The Book of Copy & Client Secrets

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The Book of

Copy & Client

Welcome to The Book of Copy & Client Secrets.

My name is Rob Allen. I'm a Forbes-featured copywriter who’s generated

over $100 million in product sales.

I’m best known for my wild “freelance experiments,” creating The

Freelance Copywriting Summit, co-founding & co-hosting The Black
Friday Summit, and running the most FUN copywriting YouTube
channel around…

If you're enjoying this book and ever curious to explore more of my

content, you can join my free copywriting email list here. It's a pretty wild
ride down the rabbit hole!
When you get my welcome email, you'll see what I mean...

And in the following 459 pages, I’ve put together some of my best ideas
for copywriters and email marketers. You’ll see clients in trending markets,
sample campaigns to test out and quick ways to use your marketing skills
to grow your income rapidly. For example, I put spotlights on big trends
like diamond painting, TikTok lights and elderberry supplements, and
show you the top companies in the space you could write emails for … and
even share some ideas for businesses you could start on your own and
dominate the space.

I even share strange niche Amazon products that I believe you could work
with, launch or scale and turn into BIG businesses.

You won't be able to explore every opportunity you see.

So I recommend you pick and choose the ones that are the most
interesting. To you.

But BING THEM ALL. Because more important than the tips
themselves is that you see the thought patterns and ideas that got us there.

And here’s my promise to you: If you're implementing even a little of

what you’re about to learn, this has the potential to be the most profitable
document you ever read as a freelancer. Even one idea could change
everything for you.
As always, let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks again! SUPER excited for you. Go ahead and dive in to tip #1!

Tip No. 1
Welcome to the first *official* round up of tips in The Book of Copy &
Client Secrets.

In this one, we’re exploring:

● How to ride the TikTok wave and potentially make millions without
creating a single prank video
● A new type of cat litter that detects health issues early
● And a potentially $100 million brand that’s just waiting to be started

Ready to profit?
Exploding trends

When it first launched in the US in August of 2018, TikTok was looked at

by a lot of marketers and advertisers very skeptically.

Marketing Exec: “TikTok? That’s just a silly lip syncing app filled with kids
doing prank videos, right?

A few months later, the app had been downloaded 1.5 billion times, is
insanely popular among Gen Z and millenials and is beginning to drize
crazy ROI for brands.

When asked what he thought of it, Gary V. said, “It reminds me of

Facebook in 2010. Back then, you could get millions of views for next to
nothing! It’s the same thing right now. The opportunity is unreal.”

And he’s right.

As I began to explore the opportunity for creating ads on TikTok and the
ROI brands are getting when they work with TikTok influencers, I
realized that could be its own report (which I’ll cover in an upcoming

But today, I want to focus on a trend that’s recently exploded: Selling

products to TikTok users.

Any time a platform booms like this, entrepreneurs and business-minded

people have a choice. One that’s reminiscent of The Gold Rush of the

We can “go west” and pan for gold, so to speak, and try to become the
leading creators on the platform. Some will make it, but many will not.

Or we can sell the metaphorical pickaxes to the miners and offer training,
products and resources to support the miners as they pan for gold.
This happened a few years ago with YouTube.

Some people tried to build enormous channels (read: panned for gold).

While many other created products aimed at helping YouTubeers shoot

better videos and edit content. A lot of creators did well but some of the
brands that aimed at creating tools and resources built 8-figure businesses.

And this scenario is playing out right now on TikTok.

As millions do their best to blow up their pages and build audiences. Some
brands are selling the pickaxes and making a killing.

One such opportunity is with Tiktok Lights.

These are lights creators use to shoot content. They lights help the creators
stand out on the “#ForYou” Page and make for eye-catching video content.

The search volume around this term is booming. With nearly 34,000
searches last month and products on amazon shooting up the sales ranks,
this is just one of the many products you can position yourself to profit

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend right now.

For freelancers:
One of the biggest clients I’ve ever worked with was a company called

If you’ve seen their ads, you probably know they sell an online course
focused on helping people start and grow a profitable YouTube channel.

After the company’s founders started and grew their own channel to over
2.9 million subscribers, they looked at each other and said, “Hey we’re
pretty good at this whole YouTube thing...And a lot of people aren’t. We
could probably show people how to do this too. Should we create a course?”

And that’s exactly what they did. They released a course and ended up
making over $10 million from it just a few years later.


Don’t get me wrong: Their content is amazing.

But one of the secrets to their success was being first to market with a
course on how to blow up your YouTube channel’s growth.

The other secret was in working with an amazing copywriter (Brandon

Shrair) to help them create their first few marketing funnels.

I see the same kind of opportunity with TikTok right now.

A lot of people want to succeed on the platform. But there’s no single
resource for getting started.

If you’re a freelancer, you could partner with creators and help them sell a

The truth is a lot of these people have no idea what a funnel is. They just
know how to create content but you could work with them and take an
equity stake in their business (that’s what Brandon from Jumpcut did to
make bank).

If it does even a fraction of what Jumpcut’s program did, you stand to

make millions by getting there early and solving this problem in the

A business idea...
TikTok lights are just the latest in a series of trendy products creators are
using to stand out and create compelling videos like this.

But it’s likely that the trend will fade as more and more people do it with

So if you’re not already selling the lights, it’s going to be hard to stand up a
profitable business and ride this wave.

But there’s an even better opportunity underlying this trend: The ability
to create a monthly subscription product specifically for TikTok creators.
In this monthly box, you could send creators a collection of the latest
products going viral on TikTok, plus other resources and tools.

If you were to charge $49.99 per month and ship out a monthly box
(similar to BirchBox or FabFitFun) but targeting only TikTok users, this
could be a wildly profitable business.

And like those companies, you could probably get a ton of the products
you feature for free because of the marketing exposure you’d bring them.

To launch this idea, you would just need to work with a few TikTok
influencers and I bet you could get 100+ customers in a week or less.

The profit potential is huge. The time to ride the wave is now. The only
question is: Will you build it?
As a cat owner, I’m no stranger to the irrational level of happiness and
spending a pet can bring. In fact, there was a short period last year when
my cat had health insurance and I didn’t.

And you better believe I often put her health above my own.

I’m not alone in my willingness to do anything to keep my pet healthy

either. Turns out, pet healthcare and preventative treatments for animals
is a big industry, grossing $16.62 billion on an annual basis and growing.
That’s why this trending search term, Pretty Litter, caught my attention.

Pretty Litter is a new form of cat litter that keeps tabs on your cat's health
by changing color in response to different health challenges.

From their website: “Cats are notorious for hiding illnesses, so it's often
hard to tell if they are sick or in pain. PrettyLitter makes it easier for you to
know if your cat is experiencing a potential health issue before urgent
medical care is needed, saving you money, stress and potentially your cat's

I became an instant customer. But I also think underlying this product is a

big trend we can all ride.

For freelancers:
In my research, I couldn’t find a single company that directly competes
with Pretty Litter on the “change color in response to other health
challenges front.”

There were other companies that offered cat litter shipped straight to your
door like Skoon and Kitty Poo Club.

But nothing that leveraged the health benefits that Pretty Litter offers.

In other words, they own the category — early detection cat litter —
which represents a huge opportunity for businesses.
But here’s the real kicker: I started a checkout with Pretty Litter and got…

Meaning they’re leaving a lot of money on the table... Cat litter alone is a
$900 million per year industry in the US alone. Carving out just 10% of
that would mean $90 million per year for Pretty Litter and think of all the
additional products you could offer.

Natural cat food, dental health snacks and more.

If you’re a freelancer or enjoy content around pets, this could be the

perfect opportunity to help them out.

Why? Because they’re all relatively new businesses, with smaller teams of
just 12 people and could probably use help from an expert on email

You could help them build an email calendar, create more content on their
site around pet health and more.

I think this could easily be a $2-$4k/month client for anyone who reaches

Here’s the person who I would reach out to.

Advanced tip: Beyond the basics of email and blogging, when you have a
product that’s this emotional (health of pets), you have a great
opportunity to create a VSL, too.

I’ve heard rumors that a copywriter who wrote a VSL promoting a specific
kind of cat food made $1 million+. The same kind of opportunity exists
here. Think of the stories you could tell about litter saving a pets life...just
by changing color! Go get them as a client.

As fears around the Coronavirus continue, more and more people have
been searching out natural ways to boost their immune system.
Evidence suggest there are some vitamins and supplements that could offer
help in the fight:
● Vitamin D
● Zinc
● And Vitamin C

And many supplement companies offering these products have seen a BIG
spike in sales recently.

But another supplement has also gotten a lift — even though the research
around its ability to support the body with a cold or flu is lacking:

Just a few months ago, the term “elderberry” was getting 250,000 searches
per month.

But this month, it shot up the ranks with over 450,000 searches, according
to Ubersuggest.

I even saw a bottle at my mom’s house and she never buys supplements.

What’s shocking isn’t that people suddenly have an interest in supporting

their immune system or have an interest in this product this time of year.

It’s that there’s no single brand built around this opportunity. Almost all
the providers of elderberry supplements offer it as one of many options
among a plethora of options.
But there’s no single CATEGORY OWNER.

And that’s kind of crazy because there should be at that level of interest.

For example, look at this chart showing the search interests of collagen vs

Over the past few months, elderberry searches have SHOT way above
collagen. Even before this month though, it was just barely lagging behind.

Why’s that important?

Because there are companies, like Vital Proteins, that are the category
leaders for collagen supplements that gross over $100 million a year in
sales. They have their products in Target, Costco, Walmart and more.
And despite having more interest, elderberry doesn’t have a TRUE
CATEGORY owner like Vital Proteins is for collagen. If you search for it,
you’ll be taken to generic supplement stores or Amazon.

I think this is an enormous opportunity for freelancers and savvy


For freelancers:
I would be on the lookout for breakout brands in the elderberry space. If
you can sign them early in their growth, it’ll be like riding a rocket ship
and result in big paydays.

For savvy entrepreneurs:

I would start looking at how you could whitelabel this and start an entire
brand focused on elderberry, exclusively.

We’re still early in the trend and who knows what the future holds with
the coronavirus? We could see more and more money pour into immune
support options.

This could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to start a brand in the


Freelance tip of the week: Get Your Pretty Emails Out of

Gmail Promo Tab Prison
Writing copy isn’t the only way you can bring a lot of value to business.
You can also help your clients get out of Gmail Promo Tab Prison, see a
big lift in opens, clicks and sales and get paid really well in the process.

For example, one of my favorite direct to consumer brands at the moment

is Magic Spoon. It's a keto cereal company with some of the
coolest/prettiest emails I've ever seen.

I've bought their stuff. It's freaking delicious. I'm a huge fan of their

But there's a big problem: I don't see or even get 50% of the content they


Because they go straight to my Promo Tab (which is barely visible on

mobile for Gmail users like me).

Even on desktop, in the Promo Tab, emails are buried among a slew of
other offers and deals ...

... And I (and most people) miss a lot of mail that goes there.

This is a common problem for many DTC brands.

They want their pretty, HTML rich emails, but Gmail ain't having it.
So what do you do?

A lot of brands try to work around it and ask people nicely: "Will you drag
the email to the primary tab. Please!?"

The problem is compliance with this is almost zero. I know, I've tried it

Plus, why would I (the consumer) willingly let you into my primary tab?

It's not going to happen unless you GIVE a big benefit or just outright
bribe someone.

Here's what Magic Spoon and anyone landing in the Promo tab should
try: Offer an exclusive rare bonus for moving to the email primary,
screenshotting proof and sending it to a special email address.

The address can be "" or whatever. The

point is, have that address automatically reply with the bonus (like a
coupon code for a free box of cereal, 20% off, etc).

And whallah, you're in the primary tab and experiencing the benefit of a
10-20% lift on emails.

We've tried this with ecom brands (especially those with pretty emails) and
it makes a helluvah difference in your opens, clicks AND sales.
Plus, that coupon code works like gangbusters. It feels like a secret and
people love it.

If you've got clients sending pretty emails, test this out! And if you’re
trying to land a new client, tell them you can help with this.

Clients will pay you big time if you can solve this problem for them, btw.

Fast profit opportunity

Over the past few weeks, I’ve probably gotten dozens of messages just like
this on LinkedIn:

All these interactions go the same way:

1. Person connects with me
2. Sends a bland “pitch for their services”
3. I don’t respond
4. And I never hear from them again

This is a huge mistake! When you’re prospecting you need to be prepared

to send dozens of follow up emails and/or create content that attracts your
idea; audience to you.

As a subscriber to this newsletter, you know this.

But so many others don’t.

Imagine if she started with a compliment. How much better would her
message have been had she said, “Hey Rob! So glad to connect here. This
may be a bit forward but I absolutely LOVE your style in your headshot. It
caught my attention, especially as someone who helps busy executives and
founders dress better. You clearly know how to choose colors that work for

Boom, it’s far from a perfect script but compliments work wonders. And
that would have made me be more interested in what she had to say.

Or she could have pitched a free “best color for you” session or whatever.

The point is these people NEED HELP when it comes to cold outreach.

And I think someone could create a short ebook or course tailored

specifically to these kinds of people on Linkedin and make bank.
The people I’ve gotten dozens of messages from all work for a company
called Tom James Company. I’d start there and go after similar companies
one by one.

You’re welcome to use the cold outreach tricks I showed you in 30 Days to
$9K to create it. This could easily be a $1k-$2k/month passive income
business if you just write the book and start messaging people about it.
No 2.
Hello and welcome to the second tip in The Book of Copy & Client Secrets.

In this roundup, we’re diving into:

● A massive trend in the toilet paper industry (that could benefit BIG
TIME from recent shortages)
● Ways to profit from the growing number of people working from
● One of the two ingredients in homemade sanitizer that could
become an instant client for you
● And much, much more...

Ready to profit?
Exploding trends

One of the most unexpected things to happen in the wake of the recent
outbreak was that toilet paper is sold out across the nation.

And not like in a “just look and you’ll find it” kind of way.

Like if you walk down the toilet paper aisle this is what you see:
The shelves are COMPLETELY EMPTY.

Around me, it got so bad that we actually had to go get rolls from my
parents — because every store within 20 miles of us was sold out.

But in the wake of these empty shelves, opportunity has emerged.

For example, there’s been a giant uptick in the sale of bidets.

One bidet manufacturer, Tushy, said their sales have soared recently.
According to their CEO, “Tushy’s sales over the past few weeks have
grown from double to triple to more like 10-times what they were in
weeks before word spread about TP shortages.”

A 10x increase in week?!


Some experts think this could be the tipping point in pushing Americans
to join most of the rest of the world and use the bidet.

That may be true for some, but old habits die hard. And I don’t see the
vast majority of Americans making the switch just yet.

I do, however, think this is the perfect time for alternative forms of toilet
paper to take off like a rocket.

As evidenced by the recent surge in search volume. Just a few months ago,
almost nobody was searching for alternative toilet paper.

Today, the search volume for alternative toilet paper— like bamboo toilet
paper — is up over 8,000% and growing.


Because you literally can’t find traditional toilet paper in stores right now.
ANYWHERE in some towns.
And bamboo toilet paper is in stock and ready to buy.

Sales are skyrocketing because of the outbreak, but I think this could just
be the beginning. Because it’s also got another factor that could lead to a
huge uptick in long-term sales.

Instead of destroying trees, it comes from sustainable bamboo.

Deforestation is a huge problem around the world and toilet paper isn’t

In fact, more than 27,000 trees are cut down just to make toilet paper each

Bamboo, on the other hand, does a fraction of the damage on the

environment, the trees grow back faster, and it’s way better for the

I think this will play well with younger, more environmentally conscious
consumers in the long run.

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend right now.

For freelancers:
I recommend putting these 7 companies on your prospecting list

● Nootrees
● Caboo
● Wholeroll
● Dream Bright
● Silk’N Soft
● Cloversoft
● Seedling by Grove

If the current trend of toilet paper being sold out and people needing
alternatives continues, these companies will thrive.

And on the back of that growth, they’re going to need a lot of copy
written for them.

The fact is, toilet paper is a $31 billion per year industry in the U.S. So
even if these alternatives carve out a tiny sliver, they stand to make tens of

And it’s ripe for disruption. Helping any one of these companies with
their email marketing, advertising or content marketing efforts is a
HUGE, HUGE opportunity right now.
If there’s one piece of good news that’s come out of this outbreak, it’s that
the internet is even more powerful than we thought.

Despite nation-wide quarantines for many places, business has not

stopped entirely. People are still able to keep in touch with their families
and friends. We’re still able to buy some things we need online.

And one big shift we’re seeing is that even the most conservative
companies are allowing their employees to work remotely.
For example, my mother has worked at the same company for nearly 25
years. She’s never once been allowed to work remotely. Until last week.

Her entire team is now doing their jobs from home …

...and they’re thriving.

For some, this is a wake up call. For others, this is just confirming what
we’ve known all along: that you don’t have to physically be somewhere to
get something done, particularly for many online jobs.

And along with this shift A LOT of people are looking for tips on how to
work remotely effectively.

While I (and many others) have been working remotely for years, this is a
whole new activity for many. And there’s definitely an adjustment period.

For example, people want to know: Do you ever really need to change out of
pajamas? When do you take lunch? How do you unplug? And that’s just a
small taste of the types of things people need help with.

I think this recent surge will only be the beginning of a huge shift to more
remote work. Now that people are seeing you can do it...and everything
doesn’t collapse...we might see even more companies pushing for remote
work in the near future.
Here’s how I recommend playing this trend right now.

For freelancers:
Be ready for this shift. As more companies get comfortable with the idea
of remote work, we’ll probably see even more opportunities for
contractors, freelancers and 1099 gigs.

I’ve seen this play out in many companies I’ve worked with. First,
companies allow for remote work. Then they look to hire non-full-time

As a 30 Days to $9K student, you have tons of resources to guide you. In

particular brush up on your sales training and what types of copy to write.
Because employers might start coming to you instead of the other way

For savvy entrepreneurs:

Consider creating a site or YouTube channel entirely dedicated to remote
working tips. You could interview other successful remote workers from
all types of industries. Or create blog posts to rank for key phrases like
“best home office desk chair.”

With some affiliate links and a few ranking pieces, you could be running a
profitable site in no time.

And since we’re earlier in this trend, ranking for many of the SEO terms is
as easy as it’ll ever be.
I think especially during these times you could capture people’s attention
and build an audience. Remember, you don’t have to be the expert. You
just have to do the research and share the opinions of experts on the blog
or YouTube channel.

When I first saw this term trending, I wondered, “What’s going on here?

Was it some sort of immune booster? A remedy for CV? An antioxidant?


Turns out, it’s one of two ingredients in DIY hand sanitizer.

Much like toilet paper, hand sanitizer has been completely sold out around
the nation. Partially thanks to guys like this.

But also because we’re all doing what we can to protect ourselves and stay

And when it’s sold out, apparently people turn to making it themselves,
which is why aloe vera has experienced this recent spike in search volume.

But as I dug into the potential uses of this plant, I realized it wasn’t just a
one-time fad.

Interest in “aloe vera” had been growing for years. And now may be a
tipping for freelancers and savvy entrepreneurs to capitalize on it.

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend.

For freelancers:
In recent years, there’s been a boom in companies selling plants like aloe
vera direct to consumers online.

For example both The Sill and Bloomscape quickly blew past 7-figures in
If you want a great foot-in-the-door offer, I would pitch these companies
and their competitors on a quick campaign that shows consumers how
they can make their own hand sanitizer with homegrown aloe vera.

