moment-resisting frames in the transverse diree- tion and special steel concentrically braced frames in the longitudinal direction. Determine the seis--— mic response coefficient in the transverse direction, Solution From previous examples the relevant parameters are given by Sp =0.469g Sps = 0.826 5; =0.457g ro =10 0 50 see Ts = 0.568 sec ‘Sessio and Wid Forces—Structural Design Examples 42° Seismic Design - Seismic design category =D The seismic design coefficient is given by ASCE Equation ( as C, = SpliRT = 0.469 * 1.0/(8.0 * 0.50) =0.117 ‘The maximum value of the seismic design coefficient is given by ASCE Equation ( as C, = SpslR = 0.826 * 1.0/8.0 = 0.103 ‘The governing value is C, = 0.103 This is confirmed by noting that 7< Ts 1.16 Seismic base shear The lateral forces produced in a structure by the ground-vibration may be determined by tbe static, or ¢ equivalent lateral force procedure. This utilizes Newton's second law to estimate the horizontal shear ( force at the base of the structure. The seismic base shear is prescribed by ASCE Equation (, ¢ which is the code representation of Newton's second law, as yo =CWw ¢ This expression is based on the assumption that the structure will undergo several cycles of inelastic deformation and energy dissipation without collapse. Forces and displacements in the structure are ( derived assuming linear elastic behavior.** The actual forces and displacements produced in the ( structure are presumed to be greater than these values as specified for critical elements in ASCE Sec- tions,, and, Seismic and Wind Forces Structural Design Examples ¢ Chapter 1 43 Example 1-19 The two-story steel framed building shown in Figure 1-1 is located in Orange County, California. Lateral force resistance is provided by special steel moment-resisting frames in the transverse direc- tion. Determine the seismic base shear for an interior bent in the transverse direction, Solution The value of the seismic dead load was derived in Example 1-17 as Wo =Wy+h% = 25.60 + 51.20 = 76.80 kips ‘The value of the seismic response coefficient was derived in Example 1-18 as C, =0.103 Hence, the base shear is given by ASCE Equation ( as vo =Cw = 0.103 x 76.80 91 kips 1.17 Simplified lateral force procedures For small structures in Seismic Use Group I, ASCE Section 9.5.4 permits an alternative design method. This method gives values for the base shear 20 percent higher by comparison with ASCE Equation ( that delincates the flat top of the response spectrum. As specified in ASCE Section the method is applicable to structures of light framed construction not exceeding three stories in height, or of any construction not exceeding two stories in height with flexible dia- phragms. The simplified seismic base shear is given by ASCE Equation ( as Vo =(1.28ps/R)W where: Sps = design spectral response acceleration at short periods R = response modification factor from Table 1-13 W = seismic dead load of the structure Selsmie and Wind Forces Structural Design Examples 44 Seismic Design — a Example 1-20 The two-story steel framed building shown in Figure 1-1 is located in Orange County, California. Lateral force resistance is provided by special steel moment-resisting frames in the transverse direction. Determine the seismic base shear for an interior bent in the transverse direction using the simplified procedure. Solution From previous examples the relevant parameters are given by Sps =0.826g Rk =80 W = 76.80 kips Hence, the simplified base shear is given by ASCE Equation ( as, Vi -=(1.2Spg/R)W = (1.2 * 0.826/8.0)76.80 = 9,52 kips 1.18 Vertical distribution of seismic forces The distribution of base shear over the height of a building results from the superposition of all modes of vibration of the multiple-degree-of-freedom system. The magnitude of the lateral force at a partic ular node®? depends on the mass of that node, the distribution of stiffness over the height of the struc- ture, and the nodal displacements in a given mode and is given by NEHRP Commentary Equation (C5.4.3) as Fy = VvedhBody where: ee = modal base shear Ww; = seismic dead load located at level i 4, =mode shape component at level i for the given mode We = Seismic dead load located at level x $= mode shape component at level x for the given mode Slamie and Wind Forces-—Structual Design Exampies level n 7 [Tf Mos " # Kaen on r a Frama Siorywoihts _-Feerdefectons Lateral force Figure 1-15 Vertical force distribution’ Fora structure with a uniform distribution of mass over its height and assuming a linear mode shape, as shown in Figure 