Unit4 DrCSYadav

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Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology

Greater Noida

KCS 401
Operating System

Unit 4

Memory Management System

Dr. C S Yadav
B. Tech 4th Semester Prof. & Head, CSE

Dr C S Yadav Unit 4 KCS 401 OS 1

18 April 2022

•Memory Allocation
•Fixed Partition
•Variable partition
•Non Contiguous
•Segmentation with paging
•Virtual Memory
•Demand Paging
•Global and local page replacement
•Page replacement algorithms

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Objectives of Unit 4

• To understand memory management functions such as allocation of memory to the

processes, de-allocate memory from the processes and implement allocation
strategies such as First Fit, Best Fit and Worst Fit.

• To understand the virtual memory concepts and evaluate the performance of virtual
memory with the help of effective memory access time.

• To understand the demand paging concept and calculate number of page fault using
page replacement algorithms such as FIFO, LRU, and Optimal Page Replacement

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Course Outcome of Unit 4

At the end of semester, students will be able to

CO4: understand and implement various memory allocation schemes

such as contiguous and non-contiguous.

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CO-PO Mapping


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CO- PSO Mapping

Program Specific Outcomes

Outcomes PSO1 PSO2 PSO3 PSO4

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Prerequisite and Recap

• Basic knowledge of computer fundamentals.

• Basic knowledge of computer organization.
• Memory hierarchy
• Cache Organization
• Interrupt
• Registers
• Associative memory

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Topic Mapping with Course Outcome

Course Topics
Outcome Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4

Memory Virtual Demand Global and Page Thrashing

Allocation Memory Paging local page replacement
replacement algorithms

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Memory Allocation(CO4)

Fixed Partition
Dynamic Partition
Allocation Paging


with paging
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18 April 2022
Memory Allocation(CO4)

Topic Objective: To understand memory allocation schemes

• One of the major functions of OS is memory management.
• The OS controls the allocation/de-allocation of physical memory.
• It keeps track of memory occupancy, loading of programs into free
memory space, getting the memory occupied by a process when the
process terminates, dynamic allocation/de-allocation of memory to
executing process.

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18 April 2022
Contiguous Memory Allocation(CO4)

Topic objective: To understand the contiguous memory allocation and its type.
In this allocation, a memory resident program occupies a single continuous block of
physical memory.
The physical memory is partitioned into block of different sizes for accommodating
the programs. This partitioning is of two types:
1. Fixed partitioning
2. Variable partitioning

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18 April 2022
Fixed Partitioning(CO4)

Topic Objective: To understand the mechanism of fixed partitioning.

The memory is divided into a fixed number of partitions of different
sizes, which may suit the range of usually occurring program sizes. Each
partition can accommodate exactly one process. Thus, the degree of
multi-programming is fixed.

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18 April 2022
Implementation of Fixed Partitioning(CO4)

Topic objective: To understand the various steps in implementing the fixed

partitioning scheme.
Whenever, a program needs to be loaded, a partition, big enough to accommodate
the program, is allocated. Since a program may not exactly fit the allocated
partition, some space may be left unoccupied, after loading the program. This
space is wasted and it termed as internal fragmentation.
Memory management is implemented using a table called partition description

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18 April 2022
Advantages of Fixed Partition(CO4)

Topic objective: Analyze the fixed partition scheme from implementation point of
• The implementation is very easy.
• The processing overheads are low

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18 April 2022
Disadvantages of Fixed Partition(CO4)

Topic objective: Analyze the fixed partition from the point of memory
• The degree of multiprogramming is fixed, since the number of
partition is fixed.
• Suffers from internal fragmentation

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18 April 2022
Dynamic Partitioning(CO4)

Topic objective: To understand the dynamic partitioning and how we

remove the limitation of fixed partition by implementing it.
This scheme is free of the limitations encountered in the case of fixed
Its functions are as follows:
Initially, the entire available memory is treated as a single partition.
The incoming programs, requesting memory allocation, are queued up.

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18 April 2022
Dynamic Partitioning(CO4)

Topic objective: To understand and implement dynamic partitioning.

A waiting program is loaded, only when a free partition, big enough to

fit the program, is available. When a program is loaded, it is allocated a
space , exactly equal to its size. The balance unoccupied space, in the
allocated partitioned is treated as another free space.