You could even work with a local greenhouse or farmers market to do the
same thing. It would be an easy campaign to put together. Just share the
recipe and offer a great deal on aloe vera, plants, seeds and pots.

Wallah. Easy money. Now, just find yourself someone that sells plants.
Freelance tip of the week: The Easiest 3,000% Return
You’ll Ever Make

A few months ago, my business partner and I started adding a fun

question to the end of the place where clients can book a call with us.

The question: “What’s your favorite drink? So we can celebrate when it’s
all over.”
And then, we simply started sending the drink to the client when we
finished the projects.

For example, some will say a type of wine, others will say a type of coffee.
Normally, we spend $20-$50 on it.

So in the grand scheme of things it’s a super small investment.

But clients LOVE it. They’re so grateful to get anything, much less their
favorite beverage.

And it’s come back to us in spades.

We don’t do it for the client to return the favor, but every single person
who we’ve sent the small gift to has ended up referring clients to us.

One client even sent us two new referrals!

I highly encourage you to do this, too.

If you don’t have clients just yet, simply bookmark this idea and make this
something you do ask later.

If you do have clients, get them a small gift in the mail ASAP. Even a $10
gift can really go a long way to strengthening your relationship with that
Fast profit opportunity
Since a lot of people have suddenly found themselves quarantined and at
home a lot more than usual, there’s been an uptick in couples fighting and
relationship tension.

The fact is people are not used to being around their roommates and
significant others this much.

But with some solid communication and an expert's help, I bet 90% of
these relationships could be fixed and, possibly, even end up in a better

The problem is people are quarantined and not leaving their house to see a
relationship coach.

Enter you!

If you were to find a local couples therapist or relationship coach in your

area, you could help them create a sales page, webinar and supporting
marketing materials to host a virtual relationship coaching session.

Call it something like 10 Tips For Getting Through This Quarantine

Stronger And More In Love Than Ever.

And just host it via zoom.

You could probably get 50-100 people to register easily.

If you split the profits 50/50 with them (you are doing all the marketing
after all), you could easily walk away with a 4 or 5-figure payday.

And this is MUCH needed at this time.

The big thing is finding yourself a counselor to partner with, but if you
have one in your network, even better!

No 3.
Welcome to tip #3 in The Book of Copy & Client Secrets.

In this roundup, we’re exploring some extremely lucrative opportunities,

● The cure to quarantine boredom. I’ll show you a potentially 7-figure
business you could start by partnering with your local zoos,
museums and more
● A hole that just opened up in the meat delivery market and a 6-figure
subscription company that’s just waiting to be created
● A way to inject cash into struggling businesses ASAP that
copywriters can do best
● And much, much more...
Ready to profit?

Exploding trends

Virtual Tours

When “social distancing,” work-from-home protocols, and quarantines

first began, many of us took the extra time to catch up on tv shows, chores
and time with family.
But now that we’re several days (and in areas weeks) into this, many of us
are getting stir-crazy and bored.

We want to go outdoors, see friends, or go to a restaurant again.

There’s just one problem….

...Everything is closed.

Leaving many wondering, “What the heck can I do right now?”

One answer: virtual tours.

When I first saw this search term trending, I thought “Oh this must be for
apartment and house tours.”

But it’s way bigger than that.

Turns out, a lot of businesses have jumped on this trend in an effort to

generate at least some cash while their doors are closed.

For example, museums, zoos, and theme parks around the globe are
offering virtual tours of their locations right now.

And while these are certainly not the circumstances we imagined the
virtual reality industry to boom, I think this could be just the beginning of
a huge trend.
In fact, this could be the push that gets consumers to try more virtual
experiences in the future.

For years, experts have been predicting a big shift to virtual reality. But
there’d never been a strong enough force to shift consumers behavior away
from real-world experiences to bring those predictions to reality. Until
now that is.

Here’s how I recommend playing this shift in behavior to your benefit and

For freelancers:
Here’s a giant list of Museums, Zoos, and Theme Parks you could reach
out to and help them with the marketing of their virtual tours. But don’t
let that list limit you. You can do the same for zoos and museums in your
local area.

You could create email funnels, Facebook ads and landing pages to help
these businesses sell these services.

The fact is a lot of businesses would love to do it and desperately need the
cash, but simply don’t know about these kinds of offerings. So it’s the
perfect combination of an increase in demand, hungry buyers and a service
that consumers simply need to know exists.

To get these businesses as clients, I recommend reaching out to the heads

of marketing for these locations ASAP. You can find this info on

If/When you land them, this could be the beginning of a very lucrative
relationship. Because once the zoos and museums reopen, they will need to
sell annual passes, tickets, merch and more.

And if you position yourself as the one who serviced them when times
were tough, you could work with them for a very long time, potentially
resulting in tens of thousands of dollars in paid work down the road.

For savvy entrepreneurs:

There’s an enormous opportunity to go even bigger by partner with your
local zoos and help them launch gated informational content.

Imagine Discovery Channel-style content led by the local zoo team and
aired on YouTube instead of a famous host on national TV.

People would eat this content up right.

The fact is kids and parents who are at home would love something like
this. But many zoos either don’t know how to do it … or lack the digital
expertise that many of you reading this have.

In your partnership, you could help them plan out the content, launch a
YouTube channel and start to monetize their merch, annual passes and
If you work with them in these tough times, you would position yourself
as the natural
partner when things reopen. And then, you could sell this content to local
schools on a subscription basis.

I think this could easily be a 6-figure business on the local level and even
larger if you rolled out a system for this nationally.

If you want help with this, reach out to me. I believe deeply in this idea’s
ability to succeed right now.

With many grocery stores running out of items and people doing most of
their shopping from home, there have been massive booms in grocery
delivery services like Instacart, Shipt, AmazonPrime and more.

In fact, many of these companies are trying to hire tens of thousands of

people and can’t fill the positions fast enough.

For many, it’s simply too risky to leave the house — both on the delivery
and buyer side.

One company that’s been riding this wave and seen an enormous uptick in
sales was ButcherBox.

For those of you who’ve never heard of ButcherBox before, they ship
“clean meats” like 100% grass-fed, grass-finished beef, free-range organic
chicken, and heritage-breed pork directly to your doorstep.

Demand for the service increased so fast that the company completely sold

In fact, if you go to their website right now, this is what you’ll see:
I think it’s amazing they’re prioritizing shipments to their current
customers, but I also think this represents an enormous opportunity.

Because for years, ButcherBox was the single best solution to the problem
of “How do I get clear meats shipped to me?”

Now, there's an opportunity for disruption. Particularly on a local level.

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend right now for profits.

For freelancers:
Find a list of local farmers and butchers and reach out to see if you can
help them launch a subscription product.
You can keep it simple in the beginning by standardizing the boxes, only
having a few cuts of meat and limiting it to local customers.

Chances are a lot of these farmers could use help with the technical setup
of taking orders online. And they definitely have no idea how to create
emails, funnels and Facebook ads!

That’s where you come in and could profit enormously.

By limiting this to a local level, you would probably be able to launch on

your and their personal Facebook pages and just by sharing with friends
and family. Plus, you would probably get a ton of local exposure in the

Another huge perk of focusing on local shipments is that you could

probably arrange for someone to do all the deliveries for you and give that
person a job during these tough times.

Just 100 customers at $100/month would gross $120,000 per year. And I
actually think you could get 10-20x more customers than that.

Probably in the neighborhood of thousands which would be over $1

million a year.

With ButcherBox literally refusing sales and turning away customers right
now, this is the time to build this business.
Coffee Shops

Normally, I like to highlight trends that are beginning to surge higher. I

think riding a wave upward is the easiest way to make profits.

But this week, I noticed a trend that was falling off a cliff: People looking
for coffee shops.

With the quarantine keeping many of us indoors and the closure of all
non-essential businesses in many states, coffee shops everywhere have shut
their doors.

And along with their closures, people have stopped looking them up, as
evidenced by an almost 50% drop in search volume.

If I were a betting man (I am), I think this hit is only temporary.

People have caffeine addictions and when we get through this mess, they’ll
return to their favorite coffee shops — I’m certain of it.

The problem is many of these coffee shops are struggling hard right now.
Even in the face of stimulus bills floating huge loans to businesses, it’s
tough for them to keep their business alive when they completely shut
their doors.

Which is why I think this is a great opportunity for freelancers to step in

and help out. Here’s how I recommend playing this trend.

For freelancers:
The primary job of a copywriter is to generate sales. But in order to do
that, we need to tell stories that resonate emotionally with our audience.

Copywriters could help tell the story of local coffee shops in a way that
helps them stay afloat.

To kick this off, I recommend reaching out to the coffee shop’s founders
and offering to create an emotional landing page that pushes people to buy
gift cards for the coffee shop for when it reopens.

Do this and you’ll add enormous value to the coffee shops.

The fact is people would love to support local businesses but they don’t
always know what buying a gift card could mean to keeping the businesses
doors open.

If you could help the founder tell that story in a strong, emotionally
compelling way, you could help them generate tens of thousands of dollars
in gift card sales.

And guys, gift cards really, really help local businesses right now. It
effectively functions as a loan that floats them cash until they reopen.

All you have to do is tell the story emotionally, talk about the memories
people make at coffee shops and how much it means to the community.
And this could be huge.

You can also help out with their email marketing on this front too.

Because times are tough, you might have to take payment for your services
at the end or talk to them about bonuses for different levels of sales. For
example, if you sell $10,000 in gift cards, you get a $500 bonus. Do
$20,000, that’s a $1,000 bonus. Etc.
Freelance tip of the week: Turn On The Digital Switch

In the wake of the pandemic, supply chains across the globe have taken a
huge hit. While shipments of essential items and medical supplies have
surged, companies have put everything else on the backburner.

In fact, Amazon won’t even send some Prime delivery items to Prime
members for 6-8 weeks. So what normally would have taken 2 days TOPS
to get to your door is not pushed back weeks.
Compounding the issue, Amazon and other shipping companies won’t
even allow new deliveries to warehouses.

In other words, people can’t buy the products without delays and
businesses can’t send new products in to be shipped out.

It’s a disaster for many.

And some businesses are experiencing a huge hit to their sales because of
it. One of our clients primary channels is Amazon and their sales have
taken a nosedive as a result of all these changes.

But not all hope is lost. In fact, this may present an enormous opportunity
for many freelancers.

All you have to do is help them pivot to a digital product. With a digital
product, there is no fulfillment, you can sell them to anyone in the world
and your margins are a lot better.

So if you have a client selling a thyroid or focus supplement, think about

how you could pivot that into a digital course and pitch that to them.

For example, imagine creating a course on naturally beating thyroid

disease or how to unlock unlimited focus while working from home.

These courses would do amazingly well.

This could give these businesses much-need cash and sales during these
challenging times.

And some evidence suggests that with people at home, this could be one of
the best times to ever launch a digital product.

If you don’t have a client right now, this could be the pitch you use to get
them on.
No 4.
Welcome to tip #4 in The Book of Copy & Client Secrets.

In this roundup, we’re exploring some extremely lucrative opportunities,


● A hobby with exploding popularity that you could turn into a quick
$10k client
● A 5-figure subscription business that you could start in your own
neighborhood (plus 8 clients who desperately need your help)
● A trendy sanitization tool with a website and copy that’s stuck in the
past. And how I recommend playing the sudden surge of customers
they’ve gotten
● And much, much more...

Ready to profit?

Exploding trends

Diamond Painting
Over the past few weeks, a lot of us have found ourselves with some extra
time on our hands. And there are some staggering trends unfolding with
what we do during this “extra time.” (And no, I’m not talking about the
sudden interest everyone has in Tiger King).

I’m talking about this:

Across, all streaming services, watch time is soaring.

In fact, during the last week of March, Americans streamed 41 billion (yes
with a “b”) more minutes than the same time frame in February of this

And streaming is up by almost 2x compared to the same time last year.

Normally, we’d look at numbers like this, shrug, and say, “Makes sense.
We’re stuck at home. Of course, we’re streaming more TV.”

But there’s an important catch: Because production houses are held to the
same “stay at home” standards as the rest of us, new content releases are
slowing dramatically.
In fact, some of the most highly anticipated movies in decades postponed
their release dates a full year. And networks like ESPN and SportsCenter
are grasping for content ideas in the wake of virtually all sports being

So it’s created a unique problem.

On the one hand, demand is higher than ever. But on the other hand,
production has slowed to a drip, leaving some asking, “So...I watched all of
Netflix...What’s next?”

In other words, there’s a “content gap” forming.

And as the gap widens, it’s creating a huge opportunity for alternative
forms of entertainment, like virtual happy hours, at-home fitness classes
and hobbies.

The first two categories have clear market leaders, companies that had
established themselves before the pandemic. Zoom’s already won the
market for video conferencing. Companies like MIRROR, BeachBody
and Peloton have the market cornered for at home fitness.

But the hobbies market is ripe for disruption and some are in desperate
need of marketing leadership.

For years, hobbies found themselves in a sharp decline. People simply

didn’t have the time. Or they’d switched their “hobby time” to consuming
social media.

But now hobbies are booming. And not just the mainstream things like
learning a language, doing puzzles and reading.

We’re also seeing lesser known hobbies like cassette tape art,
candle-making and diamond painting take off.

What the heck is diamond painting?

It’s like normal painting except there’s no “paint” at all. Instead, the artist
sticks tiny, shiny beads (that sparkle like diamonds) into a canvas that has
been pre-coded with instructions for which colors go where.

Here’s an example of a finished piece:

People LOVE making them as much as they do looking at them.

And it’s a business set up to do well, even in the face of a recession. It’s a
relatively inexpensive hobby (canvases cost less than $2 each) that people
buy over and over again (perfect for subscriptions).

Here’s how I recommend turning this emerging hobby into profits for

For freelancers:
One of the most shocking things about the diamond painting niche is that
there’s only really two companies for all the customers right now.

● Company 1
● Company 2
With 110,000 highly targeted searches per month (and growing), there’s a
lot of money being left on the table.

If you do a quick search, you’ll see the Big Two are running ads (that’s a
sign they have money).

But that’s about it.

I started a checkout and didn’t get any retargeting ads or real cart abandon

I also opted into their email list and there’s barely a welcome series.

And don’t even get me started on the lack of content on their blogs
(they’ve published 6 blog posts in the last year).

In all, I think each of the two market leaders could use $10k+ of
copywriting and email work.

So if you’re a freelancer and you have a passion for this type of product, I
recommend you put these two companies on your prospecting list right

Btw, I had to do some major detective work (that involved looking at

trademarks and founding documents) to find him, but this is the person
that runs the biggest company in the space. Reach out to him.
If the current trend of growth continues and we remain stuck in doors,
these companies will thrive.

And on the back of that growth, they’re going to need a lot of copy
written for them.

Helping any one of these companies with their email marketing,

advertising or content marketing efforts is a massive opportunity right

Baker’s Yeast

Pop quiz!

What was the second fastest growing category of products during the first
month of the quarantine?
A. Cough & cold medicine
B. Soups
C. Dried Grains & Rice
D. Bread Machines

If you guess D, you’re right.


Just *barely* behind disposable gloves, bread machine sales have taken off
like a rocket, leaving many retailers sold out.

Turns out, many people find comfort in baking. It’s an immersive activity
that makes you forget about the troubles of the outside world
As one doctor told a reporter for the New York Times, “The thing I think
about when I’m making my bread is only my bread...I’m not thinking
about coronavirus or anything else.”

And it’s not just bread loaves people are baking. People are also making
banana bread sweets, quarantine cookies,” and dozens of other baked

Which is why the underlying ingredients involved in baking have also shot
higher. For example, bakers yeast has seen it’s search traffic increase by
nearly 5x and growing.

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend right now for profits.
For freelancers:
Here’s a list of the most popular baking subscription boxes that I
recommend reaching out to:

● Whisk Takers
● Red Velvet NYC
● Homemade Bakers Club
● The Innocent Baker
● My Lil Baker
● Ani & Fabi
● Foodstirs
● Whisk & Flour

Word on the street is these companies are experiencing unprecedented


And if I had to guess, this is a first for them. Meaning they probably need
help creating email content now more than ever.

And landing them as a client now could represent a massive opportunity

over the next few months to pocket tens of thousands in paid work.

For savvy entrepreneurs

Find a list of local bakers and reach out to see if you can help them launch
a subscription product.
The reality is a lot of these bakeries were shut down abruptly and could
use the cash flow. What’s better, they probably have the supplies and
recipes on hand.

Chances are a lot of these bakeries could use help with the technical setup
of taking orders online. And they definitely have no idea how to create
emails, funnels and Facebook ads!

That’s where you come in and could help them get out of a sales slump.

Similar to the idea I shared with the l shared for building a ButcherBox
competitor, I think this would benefit massively by staying local.

For one, you could do the deliveries yourself. Second, you could leverage
the bakeries’ current audience to get quick sales.

Third, if you get 50 customers at $50/month, you’ve quickly built a

$30,000 per year business.

And I’m confident you could get 10x more customers than that in the next
few months alone. But even conservative estimates put this as a nice cash
flow positive, 5-figure business.

With this trend booming and so many bakeries completely shut down
right now, this is the time to build this business.
Sterilization light
If you’re like me, right now you’re doing everything you can to stay safe
and clean.

….Which includes:
● Washing your hands 108x per day.
● Forcing yourself to not touch your face any time you go outside.
● And sanitizing EVERYTHING.

But also, if you’re like me, you wish there was an easier, less wasteful way
to clean your phone, computer and doorknob.

Right now, I’m using a precious clorox wipe to clean my device every time
I venture out into the world.

And with each wipe I use, I feel like I’m burning money and wasting
precious resources.

That’s where sterilization lights come in.

These nifty devices work by shining UVC (ultraviolet) light onto a surface
of any object and totally annihilate the bacteria and viruses.

I won’t get into the full science here (because I don’t fully understand it
either) but essentially the UVC light destroys the DNA of viruses.
To the point that they’re unable to function. And that means, you can use
it on your device and get it clean without having to waste precious clorox
wipes every time you brave the outdoors.

And the best part is you can use them again and again without needing to
stock back up.

As people have started to learn about the power of these devices, demand
has shot through the roof, creating enormous opportunity for everyone
paying attention.

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend to your advantage.

For freelancers:
Most of the companies selling these products are stuck in the dark ages
when it comes to ecommerce.
Look at this store to see what I mean:

The entire site looks like it was built in the 1990s and it loads so slow that
I was never able to even add a light to check out.

The point?

They need your help. And a lot of it.

Emails. Store copy. A total site rebuild. It all needs to be done.

But if I were doing this (I probably will), I wouldn’t make my pitch about
the money I could help them make right now.

Because many of these companies are getting so many orders that they can
barely keep up.

Instead, I would talk to them about what happens after this whole thing is

Because they’re going to have a ton of customers and (my guess) no idea
how to market to them.

In business, getting one sale is good. But repeat customers is where all the
real profit is. And helping them get those “repeat sales” is where you could
really guide them through next steps.

By doing things like regular email promotions and building cross sell email
campaigns, you could help them avoid this just being a one-time fad and
really explosively grow their company for years.

The truth: I think this pandemic will impact consumer behavior for years
to come. As for myself, I don’t see myself shaking this cleansing habit any
time soon.

So getting on this trend now and partnering with the right business could
result in years of profitably working together. Reach out to them now to
set yourself up for a great long-term client relationship.
Freelance tip of the week: Turn Free Pandemic Audits
Into Paid Work
I was texting a friend of mine the other day about tactics for growing sales
during the pandemic. I told him about a sale we did on immunity
products for one of our clients that absolutely crushed.

