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Thesis Statement, Topic

Sentence, and Supporting

Paul Christian Reforsado Abad
By the end of the lessons, you will have
been able to
• Differentiate thesis statement, topic sentence, and supporting
details from one another;
• Write a thesis statement effectively;
• Write a topic sentence effectively; and
• Write supporting details effectively.
1. Do this task in pairs. Read the following chart and identify
the sentences that are related to one another.
2. First, encircle one item in column 1. then, encircle one item
each from the three boxes in column 2 which you think is
best related to the item you have encircled in column 1.
finally, encircle two items in each box in column 3 which you
think relate to the idea you have encircled in each box in
column 2.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
(a) Tagaytay is an (a) The magnificent (a) The city has an average
enthralling city in the landscape of the city is of 24°C, 2.6°C lower
South which attracts a sight to see. than the average
both local and foreign (b)The city has a cooler temperature in the
tourists climate than most of the Philippines.
(b)Tagaytay City is cities in the country. (b)Taal Volcano can be
different from the cities seen from Tagaytay.
in Luzon in terms of (c) The placid lake
climate and geography. surrounding the Volcano
also provides a
breathtaking view.
(d)It has an average
humidity of 78%
whereas nearby Metro
Manila goes beyond
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
(a) One of the city’s main (a) The natives welcome
characteristics is the tourists with a smile.
warm nature of its (b)Locals readily help and
people. assist visitors who come
(b)The geographic location into the city.
of the city is different (c) Tagaytay lies in the
from other cities on the Tagaytay Ridge, which is
plains. actually the edge of the
Taal Caldera.
(d)Unlike cities on plains, it
is located on an
elevated ground.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
(a) The city’s high elevation (a) The city is well-known
also results in a slightly for the soothing warmth
different temperature. of its bulalo.
(b)It is known for its (b)It is relatively cooler
sumptuous food. from December to
(c) Tourist also flock to
Tagaytay for its
(d)The city also has a
larger chance of being
covered in mist due to
its position on top of the
Thesis Statement
• The central idea of a multiple-paragraph composition.
• A one-sentence summary that guides, controls, and unifies
ideas when writing a paper.
“Getting a college degree is
important because it will equip
a student to become a
“Necessity of a college “College education is
professional in his her/her
education.” important.”
chosen field and it will widen
his/her perspective of the

This is an example of
an accurately written
This is more of a title Although it is a
thesis statement; it
than a thesis sentence, this
has one subject and
statement. statement is broad.
at least two
Generating a thesis statement can be
done through various methods.
Topic: Jogging
Question: Why is jogging beneficial?
Thesis Statement: Jogging is beneficial because it positively
affects physical wellbeing and mental
Generating a thesis statement can be
done through various methods.
Topic: Tagaytay City
Question: (1) Is Tagaytay City an enthralling city of the South?
(2) Why is Tagaytay City considered and enthralling
city of the South?
Thesis Statement: (1)Tagaytay City is an enthralling city of the South.
(2) Tagaytay City is an Enthralling city of the South
because of its beautiful landscape, amazing people,
and sumptuous food.
How to Write an Effective Thesis
1. It should be written in a complete sentence with a clearly stated
2. It should not be too narrow nor too broad, and it should contain
at least two details.
3. Avoid an awkward thesis statement which states the obvious.
4. Enumerated details should have the same level of significance.
5. It should not state an absolute fact, because it will not present
any central idea that can be developed further.
Topic Sentence
• Guides, controls, and unifies ideas in a paragraph.
• It develops one argument of the thesis statement.
• Can either be explicitly or implicitly stated.
Topic: Jogging
Question: Why is jogging beneficial?
Thesis Statement: Jogging is beneficial because it positively
affects physical wellbeing and mental fitness.
Topic Sentence 1: Jogging positively impacts one’s physical
wellness by preventing hypertension and other diseases.
Topic Sentence 2: Another benefit of jogging is that it maintains
mental fitness.
Topic: Tagaytay City
Question: Why is Tagaytay City considered an enthralling city of the South?
Thesis Statement: Tagaytay City is an enthralling city of the South because
of its beautiful landscape, delicious food, and amazing people.
Topic Sentence 1: Tagaytay City attracts tourists with its magnificent
Topic Sentence 2: People go back to Tagaytay for its delicious foods.
Topic Sentence 3: The warmth of the city’s amazing people is also another
reason why Tagaytay is alluring.
Tips in Writing an Effective Topic Sentence
1. It should follow the basics already discussed in the thesis
2. It should contain one detail which is related to one of the
details in the thesis statement.
3. It should vary in structure across paragraphs.
4. If the composition is just one paragraph, the topic sentence
should be straightforward.
Supporting Details
• Are pieces of information necessary to better understand the
main idea.
• They can be facts, reasons, testimonies, statistics, and
experiments that support the topic sentence.
• Are divided into two levels:
• Major Details directly support the topic sentence
• Minor Details directly support the major details
Tagaytay is an enthralling city of the South because of its
stunning landscape, hospitable people, and delicious foods. The city
has a magnificent scenery that never fails to capture the awe of its
visitors. One major tourist spot that exudes the beauty of Tagaytay
is Taal Volcano, the smallest volcano in the world. The lake which
surrounds it is another attraction that cannot be missed. The city is
also characterized by the warmth of its people, the Cavitenos. They
bring with them their smiles as they welcome both local and foreign
visitors. Aside from these, Tagaytay is also known for its sumptuous
native foods. Tourists who drop by the city make it a point to try
Tagaytay’s famous bulalo and other delicacies.
Tagaytay is an enthralling city of the South because of its
stunning landscape, hospitable people, and delicious foods. The city
has a magnificent scenery that never fails to capture the awe of its
visitors. One major tourist spot that exudes the beauty of
Tagaytay is Taal Volcano, the smallest volcano in the world.
The lake which surrounds it is another attraction that cannot
be missed. The city is also characterized by the warmth of its
people, the Cavitenos. They bring with them their smiles as
they welcome both local and foreign visitors. Aside from these,
Tagaytay is also known for its sumptuous native foods. Tourists
who drop by the city make it a point to try Tagaytay’s
famous bulalo and other delicacies.
I. Identify the similarities and differences between a
thesis statement and a topic sentence using a Venn