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18 April 2022
Dynamic Partitioning(CO4)

When a process terminates, it releases the partition occupied. If the

released partition is continuous to another free partition, then both the
free partitions are clubbed together into a single free partition.

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18 April 2022
External fragmentation(CO4)

Topic Objective: To elucidate the concept of external fragmentation and removal of

it through compaction technique.

When a free partition is too small to accommodate any program, it is called

External fragmentation.

External fragmentation refers to the large number of small chunks of free memory
that may be scattered all over the physical memory and individually each of the
chunks may not be big enough to accommodate even the small program.

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18 April 2022
External fragmentation(CO4)

However, if joined together, the total free space, thus resulted, may be big enough
to accommodate some more programs that may be waiting for loading.
Compaction is a technique, by which the resident programs are re-located in such a
way that the small chunks of free are made contiguous to each other and clubbed
together into a single free partition, that may be big enough to accommodate Some
more programs. But the compaction has very high processing overheads.

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18 April 2022
Daily Quiz for Module 1 (Memory Allocation)

For formative assessment 1 (10 questions through Google Quiz)


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18 April 2022
Different Strategy for Partition Allocation(CO4)

Topic objective: To explore the following allocation strategies and its


There are three strategies:

• First Fit
• Best Fit

• Worst Fit

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18 April 2022
First Fit(CO4)

Topic Objective: To analyze its merit and demerit.

This refers to the allocation of the first encountered partition that may be big
enough to accommodate the program being loaded. This algorithm works both for
fixed as well as variable partition allocation.
Advantage: search time is small
Disadvantage: The memory loss, on account of fragmentation, is likely to be high.

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18 April 2022
Best Fit(CO4)

Topic objective: To analyze the merits and demerits of Best fit allocation strategy.
It refers to the allocation of the smallest available free partition that may be big
enough to accommodate the program being loaded. This algorithms also works for
both fixed partition and variable partition.
Advantage: The memory loss, on account of fragmentation will be lesser than in the
case of first fit.
Disadvantage: Search time will be larger, as compared to first fit.

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18 April 2022
Worst Fit(CO4)

Topic objective: To analyze the merits and demerits of worst fit allocation strategy.

It refers to the allocation of the largest partition out of the ones which are
available, which may be bigger enough to accommodate the program.

The sprit behind this scheme is that the balance space, left in the allocated
partition, after loading program, may be big enough to load another small program;
and in that eventually, memory loss due to fragmentation may be lower than first
fit. Search time in this scheme would be of the same order as in the case of Best Fit.

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18 April 2022
Worst Fit(CO4)

Advantage: It is expected to provide a smaller memory loss on account of


Disadvantage: Search time is larger than first fit. It is same as in the case of Best Fit.

This algorithm is designed only for variable-partition allocation.

By mistake if used along with fixed partition, the results will be suicidal.

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18 April 2022
Memory protection in contiguous memory allocation(CO4)

Topic objective: To implement security for protecting the data from address space.

If (Logical address L < limit register Value M)

Physical address P=Logical address L + Relocation value R;
Raise Exception: Invalid Address

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18 April 2022
Non-Contiguous Memory Allocation(CO4)

Topic Objective: To understand and implement the non-contiguous

memory allocation scheme.
It offers the following advantages over contiguous memory allocation:
• Permits sharing of code and data amongst processes.
• There is no external fragmentation of physical memory.
• Supports virtual memory concepts.

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18 April 2022
Non-Contiguous Memory Allocation(CO4)

Topic objective: To understand the implementation of non contiguous memory

It involves a complex implementation and involves additional costs in terms of
memory and processing.
It can be implemented by the concept of:
• Paging
• Segmentation
• Segmentation with paging

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18 April 2022

Topic Objective: To explain the paging hardware with

the help of following diagram

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18 April 2022

Topic Objective: To understand the paging mechanism and how logical address is
translated into physical address in this mechanism
It permits physical address space of a process to be non-contiguous.

The logical address space of a process is divided into blocks of fixed size called

Also, the physical memory is divided into blocks of fixed sizes called Frames.

In the system, the page and frame will be of same size.

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18 April 2022

The size is of the order of 512 bytes to a few MB.

Whenever, a process is to be executed, its page are moved from secondary

storage(Hard disk) to the available frames in physical memory(RAM).

The information about frame number, in which a page is resident, is entered in

page table. The page table is indexed by page number.