1-15, this reduces to the expression Fe = VoighylBjh where: 4h; =height above the base to level i fi, = height above the base to level x V —— =base shear This expression is valid-if only a linear first mode shape is considered, and it iS applicable to short period, regular structures with a fundamental vibration period not exceeding 0.5 second. To allow for higher mode effects in long period buildings, ASCE Equations ( and ( yield the expression F, = Pgh wht where: F, = design lateral force at level x hy =height above the base to any level i h, — =height above the base to a specific level x Zw;hf = summation, over the whole structure, of the produet of w, and Af istribution exponent ‘To allow for higher mode effects in long period buildings with a fundamental vibration period of 2.5 seconds or more, a parabolic mode shape is assumed and the distribution exponent k is given by kk =2 7 Seismic and Wind Foroes—Structural Design Examples “46 Seismic Design When the building has a fundamental vibration period not exceeding 0.5 second, a linear mode shape is assumed and the distribution exponent is eee For intermediate values of the fundamental vibration period, a linear variation of k may be assumed. Example 1-21 The two-story steel framed building shown in Figure 1-1 is located in Orange County, California. Lat- eral force resistance is provided by special steel moment-resisting frames in the transverse direction. Determine the vertical force distribution for an interior bent in the transverse direction. Solution ‘The fundamental period of vibration was derived in Example 1-10 as = 0.50 sec The value of the distribution exponent factor is obtained from ASCE Section as k 0 Hence, the expression for F,, reduces to Fy = Vingy/Dwih; 7 dead loads located ues are given in Table 1-14. Is 1 and 2 are obtained from Example 1-17 and the relevant val- ‘Table 1-14 Vertical force distribution Lovet we [te | wie | Fe : 2 25.60 | 24 | 614.40 | 3.96 ; 1 51.20 | 12 | 614.40 | 3.96 ; Total 76.80 | — | 1228.80 | 7.92 ¢ From Example 1-19, the base shear is given by V—-=791 kips ‘The design lateral force at level x is ‘Seismic and Wind Foroos—Structurel Design Examples a ae Chapter 1 47 = Vinh Savi, = 7.91 (wg, 1228.80 = 0.00644 wh, The values of F, are given in Table 1-14. Example 1-22 ‘The two-story steel framed building shown in Figure 1-1 is located in Miami, Fl vertical force distribution for an interior bent in the transverse direction, la. Determine the Solution ‘The building was determined in Example 1-15 to be in Seisinic Design Category A. Hence, the requirements of ASCE Section are applicable and the lateral force at each level is given by ASCE Equation (9.5.3-1) as Fy = 001m, where: wy = that portion of the seismic dead load, as defined in ASCE Section 9.5.3, that is assigned to level x ‘The values of the lateral force at each level are given in Table 1-15. 1 | 51.20] 0.51 1.19 Simplified vertical distribution of base shear In accordance with ASCE Section, when the simplified procedure is used to determine the seismic base shear, the forces at each level may be determined from ASCE Equation ( as Fy =(1.28ps/R)wy Seismic and Wind Forces—Structural Design Examples 48 Seismic Design =w IW where: We = seismic dead load located at level x Spgs = design spectral response acceleration at short periods R = response modification factor from Table 1-13 V _ =seismic base shear determined by ASCE Equation ( Ww = total seismic dead load This method provides a rapid and simple determination of the forces at each level based on the seis- mic dead load located at that level. Example 1-23 ‘The two-story steel framed building shown in Figure 1-1 is located in Orange County, California. Lat- eral force resistance is provided by special steel moment-resisting frames in the transverse direction. Determine the vertical force distribution for an interior bent in the transverse direction using the sim- plified procedure. Solution From Example 1-17, the value of the total seismic dead load is W = 76.80 kips From Example 1-20, the value of the seismic base shear, determined using the simplified lateral force procedure, is Vo =9.52 kips ‘The relevant values, from Example 1-21, are given in Table 1-16. Table 116 Vertical force distribution Level | wx | Fe 2 | 25.60 | 3.17 1 | 51.20 | 6.35 Total | 76.80 | 9.52 The forces at each level are determined from ASCE Equation ( as Slamic and Wind Forces —Sttetuial Design Bxampies c =a ~ Chapter 1 49 Fe =0,ViW Wy * 9.52/76.80 1241, The values of F, are given in Table 1-16. 