Delhi Public School Ranipur, Haridwar Subject-Chemistry Class-Viii

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On the basis of similarities and differences in their properties, elements can be classified as metals
and non metals.
Elements which loose electrons from their outermost shell to form positive ions or cations are
called metals. For Ex sodium , iron ,calcium etc.

Elements which gain electrons to form negative ions or anions are called non metals. For example
sulphur, oxygen , nitrogen etc.

Some of the elements neither fit with metals nor with nonmetals . They properties are intermediate
between metals and non metals and are categorized as metalloids or semi-metals. For example
arsenic, germanium etc.

Few metals which are unreactive and not affected by air, water and chemicals are found in
nature in their free or native state. For ex gold and platinum.(Noble metals.)
Most of the metals are found in nature in the form of their compounds , mostly as
• oxides ( For ex Aluminium, iron )
• sulphides ( for ex copper, lead, zinc)
• carbonates ( Calcium)
• chlorides ( Sodium)

MINERAL : A naturally occurring material found in the earth’s crust , in which one or
more metals are found in elemental form or in the form of compounds is called a mineral
ORE: An ore is a naturally occurring mineral from which one or metals can be extracted
easily and profitably.
All ores are minerals, but all minerals are not ores .Why?
For example
Metal Ore
*Aluminium Bauxite
* Iron Haemitite
* Calcium Limestone
Metullurgy : It is the science of extracting metals from their ores and purifying them
It can described in four main steps
* Crushing or grinding of the ore
*Concentration of the ore: It is the first step in which impurities(Gangue or matrix)
are removed from the ore and it gets concentrated.
*Reduction : The metal compounds are reduced to get free metal .
*Refining of metal : The metal is purified and some substances are added to get desired
Non metals like noble gases occur in the air in elemental form (Argon helium ,neon etc.)
Some like nitrogen, sulphur and oxygen are found both as elements and also in the form of
compounds.Other nonmetals are mostly found as compounds.Like metals, nonmetals can also
be extracted from their sources . For example nitrogen and oxygen are obtained by fractional
distillation of liquid air, sulphur is obtained from sulphur mines.Chlorine is extracted from
sodium chloride obtained from sea water.


1.Physical state
All metals are found in solid state Nonmetals may occur as solids ( C, S ,P,I)
at room temperature except mercury liquid ( bromine) or gases( Oxygen,nitrogen
Metals have a shiny appearance or metallic Nonmetals have a dull appearence
lustre except iodine and graphite.
Metals are malleable which means they Non metals are not malleable.
can be beaten into thin sheets. except soft metals
like sodium and potassium
Most malleable- Au ,Ag
Metals are ductile ,which means they can be Nonmetals are not ductile.
drawn into wires
Most ductile: Au.Ag
Exceptions: soft metals
like sodium and potassium.
Metals are good conductors of heat and
electricity (as they have free electrons) Nonmetals are bad conductors of heat and electricity
gold and silver are best conductors
Lead - poor conductors of heat Graphite is an exception.
Metals are hard and strong . they have high Nonmetals are soft and brittle.
tensile strength i.e they can bear heavy they break into pieces when
load without breaking. hammered. except diamond which
except soft metals is hardest known naturally
occurring substance.
7.Melting point
Metals have high melting point. Nonmetals have low melting point
For ex iron 1535 C except gallium and caesium S : 119 C. Mostly nonmetals occur
which melt on the palm of our hands as room temperature.
Metals are sonorous i.e they make a ringing Non metals are not sonorous.
sound when struck.