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18 April 2022
Translation of Logical address into physical address(CO4)

For a ‘m’ bit processor, the logical address will be m bits long.
Let the page size be 2n bytes.
Then lower order n bits of a logical address (L) will represent page
offset(d) and the higher order m-n bits will represent the page number
Then page number p=L/2n
And page offset d=L%2n

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18 April 2022
Translation of Logical address into physical address

Let f be the frame number that holds the page referenced by logical address (L).
Then f can be obtained by indexing into page table, by using page number p as
Corresponding physical address (P)=f*2n + d
This physical address is fed to MMU to access the memory location, referenced by
logical address L.

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18 April 2022
Internal Fragmentation in Paging(CO4)

Topic Objective: To compute internal fragmentation in paging mechanism.

Since, a program size may not be an exact multiple of the page-size, some space
would remain unoccupied in the last page of the process.
The average memory loss, due to internal fragmentation, would be of the order of
half page per process. So, larger the page size, larger would be the loss of memory,
by internal fragmentation.
Suppose, a system supports a page-size of P bytes.
Then a program of size M bytes, will have an internal fragmentation= P-(M%P)

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18 April 2022
Limitation of Basic Paging Scheme(CO4)

Topic objective: to compare paging with fixed partitioning scheme.

• The effective memory access time increases, since for accessing of an operand,
first its frame number has to be accessed. Since, the page table resides in the
RAM itself, the effective access time to get an operand will be twice the RAM
access time. So, if RAM access time is 100 ns, the effective access time would be
200 ns.
• The page table occupies a significant amount of memory

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18 April 2022
How to Reduce the Effective Access Time in Paging?

Topic Objective: To increase the performance of paging mechanism by introducing

the concept of TLB.
TLB (Translation Look-aside Buffer) is page-table cache, which is implemented as a
fast associative memory. The associative memory is distinguished by its ability to
search for a key, concurrently in all entries in a table.
This property makes the associative memory much faster than conventional RAM.
But it is much costlier also.

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18 April 2022
How to Reduce the Effective Access Time in Paging?

Topic Objective: to compare TLB with RAM.

Due to higher cost, it may not be cost effective to have entire page table in TLB, but
a subset of page table, that may be currently active, can be moved to TLB.

Each entry of TLB would contain Page no. of a page and the Frame no. where the
page is stored in RAM

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Topic objective: To explain

mechanism of TLB
Hardware with the help of
following diagram.

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Topic Objective: To understand the mechanism of TLB.

Whenever, a logical address is generated, the page no. p of the logical address is
fed as a key to the TLB.
The key is searched in parallel in all the entries of TLB.
If the match found for the page no. p, it is termed as TLB hit. The entry, with the
matching number contains the frame no., where the page is stored.

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If match not found for the page no., it indicates TLB miss. Then, the frame no. is
accessed from the page table. Also, the page table entry is moved to TLB, so that
for further references to that page, its frame no. can be accessed from TLB itself.

If TLB is full, then some replacement algorithm can be used to replace one of the
existing entries in the TLB.

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18 April 2022
Improvement in effective memory access time(CO4)

Topic objective: To compute the effective memory access time of cache memory.

TLB Hit ratio=0.9

RAM access time T=100 ns and TLB access time t=20 ns

Effective access time without TLB= 2T=200 ns

Effective access time with TLB

=H*(T + t) + (1-H) * (2*T + t)

=0.9*(100+20) + (1-0.9)*(2*100+20)

=0.9*120+0.1*220=108+22=130 ns

Reduction in effective access time=(200-130)*100/200=35%

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18 April 2022
Inverted Page Table(IPT)(CO4)

Topic Objective: To explain the

mechanism of IPT with the help of
following diagram.

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18 April 2022
Inverted Page Table(IPT)(CO4)

Topic Objective: To explain the translation of logical address into physical address
using IPT

The size of IPT is related to the size of the physical memory, not the size of logical
address space. Since, IPT is not process specific and it does not need switching
during context switching of the processes. IPT contains process id along with page
no. for each frame in the physical memory. IPT is system-wise not per process.

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18 April 2022
Inverted Page Table(IPT) (CO4)

A logical address generated by CPU contains process-id(pid), Page

no.(p) and page offset(d). A search is carried out in IPT to find a match
for the process id and the page number. The offset of the matching slot
in the IPT, gives the frame number, where the desired page is residing.
The frame number combined with the offset d, gives the intended
physical address.