1.20 Overturning ' Fr, level n ¢ Fo level nt F, za hy i Fy, —o| evel ae ! fon fy level 1 t ! ( 4 ¢ ee a Figure 1-16 Overturning moment In accordance with ASCE Section, buildings shall be designed to resist the overturning effects caused by the scismic forces at each level. At any story, the increment in overturning moment is dis- tributed to the vertical-force-resisting elements in the same proportion as the distribution of horizon- tal shears to those elements. The determination of the overturning moment at level x is illustrated in , Figure 1-16 and given by ASCE Equation ( as Me = BF {hj~ hy) C where: F, = design lateral force at level { > Ay = height above the base to level 7 = In, = height above the base to level x n= top level of the building c In accordance with ASCE Section, the allowable stress load factors given in ASCE Section ( 2.4.1 may be utilized in evaluating overturning at the soil-structure interface. In accordance with Seismic and Wind Forces structural Design Examples 50 __ Seismic Design -— ASCE Section, the effects of vertical seismic forces are neglected with the value of the seis- mic force in ASCE Equations (, (, (, and ( given by E =pQr or EE = Qe with 0.2SpsD =O where: Q: = effect of horizontal seismic forces 0.2SpsD__= effect of vertical seismic forces Sps = S-percent damped, design spectral response acceleration, for a period of 0.2 second D — =effect of dead load p = reliability factor As specified in ASCE Section, foundations, with the exception of inverted pendulum-type structures, may be designed for 75 percent of the overturning moment at the soil-structure interface. Example 1-24 The two-story stee] framed building shown in Figure 1-1 is located in Orange County, California. Lat- eral force resistance is provided by special steel moment-resisting frames in the transverse direction. Determine the factor of safety against overturning at the base for an interior bent in the transverse direction. Solution ‘The seismic dead load determined in Example 1-17 includes an allowance for partitions at the second floor level and this is used to calculate the seismic base shear. However, for other procedures, IBC Section 1607.5 requires partitions to be considered a live load. The dead load, not including parti- tions, tributary to an interior bent at the second floor level is obtained from Example 1-17 as w= (1200 + 480 + 480)20/1000 = 43.20 kips 1 factor of safety against overtuming may be determined using the allowable stress load factors given in ASCE Section 2.4.1 of 0.6 for dead loads and 0.7 for seismic loads. The effects of vertical seismic forces are neglected and horizontal seismic forces acting on the structure, as determined in Example 1-21, are shown in Pigure 1-17. The factored overturning moment is given by Mog =0.7(3.96 x 24 + 3.96 x 12) Seismic and Wind Forces —Sttuctural Deaga Examples C ( Chapter 1 — 51 = 99.79 kip-ft ‘The factored restoring moment is given by Mg = 0.6 x 20(43.2 + 25.6) = 825.60 kip-ft The factor of safety against overtuming is MglMg = 825.60/99.79 =827 W,= 256 kips F,= 3.96 kips * 128 F,= 3.96 kips — 7 wR wr wr il 40% ———| Figure 1-17 Details for Example.1-24 1.21 Diaphragm loads The load acting on a horizontal diaphragm in Seismic Design Categories B and C is given by ASCE, Equation ( as Fy = 0.21Spgivy + Vox where: Sps = design spectral response acceleration coefficient at short periods 1 occupancy importance factor from Table 1-4 Wy ismic dead load tributary to the diaphragm, including walls normal to the direction of the seismic load Seismic and Wind Foroes— Structural Design Examples 52 Seismic Design at Vox = force generated by offsets in the vertical lateral-force-resisting elements above and below the diaphragm ‘The load acting on a horizontal diaphragm in Seismic Design Category D and above is given by ASCE Equation ( as Fg pe 3FilE; 20.28psl px $0.45 pslp. where: F, — =lateral force at level i ZF; =total shear force at level i Ww; = seismic dead load located at level i Ew; = total seismic dead load at level i and above Wpx = Seismic dead load tributary to the diaphragm at level x, including walls normal to the direction of the seismic load. For a single story structure, this reduces to Fy = Wig ~ CW px Also, in a multistory structure at the second floor level Baw, = VW =O en where: V_ = seismic base shear determined by IBC Equation (16-49) W = total seismic dead load cismic design coefficient Example 1-25 The two-story steel framed building shown in Figure 1-1 is located in Orange County, California, Determine the diaphragm loads for the structure. Solution Since the