And he told me about a simple tweak he made to all of his welcome and
cart abandon emails that doubled his sales.

Essentially, he “audited” and tweaked them to reflect the current topic

everyone is thinking about: The pandemic.

Before the pandemic, his messaging in the welcome emails was around the
benefits of supplement for focus and getting stuff done.

And the cart abandon messaging was simply “hey you forgot this thing?”

But he went back into the welcome emails and pivoted them to talking
about what it’s like working from home and why it’s more important than
ever to get more done in less time so you could get back to other stuff in
life (like seeing your kids/spending time with your partner while they’re all
at home).

And for the cart abandonment, he adjusted it to talk about how we’re all
distracted right now, have 100+ tabs on the news and might have
Obviously, there was more nuance in the copy but these subtle tweaks
nearly doubled the performance of the emails.

Almost every business could use this kind of adjustment.

For freelancers, you could even conduct the audit for free.

Try posting something like this on Facebook or LinkedIn:

“Hey business owners! One thing I’ve found to be critical right now is
making sure your marketing messaging is sensitive to the current situation.
I want to help. So I’m doing a free audit of 2 businesses’ welcome and cart
abandon series. I will show you specific tweaks to make that could double
your email’s performance.”

Do the free audit and offer to write the copy for $100/email and wallah.
You just signed your next client.

Btw, these tweaks go for landing pages, Facebook ads and web design too.
Not just emails.

Fast profit opportunity

One of the questions I keep asking myself is “What business has been most
hurt by the pandemic that’s most likely to bounce back?”
The answer, I think, is golf.

Not only are golfers virtually bursting at the seems to get back out and
play but the consumer (typically higher income) probably has kept their
job (or at least status) during all this mess.

But many states have shut golf courses down, leaving $84 billion in sales
and nearly 2 million jobs hurt in the wake.

And this represents an enormous opportunity.

For the fast-acting freelancer, I think you could reach out to local golf
courses in your area and help them with a variety of marketing ideas.

Some ideas include:

● Running an email only discounted “presale” of vouchers for a round
of golf (post-pandemic, of course)
● Helping them sell merch and at-home golf equipment online
● Building their list with a free round giveaway
● And either creating a digital golf training or helping them sell one as
an affiliate through their website. The positioning for your offer
would be “Perfect your swing now so you will stun your friends on
the course when we get back”

The fact is, golf will bounce back.

And I think that most golf courses are leaving a ton of revenue on the table
by staying quiet right now instead of pushing the marketing forward with
fresh ideas and campaigns.

And these companies have big marketing budgets to spend. So if you get
even a tiny fraction of their marketing budget, you will do really, really
No. 5
Welcome to tip #5 in The Book of Copy & Client Secrets.

In this roundup, we’re exploring some extremely lucrative opportunities,

● A recent change in alcohol laws that’s unlocked billions in potential
profits (and how you can get a piece of it)
● The new it-drink and a specific type of email series you can help
them create
● An app that’s like Uber … only for education that you could make
tens of thousands from by acting quickly
● And much, much more...

Ready to profit?

Exploding trends


Raise your hand if you’ve been drinking alcohol a little more than usual
since the quarantine took effect?

If your hand is in the air, I’m right there with you.
But it’s not just us. Across the board, alcohol consumption is up. In fact,
one study of California residents found people were drinking 42% more
alcohol than normal.

But, you might be wondering...

“If people are staying home (or at least supposed to), how exactly are they
acquiring this alcohol?”

The answer can be explained in two charts…

The first shows the (massive) surge in alcohol demand overall, as measured
by people searching “alcohol near me.”
It’s at the highest level in 5 years.

The second chart is the search interest for people looking to buy alcohol
If the chart didn’t make it crystal clear, interest in buying alcohol online is

And one alcohol delivery company, Drizly, has benefitted massively from
this trend.

The CEO said in an interview that the company saw a nearly 1,600%
growth in new customers in March alone. And the number keeps climbing
higher, presenting a massive opportunity to freelancers.

But there’s a second part to this trend.

Drizly’s growth is amazing, no doubt. But the app is not new. The
company was actually created in 2012.

What IS new are the conditions that are allowing it and a whole new
industry to thrive.

What conditions am I talking about?

Restaurants selling their alcohol out the front door.

It’s no secret that many local businesses have been hit hard by the forced
closures. And restaurants have been one of the hardest hit sectors.

The federal government has developed a “anything to keep them alive”

mentality, by relaxing lease payment requirements, delaying tax bills and
pumping trillions of dollars of loans into companies.

But even that hasn’t been enough in many cases.

So states have started applying the “anything to keep them alive” mentality,
too. And one of the biggest areas of change is their alcohol laws.


More than a dozen states are now allowing restaurants to add beer, wine
and spirits to takeout and delivery options.

Given that alcohol sales account for around 30 percent of most

restaurants’ revenue, this is a huge benefit to them — in terms of
immediate cash and sales.

And It’s created a brand new industry in many states (alcohol delivery)
and put billions of dollars up for grabs right now.

Here’s how I recommend turning this trend into profits for yourself.

For freelancers:
There are two ways freelancers can profit from this trend.

1. If you’re in a state where the alcohol laws have been relaxed, I

recommend reaching out to restaurants that sell drinks immediately.
You can help them create email campaigns and messaging on their
site that drives to-go alcohol sales to their current customers. You
could also write the copy for recipe cards and coupons (for future
visits) that they could include with every alcohol sale. Honestly, these
are some of the easiest sales you’ll ever make. But the fact is so many
restaurants are just not doing it. Why? I don’t think a lot of them
realize they can! My girlfriend and I have already tried two of the
three restaurants doing this in our area. While it was an overall good
experience, I think ALL of them are leaving some sales on the table.
For example, an easy win would have been to put us in a special email
campaign and push us to buy every Friday. The emails could say
something simple like, “Break the quarantine boredom and get $2
off your next to-go order drink.” Our order was over $30 (with the
tip). Multiply that times 3-6 more “quarantine trips” and across
hundreds of patrons, they’ve pocketed tens of thousands of dollars
during the closure. This is potentially a huge money maker… that’s
just waiting on someone to do it right.
2. The other option is to work with liquor, wine and beer stores
DIRECTLY to help them get listed on Grizly. The fact is, it’s a
pretty new app. Many people (including me) hadn’t heard of it until
now. And if you’re not tech savvy, you may struggle with doing
everything that’s required to sync your store to their platform.
That’s where you could come in and help the liquor store owners get
live on Grizly. Once you get them listed on the app, you could help
them with messaging on their social media and email list (if they
have it) that customers can now buy online and get deliveries in 60
minutes or less. When the choice is get listed or...stay closed… it
makes your job of selling the client on this service pretty
straightforward. I recommend charging $1k for the set up and
around $100/email you write to their lists.

Dalgona coffee
“Dalgo- … huh?”

If you haven’t seen it yet, dalgona coffee is the latest viral trend making its
way around social media.
Made with instant coffee, sugar, and hot water, it looks dangerously
delicious and millions have started making it.

When some people see this trend they think, “COOL! I wanna try it.”

But I’m a weirdo, and all I can think about is what’s happened to the
products behind it.

And look at what’s happened to instant coffee search volume:

“Through the roof” would be an understatement.

Interest has spiked so much that the top-selling instant coffee on Amazon
is now one of the top 100 best selling food & grocery products on the
entire site. For context, instant coffee is normally not in the top 100,000.
That’s a 99,900 move up in spots.

And it's sent a FLOOD of customers to businesses selling instant coffee

overnight. At the same time, it’s created a big opportunity for fast-acting
freelancers and savvy entrepreneurs.

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend right now for profits.

For freelancers:
Here are two of the top-ranking instant coffee brands. I would put them
on your prospecting list immediately:

● Waka Coffee
● Death Wish Coffee

But a word of caution…

When you reach out, don’t talk about how to capitalize on this trend.

Chances are, many of them have already rode the wave and gobbled up
thousands uf sales.

Instead, I would talk to them about what happens after this whole thing is
My bet is they’ll have picked up thousands of customers … without ANY
plan for what to do next.

That’s where you come in. If you can create a series of emails to guide
these instant coffee customers to their next purchase or (even better) a
subscription order, this could be insanely profitable to these businesses.

NOTE: If you’re a 30 Days to $9K student, you’ll recognize this as the

chance to roll out the often-skipped-but-oh-so profitable cross-sell campaign.

By rolling out a series of cross-sell emails specifically targeted at dalgona

coffee “try-ers,” you could prevent this from being a one-time flash of
sales. And turn this into THE moment that explosively grew their
company for years to come.

For savvy entrepreneurs

One part of the “dalgona coffee” trend that I find fascinating is that it
started with a viral video from a TikTok influencer.

12 million views later and the trend had so much momentum that there
was no stopping it.

(Remember in Week #1’s Report when we talked about how BIG TikTok
was getting?)
If you’re an entrepreneur with a product or someone tasked with selling
one, there are some important lessons behind this:
1. TikTok is a massively powerful and underleveraged marketing
platform. If you get the right product in the right TikTok
influencers hands, it could send you a spike of sales so big you’re sold
out for weeks and weeks. The surge in volume this created is beyond
anything I’ve ever seen your typical Instagram “Influencer” pull.
2. Give customers the power to create simple, eye-catching photos and
you’ll win. One of the secrets behind the massive appeal of this
recipe is that it’s SUPER easy to make and at the end you have a
beautiful drink to share with your friends. What’s interesting is a lot
of people actually say the drink tastes disgusting...But it doesn’t
matter. Because simplicity and the eye-catching nature of the drink
wins. The takeaway: Ask yourself, “How can I do this with my
products?” For example, look at how companies like Snow Teeth
Whitening add lights to the outside of their product so that it makes
awesome photos on social media.
Ask: What’s the equivalent for your products or the products you
want to be selling?

What happens when almost every school in America goes virtual?

Well, besides many parents agreeing on this WFH pro tip:

Tutors go virtual too.

And one of the platforms making the shift to virtual tutoring possible is

With over 12,000 highly qualified tutors on topics ranging from French to
Accounting, Preply is quickly proving itself to be the market leader for
Another big perk of Preply: They offer 1-on-1 sessions starting at just $5.

What Preply could do for education is incredible.

But equally fascinating is the market that Preply is creating for the tutors.

“Market for tutors...Say what?”

Yep. According to their website, “Popular tutors on Preply earn up to


The way it works is simple: Tutors apply for a specific topic to teach. Once
approved, they’re able to set their availability and get matched up with
students searching on the site.

As one person said, “It’s kind of like Uber …. Only if you didn’t have to
have a car ...and you could do it from your own couch … teaching something
you love.”

With a lot of people out of work and/or furloughed right now and many
of those folks having a secondary degree, this could be a powerful way for
many to earn a side income from home in a niche that’s booming.

Just how booming you ask?

This year, the online tutoring industry was expected to gross $633 million.
Keep in mind, those numbers were before the pandemic.

While estimates have yet to be adjusted, early data suggest that demand
could be 20-50% higher.

Meaning, this is a trend freelancers and entrepreneurs want to ride and

here’s how I recommend playing it..

For freelancers:
Of course, freelancers could teach a skill they love on the platform.

But I see an even bigger opportunity: helping other tutors get more

The brutal truth is the copy on a lot of tutor’s pages just plain sucks. For
example, look at the copy this instructor wrote for his “about the tutor”
“Do you like to improve your English for work, interviews, study or
business? Then, go to England, or come to me for a FREE test of your

I’m not trying to put this guy on blast, but it’s really, really bad. And
boring AF.

Imagine if instead it said,

“NO WAY! You’re from Germany! I had no idea. I’ve worked with you for
years and thought you grew up here” her boss said, stunned.

“Yeah, I couldn’t speak a word of english until last fall.” Anika said in

Her boss and all her colleagues looked on in total disbelief.

Here’s the thing though: Anika’s story is not all that rare. After working
with me on their english, my students…”

You get the point. Good copy would make a world of difference. And as
more and more students join the platform, the difference between
tutoring a student and not will boil down to the copy on those pages.

I think freelance writers or marketers could easily audit and rewrite pages
like this. To get clients, you could reach out to tutors directly (their name
and other contact details are on the website).

Or if you created one blog post on “How to write a compelling About The
Tutor section for your Preply page,” you’d pick up hundreds of
high-quality leads every month. Just give people the option to hire you in
the post and make $100-$500 per tutor page.

That’s potentially thousands per a niche you would completely

Seriously guys, somebody do this or I’m going to have to myself!

Don’t want to write?

Another option: Create a simple training that shows tutors how to write a
page like this for themselves. You could cover the psychology and structure
of a solid “About the tutor” page and do a couple of teardowns of good
and bad ones.

If you charge $29-$47 for this kind of training with the simple promise
that they will attract more of their dream students to their tutor business,
that could be a nice passive income of $500-$2,000 per month

Freelance tip of the week: To split or not to split?... That

is the question
Right now, the business world is dividing itself into two halves.

Some companies are crushing it… Having their best months on

record...And barely able to keep up.

While others are getting wrecked… Letting people go … and closing up


If you’ve been following these reports, you know the types of clients doing
well right now and how to spot the best ones in any market.
For example, many health and supplement companies are booming, as
people look to boost their immunity. But coffee shops have watched their
sales drop off a cliff.

And this divergence is creating a unique opportunity for the

slightly-aggressive and definitely-ambitious freelancer.

Here’s the play: Reduce your fee for a share in the profits of a booming
Normally, I’m not a big fan of cutting your fees in exchange for
royalties/profit sharing.

The reason? I’ve been burned on projects like this before and I try to steer
you away from that.

For example, I once worked on a project where I cut my fee down to $0

because the client made so many promises about HOW big the launch was
going to be.

Client: “Dude, we’re going to make millions, easy!”

I was supposed to get 20% of this launch going to 2.2 million contacts.

2.2 MILLION PEOPLE — can you imagine?!

I did the math and with a $397 product and even horrible conversion rate
of 0.5%, we could have grossed $4,764,000.
Meaning, my take would have been $952,800 — That’s almost $1m from a
single launch.

Not bad…

...Except it did not pan out that way. Not even close.

For starters, the 2.2 million contacts turned out to be 200.

The guy lied the whole way and the entire launch bombed.

I learned a lot from that experience though...The biggest being: If people

expect numbers like that, they can pay at least some upfront.

Which brings me to my advice right now: Do not cut your fees down to
zero or take nothing upfront. It doesn’t matter if you have a client
struggling right now. You deserve to get paid. No matter how harsh that
sounds, your clients should always be able to pay you at least something.

I’ve heard some people trying to win work for free. But it will blow up in
your face in 99% of situations (please trust me).

On the flipside, if you have a client that’s on the right side of this
economic wave, I’d encourage you to look at what partnering closer with
them and profit sharing could look like.
Now, do NOT waive your fee completely. But if you have the chance to
create a win-win situation with them, I recommend you talk with them
about goals and how you could BOTH win if you focus on growing their
sales right now.

We actually just talked to one of our clients about doing a profit share on
the launch of a program and he really liked the idea.

The best part is, if we crush the sales goal (I think we will), we might make
up to 2x what our normal fee would be on a project like this.

I recommend taking this kind of deal IF you have a client that’s crushing
it. Because the clients doing well will likely continue to outperform. You
deserve the chance at some of that upside.

Fast profit opportunity

Today’s profit alert comes from a place you might never expect: Facebook

With people stuck at home and on their phones more than ever, Facebook
Marketplace is seeing a big traffic spike. According to some reports, items
for sale are up 13% and scroll traffic is up nearly 20%.

In other words, now is the time to be selling stuff.

And I’m not just saying this in theory. I’m saying this based on first hand

Recently, I moved.We packed up everything we owned in a U-Haul and

drove 2,000 miles from Nashville, TN to Boise, ID.

We just finally got unpacked and had boxes everywhere...which we wanted

to throw out.

But we paid a couple hundred dollars for the bubble wrap and boxes.

And we would have hated to throw it all away.

So we decided to list it on Facebook Marketplace for $50.

Truth be told, we would have given it away to someone who wanted it.

But within 1 hour, the listing was sold… at full price.

I was shocked. But when I reflected on it, I understood why.

Because when I worked on my listing, I applied just a LITTLE marketing

and psychology to it and it made a world of difference.

It will for you, too, I’m sure. Here’s 3 tips to sell anything on FB
marketplace fast.
Tip 1: USE PRICE ANCHORING. In my listing, I wanted the value of
what I had to be clear. Because so many other people just put “FREE
BOXES,” which feels like junk. So instead I said, “$300 worth of boxes,
bubble wrap and moving supplies.”

Suddenly it wasn’t about $50 for old boxes. That feels EXPENSIVE AF.

Instead it was about paying $50 for $300 worth of supplies and that feels
like a bargain.

Tip 2: USE DIFFERENTIATION. When I looked at other listings for

boxes, I noticed everyone just said “Get Your Boxes Here!”

So they all looked and sounded the exact same.

So I looked my pile off boxes over for what I could say that would be

And I realized we didn’t just have “Boxes!” We had a TON of bubble wrap
too (which isn’t cheap!).

So I mentioned the bubble wrap in the listing. I said, “All the bubble wrap
you could ever want”

Tip 3: USE PERSONALITY. Most listings were boring and said nothing
personal. You could put 3 side by side and wouldn’t be able to tell the

I wanted to show personality and make it look like I was a REAL person.
So I added a line that said, “You can venmo and pick up (that way you
never come in contact with us #RespectThe6Feet).”

Cheesy? Sure. But the woman who bought them clearly got a laugh out of
it. She mentioned the hashtag in her message to me.

The point being, a little marketing goes a long way, especially when your
competition is really bad at it.

So if you have some stuff sitting around your home you’d like to sell, see if
you can use these tips to turn a quick profit today.

If you do sell something, let me know how it goes! Did you get your full
asking price? Curious if these tips and times make it where people end up
paying full price for everything.
No. 6
Welcome to tip #6 in The Book of Copy & Client Secrets.

In this roundup,, we’re exploring some extremely lucrative opportunities,

● How to Make Grooming Great Again (and turn a quick profit from
DIY haircuts)
● A REDACTED trend from last week’s report and how to really
profit from people drinking more alcohol at home
● How to ride the wave of stimulus checks and potentially make way
more than $1,200
● And much, much more...

Ready to profit?

Exploding trends

DIY haircut
What happens when every hair salon in the country shuts down?

Apparently, people start cutting their hair themselves. And many are left
looking like this:
While others are just shaving their heads completely bald (which if that’s
your thing, more power to you).

But I believe there’s a much smarter and potentially profitable way to play
this trend — while giving back to those who need it at the same time.

For freelancers:
I recommend partnering with hair dressers in your area and helping them
create a training for DIY haircuts.

As the tech/marketing/copy person, you’d build the sign up page, help

them get people on the webinar and write the emails promoting it.

If you called it, “7 Keys to Not Eff Up Your DIY Haircut - From A
PROFESSIONAL Hairdresser,” and charged $19, you could probably get
100-200 people to register - every week!
Split the profits 60/40 with them (you are doing all the marketing after
all) and you could easily walk away with a 4-figure payday week after week.
People don’t stop growing their hair, you know?

If it works, you could roll out a system that other hairdressers could use
and keep racking up paydays each week.

Virtual happy hour

FRIEND: “Wanna grab a drink?”
YOU: “Sure, let me open up Zoom first!”

In the last round up of tips, I highlighted the massive surge we’ve seen in
people searching for “alcohol online” and “alcohol near me.” And I
showed you one way to play the trend by partnering with local restaurants
and another way to help liquor stores get listed on the app Drizly.