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18 April 2022
Advantages of IPT over conventional Page Table

Topic Objective: Comparison of IPT with conventional Page Table.

There is only one page table for all processes, whereas conventional
page table is per process.
Its size is related to the size of physical memory available.
Limitations: The search time to match an entry in IPT is very large.
The average search time of IPT can be reduced by combining the IPT
with a TLB.

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18 April 2022
IPT with a TLB (CO4)
Topic Objective: Comparison of IPT with TLB.

Each entry in the TLB would comprise Page number, process-id and its
corresponding frame number. The associative memory would permit
matching of a process-id and page number pair simultaneously with all
the entries in TLB. The desired frame number can then be obtained
from the matching entry.

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18 April 2022
IPT with a TLB(CO4)

Each entry in the TLB would comprise Page number, process-id

and its corresponding frame number. The associative memory
would permit matching of a process-id and page number pair
simultaneously with all the entries in TLB. The desired frame
number can then be obtained from the matching entry.

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18 April 2022
Hashed Page Table(CO4)

Topic Objective: To explain the mechanism of Hashed Page Table with the help of
following diagram

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18 April 2022
Hashed Page Table(CO4)

Topic objective: Translation of logical address into physical address using Hashed
Page Table.

A page table is created of length M.

Whenever, logical address is generated, a hashing function is applied to the page

number p, to generate an index i.


The index value i is used to index into the page table. Each entry in the page table is
a pointer to a linked list.

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18 April 2022
Multi-level Paging(CO4)

Topic Objective: To explain the mechanism of multi-level paging with the help of
following diagram

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18 April 2022
Multi-level Paging(CO4)

Topic Objective: To explain the steps for translating logical address into physical
address in multi-level paging scheme.
The page table is divided into multiple levels. For example, in a two level page
table, a logical address would comprise of the following fields:
(a)Page number p1, for indexing into outer page table.
(b)Page number p2, for indexing into inner page table.
(c)Offset or displacement d that is used to index into the selected frame, to obtain
the desired operand

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18 April 2022
Advantage of Multi-level Paging(CO4)

Topic objective: To explain the advantages of multi-level paging.

All the inner page tables would not be required to be memory

resident simultaneously. Depending upon the size of executing
program only a small fraction of the set of inner page tables
would need to be memory resident, thus reducing the
memory overhead of the page table.

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18 April 2022
Disadvantage of Multi-level Paging(CO4)

Topic objective: To explain the disadvantage of multi-level paging.

To access an operand, multi-level paging needs some extra

memory accesses. For example, in the case of two level
paging, an additional memory access is required, that is, to get
the base address of inner page table.

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Topic objective: To understand segmentation mechanism with the help of following


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18 April 2022

Topic objective: How logical address is translated into physical address in

segmentation mechanism.
In segmentation, the physical memory is divided into segments of varying sizes.
Each segment is assigned a unique segment number.
The memory management is done through a segment table, which is indexed by
segment number. For each segment, it has an entry that provides base address of
the segment and size of the segment. The logical address contains segment
number ‘s’ and offset within the segment ‘d’

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Using the segment number, the system obtains base address

of the segment. Then it makes a check to determine whether
offset is within the segment size or not. If yes then the offset d
is valid and physical address is computed by adding the offset
to the base address; else it is invalid (error).

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18 April 2022
Segmentation with paging(CO4)

Topic Objective: To understand and implement the segmentation with paging


In this, the logical space is divided into a number of segments of varying sizes
and each segment is divided into a number of pages, each of a fixed size.

The memory management is done through a segment table. Each segment

has an entry in the table. An entry contains base address of the segment
page table and size of the segment page table.

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18 April 2022
Segmentation with paging(CO4)

The logical address contains segment number, page number in a

segment and offset ‘d’ in the page. The segment number s is to access
the segment entry in the segment page table. So, each segment will
have a separate page table. The page number p is used to access the
frame number in the page table, provide p<M (size of the segment
page table); else it is invalid page number. The frame number ‘f’ is
combined with the offset ‘d’ to compute the physical address.

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Segmented Paging or Segmentation with Paging

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Daily Quiz of Module 2 (Virtual Memory + Demand Paging)

For formative assessment 2


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18 April 2022
Virtual Memory(VM) Concept(CO4)

Topic Objective: To understand and implement the virtual memory

Virtual memory is a technique that permits execution of processes with
their code only partially loaded into the physical memory.
This technique takes advantage of the fact that a program tends to
have locality of reference and a process code never required in its
entirety, at the same time.

