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assigned duties. They continually read and go to conferences to

enhance their skills and knowledge. These active workers ask for and
share ideas with their peers and supervisors. They are always on the
lookout for opportunities and usually find them.
In most workplaces, Enhancement Behavior workers are the minority, so
they easily stand out among their peers. They become leaders in their com-
pany and perhaps even in their entire field. They are rewarded both financially and spiritually. Their
lives are great because they choose to make it that way.

Will you?

B. Read the following summary of the reading. Each sentence has one or two content mistakes. Correct each mistake. There is
often more than one way to correct each sentence.

1. Harry and Rosemary Wong believe it is difficult to become successful in a career.

→ Harry and Rosemary Wong believe it is easy to become successful in a career.

2. There are two types of behaviors inmost workplaces: Protective and Enhancement Behavior.

There are three types of behaviors found in nearly all workplaces.Protective

Behavior,enhancemet Behavior and Maintenance Behavior.

3. People with Protective Behavior only do what is required by their jobs and not much more.

People with protective behavior simply refuse to get better. They spend more time complaining and
making wxcuses than working.

4. Most people in the workplace have Enhancement Behavior.

The minority of people in the workplace have improved behavior.

5. Enhancement Behavior workers know that they do not need to improve their skills.

Workers with improved behavior look for ways to improve their skills.

6. As only 80% of workers have Enhancement Behavior, it is not difficult for these workers to succeed in their
company or field.

As only 20% of workers have an improvement behavior, it is not easy to be successful in your company.


B. Listen to Diana, Sam, Carlos, and Ellen talk about their top priorities. Fill in the chart with their information. Note
that one character gives only two top priorities.

Top priority Top priority Top priority Lowest priority

First my I also have a Being a good I guess having

Diana religion is very strong feeling parent is also prestigious
important to for the family one of my top possessions is
me, I believe that my parents priorities. the lowest
that God have given so I want to have thing I really
created much for me to children in the don't care
everything with be successful. future and I about Brandy
a purpose and want to be the that's just a
we need to live best mother I waste of
according to his can be money.
I think my If you love
I really want physical
Sam priorities in life your job, you
another top appearance, I
will change love your life,
priority to be don't care if I
when I'm older, and if I'm good
maintaining my have wrinkles
but now is the at my job, I'll
health. I have or gray hair
time to focus on be well known
been exercising later in life.
my future in my field.
regularly for
career. about five years
I'm going
a good to be
lawyer. and I don't plan
on stopping if I
want to achieve
my goals.
but I think Why should it finding my Such a big
Carlos having a lot of be an soulmate is house, I don't
free time adventure? another top think so, so I
should be a There are so priority I want just need
priority. We are many things to to find the love enough money
alive only to try and see if of my life we to do the things
work and earn you are not can share our I love, you

money. enjoying travels and don't have to be
hobbies. and experiences rich for that.
appreciate the together
beauty of the
world you
really are a lie
I really believe a great mother and my third I know it can
Ellen in the concept I love my thing, well i be difficult to
of a soulmate. I family very really want to be a good
need to find the much and am have a good mother and
boy I love and excited to start career i have a also very
be with him. my own lot of ideas and successful in
Life without family ambition the business
love is simply world, but I
empty. really believe
that I can do it
because of my
lowest priority

C. Share your top three life priorities from exercise B with a new partner. Explain your

D. Inwhatwaysareyouandyourpartneralike?In whatwaysareyoudifferent? Complete the following


One thing we have in common is that we both value .

However, we are different in that I value/don’t value highly,

but my partner .


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