Thesis Topic
Statement Sentence
II. Classify each statement and put it in its appropriate box. Put the thesis
statement in the top box, the topic sentences in the middle boxes, and the
supporting details in the bottom boxes. Write only the sentence number in
each box.
II. Classify each statement and put it in its appropriate box. Put the thesis
statement in the top box, the topic sentences in the middle boxes, and the
supporting details in the bottom boxes. Write only the sentence number in
each box.

1. After the pre-interview stage comes the 8. Observe good manners during the
actual interview. interview.
2. Answer questions as sincerely as possible. 9. Reflect on your performance in the
3. Follow the status of your application. interview.

4. Get information about the name of the 10. Research the essential information
interviewer, the venue and duration of the about the company you are applying for.
interview, and the hiring process.
11. Send a thank-you note to the interviewer.
5. Greet the interviewer and introduce yourself.
12. The preparatory stage is known as the
6. Job interview is a complex process that pre-interview stage.
involves essential stages.
13. There are things that you need to do
7. Master the content of your resume.
after an interview.
Write a thesis statement for each set of
topic sentences.
1. Jogging prevents heart diseases.
Jogging prevents some forms of cancer.
Jogging helps treat diabetes.
2. Our school employs competent teachers.
It also provides state-of-the-art facilities.
It has a conducive environment for learning.
3. Automated election reduces costs.
It is faster.
Digital archiving of results is also achieved.
Write a thesis statement for each set of
topic sentences.
4. Korean pop uses wide-ranging audio-visual elements.
It uses synchronized dance formation.
K-pop uses colorful fashion.
5. Internet pornography is flourishing.
Internet becomes a tool for violating intellectual property
It is being used to bully other people.
Write a topic sentence for each set of
supporting details.
1. Insert your ATM card.
Enter your personal identification number.
Enter the amount of money.
Get you cash and receipt.
2. List the tasks you need to accomplish.
Keep track of your progress.
Begin with the most important task.
Take a break in between tasks.
Write a topic sentence for each set of
supporting details.
3. A computer has a hard drive where data is stored.
The mouse is used to point to and select items on the
The keyboard is used for entering characters.
The monitor displays visual elements.
4. Malware makes the computer unstable.
It can be used in hacking and stealing information.
Write a topic sentence for each set of
supporting details.
5. Red stimulates appetite.
Yellow elicits the feeling of comfort when eating.
Green makes you feel that the food you eat is healthy and
safe to eat.
Gray decreases your appetite.
Write three supporting details (major
details) for each topic sentence.
1. Music helps us while studying.
2. Lack of sleep has negative effects on your appearance.
3. Smart phones are useful in our studies.
4. Teachers function as parents in school.
5. Using the light-rail transit (LRT) for commuting is practical.
Write a question for each topic. Make sure that the
questions you formulate will require three details in
the answer. Then, answer each question to come up
with a thesis statement. From the thesis statement you
have formulated, write three topic sentences.
1. Facebook
2. Absenteeism
3. Online Game Addiction
4. Alcohol Drinking
5. Drug Abuse
6. Philippine Elections
Choose one topic from those listed. Then, write an
essay simply by adding valid and sufficient supporting
details for each topic sentence you provided. Use
transitional devices for cohesion and coherence.
1. Facebook
2. Absenteeism
3. Online Game Addiction
4. Alcohol Drinking
5. Drug Abuse
6. Philippine Elections

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