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Republic of the Philippines

Bulacan State University

City of Malolos, Bulacan



Eukaryotic Cells
and Prokaryotic

Answer the following questions in 3 to 5 sentences only.

2. Give at least 3 point differences of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

Prokaryotic cells are a membrane- bound nucleus is absent. One chromosome is
present but not true chromosomes plastids and it’s only unicellular meaning it consist a
single cell only. While eukaryotic cells are a membrane bound but nucleus is present,
and more that one of chromosome is present and it is multicellular

3. Explain the difference of a prokaryotic flagellum from eukaryotic flagellum.

The difference between prokaryotic flagella and eukaryotic flagellum are commonly seen
in their structure and movements. Eukaryotic Flagella are microtubule-based structure,
which are attach to the cell at the cell membrane through basal bodies while prokaryotic
flagella are located outside the plasma membrane.

4. Explain the difference of cell reproduction in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell.

To make it simple the eukaryotes have membrane- bound organelle and nucleus.
Prokaryotic divide via using binary fission, while eukaryotic cells divide via mitosis
eukaryotes reproduce sexuality through meiosis which allows for genetic variance

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