Reaction of metals with oxygen:

Metals react with oxygen to form metallic oxides which are basic in nature and
They dissolve in water to form corresponding hydroxides or oxides which turns red litmus blue.for
Magnesium + oxygen --→ magnesium oxide.
2Mg + O2 → 2MgO
Magnesium oxide + water → magnesium hydroxide.(turns red litmus paper blue)
MgO + H2O → Mg(OH)2

Reaction of non metals with oxygen:

Nonmetals react with oxygen to form nonmetallic oxides which are acidic in nature.
They dissolve in water to acids which turn blue litmus red.For ex
Sulphur + oxygen → sulphur dioxide
S + O2 → SO2
Sulphur dioxide + water → sulphurous acid.(turns blue litmus paper red)
SO2 + H2O → H2SO3

Reaction of metals wth water:

Different metals react differently with water to form their corresponding hydroxides and hydrogen
gas is released.
For ex
Sodium metal reacts very violently with water forming sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. it starts
moving in the water with a hissing sound and may also catch fire as due to the heat produced in the
reaction the hydrogen gas catches fire .Metals like Na and K are stored in kerosene because of their
vigorous reaction with both air (oxygen )and water.
Sodium + Water → Sodium hydroxide + Hydrogen
2Na + 2H2O → 2NaOH + H2

Metals like magnesium reacts mildly with cold water but vigorously with steam or hot water
producing magnesium hydroxide and hydrogen..
Meals like iron and zinc react mildly with steam .
Copper and silver do not react at all.

Reaction of nonmetals with water

Non metals do not react with water .
Nonmetal like phosphorus which is very reactive with oxygen in the air and may catch fire if
exposed to air, is stored in water as it does not react with it.

Reaction of metals with acids:

Metals react with acids to form corresponding metal salts and release hydrogen gas.Foodstuffs like
pickles ,soup curd etc which contain acids cannot be stored in aluminium or copper utensils as the
acids present in them react with the metal and form toxic salts which can be harmful for us.
Aluminium + hydrochloric acid → aluminium chloride + Hydrogen.
2Al + 6HCl → 2 AlCl3 + 3H2
Copper does not react with Dilute HCl but it reacts with sulphuric acid.
Reaction of non metals with acids:
Non metals do not react with acids except sulphur which reacts with hot concentrated nitric acid.

Displacement reactions:
The reaction in which a more reactive element replaces a less reactive element from its salt solution
is called a displacement reaction.For example
Iron + Copper sulphate -→ Iron sulphate + Copper

Activity series
The different reactivities of metals with air ,water and acids is because of the difference in the ease
with which a metal atom can loose electron to form ion. If a metal can lose electrons easily to form
+ ions, it will react readily with other substances and will be a reactive metal.On the other hand if a
metal looses electrons less rapidly to form + ions
It will be less reactive.Na and K loose electrons very readily to form ions therefore are very reactive.
Therefore the basis of reactivity is the tendency of metal to loose electrons.
Common metals have been arranged in decreasing of their reactivities

The arrangement of metals in a vertical column in decreasing order of their reactivities is

called activity or reactivity series.

Mg ↓Decreasing order of reactivity
1. The most reactive element is Potassium and is placed at the top of the series.
2. The least reactive element is gold and it is placed at the bottom of the series.
3. Metals placed above hydrogen can replace hydrogen from acids and water.
4. A more reactive can replace a less reactive metal from its salt solution.
For example :
Fe + CuSO4 → Cu + FeSO4
Iron + Copper sulphate → Copper + Iron Sulphate.
Blue reddish brown green
In the above reaction iron being more reactive than copper , replaces copper from copper
Other Examples:
Zn + CuSO4 → Cu + ZnSO4
Zn + FeSO4 → Fe + ZnSO4
5. A less reactive metal cannot replace a more reactive metal from its salt solution
Cu + FeSO4 → No reaction.(Cu is less reactive than Fe )
Cu + ZnSO4 → No reaction