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18 April 2022
Advantages of Virtual Memory(CO4)

Topic objective: To describe the advantages of using virtual memory


➢Programs are not constrained by physical memory size.

➢Degree of multi programming can be varied over a large range

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18 April 2022
Implementation of VM(CO4)

Topic objective: Implantation of VM concepts using demand paging and

demand segmentation.

It is implemented by demand paging or by demand segmentation.

When a process is swapped-in, the pager loads a set of its pages, which
may be predicted to be initially needed by the process into the physical

The secondary memory holds the remaining pages of the process.

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18 April 2022
Implementation of VM(CO4)

When a process is swapped-in, this bit is set to invalid for all the entries in
the page table. When page is loaded into RAM, its frame number is entered
and page validity bit is set to valid.
Thus if bit is valid, it indicates that the page is legally from the logical address
space of the process and is currently in the RAM.
If it is set to invalid, it indicates that either the page does not belong to the
logical address space of the process or it is still not loaded into RAM.

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18 April 2022
Implementation of VM(CO4)

Whenever, a logical or virtual address is generated, the system operates as

(i) Looks into the page table. If the page validity bit is set to v, it reads the
corresponding frame number, adds page offset and determines physical
(ii) If the page table indicates page invalid, then system reads the page into
a free frame. If no free frame is available, it uses a page replacement
algorithm to replace an occupied frame.

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18 April 2022
Implementation of VM(CO4)

In addition to this, system needs the following system tables:

(a) Page Map Table : This table is per process. It indicates whether the page is
memory resident or not. It also contains validity bit.
(b) Memory Map Table (Free Frames’ list): This table provides information about
the availability of free frames, that can be allocated to accommodate new
pages. This table is per system.
(c) File Map Table: This table is per process. It provides the disk addresses, where
the process pages are stored on the secondary storage.

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18 April 2022
Demand Paging(CO4)

Topic objective: To explain the types of demand paging.

Pure Demand Paging: All the pages are placed in secondary storage and on
demand basis, it is loaded into main memory at execution or run time. At the
outset, main memory is empty.

Pre-fetched Demand Paging: In this some of the selective pages are

preloaded(before execution starts). Initially some of the pages are in main memory.

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18 April 2022
Modified/Dirty Bit(CO4)

Topic objective: To understand the concept of modified and dirty bit in the implementation of Virtual
Memory Concepts.
➢It is used to reduce one disk access.
➢If write operation is performed on the page after loading, then page is modified
or dirty.
➢If page is dirty, first write the dirty page into disk and bring the requested page
into main memory.
➢If the page is clean, no write operation is performed on the page simply replace
the page with requested page.

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18 April 2022
Daily Quiz for Module 3 (Page Replacement Algorithms)

Formative assessment 3 (10 Questions through Google Quiz)


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18 April 2022
Global and Local Page Replacement(CO4)

Topic Objective: To understand and Page Replacement Concepts and its types.

Whenever, a process experiences a page fault, if no free frame are available, then
the OS gets a currently occupied frame released and allocates the released frame
to the page faulting process, for accommodating the new page. If the victim page
belongs to the page faulting process itself, it is called local page replacement; else it
is called global page replacement. Global page replacement does not focus on the
performance of individual processes. It rather focuses on the system performance.

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18 April 2022
FIFO Page Replacement Algorithm(CO4)

Topic Objective: To implement the FIFO Page Replacement Algorithm.

It replaces the page that has been in the memory for the longest time. One possible
implementation is a FIFO (queue) of the existing pages in the memory. Whenever, page
fault occurs, the page at the top of the queue is made victim and the new page is put at
the tail of the queue.

Reference String: It refers to the sequence of page numbers referenced by a program

during its execution.

Page number = Quotient (Logical Address/Page Size), if logical address =0745 and page size
=100 bytes, then page no=0745/100=7

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18 April 2022
Advantages and Disadvantages of FIFO(CO4)

Topic Objective: To explain the merit and demerit of FIFO Page Replacement Algorithm.

Advantage: Implementation is fairly simple

Limitation: This algorithm does not take into account the current usages of pages and may
often eject some pages that may be currently active. Such pages would need to be moved
in frames again, in near future.

Also, if the system has global page replacement, then the program having largest number
of allocated pages would have higher page fault rate, since the probability of oldest page,
belonging to this program would be very high. This phenomena is called Belady’s Anomaly
and it defies intuition.