But after I sent the report, I was talking with Weekly Email Income
Secret’s #1 fan: my girlfriend (who is also a subscriber) and could tell
something was off.

Normally, she’s over the moon excited about the tips I share, but this time
she seemed different.

So I asked, “So what’d you think of the report?”

She said, “Uhm - I liked it...”

I could tell she wanted to say more.

I said, “But…?”

And that’s when she told me about a bigger trend with alcohol she was
seeing unfold… right before her eyes.

The rise of virtual cocktail training classes and virtual happy hours.

So I did some digging and boy was she right.

In fact, virtual cocktail hours have seen the second biggest surge in
demand I’ve highlighted in any of these reports to date (right behind
stimulus checks. More on that below).

So I guess what I’m saying is round two … anyone?

Here’s another possibly even more lucrative play on the alcohol from
home trend - brought to you by Amanda.

For freelancers:
A big play I see for freelancers and savvy entrepreneurs is to partner with
mixologists and bartenders to help them host a virtual cocktail class.

Some ideas for class topics:

● 3 Keys To A Perfect Margarita
● 4 DIY Quarantine Cocktails
● 6 Mixology Mistakes (And How To Fix Them To Make The Perfect
At-Home Cocktail)

We’re talking alcohol here so you could probably get HUNDREDS of

people to register for this free class.

As the marketing person, you’d be in charge of promoting it on social

media, sending emails, building a page where people could sign up and
distribute recipes in advance.

As for the actual show, just let the bartender work his/her magic.

At the end of the class, you could make an offer to leave a virtual tip for
the bartender (and split the profits with them).

Not only would bartenders themselves appreciate this opportunity to

make some money while they’re locked inside. But people would love
having something to do at night. And what’s better than making

If it works, you could roll out a system that bartenders could use to do this
and potentially charge $200-$500 per “How To Host a Profitable Cocktail
Class System.” A few of those and you’re looking at a nice payday of few
Stimulus check
In case you’ve missed any of the craziness surrounding the stimulus checks
and the IRS payments, let me catch you up to speed.

March 27: In the wake of one of the most devastating blows to the
economy we’ve ever seen, the US Congress passed the CARES Act (aka
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act) into law. The bill
gave $2 trillion worth of economic assistance to consumers and businesses.

And, as part of the legislation, taxpayers were promised relief payments.

How much relief do I get?

If you’re a single taxpayer making less than $75,000 per year, you were
promised a $1,200 relief payment, plus an additional $500 per child they
claim on their taxes.

If you’re married and file your taxes jointly, you were promised double
that amount — $2,400 — as long as your adjusted gross income is below
$150,000 per year.

What if I make more than $75,000 as a single person or more than

$150,000 as a couple?
As your income increases, the amount of your check fades out. The rate of
reduction is $5 off your stimulus payment for every additional $100 in
So for example, if you make $77,000 per year and have no kids, your
stimulus check would be $100 less —- or $1,100. If you make $79,000 and
have no kids, it would be $1,000. And so on until you reach $99,000 for
singles and $198,000 for couples (with no children).

Math’s hard Rob...can I see a picture of the benefits I get?

The below chart is the single best way I’ve found to quickly visualize how
much you’re entitled to based on your income, filing status and number of

April 11: Almost 3 weeks after the bill was passed, the IRS announced the
first wave of stimulus checks were deposited in recipients' accounts.
Many people woke up that morning excited to see the deposit posted in
their account.

But millions more logged on only to find …


Leaving millions of Americans wondering, “Where’s my check bro?”

And they’ve taken to searching for the answer in droves. The IRS
apparently got so many phone inquiries they created a page for people to
check the status of their payment … and it crashed.

Out of all the trends we’ve highlighted in these reports, this one has seen
the biggest surge. Because well it affects A LOT of Americans.

And when something is THIS top of mind, there’s enormous opportunity

for fast-action takers.

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend.

For freelancers:
One of the biggest secrets to creating ads and emails that convert is to tap
into something that people are already talking about … and put it right
there in your advertising.
This works because it garners the first and most critical part of every sale:

For example, a few weeks ago when everyone was talking about Tiger
King, check out this ad I got from the guys over at Traffic and Funnels.
The ad rode the Tiger King trend and got TONS of engagement as a
results. There’s over 400 likes, 100+ comments and I bet hundreds of
conversions for their book as a result.
The same thing can be applied to the Stimulus Check trend.

EVERYONE is talking about it right now.

And that means your clients and ads should be too.

Here are a couple ad and promotion ideas:

● The FREE Stimulus Package Training. If you’re a freelancer and
working with clients that sell business training or have make money
products, you could rebrand one of your training programs as a
FREE $1,200 Stimulus Gift. To get it all you have to do it is put in
your name and email. You will likely get a flood of leads for your
client. The ad creative and copy will get people to stop dead in their
● Create a lead-generating poll. Last year, I got to interview one of the
best advertisers in the world: Justin Brooke. He built a campaign
that was generating over 10,000 buyers a day. Crazy right? You can
listen to my full interview with him here. But one thing I was
shocked to learn was how he got MASSIVE amounts of people to
opt in to his lists: Polls. He used simple polls where people could cast
a vote on things like, “Which is the better investment — Stocks or
Bonds?” to build lists of hundreds of thousands of people. I think
you could build a HUGE list for your clients by having people vote,
“Did you get your stimulus check yet — Yes or No? Vote to see the
results.” The list you could build would be perfect for so many offers.
For anyone that DID get their check, you could show them how to
invest it. For anyone that didn’t, you could give them deals with the
positioning based around not having received that payment yet.

Freelance tip of the week: Double your writing speed

with this trick
At my last job, I developed a nickname, “The Machine.”

People called me that because I could finish insanely BIG projects at

breakneck speeds.

For example, in 2018 I was tasked to write a 40,000 word sales script.

And I finished it in less than 2 days. When I sent it over — and it was
actually good — my boss at the time said, “HOW ON EARTH DID YOU

But it wasn’t plagiarized and I didn’t stay up all night to finish it.

I just used a trick I encourage every writer and anyone who wants to boost
their typing speed — Transcription.

The average person types at roughly 70 words per minute. But the average
person talks at nearly 200 words per minute. In other words, you can talk
3x faster than you can type.

And transcription is how you can use that difference to your advantage. I
use a service called Dragon (there are other free ones like

And then I just talk into my computer and it types out the entire thing
with 99% accuracy.

So when I need to write a long blog post or VSL — fast — I just make a
quick outline of what I want to say and then get to talking.

Just go over it for edits at the end and you can finish HUGE projects at
lightning speed.

Fun fact: This is actually the same process many pro ghostwriters use to
get books published quick.

Test it out on your next big writing project and let me know the difference
it makes.

Fast profit opportunity

Last week, one of my students in 30 Days to $9K reached out saying he’d
fallen on hard times. And he said he needed to split up his final payment
for the course into 2 parts.
Normally, I would just issue a refund to someone like this. Because the
truth is, if you don’t have $88 to your name, chances are you do not need
to be spending that money on MINE or anybody’s course.

But this student had always been proactive in messaging me. And I felt he
really did want to build his business. So I pushed him to see if he could
make back way more than his investment before breaking up the payment.
Because the alternative — just saying, “I can’t afford it” — is a terrible
mindset to have.

Here was my reply:

To my surprise, he accepted the challenge. So I gave him something to try
posting on his Facebook. I believed it would make him $100-$300 before
his rebill (see the post below).

He accepted the challenge.

And then I got this message 2 days later…

$200 for 6 emails, more than enough to pay for the course payment 2x

Needless to say it works and I highly recommend it as a way for anyone to

make some fast cash.

Here’s the script I gave him to make a quick profit from his friends and
followers on LinkedIn. Test it out and let me know how it goes!

Hey guys!

As you know, I've been working hard on launching my freelance

copywriting business.
I've been studying, practicing and, frankly, getting really good.

I'm at the point where I want to test out some of what I've learned.

And if you have a business, Perhaps I can help?

If you're open to it, I’m doing a limited-time offer where for a flat-fee of
$100 I will write 3 full emails for you.

You have a choice of what the emails are:

–Content to send your email list (for engagement).

–A pitch for one of your best-selling products (sales).

–Part of an autoresponder.
Since I will write 3 full emails, you can choose any of the above style, or all

If you would like me to write your emails, please follow these steps:

1.) List the three emails you want me to write. Include any relevant links.

2.) Send them to me in an email to [YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS]

3.) I'll do them all in 48 hours or less.

Included with this is 1 re-write per email if needed.
Payment will be made 50% upfront, 50% on completion (to hold us both

The one catch: I am only doing this offer for just two people and posting this
in front of 100+ of my closest friends... So if you want in, let me know!

No. 7
In this roundup, we’re explording:
● A new way to get your daily dose of apple cider vinegar that’s
making a huge mistake and ready to turn into your next client (but
only if you move quick)
● Shocking charts showing the hardest hit sectors in the wake of the
● A “Free Work” secret to landing huge client deals (ADVANCED
● How to raise money for a good cause fast. Plus, a BIG update to the
ambassador program (for 3 days only)
● And much, much more...

Ready to profit?

Exploding Trend

Goli gummies
Raise your hand if you’ve ever downed a shot of apple cider vinegar?

Now keep your hand up if it makes you want to gag every time you do?

Wait, a second - how did more hands go up?

I’ll be the first to tell you it’s potent stuff. I take an “ACV shot” 3 times a
week for the health benefits it can provide.

But no matter how hard I pinch my nose or how much I brace for the
burn, it still feels like I’m swallowing gasoline.

Enter Goli Gummies.

Goli has brought the benefits of a shot of apple cider vinegar into a sweet
gummy form. Unlike most “gummy vitamins” this appears to be an
*actually* healthy alternative.

And … I really do try my best to remain objective in these reports.

But I have a total “brand crush” on them.


Because they’re doing so many things SO. FREAKING. WELL.

For starters, they’re maniacally focused on crushing it with one product.

And that’s one of the fastest ways to my heart.

The sad truth is many ecommerce startups and supplements companies

make the mistake of launching too many new products too fast.
And they crash and burn as a result. Because they end up with a whole lot
of products that sell “okay-ish”...but none that truly takeoff as a market

Goli is doing the complete opposite. It’s just one product, one category.
And they’re totally dominating it.

Second, they have an awesome mission attached to the product. They use a
portion of every sale to donate a 6-,month supply of vitamins to children
with malnutrition. How cool is that?

Anytime a brand does this it makes people feel like they’re not just buying
a product but also contributing to a great cause (and, as an added bonus, it
boosts conversion rates, too.)

Lastly, their store is firing on ALL cylinders. They’ve got a clean design.
They’re pushing free shipping. They’re maximizing AOV — on every
order. For example, look at how well they’re incentivizing a 5-bottle
If you tap that button, you’ll go right to a cart with the pre-loaded savings
and be done shopping in 2 clicks.

It’s beautiful…

….Well, except one thing.


Seriously, go to their site right now and you’ll see there’s literally no way to
give them your email address.

With over 40,000 organic visits per month, this is costing them a lot of
contacts … and, more importantly, a lot mullah too.
If you’re a freelancer, finding this mistake is like uncovering an oil well in
your backyard. Now time to profit from it.

For freelancers:
Reach out immediately, point out this simple error and the discussion
around other ways you can help.

You might be thinking, “How did this happen?”

If I had to guess, they probably recently had their site redesigned. And the
designer just forgot to put the form on the site (it happens).

I know because we recently worked with a client that experienced the same

The client was using a popup form to capture email addresses. And this
form generated over $30k in two months.

It was turned off (by accident) during a site redesign.

Their sales took a hit and they didn’t know why.

Thankfully, we (my business partner actually, not me) caught it.

Good save, but it still hurt to know all those follow ups, emails and sales
were left on the table.
This could be a great way to get your foot in the door and help them with
future emails content and promotions as well.

This is the type of client you could sign and work with for a very long

Here’s who I recommend reaching out to and starting the conversation

3 Shocking Charts


One of the sharpest declines that I’ve seen in researching any of these
reports is what’s happened to bowling.

That chart above is showing a nearly 266% decline in search volume. And
it makes sense why. It involves large groups of people, shoving their fingers
into an unsanitary ball that knows who has touched and it’s a nonessential
Use this as a sign to avoid this industry and its supporting products (like
bowling balls, shoes, oils)...

...Or if you’re like me, and preparing for the bounceback, begin building a
little prospect sheet for if and when things reopen over the coming weeks.
You could get them some big results fast.

With practically every gym in the nation closed, people have had to find
other ways to get the exercise in … or just not exercise at all. We’ve seen a
huge spike in at home fitness equipment. But I expect there to be a strong
bounce back for ALL THINGS fitness post quarantine. For one pool
season is around the corner. But also, I think many of us will do anything
to get out of our house when this is over. Expect to see a surge in all things
fitness and weightloss … very soon. And begin preparing conversations
with potential clients in the health and fitness world now — before the
return to normal.

Axe throwing
Another massive decline is what’s happened to axe throwing. Much like
bowling, it’s got a lot of factors going against it in this environment. But
unlike bowling, I’m calling bust here. I think this was like the frozen
yogurt fad of the early 2010s. And truthfully, we may not see this industry
ever make it back to the levels it was at before. But I would encourage you
to ask, “if not axe throwing, what will take its place?” And make your
answer your next prospect.
Freelance tip of the week: The “Free Work” Secret To
This week, I dug DEEP into my personal archives to look at some of the
most creative ways I’ve gotten clients over the years.

And I stumbled onto one idea that made me over $10,000 for roughly 20
minutes of work. So I wanted to share it this week...

...But with one big caveat: It’s something I only recommend for skilled
freelancers or people willing to put in work with potentially no payoff.
The reason being there are much better ways for “greener” writers to get
client’s attention.

But if you have some skill and know what you’re doing, it can be very

So here's how it works.

You’re going to find a company that’s got an existing sales page, email
funnel, webinar or VSL … and then you’re going to rewrite the first couple
emails or the lead.

(Not: If you’re wondering, “what’s a lead?” let me catch you up to speed.

The lead is just the first 3-5 pages of copy, but it ultimately makes up the
biggest difference in response rate).

In fact, when I was freelancing with a branch of Agora, some writers

would spend all their time just trying to rewrite new leads for old promos
and redoing the first couple emails in a funnel because it could result in
HUGE wins.

You’ll need to think on your new copy and really make it good, but once
you have a draft, send it to them and say something like,

"Hey! I’m [YOUR NAME], a huge fan of yours and a copywriter with [X]
years of experience. A lot of copywriters will send you samples and beg you to
hire them. But I wanted to bring value to you instead. So I actually rewrote
the [lead/first couple emails in the funnel] to this offer, feel free to test it out.
If it does even half as good as I think it will, I'd love to chat about working
together more."

It’s a subtle shift, but if you write something good, you put yourself into a
new league.

I tried this once back in 2017.

I sent this guy two new emails for his funnel. He tested them out and it
made him an extra $25k!

What happened next?

Well, you better believe he answered my next couple emails. LOL.

After that, I went on to get over $10k in projects from him. And it all
started with a rewrite of a few emails.

So this can definitely work, whether you’re a designer, writer, developer or

any type of skilled freelancer.

However it does require some skill and a little work upfront (which is why
most people never do it).

But if you’re willing to take a swing, it can be very lucrative. Worst case,
you end up with a great practice email or piece of sales copy.

Best case, you sign a huge new client. Test it out and let me know how it

And if you have questions on this, just hit reply. I’m happy to help you
Fast profit opportunity (charity edition)
I saw a cool tweet where this guy would do a 30 minute consultation if you
donated $100 to a local food bank.

Since a lot of food banks are in need and he’s a really smart guy that has a
ton of value to over, it was a no brainer.

And people took him up on this offer in droves. In all, he raised over
$3,700 for local food banks in just 24 hours.
I thought it was such a cool idea and way to raise money - that seemed to
only require a simple post on social media.

Now I know this isn’t exactly income for you… But if you don’t mind
donating your time, I think this is an awesome way to raise money fast and
have an even bigger impact.

I might try it myself!

No. 8
In this roundup, we’re exploring some extremely lucrative opportunities
● A niche pet product that could scale to 100-1,000 orders per day on
Facebook fast
● A 203 year old product that’s having it’s best year of sales on record
(and how local businesses could be the answer to making a quick
profit from it)
● A new machine cutting product in the DIY space that influencers
can’t get enough of

Ready to profit?

Exploding Trends

Dog Toothpaste

If you work at an animal shelter, you probably expect your job to entail
rescuing pets, feeding them and looking for new owners.

But you probably never expected that you’d be actively turning potential
owners away.

Yet all across the country that’s happening. Why? Because animal shelters
are simply out of animals.
In fact, some areas have seen dog adoption rates jump over 700 percent!

Which means two things:

1. There’s probably a lot more cute puppies running around your
neighborhood than normal.
2. And new dog owners are waking up to the reality that dog breath is
a real thing.

Which is why we’ve seen a nearly 1,000% increase in interest for dog

After doing some digging in this industry, I see some huge profit
opportunities for freelancers and savvy entrepreneurs.

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend.

For freelancers...

When I searched “dog toothpaste,” I noticed a couple interesting facts:

1. Almost all the brands sell their product through Amazon or Chewy
(the Amazon for pets) and none use their own ecommerce store.
Which means these businesses are not keeping any of that customer
data. And the fact is, you really want that customer data. Why?
Because someone doesn’t just buy dog toothpaste. They buy dog
toothpaste because they have a dog and they care about its health.
And they’ll likely buy more stuff for that dog over time. Without
that customer data though, future purchasing decisions are left to
2. Dog toothpaste is relatively cheap and small. You can find tubes
selling for less than $5. Which means it’s probably only costing them
a couple dollars to make and, since it’s small, it probably ships cheap

Combine these two factors together and you have a perfect “Free +
Shipping” offer on their own channel.

Why does that matter?

These offers work perfect on Facebook and the business will own the
customer data.

It also means that you can offer all kinds of cool upsells during checkout
and send emails campaigns after you get the customer to pull out their
credit card.

If you’re a freelancer, you could build this funnel for any petcare company
and crush.

Specifically right now is the time to do this because LOTS of people are
owning pets for the first time and may not be loyal to a particular brand.

Now is the time to begin that customer relationship and a free plus
shipping offer is the perfect way to start.

Here are two great companies to reach out to and build this type of funnel

Both sell toothpaste on their own site. And both are ripe for a funnel like
this. You can charge $2k to set it up and another $1-3k/month to run the
ads. You might just add hundreds of new customers per day to their

For savvy entrepreneurs…

If you don’t want to deal with a client on this, you could build this entire
funnel and eventually brand yourself.

Getting started is simple.

First, you’ll pop over to Alibaba, where there are tons of affordable,
quality sources of dog toothpaste available.
Find one with good reviews.

Stand up a landing page using Clickfunnels or Shopify (my preference).

Connect the product from Alibaba and start buying some simple traffic to
a page promoting it as FREE + Shipping (charge $9.95 for that).

You should be able to acquire customers at break-even or a slight loss.

And then you can sell all kinds of other dog products and dog-related
product offers to down the road.

And wallah.
If it works (it should), you could eventually start manufacturing your own
product and get out of the dropshipping/whitelabel game.

And you could build a whole brand in the booming pet healthcare and
preventative care space.

Cycling Shorts
Going into 2020, nobody guessed this would be The Year of The Bicycle.

But nearly 203 years after its inventions, bike sales are at the highest level
on record.