building is in Seismic Design Category D, ASCE Equation ( is applicable and the diaphragm loads are given by Figg =Wpy EF Ew; Seismie and Wind Forsee—Strctural Design Examples a Fee Chapter 1 The seismic dead load tributary to the diaphragm at [evel 2 is given by Roof = 0.02 « 40 x 20 = 16.00 kips Walls = 2 x 0.04 x 20 x 12/2 = 9.60 kips pq = 16.00 +9.60 = 25.60 kips ‘The seismic dead toad tributary to the diaphragm at level 1 is given by Second floor =0.03 * 40 x 20 = 24.00 kips Walls =2* 0.04 x 20 x 12 = 19.20 kips Partitions = 0.01 x 40 x 20 = 8.00 kips Wpi = 24.00-+ 19.20 + 8.00 = 31.20 kips ‘The maximum applicable value for the diaphragm load is given by Fox ~ OASpsl ep = 04 0,826 * 1.01%. = 0.330% py ‘The minimum applicable value for the diaphragm load is given by Fy = 0.2Spslepe = 0.2 * 0.826 * 1.0Wpe = 0.165w,, ... governs at both levels ‘The values of the diaphragm loads are given in Table 1-17. ‘Table 1-17 Diaphragm loads bevel | 2m | ZA | DRE | max | min | Wx | Foe 2 | 25.60} 3.96 | 0.155 | 0.330 | 0.165 | 25.60 | 4.23 1 | 76.80 | 7.92 | 0.103 | 0.330 | 0.165 | 51.20 | 8.46 ‘Seismio and Wind Forcee—Structural Design Examples 54 Seismic Design ft 1.22 Story drift Story drift is defined in ASCE Section as the difference of the deflections at the centers of mass at the top and bottom of the story under consideration. The maximum allowable story drift A, is given in ASCE Table and shown in Table 1-18. Table 1-18 Maximum allowable story drift Ag ‘Seismic Use Group Building type ' W m One-story buildings with fittings designed to accommo- | no limit date drift Buildings, other than masonry shear wall or wall frame | 0.025hg- | 0.020hg, | 0.015hg, buildings, of four stories or less with fittings designed to accommodate drift Masonry cantilever shear wall buildings 0.010h,, | 0.010h., | 0.010h ge Other masonry shear wall buildings 0.007: | 0.007: | 0.007. Masonry wall frame buildings O.013hg, | 0.013 | 0.010, All other buildings 0.020h,. | O.015h,. | 0.010h.. no limit ‘n= story height below level x To allow for inelastic deformations, drift is determined using the deflection amplification factor Cy given in Table 1-13. Taking into account the occupancy importance factor given in Table 1-5, the amplified deflection at level x is defined by ASCE Equation ( as where: 8, = CyB yell C4 = deflection amplification factor given in Table 1-13 5, = design displacement of the structure = actual anticipated inelastic displacement caused by the design ground motion and defined as the product of 8 ,. and Cg Sze = theoretical displacement, caused by the code-prescribed design level forces, as determined by an elastic analysis 1 = occupancy importance factor given in Table 1-8 In accordance with ASCE Section, P-delta effects need not be included in the calculation of drift when the stability coefficient © does not exceed 0.10. Selamic and Wind Foroes~-Structural Design Examples ~~ Chapter 1 55 calculation of drift, in accordance with ASCE Section, the full value of 7, the funda- mental period determined using the Rayleigh method, may be utilized to determine the seismic base shear. The upper bound limitation imposed by ASCE Section is not applicable, When allowable stress design methods are used, deflections must be calculated using the code- prescribed design level forces without multiplying by the factor 0. When calculating drift, the reliability factor p is not used Example 1-26 ‘The two-story steel framed building shown in Figure 1-1 is located in Orange County, California, Determine the drift in the bottom story of the frame. The relevant details are shown in Figure 1-18, Solution From Example 1-10 the fundamental period obtained by using the Rayleigh method is T —-=0.538 see In accordance with ASCE Section, this value of 7 may be utilized to determine the seismic base shear. The seismic response coefficient is given by ASCE Equation ( as ) Cy = SpIRT 469 * 1.0/(8.0 x 0.538) 109 ‘The maximum value of the seismic response coefficient is given by ASCE Equation ( as ( Cy =Spsle/k rl = 0.826 * 1.0/8.0 f = 0.103... governs -—Strucural Design Examples 56 Seismic Design = y= Wkipsiin [hg = 12H hg = 12K Figure 4-18 Details for Example 1-26 Hence, the seismic base shear is given by ASCE Equation ( as vo =Cr ).103 76.80 =7.91 kips and this is identical with the value calculated in Example 1-19. The lateral forces are also identical with the values calculated in Example 1-21 and are shown in Figure 1-18. In addition, as determined in Example 1-13, the building is used as an office building, which is a standard occupaney structure with an applicable seismic use group of | and a seismic importance factor of 1 = 1.00 For a moment-resisting frame, the amplification factor is obi Cy = 55 Using the lateral forces determined in Example 1-21, the actual anticipated inelastic drift in the bot- tom story is Ay = CyB rel! = CAF y+ Fy kyl = (5.5)(3.96 + 3.96))/(30 = 1.00) = 1.45 in In accordance with Table 1-18, the maximum allowable drift for a two-story structure in Seismic Use Group Lis Ag = 0.025hs4 0.025 x 12 x 12 Solamic and Wind Forces—Strctural Design Examples —— Chapter. 