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18 April 2022
No. of Faults using FIFO(CO4)

7 7 7 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7
No. of Frames
0 0 0 0 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0

1 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1

Status F F F F H F F F F F F H H F F H H F F F

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18 April 2022
No. of Faults using FIFO(CO4)

Total no. of page fault or misses =15

Total no. of Hits = 5

Hit ratio= 5/20=0.25

Page fault % = (15/20)*100=75%

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18 April 2022
LRU Page Replacement Algorithm(CO4)

Topic Objective: To implement the LRU Page Replacement Algorithm.

It replaces the page which has been used least recently. So, while choosing a
resident page for replacement, the algorithm takes into account its current usage. It
is presumed that a page that has been used least recently, would be the one that
would be least likely to be accessed in the near future. One implementation of this
algorithm could be by using a stack. Whenever, a new page is brought in, it is
placed at the top of stack. Also, whenever, a resident page is accessed, it is
removed from its current position and moved to the top of the stack. Whenever, a
page is to be replaced, victim page is chosen from the bottom of the stack.

Dr C S Yadav Unit 4 KCS 401 OS 76

18 April 2022
LRU Page Replacement Algorithm(CO4)

Topic Objective: To explain the advantages and disadvantages of LRU Page Replacement Algorithm.
Advantage: While selecting a resident page for replacement, it takes into consideration the current usage of a
page. This algorithm is free from Belady’s Anomaly.
Limitations: The algorithm has a lot of processing overheads, which are needed to keep track of least recently

Dr C S Yadav Unit 4 KCS 401 OS 77

18 April 2022
No. of Faults using LRU(CO4)

No. of Frames 3 7 7 7 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 7 7

Status F F F F H F H F F F F H H F H F H F H H

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18 April 2022
No. of Faults using LRU(CO4)

Total no. of page fault or misses =12

Total no. of Hits = 8

Hit ratio= 8/20=0.40

Page fault % = (12/20)*100=60%

Dr C S Yadav Unit 4 KCS 401 OS 79

18 April 2022
Optimal Page Replacement Algorithm(CO4)

Topic Objective: To implement the Optimal Page Replacement

In its ideal form, this algorithm should replace a page, which is to be
referenced in the most distant future. Since, it requires knowledge of
future, its ideal form is not implementable. The significance of this
algorithm is only theoretical. It is used to compare performance of an
implementable algorithm with that of the optimal.

Dr C S Yadav Unit 4 KCS 401 OS 80

18 April 2022
Optimal Page Replacement Algorithm(CO4)

Topic Objective: To compare Optimal Page Replacement Algorithm with FIFO and LRU.
Optimal algorithm appears to be best in term of number of page faults, but it is not feasible to implement this
algorithm since the algorithm requires the knowledge of future. Out of FIFO and LRU, the LRU is better, since it
takes into consideration the current usage of a page whenever a resident page is considered for replacement.
The page, which has been least recently used is chosen for replacement.

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18 April 2022
No. of Faults using Optimal Page Replacement(CO4)

No. of Frames 3 7 7 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 7 7

0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Status F F F F H F H F H H F H H F H H H F H H

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18 April 2022
No. of Faults using Optimal Page Replacement(CO4)

Total no. of page fault or misses =09

Total no. of Hits = 11

Hit ratio= 11/20=0.55

Page fault % = (9/20)*100=45%

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18 April 2022

Topic objective: To understand the concept of thrashing and how it impacts

adversely on the performance of the system
As we increase the degree of multiprogramming CPU utilization increases to a
certain limit, after that drastically decreases that is called thrashing.

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18 April 2022
Working Set Model(CO4)

Topic objective: Removal of thrashing with the help of working set model.

➢ It is one of the solution of thrashing.

➢ It is based on assumption of locality of reference.

➢ It uses ∆, working set window

➢ Idea is to examine recent working set window page references

➢ If a page is in active use, it will be in working set window and if it is no longer

being used it will be dropped from working set

Dr C S Yadav Unit 4 KCS 401 OS 85

18 April 2022
Locality of Reference of a Process(Spatial and Temporal)

Topic objective: To understand the locality of reference of a process and its type.

