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A Concept Paper


“Effectiveness of Marketing strategies on seasonal product:

Perception of the selected SMEs in Pasig City”

In Partial Fulfillment for

the Subject
Risk Management

Submitted by:




Submitted to:
Mr. Ronilo A. Bantay, MBA Professor

Background of the Study

Seasonal Product are those that are only accessible during particular seasons of

the year, or those that are available all year but have regular changes in quantity and

price due to the season or time of year. Selling seasonal product is a risk for businessman

especially if they not choose and use the right marketing strategy to market it to their

customers and it can risk also to the sales.

Every small business wants to have a successful marketing plan. The most

effective marketing strategies are those that are targeted at a specific audience, focus on

key benefits based on the audience's point of view and interests, and delivered at the

right time – when the audience is most likely to pay attention to and be interested in the

message being delivered (Chron Contributor, 2021). It is important to know who is your

target market and know what your customers wants and needs.

Marketing plan is an important and crucial component. Marketing strategies differ

from one country to the next, from one brand to another, and from one company to

another. To develop a satisfying and suitable marketing strategy that has a favorable

impact on worldwide and overall firm success, a company's marketing department must

consider all of integrated marketing strategies that can influence the overall result and

overall firm success (Shilke, Reiman, Thomas, 2009). Marketing strategies are not a one-

time activity, but rather a diverse and unique action that must be revised every year in

order to meet defined goals. A marketing strategy is a process that allows a company to

focus its limited resources on the most promising opportunities for increased sales and a
long-term competitive advantage.

A marketing strategy is a procedure that allows a company to focus its limited

resources on the most promising opportunities for increased sales and long-term success

advantage in the marketplace (Blumberg and Perron 2001). SMEs, unlike big businesses,

operate in a completely different manner and cannot aspire to execute the same amount

of marketing that is technically required when compared to the larger firms in the sector.

This is due to the fact that they have limited resources, competence, and environmental


The paper seeks to present the marketing strategies in small and medium

enterprises (SMEs) in Pasig City. Despite the fact that the strategic planning process

comprises multiple steps, making it scary and difficult for SMEs to follow to the degree, a

study demonstrates that strategic marketing plays a critical role in the success of many

enterprises in Pasig City. As a result, a firm's marketing strategy should be built around

the concept of customer satisfaction as the primary goal.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study was to identify the Effectiveness of Marketing

strategies on seasonal product: Perception of the selected SMEs in Pasig City.

Specifically, the study seeks to find answers to the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Years of Operation

1.2 Capital

1.3 Type of Business

2.What effect does marketing strategy have on seasonal products?

3. What marketing strategies can small and medium businesses utilize for seasonal


4. What is the significance of marketing strategy’s level of effectiveness according to


5. What is the significance of marketing strategy’s level of effectiveness and influence of

seasonal products?

Significance of the Study

This study provided a brief description of the various implications of this study on

the effectiveness of seasonal marketing strategies for selected SMEs in Pasig City. It will

also benefit students and small and medium-sized enterprises in terms of strategy and

management. The beneficiaries are the following:

Student - Students will learn the different strategies used by small and medium-

sized enterprises for seasonal products.

Business owners - it will improve their management for the sake of their business

if there is a lack of strategy use.

Future Researchers - It will serve as a future reference on the subject of business

management. It will help them by understanding the strategies of small and medium-sized

enterprises in seasonal products.

Scope and Limitations

This research aims to determine the Effectiveness of Marketing strategies on

seasonal product. The main goal of the study is to check the effectiveness of marketing

strategies on the perception of the SMEs in Pasig City.

It involves 50 entrepreneurs’ people in Pasig City. They came from different SMEs

lines of business. We decided to choose SMEs that are located close to where we live in

order to gain access faster and avoid delays. The survey questionnaires ended then we

achieved the saturation. This study is conduct exclusively in the SMEs in Pasig City.

This study helps us to determine the Effectiveness of Marketing Strategies on

seasonal product. We researchers going to conduct the study by gathering data then after

that we going to analyze the data gathered.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Foreign and Local Literature

According to PPCexpoAs an advertiser, implementing seasonal marketing

methods for improved sales and consumers is a good move. In Google Ads, the key to

adopting seasonal marketing methods is to be quiet. Instead of overwhelming them with

loud, too generous discounts, figure out which professional method to employ.

Digital marketing is often misunderstood by business owners as something they

should only invest in when their company is booming. This isn't the case at all. The off-

season is the ideal time to plan and execute your seasonal business's digital marketing

efforts. Some digital marketing efforts might take a long time to produce results or need

a significant amount of time to invest before seeing benefits. They can also need a

substantial amount of planning. The slow season of a business is the best time to start

your own. We've developed a list of marketing techniques that will assist seasonal

company owners to make the most of their downtime during the off-season and make the

most of their busy season (Reinhart, 2019).

During the high season, when your operations are prospering and there is a

lengthy line of consumers wanting to acquire your product or service, a seasonal business

may be quite satisfying. After that profitable moment, however, comes along and

heartbreaking off-season, which for many business owners can only mean one thing:

achingly poor sales that would disappoint anybody. Don't allow the off-seasons to dampen

your enthusiasm for the high season; if you keep the energy flowing, you'll be able to
flourish all year. You might plan and execute excellent marketing tactics all year long to

stay competitive.

