ĐỀ THI CUỐI KỲ - Morphology Syntax

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HỌC KỲ 02 NĂM HỌC 2020-2021


MSMH : ANH303DE03 □ Có câu hỏi trắc nghiệm
Thời lượng thi : 90 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề)
□ Không được tham khảo tài liệu
Ghi chú:
- Sinh viên làm bài trên giấy thi
- Sinh viên nộp lại đề thi

Họ và tên sinh viên: …Nguyễn Y Nguyên…………………………..

Mã số sinh viên: ………2197264………………………………


Question 01 (25 marks)

Choose the best answers to the following questions.

1. Which of the following underlined strings is grammatical?
A. We’ll fix your computer when we get the parts.
B. We’ll fix your computer when we got the parts.
C. We’ll fix your computer when we would get the parts.
D. We’ll fix your computer when we had gotten the parts.

2. What does the verb phrase Peter gave Mary a book yesterday.
contain beside the Head verb?
A. three adjuncts
B. one complement and two adjuncts
C. two complements and one adjunct
D. one complement and one adjunct

3. Which role does The manager in The manager has fired 3 employees this year carry?
A. agent
B. instrument
C. theme
D. experiencer

4. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

A. They had wrecked my car annoyed me.
B. That they had wrecked my car annoyed me.
C. To them have wrecked my car annoyed me.
D. Have they have wrecked my car annoyed me.

5. What is/are the arguments of the predicate told in the sentence Peter told Mary that he won the game
A. Mary, that he won the game, yesterday
B. Mary, that he won the game
C. that he won the game, yesterday

Trang 1 / 2
D. Mary, yesterday

6. Which of the following sentences is ambiguous, i.e., it can be interpreted in two ways?
A. They are watering apples.
B. They are picking bananas.
C. Fyling a plane is dangerous.
D. They are having dinner.

7. What type of clause is the underlined part in the following sentence?

Nam won the game because he has practiced very hard.
A. Dependent clause
B. Embedded clause
C. Coordinate clause
D. Subordinate clause

8. Which of the following can be assigned Agent case?

A. The dog runs
B. That the dog is very friendly
C. The dog hit the ball
D. The dog with a curly tail and white fur

9. Which theme does a knife in He cut an apple with a knife. receive?

A. Nominative
B. Objective
C. Instrument
D. Inherent possessive

10. Which of the following sentences contains an embedded infinite clause?

A. The baby cried whenever I went to the room.
B. He looked disappointed at their decision, but he didn't argue.
C. Jack wants his children to eat a better breakfast.
D. That my niece has been arrested.

Question 02 (25 marks)

Arrange the following constituents in appropriate order to form larger ones as required. Write
your answers on the answer sheet
Example: some of / of English / in my school / the teachers (Noun Phrase)
 Some of the teachers of English in my school

1. it’s /to draw/ a tricky decision/ for the school/ difficult (IP)
It's difficult for the school to draw a tricky decision
2. noisy/ makes me/ which/ distracted/ the final test/ from/ drum (Noun Phrase)
Noisy the drum which makes me distracted from the final test.
3. about / what to be done / strongly/ disagree/with his view/ now (Verb Phase)
Strongly disagree with his view about what to be done now.
4. about / working/ from/ with kids /his own personal experience (Prepositional Phrase)
About his own personal experience from working with kids.
5. choosing / good / teddy bears/ extremely / at (Adjective Phrase)
Extremely good at choosing teddy bears.

Question 3 (25 marks)

Construct sentences that have the following features and underline them

1. A copular clause in which there is a preposition phrase.

Trang 2 / 2
A singer with passion.

2. A sentence in which there is an adjunct.

The alarm went off again yesterday.

3. A sentence in which there is an embedded clause showing Time.

My dog, who is very friendly, loves to go for walks in the park.

4. A verb phrase in which there is a thematic role as Patient.

Ted might eat the cake.

5. A sentence in which there is a PP showing Purpose.

We use coal in hydraulic plants to make electricity.

Question 04 (25 marks)

Kindly draw the structures for the following phrases/ sentences

1. A good student.
2. Do exercise everyday.
3. Tom is an interesting boy.
4. Mary gave Tom a pen yesterday.
5. She said that Tom loved it.

Trang 3 / 2

Trang 4 / 2

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