57 = 3.60 in > LAS in... satisfactory 1.23 Simplified determination of drift In accordance with ASCE Section, when the simplified procedure is used to determine the ) seismic base shear, the design story drift in any story shall be taken as A, =0.01h, , where: 4, = drift in story x hige height of story x Example 1-27 The two-story steel framed building shown in Figure 1-1 is located in Orange County, California Lateral force resistance is provided by special steel moment-resisting frames in the transverse direc ) tion. Determine the drift in the bottom story of the frame using the simplified procedure Solution— Bee The design story drift in the bottom story is given by oO Ay = 0.01hg, = 0.01 * 12 x 12 Adin cm Figure 1-21 Braced frame structure For a braced frame, the element-story shear ratio is determined as shown in Figure 1-21. Assuming that each brace resists the seismic shear equally, the maximum element-story shear ratio is =0.25 Pmax.x ‘The reliability factor is given by Pe =2-20/rngg A)? nao = 2~ 20/0.25(40 x 100)° = 2-127 = 1,00... minimum 1.26.2 Calculating fax x for a moment-resisting frame structure Fora special moment-resisting frame, the element-story shear ratio is determined as shown in Figure 1-22 for a single-bay, four-bent structure. As specified in ASCE Section, the element-story shear is the ratio of the sum of the shears in two adjacent columns in a bent to the total shear in the story. Assuming that each bent resists the seismic shear as indicated in Figure 1-22, the ‘maximum element-story shear ratio is Yan x = 0-33 Selsmic and Wind Foroes—Structural Design Examples The reliability factor is given by Pe = 220M imax AAa)”> =2~20/0.33(40 x 100) =2-0.96 = 1.04 Moment resisting 40 Figure 1-22 Moment-resisting frame structure For a column common to two bays, 70 percent of the shear in that column is used in the sum of the shears in two adjacent columns. For the two-bay, two-bent structure shown in Figure 1-23, the maxi- ‘mum element=story shear ratio is given by Tmaxx = (V8 + 0.7(V4)YV = 030 ‘The reliability factor is given by Pe = 2=20/r max (Ad =2~20/0.30(40 x 100)°5 =2-1.05 = 1.0... minimum Special moment-resisting frames, except when used in dual systems or combined with other systems, must be designed to have a reliability factor not exceeding 1.25 in Seismic Design Category D and not exceeding 1.1 in Seismic Design Categories E and F. ‘Seismie and Wind Forces—Strucural Design Examples = 66 — Seismic Design mae Moment-resieting — frame wa A 2 x50 t= 1008 Figure 1-23 Multi bay structure 1.26.3 Calculating Fmnax.x for a shear wall structure Figure 1-24 Shear wall structure For a shear wall, the element-story shear ratio is determined as shown in Figure 1-24 for a wood ( framed structure. As specified in ASCE Section, the element-story shear is the ratio of 10 times the unit shear per foot of wall to the total shear in the story. Assuming that each shear wall ‘Seicmic an Wind Forces—-Structural Design Examples — - Chapter 4 67 resists one quarter the seismic shear as indicated in Figure 1-24, the maximum element-story shear ratio is = 0.25 * 10/ly = 0.25 x 10/20 = 0.125 Pmax x The reliability factor is given by Pe = 2-20! imax Ay)? =2~20/0.125(50 x 60)°5 =2-292 =10 minimum In light-framed construction, the value of 10//,, need not exceed 1.0. 1.26.4 Calculating finax x for a dual system structure ‘Moment-resisting frame Figure 1-25 Dual system structure For a dual system, the clement-story shear ratio is determined as show: in ASCE Section, the element-story shear is the ratio of the shear in the most heavily loaded element to the total shear in the story. The reliability factor is taken as 80 percent of the normally cal- culated value. Assuming that shear is divided between the elements as indicated in Figure 1-25, the . maximum element-story shear ratio is Figure 1-25. As specified ‘Seismic end Wind Forces—-Structural Design Examples 68 __ Seismic Design Fmaxx = 0.40 * 101 = 0.40 « 10/30 = 0.133 The reliability factor is given by Ps = 