Year 11 English Marking Scheme Listening Comprehension

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Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes Track 3
Educational Assessment Unit
Annual Examinations for Secondary Schools 2022


When marking exercise 1 and 2 please note:
 Marks are not to be deducted for spelling mistakes or grammatical errors.
 Full sentences are not required.
 Award marks for answers which include the following content, which may
also be rephrased.
1. State whether the following are True (T) or False (F). Give a reason for your
answer. 1 x 5 = 5 marks

 When marking exercise 1, marks are to be awarded if BOTH the reason

and the ‘True or False’ part of the answer are answered correctly.
½ marks are NOT to be awarded.

a) The place where Romeo courted Juliet has been surrounded by controversy for
over ten years. T
Reason: A feud over the site has existed for more than a decade.

b) Most people who visit the courtyard then visit the Casa di Giulietta. F
Reason: The vast majority forgo a visit to the Casa di Giulietta. / Not
even 300,000 of the 3 million visitors of the courtyard visited
the Casa di Giulietta.

c) Italian people believe Shakespeare based Juliet’s family on a noble family that
lived in the Casa di Giulietta. T
Reason: The locals believe he was inspired by the del Cappellos.

d) The court stopped the mayor from restricting the number of visitors to the
courtyard. T
Reason: The court blocked the initiative. / The court said the courtyard
was not a public-owned space.

e) The region’s Superintendent for Cultural Heritage disagrees with restricting the
number of visitors to the courtyard. F
Reason: He supported the mayor’s plans. / He said Verona suffered from

English – Listening Comprehension – Marking Scheme – Year 11 – Track 3 – 2022 Page 1 of 2

2. What do the following refer to? 1 x 3 = 3 marks

a) 400-metre space The size of the courtyard

b) 1968 Year when the Romeo and Juliet film / Franco
Zeffirelli’s film was released
c) 20th century When the balcony was built / When the balcony
was added to the building

3. Tick () 4 Covid-19 measures that were taken to control the crowds in the
courtyard. ½ x 4 = 2 marks

a) Visitors couldn’t touch Juliet’s statue.

 b) Security guards were hired.
c) Visitors could enter the courtyard free of charge.
d) No more than 10 people were allowed in the courtyard at a time.
 e) No more than 24 people were allowed in the courtyard at a time.
 f) Turnstiles were placed at the entrance.
g) Visitors booked a stay at the Bed and Breakfast.
 h) Visitors booked tickets online.

English – Listening Comprehension – Marking Scheme – Year 11 – Track 3 – 2022 Page 2 of 2

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