There’s a trifecta of factors contributing to this:

1. Bike shops are one of the few “workout-related” businesses
considered essential and allowed to stay open (because they’re a
transportation item)
2. Gyms are closed and people are looking for other ways to exercise
3. And millions are looking for alternatives to public transportation

But it’s not just the bike sales that are growing rapidly. It’s the biking
accessories too. And in those accessories, I see a big opportunity to profit.

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend.

For freelancers...
If you look at most biking companies, you’ll find they’re enormous
businesses (like REI or Schwinn) with thousands of employees.

In many cases, that doesn’t make them a great candidate for freelancers to
work with.

But where there is a lot of opportunity is in the smaller local biking


For example, where I live (in Boise, ID), there are 4 different local biking

All of them are open but none of them are running ads on Facebook (or
any platform for that matter).

Yet hundreds of people are riding bikes around my neighborhood and the
surrounding parks each day.

Which means there’s a huge opportunity to work with these local brands
and create hyperlocal ads and email funnels for them.

Since it’s hyper local, the ROI on your ads would be nuts.

Take over the Facebook ads and email calendar for a business like this and
you’re looking at signing the client on a $4K-6K retainer. And you’re
going to be EASILY getting them a great ROI, month after month.
Someone do this please. Me and my business partner just might (although
it's a bit outside our niche).

The craft trend is back and this time with one of the coolest products I’ve
ever seen.

It’s called Cricut.

It’s an at-home cutting machine. It makes creating any DIY project you
can imagine a breeze.

To use it, all you have to do is upload your design to their app and you can
have any design you want in minutes… made from virtually any material.

Look at this gif of it in action:

Over the past couple weeks a few big YouTube influencers in the DIY/Arts
and craft niche stumbled onto them and sales have taken off so quickly
that this is what the header on their site reads:

And this is just the beginning of what I think could be a massively

profitable trend. Here’s how I recommend playing it.
For freelancers:
One of the easiest wins I see for freelancers is to help influencers in the
DIY and Arts & Craft space continue to do what’s already working:
Promoting the product as an affiliate.

With a 12% commission on all orders, a 45-day cookie, and $10 for each
approved referral, affiliates can amake close to $60 per sale they send to the

Get a few hundred of those every month and you do well.

The problem is most of these influencers on YouTube and IG are leaving it

to chance.

They say “link in bio” or “check it out in the description.”

That might work well as a one-off promotion but it’s not evergreen or

And that’s where you could come in and write a series of emails for their
autoresponder to plug it.

The funnel could be so simple:

● Email 1: Meet Cricut

○ Talk about the benefits of this cool new product and how easy
it is to use
● Email 2: “Wait - you can make all THAT?”
○ Show examples of projects you could do with Cricut
● Email 3: Last chance to save on Cricut with this link
○ Tell them the sale is going away soon.

Boom. Charge $500-$1,000 for that series and you have a pretty simple
converting template you could pitch to dozens of little influencers in this
niche. 10 of those and you’re looking at a $5K-$10K payday.

Honestly, you might even teach many of them about the product because
it’s so new!

Freelance tip of the week: The Friday Report

When I first had my first job as a copywriter, I used to think I was
supposed to go in a dark hole and work and work on my assignment until
it was ready to go live.

But boy was I wrong.

Every time I did that my boss would think I wasn’t working hard enough
… or worse, he wouldn’t understand when projects would get snagged.

That’s when I learned bosses don’t just want to see the finished product.
They want to be communicated with the whole way.
So when I was at I Will Teach You To Be Rich, I started sending a short
weekly email update of everything I was working on, and all my blockers
every Friday.

It worked like magic.

After that, communication challenges stopped. I got promoted faster. I

got a raise.

I used that trick at every job I had after that.


It doesn’t just work for jobs.

The same trick works for your clients and freelance projects. A short
report each week can work wonders.

My business partner actually is the reason we do this regularly with our

clients (she’s a world class expert on client relations).

And dang — it’s honestly so powerful. This is often directly linked to

repeat business for us.

The client just opens the email, sees the data from the week and we keep
moving along.
If you’re not doing this with your clients, try this out for 2 weeks and
report back with how your clients respond. I bet you’ll be given more
responsibility, more work and more pay.
No. 9
Welcome to the ninth tip in The Book of Copy & Client Secrets.

In this roundup,, we’re exploring some extremely lucrative opportunities,

● Bitcoin is back. Here’s how to make a quick profit without ever need
to invest in crypto yourself
● The boom in custom packaging and how writers/designers can turn
it into explosive growth for businesses
● A secret for getting clients excited to work with you before you even
*technically* start
● And much, much more...

Ready to profit?

Exploding trends

Bitcoin halving
Any Bitcoin fans in the house?

But even if you’re not a Bitcoin/crypto fan, get ready for it to be back in
the news in a big way.

Because this week, Bitcoin is undergoing a halving.

What’s a halving?

Warning: Technical jargon incoming!

A halving is an event pre-programmed into Bitcoin’s code. It happens
about every 4 years. And each time, it slows how fast Bitcoin is produced.
Essentially, it makes mining the cryptocurrency less lucrative for miners.

The way I think of it is: Imagine you were paid $100 every time you picked
an apple off a tree. My guess is you’d pick as many apples as you could
possibly get off the tree.

But let's say that over time you were only paid $50/apple … and eventually
just $0.50/apple. Chances are your motivation to pick apples would drop
dramatically as the price fell.

And therefore there’d be a lot less newly picked apples available.

Make sense?

This is how halving works for Bitcoin. Miners are paid less for their work.
So supply typically slows.

And when there’s less supply, price changes should follow.

In the past, halving events have correlated with big increases in price.
Following the last halving in July of 2016, the price climbed for a year —
up to it’s December 16th, 2017 peak of nearly $20,000.

Now… There’s a lot of speculation that the halving this week could have
the biggest impact on its price yet.

And you better believe that means there’s money to be made. Here’s how I
recommend freelancers and savvy entrepreneurs play this trend.

For freelancers

One of the biggest marketing campaigns I ever worked on was for a

cryptocurrency trading product. This was in February of 2018 — months
after the peak (and honestly a little late to the game).

But it worked because we found a guru with a unique way of trading

alternative cryptocurrencies. He was consistently finding trades that had
the potential to make 1,000-10,000% every week.

I interviewed him and found out every time his system detected a trade he
would get a red alert sent to his phone. And that became the hook for the

We had people sign up for an email list to learn when he (Tom) would get
a “red alert” on his next crypto trade.
That simple idea helped us build a list of over 70,000 people. And for that
project, we made over $5 million in a single week.

I think there will be even bigger projects this time around.

And I’ve already started to see some offers coming out about this.

If you want to play it, you have options for what you can do:
● You can write the sales video for a promotion (like I did)
● You can create emails that drive to sales videos
● Or you can help with content marketing and ads

The key is finding quality partners to jump on projects for.

Here are some great potential (ethical clients) I’ve met and/or worked
● Hector J Pena, of Palm Beach Research
● Walter Pearce, of Wyatt Investment Research

When you reach out, you can use the cold email templates in 30 Days to
$9K. Or the free work secret I highlighted in Week #7’s report.

If you land one of these gigs, you could easily make $3k-$50k+ depending
on which portion of the content you help with. Sales letters pay the most,
but email is still profitable.
Sticker mule
What happens virtually every business is forced to sell their items to-go
and curbside?

Demand for custom labels, stickers and packaging surges.

And that’s exactly what the leading brand for these types of products,
Sticker Mule, has experienced.

They’ve seen a nearly 200% increase in search traffic over the last few
months … and demand just keeps growing.

That’s partly explained by the demand for shipping supplies.

But another huge reason for the growth they’ve seen is the fact that they
rolled up custom-print facemasks (which are selling like crazy).

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend.

For freelancers:
One of the most powerful places that you can write copy is on the
packaging of a product.

Think about it — you know the person reading it is a customer and you
know they’re about to use your product because they’re seeing it.
Which means packaging copy is some of the most valuable and yet most
people never think about it.

This is a huge mistake … and a huge opportunity for you.

For example, one of my previous clients was a keto supplement company.

This client had a lot of customers but they had a problem. Many of those
customers didn’t come back and purchase from their store.

They tried emails, ads, everything.

And nothing really worked until I wrote a little letter that went in the
packaging and included an offer on the top of the bottle to get $10 off
their next order.

When the first batch of these package inserts went out, it sent a flood of
hundreds of customers back to the store for their second purchase. That
simple insert was worth tens of millions of dollars to that brand over time.


And you could do the same thing with local businesses in your area who
have just started leveraging to-go and curbside orders.

The fact is most of them were forced into this situation and weren’t
strategic about it. So you might see many brands just putting their
product in a brown bag.
This is a big mistake.

Work with them to create insert cards and labels that push to order
againn, try another product or get a free sample of something the next
time they come back.

It won’t take much copy, but you can easily charge $500-$1k for insert
copy for many brands.
Look at that drop...

Travel was one of the hardest hit niches during the pandemic. And this
chart showing the interest in Airbnb illustrates just how much demand
has dropped off a cliff. There’s a lot of uncertainty about when travel will
be back. I see this as a big red flag to avoid travel and travel-related clients
for the time being. Even brands that are just connected to travel like
suitcase company Away have seen a nearly 90% decrease in sales volume.

Freelance tip of the week: Getting results in advance

A couple years ago, I learned about a secret many chiropractors use to get
and keep clients.

It’s called “Results In Advance.” And it’s essentially the idea that you find
out where your client ultimately wants to go (Call that Destination Z) and
you help them take a few steps toward achieving that goal (Point A, B, C
and so on).

In the chiropractic world, they often do a free adjustment and show you
sample stretches you can do on your own.

This makes new clients feel amazing...But it also makes them aware of how
far they want to go if they want to end their back pain/shoulder pain etc.

In other words, the chiropractor brings results to the client IN

ADVANCE of working together that only highlight how much work
must truly be done.

And it works great for getting new business. Because the prospect grows
to trust you, sees your method works and (many times) gets more excited
about achieving the end result they want.

You can apply this same philosophy to your freelance career/writing


Ask: How can I bring results to my prospect before even working


We do this all the time in our agency. For example, we recently signed a
new client and before we officially kicked off working together, we saw a
piece of news that would have made for a great promotion and wrote 3
emails about it.

These 3 emails nearly tripled their daily sales. The client was ecstatic and
keep in mind this was before working together.

And when we had our wrap up call in April, they kept talking about how
they’d already seen such great success before working with us. And even
though we only signed a 3-month contract with them, they’ve already
started future pacing us.

Don’t get me wrong - we’re doing incredible work for them - but a HUGE
factor is driving ROI before even doing anything.

I would encourage you to try this same thing with potential clients.
Some ideas:

If you’re a writer, consider making a tweak to their welcome series. It

could lead to big numbers.

If you’re a designer, consider showing them a framework for evaluating


If you’re a media buyer, consider writing sample copy for their ad.


The key is to ask what could I do to get them results in advance?

Fast profit opportunity

I’m trying a test over on LinkedIn to see if I can get a few writers gigs.
Connect with me there if you want to see it when it goes down.
No. 10
In this roundup, we’re exploring some extremely lucrative opportunities,
● How to turn second hand clothing into a $10k/year business
● Another pet marketing company that could turn into a big client
● A way to turn quarantined celebrities into a big, big business
● And much, much more...

Ready to profit?

Exploding trends

Uptown Cheapskate

New numbers came out on Friday showing how retail spending has
changed in the wake of the lockdowns.

Many sectors were hit hard. But none took a beating like clothing and
accessories stores.

Sales were down 78.8%!

With a drop that big, it’s not just that people can’t go to the stores
anymore. It’s that people are realizing they might not need as many clothes
when they’re not traveling, going to work, or going out anymore.
So both sides — demand and supply — have collapsed, leaving many big
retailers out of money and on the brink of bankruptcy.

It’s ugly (and could get much worse in the coming months).

The one shining bright spot in the sector is second hand clothing.

There’s been an enormous increase in the number of buyers and sellers of

used and upcycled clothes. People are looking for ways to save money,
switch out their items for new options and cause less damage to the

One of the leaders in the space is Uptown Cheapskate.

Their business model is simple: “Bring us your clothes. We pay you cash.
You shop thrifted style. We both save the planet.”

Here’s how I recommend freelancers and savvy entrepreneurs play this


For freelancers

This industry is waiting for influencers to disrupt it.

If you know a fashionista or are willing to reach out to a local instagram

influencer, you could help them publish a guide or create full-blown
course on:
● Trading in clothes
● Buying staples
● And picking accessories on a tiny budget

...From Uptown Cheapskate.

Slap a $47-$97 price tag on it and you could probably get 100-500
customers from the influencer’s organic following alone.

Help them build the course and with the marketing and sales.

And take a percent of the profits and you could create a $10k+ income
stream for yourself in the next 12 months.

Skinny pig
I thought this was a typo.

But turns out The Skinny Pig is a real thing.

Basically, they’re an *almost hairless* breed of Guinea pig. Without all that
hair, they have a trimmer look. Hence the name.

In report #8, we highlighted the massive surge we’ve seen in pet adoptions
during the quarantine — to the point where many animal shelters ran out
of animals.
Well apparently demand has spread from mainstream pets (like cats and
dogs) into lesser known animals like the Skinny Pig.

And interest in these animals is taking off like a rocket — we’re talking
tens of thousands of searches per month. Some of the most popular
YouTube videos are racking up millions of views.

Which means you better believe there’s money to be made.

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend.

For freelancers:
When you buy a Skinny Pig, you need:
● Cages
● Bedding
● Water cups
● Food
● Toys
● And more

Customers are easily ready to drop $300 or more. That’s a pretty big
average order value.

And yet, most of the sites selling supplies and guides look like they were
built in the early 1990s and then never updated.
And their marketing is outdated too.

They’re not running ads. They’re not doing any email pop ups. But
they’re definitely getting customers.

The fact is there’s so much potential to help companies like this with all of
their copywriting (and design) needs that you can’t go wrong by just
starting the conversation.

This would be a great prospect for anyone interested in this niche


When the celebrity video-sharing platform, Cameo, first came on the scene
a few years ago, they couldn’t have dreamed of better conditions for their

● Force lots of celebrities to stay at home and not let them work on
new movies ✅
● Make travel to family near impossible ✅
● Increase shipping times for traditional gifts ✅
● Get people using the internet way more ✅

It’s the perfect storm of factors that have led to a huge increase in the
platform's use in the past few months.

The way it works is simple: Hire any celebrity on the platform to record a
short video message for someone. You can use it for any occasion —
birthdays, anniversaries, workiversaries — whatever. And the video shows
up with a custom message to whoever you want.

And despite the huge increase in demand, I think the trend is just getting

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend.

For freelancers & savvy entrepreneurs...

Cameo makes it easy to find celebrities and send the videos to anyone.

The hard part is coming up with the perfect message for the person to

That’s where you could come in and sell scripts for different occasions.

To execute this, you could have done-for-you scripts or scripts for-hire on

your site.

And all you would have to do is write a short 1-2 minute message for a
celebrity to read.

I checked and the domain name “” is available.

Which is perfect for getting started.

To get your first 10 customers, simply post on FB/LinkedIn that you’re

helping people do this for $10/script.

Have each of those people give you a short testimonial video talking about
how easy you made it and special your message turned out.

Then, turn those testimonials into case studies on a blog.

As those start to rank organically, you’ll pick up more sales.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Over time you could even hire a couple writers to do this for you.
And you would be running a mini-hallmark for cameo users.

Give it a few months/years and who knows you could even get bought out
by cameo?

They’re a huge brand and this would be a huge asset for them.

Acquisitions like this typically go for crazy stupid multiples of 10-100x

revenue. So even if you’re just taking a couple orders per week and making
$1k-$5k/month, that could be an insane exit for you.

Freelance tip of the week: Know your numbers!

Always know your numbers from past clients and campaigns.

Last week, my business partner and I signed a new, large client. We’re
really excited to work with them and help them scale their sales.

But as we reflected on our call with them, both of us realized one clear
point where the client was thinking “dang, we have to work with these

It was right after we shared numbers from another similar client we’d
worked with in the past.

The client said, “Wow! That’s so impressive! That’s like … so impressive!”

The numbers helped it “click” for him.

As a freelancer and business owner, it’s critical that you keep tabs on the
success of your work.

In other words, don’t just write/design/build something and disappear …

Ask how it performed? What was the open rate? How many shares did the
post get? Where does it rank right now?

Being able to share results for your work is powerful.

Bonus points if you can turn those results into a case study and share it

Fast profit opportunity

Be sure to tune in on LinkedIn for something I’m testing this week.

No. 11
In this roundup, we’re exploring some extremely lucrative opportunities,
● The birth of balloon gurus?
● Tattoos + makeup = big income potential for you
● The too-many-decision secret to writing compelling copy
● And much, much more...

Ready to profit?

Exploding trends

Balloon Garland
Balloons are back baby.

Well, I don’t know if they ever really went anywhere.

But there’s definitely a new trend in the balloon industry of creating cute
balloon arches and balloon garland for parties, birthdays, anniversaries
and more.

Part of the trend can be explained by the extremely Instagrammable nature

of the designs, lending to it’s virality.

And viral it is.

Search volume is at a 5 year high, newly published YouTube videos are

racking up millions of views and “DIY balloon garland” blogs are picking
up tens of thousands of views every month.
And you better believe there’s money to be made. Here’s how I
recommend freelancers and savvy entrepreneurs play this trend.

For freelancers

Get yo’self a balloon guru. Consider these 3 facts.

Fact 1: There’s a massive market of people who want to learn how to build
their own balloon garland designs. Millions of people are searching for it
every month!

Fact 2: Most of the blogs and videos explaining how to create the designs
are limited in scope and leave a lot to be desired.

Fact 3: The people in this market (mostly moms) are creating these balloon
garlands for all kinds of events (birthdays, anniversaries, work events and
more) which means demand is replenished every time a new holiday or
event comes around

Combined, these facts make the perfect market for an online course or
membership site. All you need to do is find one of the many balloon
garland designers in your local area, help them build a course.

You create the sales funnel and both of you profit.

You could easily take a 20-40% stake in the business venture (because
you’re doing most of the marketing and sales).

If you just sell 100 memberships for $199/year, that’s a $19,900 income

Sell 1,000 memberships and that’s a multiple 6-figure business.

Given that a lot of these businesses' biggest restraint is that one person is
doing all the designs, this is a big value add too.

Permanent Makeup
Is this the face tattoo you might actually want?

Imagine if every day you had to get out of bed early just to apply the same
style of makeup that you did the day before.

It’d be like some twisted form of groundhog day that only applies to your

And for many regular makeup users, they’ve had enough of this very literal
wash, rinse, repeat task.

So they’re turning to permanent makeup for the fix. It’s applied through a
process called “microblading,” which is really just a fancy way of saying
“face tattoo.”
People get them on their lips, eyebrows and more.

Cosmetic surgery, tattooing and makeup are all separately multibillion

dollar industries. And combining them stands to lead to very big things.

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend.

For freelancers:
Industries like this grow and die on one word: Consultations.

Very few people just wake up one day and decide to get a permanent
makeup tattoo on their face.

And even if they feel like they might want to, they (1) do their own
research beforehand and (2) expect to be helped by an expert in their local
market in making the decision to get it done.

So if you’re a freelancer who wants to ride this wave, you need to help
these businesses increase the number of consultations they book.

You can do that by writing keyword-driven content (such as “best

permanent makeup place in [your city]) or by helping these businesses
create ads and place them locally on Facebook.
Given that each lead is worth potentially thousands of dollars to these
kinds of businesses, you could easily charge between $3k-$10k/month to
bring them a certain number of qualified leads every month.