0.8[2~20/rinax s(4n)™“] = 0.8[2 — 20/0.133(60 x 90)5] = 0.8[2 — 2.05] = 1.0... minimum Example 1-30 ‘The two-story steel framed building shown in Figure 1-1 is located in Orange County, California, Lateral force resistance is provided by special steel moment-resisting frames in the transverse direc- tion. Determine the reliability factor for the frame. Solution The loads acting on the structure are shown in Figure 1-26. Assuming that each bent in the structure resists the proportion of the seismic load shown, the total shear in the bottom story is, Vo =8x7.92kips The shear in an interior bent is Vg = 7.92 kips _. The element-story shear ratio for the bottom story is Tmax x = VelV = 7.928 * 7.92) = 0.125 ‘The reliability factor is given by Pe #2 ~20/r max (A) = 2~20/0.125(40 x 160)? =2-2.00 = 1.0... minimum Seismic and Wind Forces —stvelural Design Evampies — ~~ Chapter 1 69 S. SN xs 3.06 4.92 792 << 6x20 8t= 160 ————+” Figure 1-26 Details for Example 1-30 1.27 Load combinations Design is permitted in the IBC by either thé allowable stress mettiod or the strength design meth« Either method requires the application of prescribed load combinations to determine the most critical effect on any particular element in a structure, 4.27.1 Strength design loads and load factors When strength design principles are utilized, the basic requirement is to ensure that the design strength of a member is not less than the required ultimate strength. ‘The required strength consists of the service level loads multiplied by appropriate load factors as defined in IBC Section 1605.2. IBC Equations (16-5) and (16-6) are the load combinations that include seismic forces and are Ui = 1D + LOEKAL+AS and U =0.9D+ 10E ‘Seismic and Wind Forces Structural Design Examples. 70 Seismic Design — where: D = dead load L = floor live load Ss = snow load E —— =seismic load Ji = 1.0 for floors in garages and places of public assembly and for floor loads in excess of 100 Ib/ft? = 0.5 for other live loads Jy =0.2 for roof configurations that shed snow = 0.7 for other configurations Dead load is reduced by 10 percent and imposed live load is omitted when this results in a more criti- cal effect in a member subjected to seismic loads. The calculated seismic load E is defined in ASCE Section and, since it is determined at the strength design level, it has a load factor of 1.0. The seismic load is a function of both horizontal and vertical earthquake induced forces and, when the effects of gravity and seismic loads are additive, is given by ASCE Equation ( as E — =pQg+0.2SpsD where: Qg — =effect of horizontal seismic forces Sps = S-percent damped, design spectral response acceleration for a period of 0.2 second D_ —— =effect of dead load ¢ p = redundancy coefficient ¢ The load combinations given by IBC Equation (16-5) may now be defined as ( Ui = (1.2 + 0.2Sp9)D + pOp HHL +S ; When the effects of gravity and seismic loads counteract, the seismic load is given by ASCE Equation c (95.2.7-2) as E Oe -0.2SpsD ( ‘The load combinations given by IBC Equation (16-6) may now be defined as ¢ U_ = 0.9 -0.2Sp)D + pOg ‘Sismic and Wind Forces Structural Design Examples Chapter 4 Example 1-31 The two-story steel framed bui tion. Determine the may 1g shown in Figure 1-1 is located in Orange County, California. Lateral force resistance is provided by special steel moment-resisting frames in the transverse direc uum and minimum ultimate strength design loads acting on the column footings for the applied loads shown in Figure 1-27. The redundancy coefficient is p = 1.0. oasis to ata ae so2kpe | Sthies au ae + _ boned Lend sebnlobed i Figure 1-27 Details for Example 1-31 Solution ‘The force in one column due to the effects of dead load is DD. = (wp,)/2 neni where: Wp» = dead load at level x and D — =(43.2+ 25.62 = 34.4 kips ‘The force in one column due to the effects of superimposed floor load is Lo =(Swp,)/2 where: Wrz = floor live load at level x and LL =56.0/2 28.0 kips The force in one column due to the effects of superimposed roof load is L, =w,/2 where: w, =To0f live load ‘Seismic and Wind Forces —Stuctural Design Examples 72 Seismic Design ~~ _ and I, =162 =8 kips The force in one column due to the effects of horizontal seismic forces is POn = #P(EF,h,VB where: B= width of frame F, = design lateral force at level x Ii, = height above base to level x and POg =+1.0(3.96 x 24 + 3.96 x 129/40 = 43.56 kips The force in one column due to the effects of vertical seismic forces is Oy =#0.2SpsD = 40.2 « 0,826 x 34.4 = £5.68 kips Applying the load combination of IBC Equation (16-5) gives the strength design load as Fe (easy (1.2 + 0.2Sp)D + pOp+ AL +h = 1.2% 34.44 5,68 + 3.56 +05 x 28.0 = 64,52 kips ... compression Applying the load.combination of IBC Equation (16-2) gives the strength-design load as Fe (max)= 12D + 1.6L + 0.5L, =12%34.44 16x 28.0405 x8 = 90.08 kips . .. compression, governs Applying the load combination of IBC Equation (16-6) gives the strength design load as Fe(niny= (0.9 = 0.28ps)D + pe .9 x 34.4 — 5.68 — 3.56 = 21.72 kips. ... compression Selamic and Wind Forcee—Strctural Design Exemplas Bae Chapter 1 73 1.27.2 Special seismic load combinations for the strength design method Roof diaphragm Shear walls Figure 1-28 Collector elements In some situations, the effects of structural overstrength has to be considered and an clement is designed to develop the maximum force that can be anticipated in the element. These situations ‘occur: + in the collector elements of diaphragms in Seismic Design Category C and above as specified in ASCE Sections and and shown in Figure 1-28, An exception is allowed for structures braced entirely by light franied shear walls + in elements supporting discontinuous shear walls as specified in ASCE Section and shown in Figure 1-29. An exception is allowed for light framed walls supported by con- crete slabs + inthe design of steel special concentrically braced frames as specified in SEIS® Part 1, Section 13 and shown in Figure 1-30 + inthe design of batter piles as specified in IBC Section 1808. and shown in Figure 1-31 * in cold-formed steel members in braced bays of light framed walls as specified in IBC Section 2211.43 ofsmio and Wind Forces—Structurat Design Examples Discontinued shear wall, Figure 1-29 Discontinuous shear walls Figure 1-30 Steel special concentrically braced frame ‘The maximum force that can be delivered to the system, when the effects of gravity and seismic loads ate additive, is determined by the load combination given by IBC Equation (16-19), which is UF 12D + AL + LOE, where: D — =dead load L = floor live load ‘Seismic and Wind Forees—Structufal Design Examples: eae Chapter 1 75 fi = 1.0 for floors in garages and places of public assembly, and for floor loads in excess of 100 Ib/ft” = 0.5 for other live loads E,, = maximum effect of horizontal and vertical earthquake forces that can be developed in an element as defined in ASCE Equation ( = Q40¢ + 0.2SpsD Qo — =structure overstrength factor given in ASCE Table and tabulated for an abbreviated number of structures in Table 1-13 = amplification factor to account for the overstrength of the structure in the inelastic range Qg — = efivet of horizontal seismic forces Sps = 5-percent damped, design spectral response acceleration, for a period of 0.2 second Batter piles Figure 1-31 Batter piles ‘The load combination given by IBC Equation (16-19) may now be defined as U = (1.2 + 0.28ps)D + Oe +L \ Seismic and Wind Forcos—Structural Design Examples 76 Seismic Design a ‘The maximum force that can be delivered to the system when the effects of gravity and seismic loads counteract is determined by the load combination given by IBC Equation (16-20), which is UU -=0.9D+ 1.0L» where: Em ~QQg-0.2SpsD ... from ASCE Equation ( ‘The load combination given by IBC Equation (16-20) may now be defined as U_ = 09 0.28ps)D + MOp Example 1-32 ‘The special reinforced masonry shear wall, supported on columns as shown in Figure 1-29, forms part of @ bearing wall lateral-force-resisting system. The S-percent damped, design spectral response acceleration for a period of 0.2 second is Sips = 0.826g. ‘The applied axial loads on each column are dead load = 80 kips, floor live load L = 20 kips, and the effect of horizontal seismic force Op = £30 Kips. Determine the maximum and minimum ultimate strength design loads acting on the column footings. ) Solution Because the columns are supporting discontinuous shear walls, the special seismic load combinations are applicable and the structure overstrength factor, for special reinforced masonry shear walls, given in Table 1-13 is — Q =25 eae Applying the load combination of IBC Equation (16-19) gives the strength design load as Fo¢inax) = (12+ 0.28ps)D + 20g + AL = (1.2 + 0.2 « 0.826)80 + 2.5 x 30 40.5 x 20 = 194 kips ... compression Applying the load combination of [BC Equation (16-20) gives the strength design load as (0.9 - 0.28ps)D + Q9Op 0.9 ~ 0.2 * 0,826)80 ~ 2.5 « 30 =~16.22 kips ... tension Fein) ‘Selamic and Wind Foroos-Strucural Design Examples ate “Chapter 1 77 4.27.3 lowable stress design method When allowable stress design principles are