At any time, during its execution, a process will be accessing only a small subset of
logical address space. This subset of the logical address space is called its current
locality of references. The current locality keeps shifting. It also keeps varying in size.
Whenever, a page forming part of the current locality is not found in the memory, it
will cause a page fault. So when a process moves from one locality to another, it will
get the new pages into memory through page faulting.

18 April 2022 Dr C S Yadav Unit 4 KCS 401 OS 86

Page Fault Frequency(CO4)

Topic Objective: To remove the thrashing with the concept of Page Fault
At any time, during its execution, a process will be accessing only a small
subset of logical address space. This subset of the logical address space is
called its current locality of references. The current locality keeps shifting. It
also keeps varying in size. Whenever, a page forming part of the current
locality is not found in the memory, it will cause a page fault. So when a
process moves from one locality to another, it will get the new pages into
memory through page faulting.

18 April 2022 Dr C S Yadav Unit 4 KCS 401 OS 87

Page Fault Frequency(CO4)

• The PFF Algorithm may be implemented as follows:

• Whenever, a process is having a page fault, the OS computes the time elapsed since its
last page fault. If the interval is lower than the critical value T (it indicates a PFF higher
than critical), then a new frame is allocated to the process.
• However, if the interval is higher than T, then frame assigned to the process, whose
reference bit and written –into bit are found to be clear, is replaced by new page.
• The OS sweeps and frees those frames that have not been referenced since last sweep.
These frames are added to the pool of free pages. The referenced bits of the remaining
resident pages are reset.

18 April 2022 Dr C S Yadav Unit 4 KCS 401 OS 88

Faculty Video Links, YouTube & NPTEL Video Links and Online Courses Details

YouTube/other Video Links

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLhgnIYpQaI
• https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmXKhU9FNesSFvj6gASuWmQd23Ul5omtD
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAvC-MJ_Sz8
• https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106108101

18 April 2022 Dr C S Yadav Unit 4 KCS 401 OS 89

Daily Quiz for Module 4 (Thrashing)

For formative assessment 4 (10 Questions through Google Quiz)


18 April 2022 Dr C S Yadav Unit 4 KCS 401 OS 90


100 MCQ on the below link


18 April 2022 Dr C S Yadav Unit 4 KCS 401 OS 91

Weekly Assignment

• Name the common strategies to select a free hole from a set of available

• Explain Compaction.

• Define Virtual Memory.

• Name the various page replacement algorithms used for page replacement.

18 April 2022 Dr C S Yadav Unit 4 KCS 401 OS 92

Old Question Papers

18 April 2022 Dr C S Yadav Unit 4 KCS 401 OS 93

Old Question Papers

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Old Question Papers

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Old Question Papers

18 April 2022 Dr C S Yadav Unit 4 KCS 401 OS 96

Expected Questions for University Exam
1. Explain paging. Describe how logical address is translated to physical address in a paged system.
2. Explain thrashing. State the cause of thrashing and discuss its solution
3. Differentiate between internal fragmentation and external fragmentation.
4. Define Belady’s anomaly.
5. Differentiate between the paging and segmentation.
6. When do page faults occur? Describe in detail the actions taken by the operating system when a page
faults occur.
7. Consider the following reference string 1,3,2,4,0,1,5,6,0,1,2,3,0,5,6,4,2,1,3,2,7,3,2.
How many page faults will occur for:
• FIFO Page Replacement
• Optimal Page Replacement
• LRU Page Replacement
Assuming three and four frames (initially empty)

18 April 2022 Dr C S Yadav Unit 4 KCS 401 OS 97

In this module, we have studied the following:
•Memory Allocation
•Fixed Partition
•Variable partiton
•Non Contiguous
•Segmentation with paging
•Virtual Memory
•Demand Paging
•Global and local page replacement
•Page replacement algorithms

18 April 2022 Dr C S Yadav Unit 4 KCS 401 OS 98

Books :
1. Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne, “Operating Systems Concepts”, Wiley
2. SibsankarHalder and Alex A Aravind, “Operating Systems”, Pearson Education
3. Harvey M Dietel, “ An Introduction to Operating System”, Pearson Education
4. D M Dhamdhere, “Operating Systems : A Concept basedApproach”, McGraw Hill.
5. Charles Crowley, “Operating Systems: A Design-Oriented Approach”, Tata McGraw Hill Education”.
6. Stuart E. Madnick & John J. Donovan, “ Operating Systems”, Tata McGraw

18 April 2022 Dr C S Yadav Unit 4 KCS 401 OS 99

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