Decision Fatigue
Apparently, the quarantine hasn’t just limited our choices for what we’re
supposed to do. It’s forced a lot of us to be making more decisions than

It’s no longer just “What should we eat for dinner?”

It’s “What app should we use? Should we tip? How much? Have we eaten
out too much? Should we cook? Or should we go get food? Do you have a
mask? Do we even need masks?!!”


And that’s just one tiny example of the kind of scripts going through
people’s heads right now.

Simply put, even though many choices have been restricted, we’re making
more decisions than ever.

And given the surge in this search term, it’s weighing on us and we want

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend.

For freelancers & savvy entrepreneurs...
Apps that help people meditate and plan their day can expect to boom in
the wake of these kinds of feelings surfacing.

And where you come in is helping them create content around the
“zeitgeist” of the moment.

The reality is the marketing messages for many of these apps has had to
adjust to the times.

For example, look at this copy on

They get it. They’ve had to adjust to resonate with the marketplace. And
they — along with their competitors — definitely need more copy and
messaging around the challenges of the moment if they want to stand out.
This applies to apps and journals.

You could build entire emails and sales funnels around this. As far as
companies to target, I would look at headspace competitors like Calm and
Waking Up.

Freelance tip of the week: Should you get a coach? And

if so, what should you expect?
I don’t often use this section to link out to other people’s content.

But coaching has played such a huge role in my success as a freelancer that
I want to talk about it more.

And there’s never been a piece that more clearly articulates what to look
for and expect when working with a coach.

It’s not what you’d expect. It’s not magic. It’s a process. And I think he
does an excellent job of articulating that.

Click here to read it.

No. 12
In this roundup, we’re exploring some extremely lucrative opportunities,
● A new way to eat for your DNA...and a 6-7 figure VSL that I might
just write (if you don’t)
● An app that's eerily similar to Pokemon Go that’s ripe for profiting
● A brutal teardown of a cold email that I got (Plus, what you can do
● And much, much more

Ready to profit?
Exploding trends

DNA Nudge

Are you tired of “dieting whiplash?”

You know what I’m talking about...

One month, we’re all gluten free. Then we’ve cut carbs altogether. Give it
6 months and carbs are fine. Instead it’s meat that we’re avoiding.

And so goes the never-ending, never-clear and always frustrating cycle of

diet tips and tricks...where it feels like people are doing more guessing
about what works than really trying to help people.
But what if I told you there was a way to know *for sure* what diet you
should follow? A way that wasn’t rooted in a fad, but instead rooted in
something unchanging…

...Your DNA.

This is the promise of DNANudge, a capsule and App that uses your
DNA to nudge you towards healthier choices, when you're shopping…

The idea is if you can make smarter shopping decisions, rooted in foods
compatible with your DNA, you’ll be a healthier happier person.

Pretty cool right?

What I love even more is that the team that built it has a crazy track record
of success, including over 80 successfully patented and licensed healthcare

Honestly, I see a lot of similarities between this company and Fitbit, which
went on to be a multiple billion dollar public company and bought by

And the best part is they’re just getting there’s a ton of room to

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend for profit right now.
For freelancers

This tech is in the early days so it makes sense that their marketing isn’t
the greatest.

If you check out the site, I think it’s fair to say someone with an
engineering background definitely wrote it…

Check out this explanation:

“...The cartridge is activated. Your DNA is extracted, analysed and the

data is encoded to a genetically compatible set of variables and uploaded
onto your personalised capsule.”
Before you think I’m attacking, let me say: I get it! It’s technical in nature
so you can’t always make things sound simpler.

But then there was this…

That red blob is the start of their “sales video.”

And I’m guessing it’s they’re attempt to make the technology seem less

But the only thing it effectively did for me was confuse me. Who is this red
blob? Is that my DNA? Is this for kids?
I’m genuinely not sure.

But they’re brand is telling two completely different stories. One is sleek,
modern tech, almost Apple-like. Look at that band above!

The other is a poorly designed cartoon on a Saturday morning.

Not only is it confusing but it will be a huge roadblock as they scale.

That’s where a freelance copywriter could come in and take them to a

completely new level.

I would recommend starting with a total rewrite of this video. And it

could be one of the best VSL’s on the planet.

Think of the hooks! I mean you get to start your piece with angles

There are some diet VSLs on Keto that did over $100 million … and this is
an infinitely better angle.

A copywriter who does this right is looking at a multiple 6 and possibly

even 7-figure payday.

They also need a lot of help with emails, ads and more.
But the VSL is the place to start. It’s the pillar that will move everything

This will be a HUGE client for whoever gets it.


While Elon Musk was sending people into *actual* space, a new app called
Randonautica is sending teens to random geometric coordinates in droves.

If you’re confused, let me bring you up to speed: Randonautica is an app

that uses a random number generator to create a specific set of geographic
coordinates within a set radius of your current location.

“Rob … What the huh did you just say?”

It’s easier if I explain with an example. If I were playing, I would set my
radius to “Within 5 Miles of Boise, Idaho” and then it would send me to a
random coordinate like “27.2038° N, 77.5011° E.”

Then I’d start my “Randonauting mission” and go there.

The app’s players, referred to as a “randonauts,” are encouraged to think

of a goal or outcome before visiting the location to “tap into the powers of
the universe” and see if they can’t uncover a coincidence or lesson.

Randonauts then journal about these experiences online.

Like this user whose intention was to “find something neat to take a
picture of.”

According to them, the app “delivered.”

Still confused? Me too.

But before we write it off, remember that a huge part of marketing is

giving people what they want…

It’s not necessarily about fully understanding why people want things.

Plus, remember how BIG the opportunity for geo-based apps has been in
the past. Pokemon Go generated $832 million in the first year it released.

And while it’s nowhere near Pokemon Go numbers now, the growth of
this app has been astronomical.

Since its unveil in early March, the app has gone down multiple times after
being “hammered with traffic.”

There’s a subreddit with over 47,000 active randonauts and the

randonauting hashtag currently stands at 6.5M views on TikTok.

With that many eyeballs and that much momentum behind the app,
there’s definitely money to be made.

Here’s how I recommend playing the trend right now.

For savvy entrepreneurs:

Randonauts swear one of the keys to success with the app is in setting
intentions before generating the random coordinates.

They claim, “setting intentions help you to get value out of the app.”

For example, this user said, “was feeling crap about myself today. Went for
a walk and set my intention as 'something I need to see'. This was at my
point, and now I'm feeling a bit more able to take on the day!”

Another user claims that the app delivered him to Jesus!

In the subreddit, there are dozens more wild stories and examples like this.

But for every celebration story, you’ll find many users struggling to set
their intention and get a desirable outcome. Like this one:

That’s where someone like you could come in and put together a quick
guide. Call it something like “How to Effectively Set Intentions: 10
Randonauts Share Their Secrets.”

You’d interview them, document their intention routine and the outcome
they got and whallah.

You could sell the guides for $7 a pop, post it in the reddit group and even
advertise it.

My guess is you could probably sell a few hundred copies in no time.

Freelance tip of the week: Don’t send cold emails like

Big fat caveat before we dive inn: I’m a huge fan of cold emailing people.

I’ve cold-emailed people and gotten new friends, $100K+jobs, new clients,
blog posts in big name publications, royalty deals and more.

But the thing about cold email is that if you do it, you MUST do it right.
If you’re in my 30 Days to $9K program, you have my exact scripts and
tricks for getting virtually anyone to respond to your messages.

But today, I wanted to flip it and share what NOT to do.

Because I’ve recently been getting a ton of cold email pitches and they’re
so, so, so bad.

For example, check out this one I recently got from “Louis” :

What’s interesting is that this isn’t a terrible email. It’s actually well
written! It starts out personal and compliments me on something.

But then - wham - notice that what happens.

Two lines into it, he throws all that mushy stuff out of the way and gets to
his real point: Asking me for a job.

Cold Email Lesson One: Don’t do that. If you’re going to compliment.

Leave it at the compliment. You can always follow back up later on. But it
just comes across as disingenuous if you do a generic compliment and then
immediately pivot into an ask.

Next, notice how he pivots into ME, ME, ME copy. All he does is talk
about himself and his credentials.

Which I’m not opposed to! But notice how vague it is.

Then he links to resources he’s written, which there’s NO WAY I am

clicking that.

Cold Email Lesson Two: If you’re going to brag, do it succinctly. Don’t

make me do work and read your stuff. And definitely don’t talk in vague
terms about “a bunch of projects” and “lots more.”

But those were forgivable sins. He actually could have redeemed himself
had he not said the next two things.

Deadly sin #1, he says:

“I’ll write content for you (heavily discounted)...”
My first thought was, “Okay buddy, funny you assume I wouldn’t be able
to negotiate the best price.”

But even more fundamentally, if you automatically offer to cut your

prices, you are setting yourself up for failure.

Worse, you clearly lack the understanding of what it takes to run a real

Real business owners (and I like to consider myself one) could care less
about price. They care about ROI.

For example, we charge our clients prices that would make some of you
spit your coffee all over your computer, but they know when they hand us
$1 we can turn it into $3-$5. And they’ll take that trade all day… and twice
on Sunday.

Cold Email Lesson Three: If you run your business only on price cutting,
get ready for a tough road ahead.

And the final nail in the coffin was the phrase: “I don’t need a mentor.”

My thought was: Then what are you emailing you for??!! Why don’t you
just ask me to PayPal you money directly instead?

Cold Email Lesson Four: Do not tell people who you are asking to work
with that you don’t want their mentorship. If anything, that’s the thing
you want MOST. He could have made me feel good. But instead he made
me feel awful.

THEN...To top it all off he had the audacity — the cluelessness —- to

email me 9 more times!

And in his final message he said, I was the one who was “clearly not
interested” so he was going to “move on.”

Cold Email Lesson Five: Don’t threaten someone when you have nothing
to hold over their head. And definitely don’t suggest that the person is not
interested, when it’s them that’s not interested in me! Do you know how
many times I’ve shared cold email tips online? Could he have taken my
advice for ONE second?

My rating of this cold email on a scale of 1-10.


Barely above my good friend who’s waiting on me to send him my banking

info so he can send me a payment from my long lost uncle who was a king.

Flipping these lessons could have resulted in an email that I responded to.

Instead, this one went in the garbage (where it belonged).

No. 13
In this roundup, we’re exploring some extremely lucrative opportunities,
● A $100k+ item people are buying in the wake of cancelled travel
plans and how you could turn it into a big client payday
● A booming niche just waiting to be disrupted by a smart and savvy
email marketer
● How you could become the #1 affiliate in the world for a new
AirBnB-like app
● How to get testimonials from your clients that translate into real
business for you
● And much, much more!

Ready to profit?
Exploding trends

Covid Campers

The first week of June normally marks the start of summer vacations for
people all around the globe.

But this is no normal year.

Because of job losses hurting people’s pockets, lockdowns restricting

where people can go, and a general fear around a second wave of the virus,
many are postponing or canceling summer travel plans altogether.

It’s a combination of factors that has some in the travel industry

wondering if they’ll ever catch a break. Some cities have seen bookings
drop by up to 97%!
It’s a bleak picture…

...Well, except one bright spot: RV sales.

They’re up nearly 30% in the month of May for some dealers. And
heading into June, some in the industry believe this could be the best year
on record.


As quarantines begin lifting, people are ready to get out, but they don’t
want to risk being in crowded planes, staying in hotels around hundreds of
other people, and eating in restaurants where masks (for patrons) are not
part of the protocol.

As one RV salesman said, “To a lot of people, campers, RVs and

motorhomes are the perfect way to indulge in travel with none of the risks.
You drive by yourself, you stay in your own lodging and you cook your
own meals. How else can you get out and explore with that little

And it appears many are buying into that narrative, as sales keep
skyrocketing. Which could be the start of a whole new style of traveling.

At between $20,000 and $100,000+, these aren’t small decisions people are
making either. These are big purchases that will likely influence people’s
travel behavior and wallet for years to come.

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend for profit right now.

For freelancers...
People don’t just buy an RV and go on with their lives.

They buy all kinds of accessories to go along with it — furniture, air

conditioning, outdoor decor and more.

It’s kind of like a second home on wheels.

So if we expect an uptick in RV sales, you better believe there’s going to be

a boom in the accessory market too.

Here’s some of the top accessory brands you can put on your prospecting
list immediately:

Many of these brands have a long way to go on the ecommerce front.

(Check the sites and you’ll see what I mean).

And if the trend continues, it could easily represent a $5-10K payday for
whoever signs them for work on a couple flows...and even more on an
ongoing basis.


We may have been locked in doors for months, but that doesn’t mean we
plan on staying that way.

Over the last few weeks, many states have completely lifted restrictions on
businesses and ended “quarantine law.”

And people are emerging from their homes with a new passion for getting
outdoors. But people aren’t looking for group-based activities. They’re
looking to go solo.

In report #8, we’ve highlighted the surge in cycling. In fact, Forbes

reported that sales we’re growing at a nearly 600% clip and showed no
signs of slowing down. (Note: Forbes actually published this report almost
3 weeks after The Book of Copy & Client Secrets Readers got the
info...but who’s keeping score:))

This time, we’re spotlighting a boom in — wait for it — fishing.


Yes, and based on the data I’m seeing, I think it could be one of the most
significant changes in consumer behavior yet!

For starters, we’re seeing a nearly 14,000% growth in demand for fly
fishing supplies.

Plus, the normally-ahead-of-the-curve, luxury brand, Supreme, is coming

out with gear to make fly fishing cool and attractive to a new base of

And one brand in particular, Bassdash, appears to be benefiting from this

surge in interest massively.

Here’s how I recommend playing the trend right now.

For savvy entrepreneurs:

Oh boy.

The Bassdash team has a dirty secret they don’t want you to know:
They’re simply drop-shipping all their fly fishing gear. And they have no
proprietary clothing or accessories, despite their rapid growth.

Which means, you could come in and do everything they’re doing — but
way better and with a focus on email marketing profits and probably get
to $10k/month in no time.

If I were to do this, I would launch a store on Shopify and find their top 3
best selling products on Aliexpress and list them in my store.

Then, I’d find a fishing meme page on IG and buy a solo ad from them,
advertising the best selling product for a great deal.

This would get me my first 10-50 customers.

Then, I’d copy their best performing ads (by looking at the info/ads
section of their Facebook) to see how they were acquiring customers.

During this whole time, I’d build out all the core email flows — like
welcome series, cart abandon and cross-sells — increasing my profitability.

And in no time flat, we’d have 100 customers to begin scaling even further.

These guys got lucky by being in the right place at the right time but you
could add a layer of strategy and deeper thinking to the email game — and
do much, much better as a result.


Like AirBnB... but just for your bags.

If you’ve ever traveled to a city and arrived before you can check into your
AirBnB, you know how annoying it is to lug your bags around the city
with you.

“Clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk” — said your suitcase as it rolled down the
sidewalk behind you.

“F*CK, F*CK, F*CK” — whispered you in reply.

Well, “F*CK” no more because BagBnB wants to help.

They allow you to drop off your bags with a secure host anywhere in the

And for a minimal fee, you can store it for the day.

Pick it up when you’re ready and be on your way.

With hotels, this kind of storage isn’t an issue because you can just leave it
with the front desk.

But as more and more people choose AirBnB for their travel needs, there’s
a lot of room to grow.

And I think there’s money to be made.

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend for profits.

For savvy entrepreneurs:

You could become the world’s number one affiliate for this app.

The playbook has already been built, you just have to do it again.

What do I mean?

When AirBnB first launched, they had a generous affiliate program that
gave new users $40 off their next stay and the affiliate $40 in travel credit.

Some of the people to first blog about AirBnB and load up their posts
with affiliate links earned so much money in travel credit that they say,
“We’ll never be able to use it all.”

The same could happen here.

Since the app is still in the early days and just beginning to get press,
ranking for terms around it would be so easy. I mean even searching the
actual brand name returns only a few real sites right now.

Which means you could start a blog, rank for baggage storage terms in
certain cities and become the #1 affiliate in the world for this
brand...without any real competition at the moment.

You could earn so much cash that the only place you could comfortably
keep it would be in your baggage bins around the globe. :)

Freelance tip of the week: How to get effective

testimonials from your clients

One thing that’s been on mine and my business partner’s to-do list for
over a year is redoing our agency’s website.

The truth is, we built it fast and a lot has changed since then.
For one, we have a few other services that we can now provide businesses.
Secondly, our design tastes have changed a lot (and we both kind of hate
how it looks).

And finally, we’ve been able to get clients much bigger results since then.

And we’re finally pulling the trigger and reworking it.

As part of the overhaul, we’re going to be putting some more testimonials

and robust case studies from our clients on the site.

And as we’ve started this process, I was reminded of just how bad most
people do with their case studies and testimonials.

If you look at most sites, you’ll find they just get quotes like, “They’re

Or they’ll only focus on the brands and won’t wrap it in a story.

Writing case studies is kind of a super power of both mine and my

business partner. I’ve written case studies that were responsible for over
7-figures in sales for multiple products.

So I wanted to share a couple tips for how to do them well.

The arch of the perfect testimonial:

Every testimonial should create a BEFORE state and show people how
they got to the after STATE.

So you don’t want to just grab a quote out of context that says, “They
made us $1 million!”

That sounds good in theory, but the average prospect reads that and says,
“Okay, good for you…”

You need the before state to create the contrast.

Contrast that statement to this one: “We knew we had a good product but
it was struggling to sell. We hired consultants, web designers, redid the
packaging — none of it worked until we met Click Here Agency. Within 2
months of working with them, not only had they completely put an end
to our sales struggles, but they made us $1 million in additional profit.”

Do you see the difference? Better yet, do you feel it?

Of course you do.

That’s why you must always ask your clients to describe their BEFORE
state. For example, what it was like to run your marketing before you
worked with Click Here Agency?

Then ask about the after.

For example, you can say, “What happened after we started working
together? Any specific results are AMAZING to share? For example, sales
increased by $XXX,XXX.”

Then, you must talk about skepticism.

At this point almost all of us are numb to big claims on the internet. And
if you just talk about befores and afters, you’ll miss the core part of what
brought your client to work with you… HOW DID THEY OVERCAME

So you should ask about that specifically. “Did you have any skepticism
about working with us? If so, what helped you make your decision?”

If we pick up on our previous example, it would go like this:

“We knew we had a good product but it was struggling to sell. We hired
consultants, web designers, redid the packaging — none of it worked until
we met Click Here Agency. Within 2 months of working with them, not
only had they completely put an end to our sales struggles, but they made us
$1 million in additional profit.

And I’ll be honest, this completely shocked our team. Because we’d been
promised the moon, the stars and millions of dollars by other agencies
before. And they all came up short. So when we were looking at working
with Click Here Agency, we were skeptical. But what put our doubts to bed
was the insane amount of proof they brought to the table with past examples
of their work. Within a week of working together, it was clear that they
were different.”

NOW we’re talking!

Lastly, you want to get a quote about what it’s like to work with YOU

You need to differentiate yourself from the pack and HOW you work is a
core part of that.

So you should ask your clients to share their experience working with you
vs others.

If we picked up on our previous example, it would go like this:

“We knew we had a good product but it was struggling to sell. We hired
consultants, web designers, redid the packaging — none of it worked until
we met Click Here Agency. Within 2 months of working with them, not
only had they completely put an end to our sales struggles, but they made
us $1 million in additional profit.