utilized, the basic requirement is to ensure that, under the action of service level loads, the stress in an element does not exceed permissible limits. The design evel load combinations that include seismic forces are defined in IBC Equations (16-10) and (16-12) and are D+0.1E+L+(L,orS or R) and 06D + 0.7E where: D = dead load L = floor live load L, = 00f live load S =snow load R — =rain toad E ismic load Flat roof snow loads not exceeding 30 Ib/{t* need not be combined with seismic loads as it is consid- cred to be loose, freshly deposited snow, that will be shaken off the roof in the initial phase of an earthquake. Where flat roof snow loads exceed 30 Ib/ft?, 20 percent shall be combined with seismic loads. No increase in allowable stress is permitted with these load combinations, with the exception of the duration of load increase specified for wood members in NDS!” Section 2.3.2. ‘The seismic load £ is a function of both horizontal and vertical earthquake-induced forces and, when the effects of gravity and seismic loads are additive, is given by ASCE Equation ( as E = pOg+0.2SpsD where: Qg — =effect of horizontal seismic forces Sps percent damped, design spectral response acceleration, for a period of 0.2 second D — =effect of dead load p = redundancy coefficient ‘The load coinbinations given by IBC Equation (16-10) may now be defined as (1.0 + 0.14Sps)D + 0.7pOg+ L + (L, or Sor R) ‘When the effects of gravity and seismic loads counteract, the seismic load is given by ASCE Equation ( as E = pQp~0.2SpsD Seismic and Wind Forces Structural Design Examples 78 Seismic Design ace The load combinations given by IBC Equation (16-12) may now be defined as (0.6 -0.14Sp9)D + 0.7pO¢ Example 1-33, The two-story steel framed building shown in Figure 1-1 is located in Orange County, California Lateral force resistance is provided by special steel moment-resisting frames in the transverse direc tion. The 5-percent damped, design spectral response acceleration for a period of 0.2 second is Sps 0.826g and the redundancy coefficient is p = 1.0. Determine the maximum and minimum loads acting on the column footings using the allowable stress design method. Solution The loads acting on the structure are shown in Figure 1-27, and the forces acting on the columns are determined in Example 1-31. The force in one column due to the effects of dead load is D = -=344kips ‘The force in one column due to the effects of superimposed floor load is ie = 28.0 kips > ‘The force in one column duc to the effects of superimposed roof load is ee c L, — =8kips ( The force in one column due to the effects of horizontal seismic forces is PQs =23.56 kips ‘The force in one column due to the effects of vertical seismic forces is ¢ Qy =40.2SpsD = £5.68 kips Applying the load combination of IBC Equation (16-9) gives the allowable stress design load as Fojmm) =D+L+L, =34.4+28.048 = 70.40 kips. .. compression - Applying the Joad combination of IBC Equation (16-10) gives the allowable stress design load as Selemic and Wind Foroes—Structu‘al Design Examples Chapter 1 79 Fe(maxy = (1.0 + 0.14Sps)D + 0.7pOg + L + (L, or Sor R) = 1.0« 34.4 + 0.7 x 5.68 + 0.7 x 3.56 + 28.0 + 8.0 = 76.87 kips . . . compression, governs Applying the load combination of IBC Equation (16-12) gives the allowable stress design load as Fo(miny = (0.6-0.14Sp3)D + 0.7pOg = 0.6 x 34.4 -0.7 x 5.68 - 0.7 x 3.56 = 14.17 kips.... compression, no uplift 1.27.4 Allowable stress design method: alternate load combinations Altemate load combinations for the allowable stress design method are specified in IBC Section 1605.3.2. The design level load combinations that include seismic forces are defined in IBC Equa- tions (16-17) and (16-18) and are D+L+S+ENA and 0.9D+ ENA ‘When using these alternate load combinations, allowable stresses are permitted to be increased where specified in the relevant material sections of the code. The limitations-on-snow load and the definition of the seismic load-E-are identical to those given in Section 1.27.3. When the effects of gravity and seismic loads are additive, the seismic load is given by ASCE Equation ( as E = pQg+0.2SpsD The load combination given by IBC Equation (16-17) may now be defined as (1.0 + 0.28ps/1.4)D * pOg/4+L+S When the effects of gravity and seismic loads counteract, the seismic load is given by ASCE Equation ( as E = pQp-0.2SpsD ‘The load combinations given by IBC Equation (16-18) may now be defined as (0.9 ~ 0.28ps/1.4)D + pOg/1.4 Seismic and Wind Forces Structural Design Examples

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