2A - Dolosa, Jubeleen L. - Reflection Paper

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Name: Jubeleen L.

Dolosa Score: _______________

Course/Yr. & Sec.: BTVTED 2A FSM-A Date: April 27, 2022
Instructor/Professor: Ms. Eunice Pacifico Group no.: ___________

Reflection Paper #1
Introduction to People and Earth’s Ecosystem

The Philippines is already one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change.
However, as global temperatures continue to climb, the current situation will only worsen.
The next administration will be in charge of the country's direction for six of the eight years
leading up to 2030, so it must be prepared with concrete plans that will not only ensure that
communities can cope and adapt, but will also demand accountability from the developed nations
and corporations most responsible for the crisis, even as we pursue mitigation and a rapid transition
away from fossil fuels at home.
Although the 10 presidential candidates have varying levels of understanding of the climate
crisis, nearly all of them have made statements about it. Their past actions and words reveal how
they intend to handle the subject if elected president.
Climate and environmental preservation can only succeed if we have a government that
encourages citizens to participate in all elements of governance, protects and defends human rights,
promotes transparency and information sharing, and combats corruption.
As a result, the next president must advocate for inclusive, honest, and inspiring governing
models that prioritize and fulfill our collective rights to social, economic, cultural, and
environmental dignity.
Among the 10 presidential candidates, my only choice is vice president Leni Robredo
because, in my opinion, she’s the only one who can provide and support environmental activities
that don’t need fame or need crediting her name. She gave me an aura that she can be trusted not
just because she is our current vice president but also because she had proven herself that she can
do and do her job for the country without the help or support of our president.
Vice president Leni Robredo is an independent woman who can do anything for her
countrymen. Despite being on the yellow side in the year 2016 their doings have nothing to do
with her because she is Leni Robredo, a mother, an alternative lawyer and public servant, and the
14th Vice President of the Republic of the Philippines. When she decided to run for president my
vote was in her instantly.

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