And I’ll be honest, this completely shocked our team. Because we’d been
promised the moon, the stars and millions of dollars by other agencies
before. And they all came up short. So when we were looking at working
with Click Here Agency, we were skeptical. But what put our doubts to
bed was the insane amount of proof they brought to the table with past
examples of their work. Within a week of working together, it was clear
that they were different.

Working with Click Here Agency is like having your business’ marketing
run itself. They do everything on time and report back with key findings
every single week. And if there’s ever an issue — like once we struggled with
email deliverability — they come to the table, explain the problem clearly,
and have 3 solutions ready to go. They truly are world class. And anyone
considering an Agency for their marketing, would be a fool to work with
anybody but them.”


How much better is this testimonial than “we made $1 million!”

It walks you through what it’s actually like to make a decision and makes a
big difference for attracting potential clients.

If you’ve got a client you want a case study or testimonial from, test it out
and see if those questions and that framework don’t make it smoother and
convert better.
No. 14
Hello and welcome to the fourteenth tip in The Book of Copy & Client

In this roundup, we’re exploring some extremely lucrative opportunities,

● A new enterprise software with Slack-like potential that could turn
into $50,000+ payday for the right freelancer
● Proof: You really can turn 💩 — into gold. See how you could help
this company on its journey to disrupt a multi-billion-dollar market
● Drama going on the behind the scenes of a top-selling Amazon
product that you could turn into a 7 or 8-figure exit
● And much, much more!

Ready to profit?
Exploding trends


Remote work comes with a lot of perks…

There’s no commute. You can take breaks whenever you want and work
from the comfort of your own couch.

But for all the great things that come with working remotely on-the-job
training is definitely not one of them.

Even with tools like Slack and Zoom, you never fully recreate all the
benefits you get from being in-office. There’s something special about
sitting right beside your peers and building things.

I say that as someone who worked remotely for nearly 2 years!

During that time, I struggled with work-life balance, never truly “got” the
subtleties of office politics and found it difficult to grow in my role. And I
never understood why.

Then, after that position, I began working at a non-remote company. The

difference was like night and day. I learned how to do my job faster. I
bonded with my colleagues more. And I got promoted in a fraction of the

When I reflect back on the differences between those two roles, it mostly
boiled down to how I was on-boarded. And by that I mean the on-the-job
training I got in the first few weeks.

Even though the remote company had onboarding documents and did
weekly check-in calls with me, it wasn’t the same. And it ultimately was a
big factor in me quitting that job.

Why does this matter right now?

With millions of new people and companies being pushed into hiring
remote roles as we speak, this is going to be a very challenge for companies
going forward.

It’s a challenge one company, HowNow, is committed to fixing.

They’re an artificial intelligence-driven learning platform designed to help
companies onboard employees faster, build skills and drive productivity.

Meaning it creates custom tracks for different types of employees and

delivers new information and training to them based on how they interact
with each piece of content.

So it’s like having a real person stand there and help your new employees
in the precise places they’re getting stuck… Only it’s a computer that can
be everywhere at once — and tailor the feedback more precisely than any

It’s an idea that has VCs thrilled. They just recently raised $3 million in a
“pre-series A” funding round and big, fast-growing companies are signing
up in droves. Look at some of those logos they can tout:
While they’ve seen a huge boom recently because companies have been
forced into remote work because of the pandemic almost every business in
the world could benefit from being able to onboard and train employees

Meaning HowNow could be on the cusp of tens of billions of dollars in

enterprise level sales in no time.

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend for profit right now.

For freelancers...
I say this with all-do respect to the designers and web developers that work
at HowNow…

But the site sucks. Real bad.

And by “sucks” — I mean they’re only communicating a fraction of the

potential benefits you can get by using their software.
In fact, when I was first clicking around it, I struggled to understand what
they do!

And the truth is, if they want to really scale up, they’re going to need to
make it instantly clear what they bring to the table.

If my experience in selling $50+ million in products online has taught me

anything, it’s that they need a good ol’ fashioned VSL.

Not one like I would write for Agora or one of our agency’s supplement

But one that communicates the true value and cost savings of using their
tool. One that shows you what it looks like on the inside of the platform!

Imagine if they created a short 10-minute video titled, “How We Turn

Onboarding From A Costly, Slow and Painful Process Into The Most FUN,
MEMORABLE and PROFITABLE Part of Your Business.”

In the video, you could tell the stories of 5 office workers who ramp up
from brand new hire to settled-in worker in a few weeks time. Drill into
common pain points of onboarding that are completely eliminated with
their tool. They could compare their platform to other options and show
you how they work with you to build the first iteration and then have you
book a free demo call.

HowNow you want to just send me my check now?

This kind of video would dramatically boost the number of people who
(1) understand what this service is and (2) ultimately buy it.

For a video, you could crank out the script in 2 weeks TOPS.

And since they’re sitting fat-cat-VC funding, you could easily charge
$15k-$30k to do it.

Throw in some email follow up funnels on top of that and ad copy/funnel

design, and you’re easily looking at $50k payday.

Honestly, I almost didn’t even put this opportunity in this email because I
wanted to do it myself!

But if you want to get a piece of the next big enterprise software before
they’re huge, I definitely recommend you give it a go.

Of all the industries I thought we’d highlight in these reports, I never
thought diapers would be one of them.

But diapers are big business. According to MarketWatch, baby diapers is a

$40+ billion industry and growing every year (as the population continues
to grow).

And for decades the industry has been monopolized by two big players,
Proctor & Gamble’s Pampers and Kimberly Clark’s Huggies. They were
responsible for a combined 82% of diaper industry sales

Which means for every $1 billion in baby diaper sales, $820 million of it
was going to one of these two juggernauts.


But it’s changing.

After having a nearly 50 year strangle-hold on the diaper industry, some

smaller, more nimble and modern companies are coming in and disrupting
the industry with safer, more organic and leak-free options.

Meet Sposie, one of the leading diaper disruptors.

Started in 2016, they’ve quickly gained thousands of glowing 5-star

reviews and tens of thousands of customers on Amazon.

Fun fact: They’re actually the #1 seller in the entire diaper liner category,
beating out Huggies and Pampers.
And with more people choosing to shop from home in the wake of the
pandemic and store closures, they’ve experienced a nearly 2x increase in
search volume over the past few months.

Which means they are turning into formidable opponents for the two
monopolies in this space. And if they continue to carve out a big piece of
this industry, they stand to make BILLIONS every year.

Here’s how I recommend you play this trend for big profits.

For freelancers:

Sposie is K-I-L-L-I-N-G it on Amazon. And yes, that emphasis is required.

Because reviews are pouring in daily. They’re running ads on keywords.

And they’re holding down the top spot in the diaper section solidly.

But when it comes to their own online store...things are not so pretty.

The checkout process is clunky AF. They have no visible opt-ins on the
site. I added the product to my cart and never got a cart abandon email.

And then there’s the most egregious mistake of all… See if you can spot it:
They don’t give you the option to get a subscription to their product!

“Why’s that such a big deal Rob?”

Because one does not simply buy diapers. You buy diapers ALL THE
FREAKING TIME when you have a baby and a subscription isn’t nice to
have. It’s a necessity.

So the product shows up without you having to constantly reorder.


Someone go get this client and hook them up with all the flows, make
$10k and possibly sign them for ongoing work.
Here’s the exact person to reach out to.



Drama alert that could result in big profits!

But first, what’s Reehut?

They’re a top-rated brand of fitness product sold exclusively through


They’re most famous products include a Yoga Wheel, Muscle Roller

Massage Stick, and Durable Ankle/Wrist Weights.
Each of these products has tens of thousands of reviews and hundreds of
thousands of customers who love them.

And new products they’ve released have gotten quick traction because
customers have started to know, like and trust the brand.

There’s just one problem…

The partners are involved in a huge trademark dispute around who owns
the brand name and patents. The most recent lawsuit even involved the
recently deceased basketball legend Kobe Bryant’s company, Kobe Inc,
who had a similar competing product available for sale.

And the future is unclear.

The partners even recently split ways.

All the while, the products have kept selling and selling which means
there’s a lot of money to be made.

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend for profits.

For savvy entrepreneurs:

Knock them off and do it better.

All of their top selling products are available on Aliexpress for

dropshipping and whitelabeling.

You could start a totally new brand with their top 3 best sellers.

And through a combination of paid Facebook ads and content marketing

you could be up to 50 sales a day in no time.


Here’s what I would do to get started.

Create a couple blog posts to rank for keywords related to Reehut. Things
such as “reehut yoga wheel reviews,” “reehut yoga wheel - is it worth it,” and
“discount on reehut yoga wheel.”

People are searching for terms like this every day. But because the company
is involved in a brand name dispute the only site ranking for these terms is
Amazon, where the product is sold.

Which means you could write posts that slam Reehut and pitch your
brand of Yoga and Fitness supplies instead. And you could start ranking
and then picking up sales quickly.

With tens of thousands of searches per month, you could be making 3-5
sales from organic traffic in no time.

Combine that with Facebook ads that drive people to your own store
(instead of Amazon) and you could intelligently build a much bigger
brand than Reehut in no time.

And because you know emails and email funnels, you would have an
extreme advantage of turning every customer into return profits again and

Give this kind of business 2-3 years of steady effort and growth, and it
wouldn’t surprise me if you were able to sell the business for 7-8 figures.

It’s a huge undertaking and not for the faint of heart but doing this could
result in a huge payday.

Now’s the time to strike … while this big leader in the space is drowning in
Freelance quote of the week

“Build a business that gives you more free time as you


I’ve spent a lot of time over the past week thinking about this quote. More
specifically, I’ve been thinking about ways my business partner and I can
create more free time in our business the more clients we sign.

And the only way to do that is through systems.

Over the past year, we’ve worked hard to dial in our process so that we can
sign a client and predictably earn a certain amount of income.

Currently, we’re closing 100% of clients that go through this process.

Which is kind of unreal and great for our bottom line.

But now we’re thinking about ways we can more efficiently fulfill our
services. So that it is less work the more people we work with.

Is that really possible in a service based industry?

Maybe. We’ve been auditing our process and really breaking down
everything into the simplest action steps. So that we can hand off work to
others and do the work faster.

If you’re a freelancer, I would highly encourage you to go through this

exercise. Ask what you could do to your business to make signing new
clients create less work for you?

Is it hiring some people? Is it templatizing parts of your process? Is it

sitting down and listing out all the steps you do to write something so that
you can eliminate the guesswork and never miss a step?

Is it cutting some things you do all together?

Figuring this out can lead to huge wins.

No. 15
Hello and welcome to the fifteenth tip in The Book of Copy & Client

In this roundup, we’re exploring some extremely lucrative opportunities,

● A “bad idea” turned into a potentially lucrative opportunity …
that’s revolutionizing the alcohol consumption market
● An Amazon-backed competitor to Tesla… that just might win the
billion dollar race for electric car domination. It could be a 6-figure
consulting gig for the right freelancer
● A company targeting an extremely passionate group of buyers —
with a lot of low hanging deliverables you could fulfill and make
● And much, much more!

Ready to profit?
Exploding trends

Scotch Pods

Ever find yourself craving a little shot of Scotch… but hate the idea of
lugging around a flask all day? Or maybe… sneaking a shot in your
morning coffee mug simply won’t cut it for you any more?

Meet Scotch Pods. Biodegradable pods loaded with Scotch that you pop
into your mouth.

Yes. I’m serious — This is a thing.

Although, I am kidding about the reasons you might want it… I hope :)

First unveiled to the world in late 2019, Scotch Pods were immediately
labeled a horrible idea. Whiskey connoisseurs turned their noses in
disgust. YUUCK!

While casual drinkers wondered, “Why would you want to enjoy a shot in
this way?”

And pretty much every major news outlet mocked the idea as “stupid.”

It appeared to die out faster than it came on the scene…

That was until recently…

It looks like there was another surge in demand due to Father’s Day.

A small blog posted about it as a good gift idea for dads.

And pretty soon, thousands of people were searching out where to buy
these things in time for Father’s Day.

There was just one problem…


Here’s a quick business lesson: Any time people are searching out a
solution and willing to pay money for it, there’s profit to be made by
stepping in and taking action.
Here’s how I recommend playing this trend for profit right now.

For savvy entrepreneurs…

It seems the most viable way for a “Scotch Pod” business to exist is to
market it as a gift for Dads...For Christmas… For birthdays...

Regular drinkers simply hate the idea of buying their Scotch this way. And
connoisseurs … don’t even get them started.

But, as a cute little gift, who wouldn’t want that?

So go build it.

Turns out, there’s a company that makes edible pods, which you could fill
up with scotch and sell as a gift.
You could partner with a local Whiskey maker, have them focus on the
manufacturing and logistics, while you focus on generating the customers
through funnels online.

I bet you could easily get 100 customers in a weekend and be on your way
to a thousand or so customers by Christmas (when you’d likely see your
next big surge in orders).

Warning: A business like this is it would be HIGHLY seasonal, but it

could also be HIGHLY profitable.

Another option: If you didn’t want to deal with all the legal restrictions
around alcohol sales, just fill the pods with cocktail mixers. Brand it as
“The Perfect Gift for Dad - Pair with a Bottle of Scotch and he’ll have 8
custom made cocktails any time he wants.”
Your promise would be: “Just simply drop the pods in a glass, add scotch
and whallah, get dad’s love.”

Either of these could be a 6-figure business in no-time for the ambitious,

scotch-loving entrepreneur.


As a huge Elon Musk and Tesla fan, am I a traitor for sharing this?

No, I’m just a truth teller.

And the numbers don’t lie.

Consumers are very interested in the new electric vehicle manufacturer,

“Rob, aren’t electric cars so 2008? Why are you talking about this?”

“Well, name, yes they are, but Rivian doesn’t plan to make just another
electric car. They have plans to make the most affordable electric trucks
and electric SUVs in the market.”

And if they have their say, they just might beat Tesla to the market and
undercut them by tens of thousands of dollars.

Okay, I guess now I should also mention, Rivian is backed by Amazon.

So it’s a little Bezos vs Musk battle royal.

Sorry Elon, your Cybertruck looks awesome, but you might not be the
first one here… by a long shot.
Rivian is not just taking preorders, but they’re fulfilling orders for their
Trucks and SUVs in small batches, too.

Score 1-0 Bezos.

Will Musk make a comeback?

If Rivian wins, it won’t just mean getting a headstart. It could also mean
unlocking billions in potential profits…And it might be game over.

For the right freelancer, there are potentially HUGE amounts of income
to be made.

Here’s how I recommend you play this trend for big profits.

For freelancers:
In 2000, nobody would have believed that purchasing a car online would
be a thing people did.

But oh how things have changed in 20 years.

Today, a huge portion of Tesla’s sales come from people going to their site
— not their stores!

In fact, of the 140,000 Tesla Model 3s sold in 2018, 110,000 of them

(78%!!) were sold online.
It’s a shocking number for sure. But as consumers have gotten more
accustomed to buying things online, even $30,000+ purchases are on the
table now.

What does this have to do with Rivian? And how can you profit from it?

Well, I expect a huge portion of Rivian’s potential customers will expect a

similar type of buying experience online.

And that means you need a master funnel architect… A great email
marketer … And a rock solid copywriter looking at every piece of your
checkout process and flow.

In other words, you, NAME.

And because you’d bring a unique set of marketing chops to this

engineering and tech-first company, they would probably be blown away
by you sharing even a fraction of what you know about online sales with

I’ve seen this happen time and time again: Big company meets scrappy
marketer and, boom, their sales blow up.

If you’re into that kind of idea (it’ll probably turn into a long-term
consulting gig or in-house role), here’s the person to reach out to.
Expect nothing less than a 6-figure payday.


If there’s one thing I love more than writing a piece of polished copy, it’s
getting the chance to write that copy to an INSANE passionate audience.

In fact, if you look at my agency, NICHE is virtually the only type of client
we work with.

There’s a couple reasons for this:

1. Writing to a passionate audience makes your job as a writer and

marketer much, much easier. You don’t have to focus on talking to
everyone. You can focus DEEPLY on your core buyers need, wants
and desires and ignore everything else)
2. It’s fun! I love hanging out in different communities, learning their
quirks and finding hidden frustrations they would only tell to their
closest friends. And then communicate those ideas back to them so
purely (in their own language) that they think you are the first
person who TRULY understands them so they buy/sign up/take
action and droves. Sometimes, I’ll hang out in forums under a
different name just to learn more about my audience. For example,
we have a client that sells a thyroid program and I, as Sarah Allen
with Thyroid disease, participated in tons of raw, real conversations
about what it’s like to live with thyroid disease. Some of the insights
I gleaned helped my business partner and I write a page that the
client got and said within 30 minutes of seeing it, “I LOVE IT!” and
no edits.

That’s why I got excited when I saw the search volume for Sanabul
shooting off the charts.

Sanabul is a gear and clothing creator for Brazillian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) students
and they’re growing rapidly.

Launched on Amazon, their top-selling product has over 2,200+ reviews

and is the #1 seller in the martial arts category.
But as they’ve picked up tens of thousands of customers on Amazon,
people have started to Google their brand — in droves.

That’s why they launched their own store late last year and it’s quickly
gotten traction, too.

With all 10 of their top products approaching 200 reviews on their store, I
bet they’re easily grossing over $20k/month on their own store and
another $100k+/month on Amazon.

So the products are selling.

Plus, I checked their ads manager on Facebook and they’ve even started
running ads to the store.
That means growth is a priority.

When you combine a good product suite with a passionate audience of

hungry buyers and a team that wants to grow, good things happen.

And for the right freelancer this could turn into a very lucrative payday.

Here’s how I recommend playing the spike this company has seen for

For freelancers…
This one is pretty straight forward. Sanabul is a small team that could
really use a smart email marketer and copywriter to help them grow.

I recommend going straight to the top with these guy and pitching the

Here he is on LinkedIn.

You could pitch them on a total email package — do all their post
purchase flows, welcome series + cart abandon refresh, and manage their
whole email calendar for the full year and easily charge $10K-$60k,
depending on how big of a package they sign you for.
Freelance tip of the week

I’ve been sworn to secrecy on revealing his identity but one of the best
marketers I’ve ever worked with has a secret identity on Twitter. And he’s
been posting some content that he could honestly charge for.

Here’s a thread that’s worth more than some $2,000 courses out there.
Read it and send me some of your takeaways. I’d love to discuss it with you
in more detail.

No. 16
Hello and welcome to the sixteenth tip in The Book of Copy & Client

In this roundup, we’re exploring some extremely lucrative opportunities,

● The destructive power of Amazon for certain types of brands … and
how you could turn it into a very lucrative payday
● A sales software that ironically needs help with their sales funnels…
Take my exact idea and pitch them on a $10k-$20k project. (It’s
virtually guaranteed to beat their control)
● Client red flags to avoid at all costs

● And much, much more

Ready to profit?

Exploding trends


I don’t know how many times we have to watch this story play out .

But it’s becoming so predictable and so infuriating for marketers like me

and you, name, that we might just have to create a playbook and
conference on it.

In the meantime, we’ll just have to settle for gobbling them up as clients
(as my agency has done time and time again and now you can, too).

What story am I talking about?

The one where brands launch on Amazon, watch their sales blow up, and
then discover a really important part of building a business is owning the
data on your customers.

Amazon has a powerful pitch for upstart brands:

“We’ll put you in front of some of the most lucrative buyers on the planet,
handle your entire store design (and even optimize it) and ship your
products for you (after you send them to our warehouses). So all you have to
do is have an idea, create a listing and watch your bank account grow.”

Sounds pretty enticing right?

