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tecHnical article

Understanding load factor

implications for specifYing onsite generators

One of the important steps in sizing generator sets for any application is to
determine the application’s average load factor. Understanding this parameter
is essential not only for proper power system sizing but also for operability
and reliability.

By ISO-8528-1 limits the 24-hour average load factor average load factor. It also suggests strategies to
Brandon Kraemer
on most standby generator sets to 70 percent of ensure backup power availability during extended
Application Engineering Supervisor
MTU Onsite Energy Corporation
nameplate capacity. For utility outages lasting a utility outages and in applications with minimal
few minutes or a few hours, one or two times a load profile variability.
year, standby generator sets are designed to be
loaded to 100 percent of nameplate capacity for
the duration of the outage. However, if an outage average load factor
lasts days instead of hours and
the standby power system is The average load factor of a power system is
figUre 1. average load factor
loaded to 100 percent of its determined by evaluating the amount of load and
nameplate capacity, it is likely the amount of time the generator set is operating
that the 24-hour average load at that load. Since the loads are normally variable,
will exceed the power system’s the result is found by calculating multiple load
design parameters. levels and time periods. See Figure 1 for a graph
70 70 % of rated power (P)
of a hypothetical standby load profile:
60 While running a generator
50 set at an average load factor In Figure 1, the 24-hour average load factor is
over 70 percent is unlikely to derived from the formula shown under the graph,
result in a catastrophic failure where P is power in kW and t is time. You can
of the standby power system, see that although the generator set is loaded to
it may jeopardize engine 90 percent of its standby rating for a portion of
warranties, reduce reliability the time, the average load factor over time is
and shorten the useful life of only 70 percent, due to the natural variability
the generator-drive engines. of the building load. In practice, it would be
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 hours
It may also jeopardize the unlikely that a standby power system would be
t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 time (t) operation of mission-critical initially sized so small as to require operating
facilities where load factors at 100 percent of capacity at any time during an
(P1 x t1)+(P2 x t2)+(P3 x t3)+(P4 x t4)+(P5 x t5)+(P6 x t6)
ALF = are often high and constant. outage. However, electrical loads are often added,
t1 + t2 + t3 + t4 + t5 + t6
(90 x 4)+(70 x 4)+(80 x 4)+(50 x 4)+(60 x 4)+(70 x 4)
This paper reviews the and growing power needs may begin to tax the
ALF = concept of average load factor capacity of a standby power system. Note: any
360 + 280 + 320 + 200 + 240 + 280 1680 and the calculations used to time that the generator set is offline does not
ALF = = = 70%
24 24 determine an application’s count towards the 24-hour average load factor.

©2013/ // / MTU Onsite Energy

02/ // / Understanding poWer sYstem load factor

HigH mission-critical load factors figUre 2. mission-critical load profile

For most facilities with properly designed emergency standby power

systems, the possibility of exceeding a power system’s 24-hour average 90 90 90
85 85 % of rated power (P)
load factor limitation is remote. This is because most commercial facilities
have variable load profiles that reduce the likelihood a power system’s 70
24-hour average load factor limitation will be exceeded, even during an
extended outage. Many facilities also have noncritical loads that can be
taken offline during extended outages to reduce the average load factor on
the standby system, if necessary.

However, many mission-critical facilities have large, less varying loads

that can severely stress standby power systems during an extended power
outage unless steps are taken during system design to accommodate
the potential for a higher average load factor. Two examples of mission-
critical facilities with high load factors are data centers and semiconductor 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 hours
manufacturing. In data centers, the computer servers and HVAC
t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 time (t)
equipment create high electrical loads that can vary little over time.
Similarly, very high load factors are found in semiconductor foundries, Average Load Factor = 85%
where electric furnaces cannot be shut down without destroying large
amounts of product.

As a result of these large, steady electrical loads, the load profile in ISO-8528-1 sets a maximum 24-hour average load factor capability of
a mission-critical application is likely to have less variability, in turn 70 percent for both standby- and prime-rated generator sets, unless a
putting a more constant demand on the standby power system. Less load higher average is agreed to by the engine manufacturer. This means that
variability results in a higher average load factor that will require either: a 3,000 kW generator set meeting this standard must be able to provide
1) specifying a system with larger or more generator sets capable of a an average of 2,100 kW per hour over a 24-hour period. In emergency
70 percent load factor; or 2) specifying generator sets capable of higher standby applications, this means that the average load factor that can be
than a 70 percent load factor. sustained by most generator sets over an extended outage of 24 hours or
more can not exceed 70 percent of the nameplate standby rating, a factor
In Figure 2, you can see that while the generator sets are not loaded to that affects generator set sizing. In contrast, MTU Onsite Energy allows
100 percent of their standby rating at any time, the average load factor an 85 percent average load factor on emergency standby rated generator
during the outage is near 85 percent. In this case, the customer has taken set models above 200 kW. For example, an MTU Onsite Energy 3,000 kW
advantage of generator sets capable of an 85 percent load factor that can generator set can deliver a 24-hour average of 2,550 kW -- a difference of
deliver more than 20 percent additional kilowatts than generator sets 450 kW. For certain applications involving multiple generator sets, this
rated to only a 70 percent average load factor. higher average-load-factor capability may reduce the number of generator
sets needed to supply the load.

