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Case Study 1

The company sells a number of different furniture products. These products are grouped
into several product lines. The identifier for a product is Product_ID, while the identifier for a
product line is Product_Line_ID. Referring to the customer invoice, we identify the following
additional attributes for product: Product_Description, Product_Finish, and Unit_Price.
Another attribute from product line is Product_Line_Name. A product line may group any
number of products, but must group at least one product. Each product must belong to exactly
one product line. Customers submit orders for products The identifier from an order is Order-
ID, and another attribute is Order_Date. A customer may submit any number of orders, but
need not submit any orders. Each order is submitted by exactly one customer. The identifier
for a customer is Customer_ID. Other attributes include Customer_Name and
Customer_Address. A given customer order must request at least one product. Any product
sold by Pine Valley Furniture may not be requested on any order, or may be requested on one
or more orders. An attribute associated with each order and product is Quantity, which is the
number of units requested.
Case Study 2

In a courier management system, a customer reaches at courier shop and asks for dispatching
of his goods. An attendee verifies his goods and allots an identification number to his goods.
Along with this he calculates the amount, which will be charged from customer. After proper
packing, a bill is generated whose one copy is given to customer and one copy is kept in
record. All the goods received in a day are sorted out according to destination, which can be
identified by unique id number allotted to each courier order. All courier orders along with
their documents are sent to their appropriate destinations. Destination courier centers receive
these orders and record their entries. All courier orders are dropped to their destination, and a
signature is taken from each receiving person of courier order. This is recorded in the system,
which automatically updates the record at base center from where these courier orders are
Case Study 3

PC Associates is a large, multinational consulting corporation, which uses a number of PCs

and software packages in the course of her work. PC Associates needs to maintain the
following information about the PCs and software packages its employee uses to do their
jobs. For each PC, the computer number, the computer model and manufacturer, and the type
of microprocessor needed to be stored. Data for each employee also needed to be stored -
such as the employee name, employee number, and phone number. Also for each PC, the
inventory tag number, location, computer number and the number of the employee who owns
the PC. For each software package, the package number, current cost, type, name and version
needed to be stored. Also for each software package installed on a PC, the package number
and cost, installation date and inventory tag number needed to be stored.
Case Study 4

A video store rents movies to members. Each movie in the store has a title and is identified
by a unique movie number. A movie can be in VHS, VCD, or DVD format. Each movie
belongs to one of a given set of categories (action, adventure, comedy, ... ). The store has a
name and a (unique) phone number for each member. Each member may provide a favorite
movie category (used for marketing purposes). There are two types of members:
Golden Members:
Require their credit card and can rent more than one movie each time.
Bronze Members:
Don't require their credit card and can rent only one movie each time.
A member may have a number of dependents (with known names). Each dependent is
allowed to rent one (1) movie at a time.
Case Study 5

When a library first receives a book from a publisher it is sent, together with the
accompanying delivery note, to the library desk. Here the delivery note is checked against a
file of books ordered. If no order can be found to match the note, a letter of enquiry is sent to
the publishers. If a matching order is found, a catalogue note is prepared from the details on
the validated delivery note. The catalogue note, together with the book, is sent to the
registration department. The validated delivery note is sent to the accounts department where
it is stored.
On receipt of an invoice from the publisher, the accounts department checks its store of
delivery notes. If the corresponding delivery note is found then an instruction to pay the
publishers is made, and subsequently a cheque is sent. If no corresponding delivery note is
found, the invoice is stored in a pending file.
Case 6

Suppose you are given the following requirements for a simple database for the National
Hockey League (NHL):
the NHL has many teams,
each team has a name, a city, a coach, a captain, and a set of players,
each player belongs to only one team,
each player has a name, a position (such as left wing or goalie), a skill level, and a set of
injury records,
a team captain is also a player,
a game is played between two teams (referred to as host_team and guest_team) and has a date
(such as May 11th, 1999) and a score (such as 4 to 2).
Construct a clean and concise ER diagram for the NHL database using the Chen notation as
in your textbook. List your assumptions and clearly indicate the cardinality mappings as well
as any role indicators in your ER diagram.
Case 7

UPS prides itself on having up-to-date information on the processing and current location of
each shipped item. To do this, UPS relies on a company-wide information system. Shipped
items are the heart of the UPS product tracking information system. Shipped items can be
characterized by item number (unique), weight, dimensions, insurance amount, destination,
and final delivery date. Shipped items are received into the UPS system at a single retail
center. Retail centers are characterized by their type, uniqueID, and address. Shipped items
make their way to their destination via one or more standard UPS transportation events (i.e.,
flights, truck deliveries). These transportation events are characterized by a unique
scheduleNumber, a type (e.g, flight, truck), and a deliveryRoute. Please create an Entity
Relationship diagram that captures this information about the UPS system. Be certain to
indicate identifiers and cardinality constraints.
Case 8

A small racing league want a database to keep track of teams, drivers, races and scores in the
league. The league is run for teams, which are identified by their names. Each team has one
or more drivers signed up, and each driver is registered with the league and has a unique
league licence number. First and last names of the drivers should also be included. A driver
may only participate for a single team throughout the season. Races are identified simply by
the dates when they are run. For each race, the league also wants to store the venue where it
took place. Drivers participate in races, and for each participating driver the database should
store the total race time for that driver, and the league score they got from that race. Your task
is to draw an ER diagram that correctly models this domain and its constraints.
Case 9

Assume we have the following application that models soccer teams, the games they play,
and the players in each team. In the design, we want to capture the following:
• We have a set of teams, each team has an ID (unique identifier), name, main stadium, and to
which city this team belongs.
• Each team has many players, and each player belongs to one team. Each player has a
number (unique identifier), name, DoB, start year, and shirt number that he uses.
• Teams play matches, in each match there is a host team and a guest team. The match takes
place in the stadium of the host team.
• For each match we need to keep track of the following:
o The date on which the game is played o The final result of the match
o The players participated in the match. For each player, how many goals he scored,
whether or not he took yellow card, and whether or not he took red card.
o During the match, one player may substitute another player. We want to capture this
substitution and the time at which it took place.
• Each match has exactly three referees. For each referee we have an ID (unique identifier),
name, DoB, years of experience. One referee is the main referee and the other two are
assistant referee.

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