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Learning Objectives:

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

1. Trace the beginning of terrorism.
2. Identify the different kinds of terrorism.
3. Discuss the horrifying terroristic attacks in the world.
4. Explain the Philippine Anti-terrorism law and why most Filipinos oppose it.


Module 8, Activity 8 .1a Assignment on topic Terrorism for Asynchronous


Module 8, Activity 8 .1b Students view video clip on 50 minutes

Terrorism. Synchronous

Module 8, Activity 8 .1c Lecture and Interactive Discussion 40 minutes

Module 8, Activity 8 .1.d 40 minutes
Lecture and interactive Reflection Synchronous
Module 8, Activity 8 .2 .a Assignment Terrorism in the Asynchronous
Module 8, Activity 8 .2.b Lecture and interactive discussion 30 minutes
Lecture and interactive Synchronous
Module 8, Activity 8.2.c Quiz 20 minutes
Quiz Synchronous

Module 8, Activity 8 .1.a

Assignment for submission

Write an essay on terrorism, following the guide questions below.

1. What is terrorism?
2. Discuss the reasons why terrorists engage in horrifying acts of violence.

3. When did terrorism begin? Cite the countries involved in the earliest type of terroristic
4. What is Anti-Terrorism Law ? Explain why most Filipinos oppose the Law.

Rubric for grading assignment

ORGANIZATIO Writing lacks logical Writing is coherent Writing is coherent Writing shows
N organization. It and logically and logically high degree of
shows some organized. Some organized with attention to logic
coherence but ideas points remain transitions used and reasoning of
lack unity. Serious misplaced and between ideas and points. Unity
errors. stray from the topic. paragraphs to create clearly leads the
Transitions evident coherence. Overall reader to the
but not used unity of ideas is conclusion and
throughout essay. present. stirs thought
regarding the
LEVEL OF Shows some Content indicates Content indicates Content indicates
CONTENT thinking and thinking and original thinking and synthesis of ideas,
reasoning but most reasoning applied develops ideas with in-depth analysis
ideas are with original sufficient and firm and evidences
underdeveloped and thought on a few evidence. original thought
unoriginal. ideas. and support for
the topic.
DEVELOPMENT Main points lack Main points are Main points well Main points well
detailed present with limited developed with developed with
development. Ideas detail and quality supporting high quality and
are vague with little development. details and quantity. quantity support.
evidence of critical Some critical Critical thinking is Reveals high
thinking. thinking is present. weaved into points degree of critical
GRAMMAR Spelling, Most spelling, Essay has few Essay is free of
AND punctuation, and punctuation, and spelling, punctuation, distracting
MECHANICS grammatical errors grammar correct and grammatical spelling,
create distraction, allowing reader to errors allowing reader punctuation, and
making reading progress though to follow ideas grammatical
difficult; fragments, essay. Some errors clearly. Very few errors; absent of
comma splices, run- remain. fragments or run-ons. fragments, comma
ons evident. Errors splices, and run-
are frequent. ons.
STYLE Mostly in elementary Approaches college Attains college level Shows
form with little or no level usage of style; tone is outstanding style
variety in sentence some variety in appropriate and going beyond
structure, diction, sentence patterns, rhetorical devices usual college
rhetorical devices or diction, and used to enhance level; rhetorical

emphasis rhetorical devices. content; sentence devices and tone
variety used used effectively;
effectively. creative use of
sentence structure
and coordination
FORMAT Fails to follow format Meets format and Meets format and Meets all formal
and assignment assignment assignment and assignment
requirements; requirements; requirements; requirements and
incorrect margins, generally correct margins, spacing, evidences
spacing and margins, spacing, and indentations are attention to detail;
indentation; and indentations; correct; essay is neat all margins,
neatness of essay essay is neat but and correctly spacing and
needs attention. may have some assembled. indentations are
assembly errors. correct; essay is
neat and correctly
assembled with
professional look.

Module 8, Activity 8 .1.b

Viewing slides on Terrorism

We will view slides on terrorism to have an in-depth understanding why it happens and what
are its effects to humanity.

Relate what you had learned from the assignment you submitted with the video clip.

Module 8, Activity 8 .1.c

Lecture and Interactive Discussion

Terrorism is not a new phenomenon. It has been here since time immemorial. It has spread
worldwide. All over the world, frightening acts caused tremendous damage to property, loss of
lives, and traumatic experience that caused strong psychological impact to the victims. It badly
affect economy and render the people helpless.

So, we ask ourselves, why are terrorists and why do the carryout dreadful activities?

Terrorism is as old as humanity

The picture above shows a barbarian way of publicly executing a female to sow fright in the
hearts of the spectators and to warn the people not to follow suit. Crucifixion purports guilt of
a criminal, flogging, publicly hanging and the slow death by torture creates a feeling of horror.

In a wider plane, terrorism is carried out worldwide in activities that cost tremendous loss of
lives, damage to property, and the general public’s feeling of insecurity.