defining standards for generator sets

iso-8528 defines categories of generator set
Standards that apply to all generator sets are those established by the poWer oUtpUt ratings:
International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO defines how
to measure and rate many quality and performance parameters. All Emergency Standby (ESP) Rating—The ESP rating is the maximum amount
major generator set manufacturers utilize this standard to communicate of power that a generator set is capable of delivering, and it is normally
their generator set ratings to their customers. In particular, ISO 8528-1 used to supply facility power to a variable load in the event of a utility
describes how to establish generator set ratings, measure performance outage. No overload capacity is available for this rating. ISO-8528-1 limits
and evaluate engines, alternators, controls and switchgear. the 24-hour average output to 70 percent of the nameplate ESP rating
unless the manufacturer allows a higher average load factor. Figure 3
shows a typical load profile for an ESP-rated generator set.

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03/ // / Understanding poWer sYstem load factor

figUre 3. tYpical esp load profile figUre 4. tYpical prp load profile


80 80

60 60 % of rated power (P)

50 50 % of rated power (P) 50 50

30 30

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 hours 0 4 5 8 12 16 20 24 hours

t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 time (t) t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 time (t)

360 + 200 + 320 + 120 + 120 + 200 1630

ALF = ALF = = 67.92%
24 24
ALF = = 55.00%

figUre 5. tYpical cop load profile

Prime-Rated Power (PRP)—A prime-rated generator set is available for an 100 100 100 % of rated power (P)
unlimited number of hours per year in a variable-load application, as long
as the average load factor does not exceed 70 percent of the nameplate
rating, unless the manufacturer allows a higher average load factor.
This rating allows an overload capacity of 10 percent, but that additional
capacity should not be used for more than one hour in every 12. The
prime power rating for a given generator set is typically 10 percent lower
than the standby rating. Figure 4 shows a typical load profile for a PRP-
rated generator set.

Continuous Power Rating (COP)—The continuous power rating is used for

applications where there is no utility power and the generator set is relied
upon for all power needs. Generator sets with this rating are capable of
t1 t2 t3 time (t)
supplying power at a constant 100 percent of rated load for an unlimited
number of hours per year. No overload capability is available for this Average Load Factor = 100% of COP rating

rating. The continuous power rating for a given generator set is typically
25-30 percent lower than the standby rating. Figure 5 shows a typical load
profile for a COP-rated generator set:

©2013/ // / MTU Onsite Energy

03/ // / Understanding poWer sYstem load factor

effects of load factor on poWer sYstem design conclUsion

Specifying standby generator sets with a higher-than-average load factor The load factor of any application affects the design and sizing of the standby
capability can sometimes be a benefit in mission-critical applications. power system, but for mission-critical applications, particular attention
System designers may be able to reduce the size or number of generator must be paid to load factors because of theses facilities’ minimal ability to
sets by using units approved for 85 percent average load factor, as opposed reduce their electrical loads during extended outages. While all major
to the 70 percent average load factor. For example, to design a standby manufacturers of generator sets utilize ISO-8528-1 (which sets the average
power system to supply an average load of 11,000 kW at a 70 percent 24-hour load factor at 70 percent) as their standard, system designers can
average load factor would require eight 2,000 kW generator sets. At a choose equipment that offers a higher average 24-hour load factor, which
70 percent average load factor rating, each generator set would be able to may, in turn, result in a system with smaller and/or fewer generator sets.
deliver up to a 1,400 kW average, for a total capacity of 11,200 kW over an In any case, specifiers of standby power systems for mission-critical
extended outage of 24 hours or more. applications need to understand average load factor and its implications
for business continuity in the face of natural or man-made disasters.
8 x 2,000 kW x .70 = 11,200 kW

Using generator sets with an 85 percent average load factor capability

would require only seven 2,000 kW units. Each generator set would be
able to deliver up to a 1,700 kW average, for a total average of 11,900 kW
over an extended outage of 24 hours or more. That amounts to an extra
2,100 kW of effective generating capacity for extended outages and a
reduction by one in the number of generator sets needed.

7 x 2,000 kW x .85 = 11,900 kW

ISO-8528 sets the 24-hour average load factor for a

generator set at 70 percent of the nameplate rating. While
some generator set manufacturers allow a higher 24-hour
average load factor under certain circumstances, MTU
Onsite Energy allows an 85 percent 24-hour load factor on
MTU Onsite Energy Corporation all its standby generator sets (from 230 kW to 3,250 kW).
A Rolls-Royce Power Systems Company

MTU Onsite Energy is a brand of Rolls-Royce Power Systems AG. It provides

diesel and gas-based power system solutions: from mission-critical to standby
power to continuous power, heating and cooling. MTU Onsite Energy power
systems are based on diesel engines with up to 3,400 kilowatts (kW) power
output, gas engines up to 2,150 kW and gas turbines up to 50,000 kW.

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