There are strategies to take advantage of seasonality whether you run a seasonal

business or maintain a consistent revenue flow throughout the year. It is critical to have

a plan for the seasonal pushes that can benefit the company. It's always a good idea to

have a strategy in place to enhance sales, whether it's a holiday discount or a free session

to start off member New Year’s plans (Josh York, 2016).

According to Canare et al., (2017), the micro, small, and medium-sized firm sector

is vital in many economies, but it is frequently plagued with productivity issues that limit

its capacity to expand and develop. A new body of work suggests a possible contributor

to overcoming barriers to SME growth — a collaboration with major corporations.

According to Francisco et al., (2018), Small, and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

are important in many developing countries, including the Philippines. However, this

sector remains much less productive than its large counterparts. One factor that can help

SMEs achieve higher productivity is internationalization by connecting them to global

value chains (GVCs). However, participating in GVCs is not easy for SMEs as they face

a host of obstacles in doing so.

Rural communities with SMEs gained empowerment in terms of material,

perceptual, and relational improvements. According to the study's findings, rural people

saw changes in their life as a result of SMEs. The relationship between organizational

variables such as the nature and ownership of a business enterprise, leadership, policies,

systems and procedures, resource mobilization, linkages and networking, communication

systems, awards and recognition, and the level of empowerment of rural communities as
determined by changes in the material, perceptual, and relational aspects of rural life

proved to have significant relationships (Miranda, 2018).

Foreign and Local Studies

In the past few years, rapid technological advancements have significantly

shortened product life cycles, and some things have been labeled as seasonal items.

Seasonal products used to encompass a wide range of industries, including electronics,

food, and clothes. This coverage has grown steadily and smoothly, and seasonal product

research has become more valuable. Retailers, in particular, can use an optimal pricing

strategy as a means of increasing revenues. Profit is, after all, the perennial goal of

retailers in the commercial world. Simultaneously, new technologies have an impact on a

wide range of consumer commercial behaviors, from how individuals evaluate items and

services to how they pay for them. The research of effective pricing strategies for

merchants is complicated by the rising individuality and variety of consumer needs (Dong

et al., 2019).

Based on the study of Queenmary, X. et al., (2019), the goal of seasonal marketing

tactics is to boost seasonal marketing sales. Seasonal incentives are expected to promote

more customers and repeat purchases, according to retailers. With the use of marketing

mixes, retailers use a number of seasonal offer marketing methods to boost sales.

Despite the fact that there are various seasonal techniques available in the retail sector,

retailers use nonsystematic promotions in a variety of locations. The lack of practical

research to help merchants produced a need for this study. As empirical works, many

researchers looked into certain products or advertising techniques.

Seasonal marketing strategies are aimed to increase seasonal marketing sales.

Retailers expect that seasonal promotions encourage more customers and recurrence

purchases. Retailers practice a variety of seasonal offer marketing strategies to improve

their sales with the support of marketing mixes. Even though many seasonal strategies

are available in the retail sector, nonsystematic promotions are done by the retailers in

several places. The lack of practically oriented research to guide the retailers, created a

gap for this research. Many researchers studied the specific product or promotional

strategies as empirical works. This research investigated seasonal marketing strategies

adopted by the retailers, and the consumer responses to these seasonal marketing

strategies (Queenmary, X., M., Shivany, S., 2019).

According to Schnaars (2010) as cited in Arante et al., (2016), the main focus of

marketing strategies is to manipulate the variables of the marketing mix, that is, the

product, price, place, and promotion strategies so as to achieve the objectives of the

organization. There are four steps in setting the marketing strategies: defining the

business, setting the mission, selecting the functional plans, and budgeting. Secondly,

the process of setting the mission tries to define why the business exists and how it will

meet the needs of its target market in order to meet its long-term objectives Thirdly,

developing functional plans is involved outlining the tasks that will help the business in

achieving its objectives. Finally, budgeting is concerned with the resources that the

marketing department will have to implement the marketing plan. Thirdly, developing

functional plans is involved outlining the tasks that will help the business in achieving its

objectives. Finally, budgeting is concerned with the resources that the marketing
department will have to implement the marketing plan (David, 2011 as cited in Arante et

al., 2016).

Relevance of Related Literature and Studies

Seasonal businesses are some of the hardest in the field of business since the

products and services offer to have a specific time to earn big. To earn big, there are

different sets of objectives to be accomplished to get the common goal of a certain

business, which is to earn a profit. To fill the days when their income is low, Seasonal

businesses need to set a timeline and make themselves busy. It takes time to think of a

strategy and compete with other seasonal businesses, such as using e-commerce so that

they can quickly spread the word that their business is still existing. Another is that offer

discounts in the off-season, and they will just take it back when the season of their product

arrives. While good product quality is one approach that many businessmen/women

utilize to attract more clients to their firm. To make their business more apparent to others,

they must be a better version of their product. And to have no troubles with their business.

