Descritive Writing Activity

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Descriptive writing

The most deadly night I had ever experienced in my life. By looking at the enormous waves I felt like
there was a war of titans underwater evoking the waves. The waves persuaded the broken deck to
shudder. The stormy wind and heavy waves were trolling the ship. The waves made a sound like a
corpse was ready to tear the boat apart. The surrounding went pitch black as soon as the cloud
kidnapped the moon, only lightening helped us see through the darkness. It looked like nature was
showing its wild side and I was too petrified about it. The sea was not showing any mercy, so I just
wanted to reach the shore before the sea swallow the boat.

The most alluring beach view I ever came across. The waves were so calm it felt like the sea was
drowse at this point. And the crystal clear water was so looking pure that I could see my reflection.
The waves made a crawling sound when they gently ran over the sand. The atmosphere was very
cold due to the open area around. The clouds were looking exactly like cotton candy and it tempted
me to have one. The view was so divine & majestic that one would love to spend his entire life over
there. One could feel the freshness in the air. The sea green water colour was so soothing to the
eyes. This place had some healing powers which made me relaxed. The sun was ending the day by
spreading golden rays throughout, making it more pleasing. The place was so quite that I could hear
sea foam bubbles popping which was creating necklace around the sea.
It was supposed to be the best day ever because I was going to the amusement park with my family
for the first time that summer. We all were going out almost after 4 years, so I was super excited. I
was only dreaming about spending a day riding around in high flying roller coasters, failing to
successfully throw rings onto bottle tops, getting on the fast wheels, trying my hand on shooting and
indulging in endless amount of cotton candies. I had decided to spend half of my time doing go
carting since speed is my passion. Watching mascots roaming around was fun but doesn’t interest
me anymore.

Afternoon we went to food court and ordered food of our choice. Food was awesome and we
enjoyed it so much. Let’s be honest. Amusement parks aren’t often known for their memorable food
options. There are some restaurants that are just as alluring as their wild attractions. After exploring
for some time we found the big octopus ride. It had individual seats revolved on its own and at the
same time each hand of the octopus went in a circular motion, I begged and bribed my mother until
she was convinced. We went for two more rides, the ghost house and the roller coaster which had a
loop-d-loop which looked terrific, but I still wanted to try it.  After that were the rides which we all
were waiting for-the water rides. We went in all of them without any hesitation. The Wave Pool and
the Rain Dance were my favourites.

The rays of the bright burning sunshine shimmer on the ripples of each wave made by the peddle
boats. The busy atmosphere building up quickly and the excitement on everyone’s face as they
queue up for each ride is priceless. While exploring the park I noticed an announcement of a child
looking for her mother, I consulted my mother and she said you realised it now, but I am hearing it
form an hour now. When I was leaving the theme park I thought someone is taking my happiness
away. The only thing I was thinking of was that when I was returning to this place again, exploring
this was very amusing and exciting.

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