Reading:: Who Are You Going To Be?

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Expressing hopes

Who are you going to be? Discussing future plans

READING: Who are you going to be?

A. Discuss these questions with a partner.
1. What is your major?
2. What kind of job or career do you want in the future?
3. How will your major help you in your future career?
4. How long have you had these career plans?

B. Sam, Ann, and Carlos are talking about their majors and their plans for their future careers.
Read and answer the questions.

Ann: My major is graphic design. I have loved to draw since I was

about four years old! My mother told me that on my 4th birthday my
aunt gave me a set of crayons and a coloring book. Ever since then,
I’ve been drawing just about every day. I’ve wanted to be an artist
for about 7 years now, I guess. My middle school art teacher told me
that I have real talent, and ever since then I have been serious about
art. The problem is my parents. They like my art, but they want me
to study something more practical. Maybe I’ll compromise and do
graphic design, but...that’s not exactly what I want to do. I don’t care
if I struggle financially. I just have to do what will make me happy.
Sam: My major is philosophy. Everyone always asks me what I’m
going to do with a philosophy degree. Most companies don’t have
positions for philosophers! However, I know exactly what I’m doing.
I’m going to go into law school after I get my degree. When you study
philosophy, you study ethics, reasoning, and making arguments. That’s
what lawyers do! I have wanted to be a lawyer for as long as I can
remember. I’ve always thought strongly about law and order. It really
bothers me when there’s injustice. The pay can be good as well, and
that’s important to me. My parents have completely supported me since I first told them my plans.
Nothing is going to stop me from doing it.
Carlos: My major is communications. Do you know what, though?
I have no idea what I want to do. My parents want me to get into
business or politics. When I was younger, I thought I would be like
my father and follow that lifestyle. Ever since I was in high school,
though, I’ve thought that I should do something different with my life.
I just haven’t found the career I want yet. I don’t even know if I want
to have just one kind of career! And...I haven’t told my parents about
this. I’ve kept it a secret. They just wouldn’t understand.


SPEAKING: How long have you...
A. Answer the following questions in complete sentences using the present perfect. Use for or
since. Share your answers with a partner.

How long have you ?

1. studied English?
I have studied English for 8 years. Or I have studied English since middle school.

1. studied English? I have studied English since I was 14 years old. .

2. been a student at this university? yes, I have uladech student .
3. been at school today? no, I haven't been to school for 7 years .
4. lived in your current house or apartment? Yes, I have currently live in a house .
5. had your best friend? yes, his name is god .
6. been interested in a current hobby you have? yes, if I have studied my specialty .
7. played your favorite sport? yes, soccer .
8. been a fan of one of your favorite teams or celebrities? no, I'm not interested in those things .


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