Principle 03 Kota Chakra Exemplar Incident

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Kota Chakra Principle-03: Exemplar incident Notebook: Astrology-Miscellaneous Created: 01/05/2022 10:42 Updated: 01/05/2022 16:53 ‘Author: Shyam S Kansal Tags: Kota Chakra, Kota Chakra incidents/ Events examples, Syllabus/ Course content f Kota Chakra Principle-03: Exemplar incident PRINCIPLE-03 When outgoing malefic becomes retrograde, it can lead to sudden mishaps or accidents or a person who had recovered may again fall ill. This is more probable when the malefic combinations laid down in principle no. 1 and 2 are also present. When an outgoing malefic becomes retrograde in outer portions, it destroys the outer wall of the Kota, or we may say that it causes damage to the body of the person for whom this chakra is prepared. Similarly, when a malefic placed on entry roads in central portion becomes retrograde, it can also cause damage to the outer parts of the body in a bad dasha and when other combinations of "Durga Bhanga" are also present. Following example is that of Rajeev Gandhi, former Prime Minister of India, who was killed in a bomb blast on 21st May 1991. The transit position of planets on that day is given in the Kota Chakra drawn for him. Mars and Ketu were dangerously placed in Stambha Nakshatra. Mars is the Karaka for 6th house of accidents and Ketu was placed in the 6th House in the horoscope. Moreover, both Mars and Ketu were placed in Rashi of 6th house in Navamsa. Rahu had left the Stambha Nakshatra few days back and is placed in central segment. There were benefics in Madhya but two benefics - Jupiter and Mercury, were on exit roads. Venus was on entry road but Venus is not a good planet for Leo ascendant (being 3rd lord and also because it is enemy of Lagna lord). Thus, there were malefic transits inside the Kota Chakra on the fateful day. The 6th and 7th Lord Saturn was transiting in Prakaara and was on exit roads but it became retrograde on 17th May 1991 and the mishap occurred on 21st May 1991. When an outgoing malefic becomes retrograde in outer portions, it destroys the outer wall of the Kota or we can say it causes damage to the body of the person for whom this chakra is prepared. Everybody knows how badly the body of Rajeev Gandhi was destroyed in that bomb blast. ae ae 2, ———- i 2 ae Z fm Seton nM) RELATED NOTES: * Principles for Interpreting the Transits through the Kota Chakra

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