In the study by Amparo Pabela Fabe, (The Philippine Sociological Review,2013), she claims,
“...the Philippines is dubbed as a ‘haven for terrorist and was identified as one of the countries
with most number of terrorist organizations...”.

The Terrorists, on the loss...

September 11, 2001 attacks, also called 9/11 attacks

The World Trade Center, New York.

There were series of airline hijackings and suicide attacks committed in 2001 by 19 militants
associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda against targets in the United States, the
deadliest terrorist attacks on American soil in U.S. history. The attacks against New York
City and Washington, D.C., caused extensive death and destruction and triggered an enormous
U.S. effort to combat terrorism.

Some 2,750 people were killed in New York, 184 at the Pentagon, and 40
in Pennsylvania (where one of the hijacked planes crashed after the passengers attempted to
retake the plane); all 19 terrorists died. Police and fire departments in New York were especially
hard-hit: hundreds had rushed to the scene of the attacks, and more than 400 police officers
and fire fighters were killed.

Module 8, Activity 8 .1.d

Terrorism in the Philippines
Assignment for submission

Write an essay, following the guide questions below.

1. Who were the people considered as the first terrorists?
2. What terroristic events shocked the whole world in the USA?
3. Enumerate at least 3 events which were carried out by the local terrorists and the ISIS in
the Philippines?
4. Why are there movements opposing Republic Act No. 11479 or Anti-Terrorism law?

Rubric for grading assignment

ORGANIZATIO Writing lacks logical Writing is coherent Writing is coherent Writing shows
N organization. It and logically and logically high degree of
shows some organized. Some organized with attention to logic
coherence but ideas points remain transitions used and reasoning of
lack unity. Serious misplaced and between ideas and points. Unity
errors. stray from the topic. paragraphs to create clearly leads the
Transitions evident coherence. Overall reader to the
but not used unity of ideas is conclusion and
throughout essay. present. stirs thought
regarding the
LEVEL OF Shows some Content indicates Content indicates Content indicates
CONTENT thinking and thinking and original thinking and synthesis of ideas,
reasoning but most reasoning applied develops ideas with in-depth analysis
ideas are with original sufficient and firm and evidences

underdeveloped and thought on a few evidence. original thought
unoriginal. ideas. and support for
the topic.
DEVELOPMENT Main points lack Main points are Main points well Main points well
detailed present with limited developed with developed with
development. Ideas detail and quality supporting high quality and
are vague with little development. details and quantity. quantity support.
evidence of critical Some critical Critical thinking is Reveals high
thinking. thinking is present. weaved into points degree of critical
GRAMMAR Spelling, Most spelling, Essay has few Essay is free of
AND punctuation, and punctuation, and spelling, punctuation, distracting
MECHANICS grammatical errors grammar correct and grammatical spelling,
create distraction, allowing reader to errors allowing reader punctuation, and
making reading progress though to follow ideas grammatical
difficult; fragments, essay. Some errors clearly. Very few errors; absent of
comma splices, run- remain. fragments or run-ons. fragments, comma
ons evident. Errors splices, and run-
are frequent. ons.
STYLE Mostly in elementary Approaches college Attains college level Shows
form with little or no level usage of style; tone is outstanding style
variety in sentence some variety in appropriate and going beyond
structure, diction, sentence patterns, rhetorical devices usual college
rhetorical devices or diction, and used to enhance level; rhetorical
emphasis rhetorical devices. content; sentence devices and tone
variety used used effectively;
effectively. creative use of
sentence structure
and coordination
FORMAT Fails to follow format Meets format and Meets format and Meets all formal
and assignment assignment assignment and assignment
requirements; requirements; requirements; requirements and
incorrect margins, generally correct margins, spacing, evidences
spacing and margins, spacing, and indentations are attention to detail;
indentation; and indentations; correct; essay is neat all margins,
neatness of essay essay is neat but and correctly spacing and
needs attention. may have some assembled. indentations are
assembly errors. correct; essay is
neat and correctly
assembled with
professional look.

Module 8, Activity 8 .2.a

International and Local Terrorism

Lecture-Interactive Discussion

The Terrorists have already reached the Philippines and they have sown

The Isis beheaded a sick captive. They also engaged in

a Series of bombings and all sorts of terroristic activities.
In response, the Philippine government legislated an
Anti-terror law.

Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020
Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020 was officially designated as Republic Act No. 11479. Subsequently,
there has been appeal to the Supreme Court and actions of protest all over the country against
the Anti-terror Law on ground of unconstitutionality.

Module 8, Activity 8 .2.b
Examine the statements. If the statement is true, check the appropriate column and
give the reason why.

Statements Yes No Reasons

1.Terrorism began only in the modern
2. Only suicide bombers could carry out
bombing of the Twin Towers in New
3.ISIS were found to be the brains
behind the bombings in Mindanao
4.Anti-terrorism Law is urgently needed
while there is a COVID 19 Pandemic.
5.Republic Act No. 11479.
protects life and property
so it it is basically


Correct answer and Reasoning 20%

Correct Answer, wrong reasoning 10%
Wron answer, wrong reasoning 0%


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