Many firms adopted this method to fulfill the satisfaction of their customers as well as the

satisfaction of their consumers by upgrading items (goods) and making them free of any

inadequacies or defects.

According to the study, SMEs are critical to economies, but they face performance

challenges that limit their potential to expand and grow. Also, according to the survey,

SMEs are extremely vital in emerging countries such as our own, the Philippines. Small

business brings a great deal of innovation to any field. Small businesses are usually in

more direct contact with consumers and the general population. This means they are
more attuned to what products and services would best serve the common good. The

importance of small businesses to local communities is emotionally rooted in buying and

selling with friends and neighbors. The importance of small firms in rural areas and big

cities also is seen in the economic benefits of shopping locally. In some towns and

villages, a small business is the only type that can survive while serving a reduced

population. In a big city, small businesses often offer a more diverse inventory or

specialize in providing unique or personalized customer experiences. Small businesses

also present new employment opportunities and serve as the building blocks of the United

States' largest corporations. Furthermore, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are

considered the fundamental tool for economic growth, nevertheless, they face continuous

financing challenges. SMEs are a major source for generating employment, creating

wealth, and alleviating poverty in the rural regions in developing countries. Their access

to finance is key to the expansion of this sector.

A well-managed product strategy that takes a seasonal approach can remove

product items from the market. Introducing new items instead can increase your interest

in "new" things. Therefore, a carefully managed seasonal product strategy can avoid

consumer burnout and keep consumer interest high throughout the year. The seasonality

of a product imposes an obligation on consumers to purchase it. Some people are extra

vigilant for the next cycle if the consumer wants a particular model or item and visits the

store shortly after the shelves are empty. Almost all products are seasonal. Seasonality

often determines business strategy. This article shows how to conservatively add known

seasonal patterns to a dynamic model without changing the basic model assumptions. In

addition, it shows that seasonal marketing has a strategic impact on when new products
are launched. Traditional methods match sales only, regardless of the underlying sales

model. Seasonal marketing also changes the growth of the entire product life cycle,

suggesting that launch timing decisions depend on the shape of the product life cycle.

While customers prefer context-specific marketing methods for seasonal offerings,

according to this survey.

Furthermore, this study proposes to retailers that seasonal methods, as mentioned

in the literature, be enhanced and applied. This study also shows management

implementation that customer feedback is crucial before implementing seasonal

marketing techniques. Seasonal tactics can be used by retailers depending on context-

specific factors as well as consumer input. And to add marketing strategy is a means of

directing an organization's energy and resources toward a course of action that can result

in higher sales and control of a certain market segment. These plans define the firm's

marketing objectives and describe how they will be met, ideally within a certain timeline.

Marketing strategy establishes target market segmentation, positioning, and marketing

mix. and resource allocation.

Conceptual Framework

The table below shows the input, process, and output of this research. The first

column is Input, the input contains the demographic profile of respondents together with

the assumed problem of this study. The next column pertains to the process that the

researchers will do to gather information through the survey questionnaire to further in-

depth understanding. Presentation and Interpretation of data followed by Test statistics.

The last column is the expected output of this research.


• Data Gathering through


1. Demographic profile of • Presentation and

respondents Interpretation of data
• Years of Operation gathered
• Capital
• Type of Business • Statistical treatment

2. Effects of Marketing
Strategy on Seasonal

3. Marketing Strategies that

SMEs utilize for seasonal OUTPUT

Asses Marketing Strategy on

seasonal product
Research Hypothesis

The study will test the hypothesis using a 0.05 level of significance:

Ho: There is no significant relationship between marketing strategy’s level of

effectiveness according to profile

Ho: There is no significant relationship between marketing strategy’s level of

effectiveness and influence of seasonal products

Operational Definition of Key Variables

To better understand and appreciate the study, the following terminologies are

operational defined.

Marketing plan is the market research that a company will use to promote its

product or service.

Marketing strategies refer to a company's overall strategy for reaching out to

potential customers and converting them into clients of its products or services.

Seasonal Product is a term used to describe items that are only accessible during

specific seasons of the year or year-to-year changes in quantity and price.

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is a useful phrase for categorizing

enterprises and other organizations.


This chapter presents a description of the method use by the researcher in this

study. The presentation includes the research design, population and sampling scheme.

Research Design

This study will utilize a qualitative approach applying descriptive research method.

To understand concepts, opinions, or experiences, qualitative research entails gathering

and interpreting non-numerical data (e.g., text, video, or audio). It can be utilized to learn

more about a topic or to come up with new research ideas (Bhandari, 2020).

It will be used to help the researchers to identify and collect information about the

Effectiveness of Marketing strategies on seasonal product in the perception of the

selected SMEs in Pasig City through using a descriptive method like survey, observation,

and interview, which the result can be depicted in the form of non-numerical data.

Population and Sampling

This study will conduct a total of one hundred (100) small and medium enterprise

owners located in selected barangays in Pasig City. A random sampling approach will be

employed to collect data, which means the researchers will choose the sample randomly

to assure all owners of SMEs will be having an equal chance of being selected.

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