Non metals

Chlorine: 1.used in purification of water ,chlorine gas is passed through water or bleaching
powder is added.
2. used as a bleaching agent in textile industry
3. used in manufacture of PVC.( poly vinyl chloride).
Sulphur :1. used in preparation of medicines.
2. used as a fungicides.
3. used in manufacture of dyes, matches, fire work and gunpowder.
Nitrogen 1. used by plants to make proteins
2. Liquid nitrogen used to preserve living cells , organs.
3. used for food packaging.
4. used in manufacture of ammonia
Iodine 1. used as an antiseptic .Tincture of iodine ( solution of iodine in alcohol)is applied on
2. In the form of iodized salt, to prevent goitre.
Noble gases.
1. Helium is used to fill balloons.
2. Neon is used in glow sign boards for giving red illumination.
3. Argon is used to fill electric bulbs.
1. For respiration for all living beings.
2. for all combustion processes.
3. in oxyacetylene torches for welding
4. for extraction of metals from ores.
1. mercury is used in making thermometers as it does not stick to the glass and is a good
conductor of heat.
2. magnesium burns with a dazzling white flame so is used in fireworks.
3. copper, aluminium ,are used for household wiring.
4. Silver, gold are used for making jewellery,as they retain their shine for a long time.they are
also used for providing fine electrical contacts in computers and solar cells.
5. Iron being tough, strong and tensile is used for making tools,
6. zinc being non corrosive is used for galvanization of iron.
7. Iron ,copper and aluminium are used for making utensils.
8. Silver and aluminium are used for making foils as they are very malleable.
9. metals like iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, copper and zinc are needed in small amounts
in the living system
10.Tungsten is very ductile and is used for making filaments in bulbs.
11.Silicon is used in microchips and transistors in electronic gadgets.


Alloys are homogenous mixtures of two or more metals or of metals and non metals.
Alloying is done to
• To make the parent metal stronger.
• To make the metal corrosion resistant
• To get some specific property in the metal ,for ex low melting point.


1. Brass copper and zinc
2. Bronze copper and tin
3. Duralium Aluminium,copper,manganese,magnesium
4. Solder Lead and Tin
5. German silver copper, zinc ,nickel
6. Stain less steel Iron carbon, nickel,Chromium
7. Bell Metal copper,Tin
8. Magnalium Aluminium,magnesium

Surface of many metals is easily attacked when exposed to air.They react with air or water or
pollutants present in the atmosphere and form undesirable compounds on their surfaces. Thus
corrosion is a process of eating away of the metal surface as a result of air ,water or pollutants
present in the environment.
Corrosion of iron:
Iron when exposed to moisture and air gets covered by a brown coloured flaky substance called rust.
Chemically rust is hydrated iron oxide. Rusting is an oxidation process.

Corrosion of Copper:
When a copper object is exposed to moist air for sometime, then copper slowly reacts with carbon
dioxide, moisture and air to form a green coating of basic copper carbonate on the surface. Since
copper is unreactive metal, corrosion of copper is very slow.

Corrosion of silver:
Silver is an unreactive metal ,so it does not react with air or water. But it slowly reacts with air
pollutant like hydrogen sulphide to form a black layer of silver sulphide.

Corrosion of aluminium:
Due to the formation of dull layer of aluminium oxide when exposed to moist air, the aluminium
metal looses its shine very soon. This layer is very tough and prevents aluminium metal underneath
from further corrosion.Here corrosion is useful


1. Define the following terms

a. Ductility
b. Malleability
c. Metalloids
d. Sonority

2. Name the following

a. The only non metal found in liquid state
b. The metal found in liquid state at room temperature
c. The non metal which is good conductor of electricity
d. Two soft metals which can be cut with a knife
e. The metal which melts in the palm of our hand
having very low melting point
f. Two lustrous non metals
g. The non metal which is the hardest known naturally occurring substance.
h. The metal which is best conductor of heat and electricity.
i. A metal which is poorest conductor of electricity.

3. Give reason why:

a. School bells are made of metal(2 points)
b. Copper and aluminum are used for household wiring.(2 points)
c. Silver foils are used to decorate sweets.(2 points)
4. Explain the terms:
b. Ore.
c. Metallurgy.

5. Justify the statement: All ores are minerals but all minerals are not ores.

6. Differentiate between metals and non metals in tabular form on the basis of
1. Colour
2. Tensile strength
3. Malleability

7. Differentiate between metals and non metals on the basis of

a. Reaction of oxygen
b. Reaction of water
c. Reaction of acids.
(Write chemical equations to support your answer)

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