Name: Jessa Mae A. Gabon Year&Sec.: BSED 3 FILIPINO Unit 4: The Challenges in Teaching Assessment No. 1

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Name: Jessa Mae A. Gabon Year&Sec.



Assessment No. 1
1. Make a comparison of the global teaching- learning landscape before and in the 21st
Century. Write your answers on the space provided.
Parameters Before 21st Century

1. Learners  Usually have age  Do not have age

boundaries boundaries

 Determine by social  Learners have diverse

classes, gender, race backgrounds and are

 Expected to follow  Critical and independent

only what the teacher thinker; Self directed
or the book is saying
 Considers civic
 Role confined only responsibilities; takes part
inside the classrooms in community activities,
local and worlds affairs
and youth leadership
 Not technologically
inclined  Technology and media

2. Teachers  Have high  Teachers are open for

unquestionable students questions,
authority clarifications and
 No formal teachers;  Underwent formal teacher
Teachers are tribe preparation
leaders, elders and
parents during pre-
colonial period

 Mostly dominated by  Teachers can be both men

women and women
 Relies on centralized  Utilizes broad pedagogy
teaching strategy that may aid learners
diversity; Use various
assessment tools;
Innovative; conduct
research to customize
teaching plans and solve
classroom problems;
Flexible and adaptive to
global learning changes
3. Learning  Book dependent  Integrates ICT on the
Environment without the influence pedagogy
of technology

 Traditional classroom  Borderless; can occur both

setting in classroom and distant
 Teacher centered  Student centered

 Anchored on set  Has rooms for innovations

disciplines and integration
 With ICT integration
 No ICT integration
4. Ways of Learning  Dictation, imitation  Promotes open discussion
and memorization between teachers and

 Traditional or face to  Includes various learning

face modality learning aside
from face to face such as
distance or online,
blended and experiential
and lifelong learners

 Uses various multimedia

 Book based
learning materials aside
from book

 Conceptual and  Utilizes both conceptual

theoretical and practical learning

 No integration of ICT  Integrates ICT

5. Learning Content  Discipline based  Integrated and
curriculum interdisciplinary
 Emphasis on  Give importance to
concepts and intellectual abilities and
subjective acquisition of practical
knowledge skills
 Customized on the
 Learning content is practical aspects based
base on what is on the students really
already set and need to learn; demand
available; supply driven
driven  More on collaborative
works with group
 Focus on individual projects and activities
learning are made available
 Gives emphasis on both
 Focuses more on technological
science, English and literary/music content on
mathematics with education
minor literature, arts
 Academic and
and music
vocational concepts are
 Academic subject balanced
are prioritized

