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Media Studies

Advanced GCE in Media Studies H409/03/04 Making media

Statement of Intent

Centre number Centre name

40131 Priestley College

Candidate number Candidate name

Kamran Ahmed

Brief chosen:
Breif 4: Music video and Online
three-minute music video for a love song by a fictional band/artist signed to universal music
group.and two pages for the working webiste for the band/artist.

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning
and meet the requirements of your chosen brief? (approx. 400 words)

Product 1

Media launguage-
In this i intended to use long shots and close up shots to potray my artist and my actor's emotions.ive
used a girl and boy to show romance to the younger audience in how their romance might go or how
they can relate to this young romance.i have made my artist use a phone to link back to the younger
audience and i have used cross cutting and animations to create my video.
Media Representation-
In my music video i use a girl and boy for the demographics to show the diffrent genders of romance for
the love song theme.I have used a heterosexual romance in my video using a female and a male teen to
show young romance.

Media Audience-
have tried to aim my music video towards a love theme and a younger audience .I did this by using a
girl and a boy that are mates. The boy mate falls in love with the girl mate, having a young romance that
doesn't particulary go to plan for the boy. I used the artist as well who is 18 years old and the actor who
is also 18 years old so that the younger audince could relate to him and her. I have aimed to target the
video towards 16-25 year olds. I have also added in a social media tab and my webiste for users to click
CCS438 – Statement of Intent CCS/H409
on at the end of the video for them to interact with as thats what the younger genration are attracted too.
Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations
Media Industries-

Although the artist is signed to universal artists,the artist will keep copyright of the video and website.I
have also kept to the youtube guidelines and kept it appropraite for my viewers by not being offensive in
anyway for my video to broadcast.I have kept










Product 2

Media launguage-

On my website i intedned to use bright colour schemes to grab a younger audience as it stands out to
them and intrigues them to listen to the new music.I chose a bold and stylish font that matches the theme
of love for the younger audiences that are intrested in it.Ive chosen to have the artist as the homepage to
entise the audince to wonder who the artist is and that he sings the song.I chose to use a guitar in the
secondary page for the artist to hold to enforce that he's the artist.

Media representation-
I …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
only have one demographic on my webiste which would be my arist who is male and is shown as being
a hetrosexual male that loves music.It is different on my video as there are two genders that are shown
rather than just the one.

Media Audience-

I …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
tried to aim my webiste towards a love theme and a younger audience .I did this by using bright colours
and bold text. I used the artist as well who is 18 years old so that the younger audince could relate to him
and i have aimed to target the webiste towards 16-25 year olds.I have also added in social media tabs for
users to click on as the younger genration is run and determined by the internet and social media.
Media Industries-
I have made my webiste appropriate to most users by taking anything offensive or discrimivatve out of
the webiste that can ban or block the webiste.For example i have made it to be filled with bright colours
and appropriate imagery that doesnt offend anyone.Although the artist is signed to universal artists,the
artist will keep copyright of the video and website.


CCS438 – Statement of Intent CCS/H409

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations





How do you intend to link your media products to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of
the digitally convergent nature of your media production? (approx. 100 words)

I ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
intend to link my website and music by using the same font on my website and the start and end of my
music video to show convergance of the two.I have also linked my webiste and music video by putting
the name of my artist and a link to my webiste at the end of the music video so viewers can go between
the two.
I have also matched the text font in my website and my music video to show converganace of the
two.The main text on my website and the start and end of my video all match to show the links between

I …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
have also linked my music video and website by promoting my music video on the homepage of my
website to allow usesd to just click and watch it.




CCS438 – Statement of Intent CCS/H409

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations

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