Assessment No.2
Challenges & Issues Characteristics of Teachers Skills/strategies/
to be Addressed Learners methodologies to be
Multicultural Classrooms  Learners in the Using different activities
multicultural and games in multicultural
classrooms are having classrooms is an excellent
different culture, way to foster inclusivity
ethnicity and race and encourage students to
that they gathered in share their heritage. It’s
one classroom and also a beneficial way for
they equally valued teachers to involve
and celebrated. students in different styles
of study to immerse them
in their learning. Sharing
about oneself within the
confines of an activity is
often much easier than
being asked open-ended
questions and put “on the
spot.” These activities can
then provide a safe space
for dialogue and serve as
an entryway into more in-
depth interactions. For
example, students in the
classroom will discuss
their ethnic backgrounds
and share three unique
things about their culture
(food, holidays,
celebrations, etc.).
Multilingual Classrooms  Learners in the Teachers in the
multilingual multilingual classrooms
classrooms speaks a can have the opportunity
variety of first to interact people with
languages. different backgrounds and
by teaching and interacting
with them, the teacher is
likely to learn in the
process as well. One way
to teach multilingual
classroom is by
understanding each
learner is unique, every
person is unique in their
experiences and culture.
They need also to treat all
language equally because
it would be useful to avoid
some students feeling left
out. The most important is,
teachers need to keep
learning flexible in a
multilingual classroom,
you need to make an
adjustment to the learning
process to match the needs
of the students.
Special Education Classes  Inability to stay on Special education classes
task provide unique service to
 Easily distracted physically and mentally
 Poor time challenged students.
management skills Special education classes
 Reading provide quality instruction
comprehension to students with
difficulties disabilities. Teacher
 Poor handwriting strategies or
 Difficulty following methodologies to use
directions, listening when teaching student
and concentration with disability is first, they
need to provide different
level of books and
materials because having a
range of level on hand will
ensure that each student
can learn at the
appropriate level, this can
minimize frustration and
maximizes confidence
forward momentum in the
students. Also, we need to
form them in a small
group because forming
groups of two and three
students within the class
grouped according to their
level can help with
personalizing the teaching
while not sacrificing class
instruction time. We need
also to create classroom
centers because this is
another effective way of
teaching. Each center
would specialize in one
area or level. The centers
would be self-contained in
terms of instructions and
all lesson materials.
Multigrade Classes  Learners in one Teaching multigrade
classroom are in classes is very challenging,
different grade some teachers complained
levels of lack of sufficient time in
 They are under handling class. But despite
guidance of one of this, they strived hard
teacher and tried their very best to
be meaningful and
productive. Teachers need
to be flexible and use
various of teaching
methods like groupings,
individualized instruction,
independent studying,
group project and peer
tutoring according to their
specific teaching needs at
the time. The use of this
strategies not only
supports the educational
work of a teachers and
serves the national
curriculum goals but also
represents flexible
methods that encourage
children to be independent
and develop their
Multi Intelligence  Learners have Teaching multi-
Classroom different ways of intelligence classroom is
learning hard because they have
 Some students learn different ways of learning.
through music, But there are some
environment, strategies that a multi-
language, pictures, intelligence classroom
kinesthetic, math, teacher could use or do.
and so forth. First is, you need to get to
know your students better,
this test can provide a
fascinating snapshot of
your student’s innate
abilities. Second you need
to expand upon traditional
activities. Third you need
to be flexible and consider
or understand each
student needs and the
most important is you
need to provide different
activities for your students
where you think they will
learn and enjoy doing. You
need to be creative in
planning and using
strategies and activities in
your classroom.
Learner-Centered  Student are active A learner centered
Classroom learners, where they classroom views students
learn by doing, as active agents. They
engaging and bring their own
interacting knowledge, past
 Learners are being experiences, education and
collaborative with ideas, this impacts on how
each other they take on board new
information and learn.
This type of teaching and
learning is more natural
than some might think. To
switch teacher centered to
learner centered, teachers
need to stop being an
expert, the goal is for
students to learn and
grow, and since self-
discovery is a large part of
that process, try
prompting and guiding
them rather than telling
them. Second is let your
students explore, teachers
can make lessons come
alive by introducing the
topic and having students
explore it through a hands
on task, problem solving
activity or any other
collaborative project where
students explore, think
and communicate with
their classmates.
Constructivist  Knowledge will be Constructivist classroom
Classroom shared between says learners construct
teachers and knowledge rather than just
students passively take in
 Teachers and information. As student
students will share experience the world and
authority reflect upon those
 The teacher’s role is experiences, they build
one of a facilitator their own representations
or guide and incorporate new
 Learning group will information into their pre-
consist of small existing knowledge. Some
numbers of of the activities that a
heterogeneous teachers should use in the
students constructivist classroom is
first, cooperative learning
or a grouping, students
work together in small
groups to maximize their
own and each other’s
learning. Second problem-
based learning, learners
acquire knowledge by
devising a solution to a
problem. Last is, inquiry-
based learning, learners
pose their own questions
and seek answers to their
questions via research and
direct observation. They
can present their
supporting evidence to
answer the questions.

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