But it comes at enormous cost. Those are never really your customers.
Their Amazon’s. You’ll never know the customer's name, email, or address
when they buy from you.

All you’ll see is “Order Processed.”

So following up with those customers and selling them more stuff is

impossible for you to control.

In other words, it’s up to Amazon (not you!) to encourage your customers

to buy again.

Which isn’t the worst scenario in the world.

But there’s another catch.

Amazon is willing to play dirty, too.

How so?

Well, if they notice a brand starts to take off and move a lot of units, they’ll
knock off your idea, make their own and give it more prominent
placement in their storefront. This has happened over 200 times.

Take batteries for example: We all know the top brands are Energizer and

Listing on Amazon might have seemed like a good deal for these huge
brands, right? It’s more convenient to buy batteries online… that’s where
the buyers are… and you don’t have to keep track of inventory in
thousands of different retail stores (just a couple core warehouses).

So both brands listed their products on Amazon, moved a ton of units,

and thought they’d made a great choice, but hold on a second.

Energizer might not have been able to see their customers but Amazon

And when they did, they created their own brand of batteries, gave it more
prominent placement in their store, and below is the result.
Search batteries on Amazon and it’s brutal look at the destructive powers
Amazon can have on even the most recognizable brands in the world.

Energizer, the leader in batteries, has just 13,441 verified customer reviews
and shows up as the 3rd result on the page.

Amazon’s batteries have over 57,000 and 52,000 reviews separately, lock
down the number one spot, are cheaper and get the most prominent

What impact does this have on their bottom line?

Well, for brands like Energizer, their earnings have been in freefall over the
past few years.

But for Amazon, it’s turned into a $100 million+ per year business
segment. And growing.

The battery story is extreme but it’s not all that rare — it’s actually the
norm for Amazon-first businesses.

They’ve done this in markets ranging from clothing to food to laundry


And with Amazon’s resources there’s no market that’s out of reach.

Which is why almost every Amazon-first company comes to the same

crossroad: Amazon catapults their sales, but then they can’t continue to
grow unless they own their own channel because too much growth makes
Amazon enter the game…

… And it’s game over quickly.

This is the crossroad the surging brand Zomake has reached. Their hiking
backpacks have a cult-like following and tens of thousands of customers.

They’re the leader in hiking backpacks. And as consumers are turning

more towards isolated activities like hiking for exercise in the wake of the
pandemic, their sales and search volume have surged.

There’s just one problem…

They have zero presence online outside of Amazon.

This is bad news for them and if things don’t change, I can predict the

Can you name?

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend for profit right now.

For freelancers and savvy entrepreneurs…

Help the founder launch their own store and scale it.

Here’s what I would do to get started.

1. Build the online store
2. Put product inserts in every Amazon order that tells customers to
“go here to claim your free gift!” and direct them to a URL for your
3. On that URL giveaway a free bracelet or T-Shirt for the ZOMAKE
brand. Have the customer just cover the shipping cost to get the free
item to them. And wallah — you are siphoning off the customers
from Amazon to your own store
4. From there, create a couple blog posts to rank for keywords related
to Zomake. Things such as “zomake reviews,” “zomake vs (OTHER
BACKPACK BRAND)” and “discount on Zomake” People are
searching for terms like this every day. But instead of going to
Amazon, they’ll come to you. And you’ll own the customer data.
With thousands of searches per month, you could be making 20-30
sales/month from organic traffic in no time. Combine that with
Facebook ads and retargeting that drive people to your own store
(instead of Amazon) and you could have a 6 figure online store in no
5. Layer in email funnels and seasonal promotions, and you’d be on a
path to creating a 7 or 8 figure brand in 2-3 years. It’s a huge
undertaking and not for the faint of heart but doing this could result
in a huge payday. You could even get an equity stake in a deal like
this if you partner with a brand that has NOTHING (like


Beautural’s story is eerily similar to Zomake’s.

It’s a handheld steamer that removes wrinkles from clothes.

They’re also a #1 best seller with tens of thousands of customers … and
thousands of searches per month.

And zero presence online — other than their Amazon listing.


For freelancers:
The same playbook for ZOMAKE applies. How do you know which you
should do? Whichever idea you’re more innately passionate about.

… Or, if you’re like my business partner and I, take on both at the same
time (although we’re focused on doing this with health and supplement
companies — not brands in this niche).

Here’s the company and team to reach out to (the holding company is
called 1byone Products).

Oh, the irony.

A sales software for sales people needs help with their own sales processes?

….How does that make sense?

Brutal truth: Sometimes, the thing we’re experts in is our own biggest

For example, there are a lot of doctors who know exactly what to eat and
do to get in incredible shape… but when it comes to their own bodies, they
could stand to lose 20, 30, or even 50lbs.

Does this mean the doctor doesn’t know what she’s talking about?
Of course not!

There’s just a big difference between knowing something and practicing it

in your own life.

This is the situation that the startup, SalesRabbit, finds itself in.

They are a leading developer of software services for door-to-door and

field sales teams.

They help salespeople by cutting down on the need for paperwork,

managing appointments, tracking leads, getting credit approvals and
processing payments all from one-easy-to-use app.

One sales rep said, “I can’t imagine life without SalesRabbbit.”

And they’ve already been able to get in the door with companies like
AT&T, Dish, SONY and more.

But when it comes to their own sales funnels and scaling their offer to
colder audiences, they need help all around.

Emails, sales pages, webinars, and more.

It all needs work.

If you want a piece of the $3.6 million in VC money they just pocketed,
here’s what I recommend you do.

For freelancers…

To some of you, I probably sound like a broken record at this point but
the place you could help them generate the quickest results is …

CAN YOU GUESS? (Try to before scrolling).




Yeah, I’ve considered changing my name to Rob ❤️’s Email Allen because
I love email so much.
And when it comes to email, they have a ton of room to grow. Starting
with how you even get on their list!

For the longest time, I could even figure out how to give them my email.
Then I found out I had to start chatting with this little “Rabbot” on their
site and request a “non-human video.”
Not super intuitive or good for conversion.
But not the worst thing in the world. Maybe the email follow up was

NO IT’S AWFUL! Look at this email:

What about the video?
Sadly it was just as bad.

It was one of those standardized (I bet expensive AF) videos that doesn’t
check any of the core boxes marketers like us know need to be there to
drive sales.

Which is probably why they are not running ads at the moment and only
1,205 people have seen the video in the 2 years it’s been published.



Which brings me to my recommendation #2 - they need a webinar.

Imagine if they had a webinar running called, “ATTENTION FIELD

SALES PEOPLE: Discover How To TRIPLE Your Commissions Next
Month - Without Cold-Calling, Managing Your Leads, or Increasing Your
Staff … AND By Doing Less Paperwork Than You Ever Have.”

You’d have salespeople signing up for that training in droves. And have
them begging their organizations to get this software in place.

Combine that kind of webinar with real, strategic email follow up and
now we’re talking!
Someone go do this. It’s outside my core focus at the moment but you
could easily make $10k-$20k for the webinar script, emails and ad copy.

Here’s the person to reach out to.

Freelance tip of the week: AVOID THESE RED FLAGS

It’s been a busy few weeks for my agency. We’ve been onboarding new
clients left and right, closing out projects, hiring writers, scaling up ads,
launching new products, having discovery calls and...


That’s right — the guy who literally has a course on getting clients spends
a good portion of time actually turning away clients.

Sometimes, prospects just are not a fit for my agency or a project we’re
interested in pursuing. In which case, I’m happy to refer it away to
someone else (or one of my students as I’ve done several times).

But other times, it’s that we’re getting the heck out dodge and avoiding
what my business partner and I know will be a HORRIBLE CLIENT.

Over the years, we’ve built up a list of some RED FLAGS for potential
clients — these are phrases and actions that potential clients display that
you as a freelancer need to avoid at all cost.
Below I’ve outlined a couple of them — But I could probably turn the full
list into a course of its own!

Because sometimes, avoiding terrible clients is just as important as signing

good ones. And trust me, there’s nothing more exhausting, soul-sucking
and infuriating than a terrible client.

So avoid these red flags:

1. If a potential client doesn’t have at least two of the following —
Timeline, Audience, Offer — RUN. When I first started freelancing,
I would take any client I could get. It didn’t matter if it was my dad’s
best friend trying to get his failing ebay business off the ground, I
would do it (and yes that’s a real example). But over time, I’ve
learned that all projects need a couple core variables to work.W
Without them, you’re doomed to fail before you even start. That’s
why my business partner and I say you must have two of these three
for a project to work — Timeline, Audience, or Offer. You can have
two in any combination but if you’re missing all 3, STAY AWAY. For
example, if the client has an audience and a timeline, you can help
them create the offer and still be successful. Same goes for an offer
and an audience. If they have those things, you can work with them
to create a timeline for the project that makes sense. If they have a
timeline and offer, you can even go find an audience for them on
Facebook, with affiliates, through ad networks! But if they are
missing all three, it will always be a disaster. You simply cannot be
the one charged with creating the timeline, offer and audience. You
know what that’s called — starting a whole new business!

And unless you’re getting a 50+% stake in a company, it never makes

sense to take on projects without at least 2 of those 3 variables.
2. If the client says “I’m talking to another writer,” stay far, far away.
There’s nothing that makes my blood boil faster than hearing a
potential client say those words on a call. Because (1) my business
partner and I are not “writers.” “Writers” don’t take an idea for a
product and turn it into a $6.3 million launch in 3 weeks. “Writers”
don’t partner with a brand and increase their sales year-over-year
14,245%. “Writers” don’t survey your customers, rename your
product and sell it out within 48 hours. In other words, we’re not
just “writers” so I have a strong aversion to being categorized that
way on calls. But also (2), it’s a horrible, cheap negotiation tactic that
potential clients use to create false leverage. NOTE: There’s nothing
wrong with clients having conversations with other marketing
teams/copywriters. They should! But every time, we’ve talked to a
prospect and they use this line, they turned out to be wanting the
cheapest writer, not the best. Avoid clients who use this phrase at all
3. If a client shows signs that they don’t respect your time or schedule,
GET THE F*CK OUT NOW. One of the reasons I chose to quit a
high 6-figure job and start my own business was because I wanted to
work on my own terms. Sometimes that means putting in 80 hours
weeks because I’m in flow. But other times, I take an entire day off
just because I want to think or chill. In our agency, my business
partner and I don’t “report” to anyone. And if a client shows signs
that they don’t respect our time or boundaries or want us to clock in
40 hour weeks more than they want to see results, we avoid them at
all costs. Because we’re not their employees. And if they’re looking
for someone to follow-up on an email they sent 22 minutes ago,
we’re not the best fit. One time, we had a prospect reach out and
book 3 separate times on our calendar, which I thought was odd. But
we jumped on the call anyway, only to find out it was not. Who
schedules 3 calls back to back calls on some else's calendar? RED
FLAG ALERT. After the call, I followed up and told him we weren’t
the best fit at this time. And guess what happened? He followed up 3
times that same day — even called my personal cell demanding that
I call back! Talk about bullet dogged! Same goes for clients that
cancel on you last minute or ask if you can chat the same day. There’s
just a level of respect you have to get if you’re going to be working
together (and getting paid what you deserve).
4. If the client says the words … [[[[Woah!!! — INTERRUPTING
THIS BROADCAST!!! — This email was getting long - almost
3,000 words!


No. 17
Hello and welcome to the seventeenth tip in The Book of Copy & Client

In this roundup, we’re exploring some extremely lucrative opportunities,

● A surfer-backed superfood that’s making a big splash with their ads
but wiping out when it comes to email profits (warning: that’s just a
tastes of the puns to come)
● A twist on an email trend that Silicon Valley can’t stop blabbering
about (that you could use to start a 5-6 figure business in 12-18
● The remaining 5 client red flags
● And much, much more…

Ready to profit?

Exploding trends

Laird Superfood
Q: What do you get when you combine:
● One of the world’s most addictive, legal substances
● A huge health trend
● Ultra-convenience
● And loads of good-for-you ingredients?
A: A very profitable and explosively growing company: Laird Superfood.

Founded by the legendary big-wave surfer, Laird Hamilton, Laird

Superfood sells a collection of nootropic coffees, mushroom beverages and
keto creamers.

Their top-selling product, the Superfood Creamer, has over 1k verified

customer reviews.

And they’ve been blowing up recently. How do I know? I keep getting

served their ads! EVERYWHERE I TURN.

After one visit to their site, you’ll see what I mean.


But as much as Mr. Laird’s product and ad game might look like this…

His email game looks like this…

In other words, it’s weak AF.

Here’s how I would turn this awesome brand into a profit opportunity for

For freelancers…

The list of things wrong with their emails is so long that I’ll just give you a
glimpse, starting at the top:
1. I tried to opt in on their site and never got a follow up email.
HMMMM. Repeat after me: “Can’t make email profit if you don’t
email!” Duh. Fix that.
2. WHERE ARE THE PROMOS?!?. I was on the list all weekend and
didn’t get even one 4th of July sale email. This is a BIG MISTAKE.
In the health and fitness world, July 4th is a big holiday. For example,
for our clients in our agency, we had some that more than doubled
their sales through the first 4 days of July over the previous 30 days.
With a brand of this size, I’d guess they probably missed out on over
$100k this weekend. Maybe more.
3x because it’s that important. They have 1 huge best-seller (the
coconut creamer) but some of their newer products - like the
mushroom coffee and the hydration water - are taking off just as fast
… with hundreds of new reviews in months. Any time you have an
ecosystem of products that are taking off like that it’s key to
introduce customers from one of your best sellers to another best
seller. This is called a cross-sell and it’s one of the most profitable
things you can do in a business. One series of cross-sell emails that I
wrote for a client contributed to an additional $3million of revenue
in 1 year. Just from a couple emails! They are not doing this right
now, but they should definitely be.
4. Then there’s cart abandons, restocks, content.

Really their whole email game needs to be leveled up.

Someone go help them before they drown :)

Here’s the person to connect to.

I always laugh when seemingly basic business models from the marketing
world stun Silicon Valley VCs and put them into a child-like state of
For example, you and I know online courses were “a thing” for decades
before companies like Teachable and Masterclass entered the scene.

But after they dressed up the tech and brought in some more notable
instructors, suddenly you had a line of investors from Silicon Valley to
Wall Street begging to put money into these ideas.

“Wait - you can create a digital course and charge for it? PLEASE TAKE

Yeah, bro, we’ve been saying that for years.

The same path is starting to happen with newsletters — thanks to an

upstart named Substack.

Substack has one of the most basic business models I’ve ever heard of.
Here’s the gist of it:
● They help writers quickly stand up landing pages and opt ins for
their newsletters
● They provide the sending tools of an email service like Mailchimp
● And they allow writers to charge a subscription fee for their
● But how do they make money? By taking a 10% cut of revenue (in
addition to Stripe’s transaction fee for payments)
In other words, it’s an all-in-one email tool that gives writers the option to
charge a subscription fee.

My take: It’s nothing all that revolutionary.

But, as with courses, if you take a basic idea from the marketing world and
give it a new look, many times Silicon Valley can’t get enough.

And that’s exactly what’s happened.

Recently, Substack received a $15.3 million investment from Andreessen

Horowitz’s a16z fun.

Let me say that again: $15 MILLION FOR PAID EMAIL


I really need to increase the price of this newsletter :)

Jk. But in truth, some big name writers and publishers have joined the
platform as of late.

And if what happened with courses is about to happen to paid email

newsletters, get ready for a big surging trend for years.

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend for profit right now.

For freelancers and savvy entrepreneurs…

There’s two ways to play this one. Both could be equally lucrative.
1. You could start your own Substack. If you’re a copywriter reading
this, you absolutely should consider publishing more and charging
for your work. You could write about whatever topics most interest
you, put them into a short weekly report (like the one you’re reading
) and over time it can really start to add up. For me, I’m a weirdo
who loves copywriting and client ideas more than anything so that’s
what I choose to write about. But you know what!? I wasn’t alone.
We have hundreds of readers in this one little newsletter (that I
barely promote online). You probably have a similar thing inside of
you that you could write about. People have started successful
Substacks talking about design, cooking, video games, web
development, hot sauce (!) - virtually anything. The key is to have an
irrational passion for it. Get 100 people paying you $10/month and
that’s $12k per year. Get 1,000 and that’s $120k per year. It’s more
than possible.
2. The second play here is to help other people launch their own
Substacks. You can do the writing and the setup — and take a share
of the profits. Just like you would help someone launch an online
course. The same playbook applies. Only it typically requires a lot
less marketing chops to get someone to sign up for a $5-$99/month
newsletter than a $2k course. So you could probably get hundreds of
subscribers pretty quick. Do this for the right creators and it could
turn into a very lucrative venture for you
Freelance tip of the week: AVOID THESE RED FLAGS
In the last round up of tips, I shared 3 of the biggest client red flags to
avoid and you guys LOVED IT.

So we’ll pick back up with the rest here.

4. If the client says the words, “I just want this done quick,” HANG UP
and block their number. Why? Quick rarely means best. And it definitely
doesn’t mean they value you as an expert. I’ve learned that if the client’s
number one priority is speed, you should stay far, far away. That’s because
clients will almost always care more about speed (and as a corollary price)
than quality and performance. Which means you’ll be under the gun to do
cheap work — and fast. If clients say this, here’s the perfect response: “You
know - They have a site for what you’re looking for? IT’S CALLED

5. If a client normally responds to your emails quickly and then goes dead
silent when you send the invoice, get paid and then stay far, far away. After
sending hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of invoices through the
years, I’ve learned a thing or two about clients that won’t pay. And the
biggest lesson is to stay far, far away from them. Because they never
change. If anything they get worse with time! For example, one time we
had a client that kept dodging us after we sent an invoice. My business
partner and I couldn’t understand — We did good work and they even
said they loved it! But the second that invoice hit their inbox, it was like we
were emailing into an abandoned inbox. Then, I got them featured in a
major publication and wallah — they suddenly responded! Hmm, I
wonder why? Then, we got on the phone with them, they explained the
issue and paid that invoice about 20 days late. With the invoice paid, we
were supposed to start on the next phase of the project. But both my
business partner and I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off.
We proceeded anyway — when we definitely shouldn’t have. We ended up
getting cheated out of over $8k worth of work and just had to swallow the
loss. The worst part is, WE KNEW IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN.
Based on their actions with previous invoices. Don’t be like me. Get out
before it’s too late.

6. If a client has more projects going on than they have fingers to count
them on, AVOID THEM. Working with busy clients is a good thing. But
what you do not want is a client with the attention span of a bumblebee
— bouncing around from idea to idea before anything ever gets traction.
The fact is, starting things is easy. All you have to do in a lot of cases is have
the idea. But growing things and scaling them to a meaningful level is
really hard. Anytime we’ve ever run into clients with way too many things
going on, they’re horrible clients. Because if they're bouncing around,
while you’re trying to focus on scaling one thing up at a time, they’ll either
(1) accuse you of moving too slow or (2) not even notice the impact you’re
having because they’re bopping around like a kid on a trampoline. Just
stay away from these bumblebee lunatics.

7. If they tell you horror stories about OTHER freelancers or agencies,

proceed with caution. Sometimes, clients work with our agency and find it
a breath of fresh air. One of the most common things we hear is “We don’t
have to do anything. The marketing just runs itself!” Which is what we
want them to say. And eventually they’ll tell us horror stories about other
agencies they’ve worked with before. But when you’re just starting the
relationship, they shouldn’t be talking about all the bad things other
freelancers have done for them. Why? Because it’s a signal that you (as a
fellow freelancer) are already in the hole and have to dig yourself out by
proving them wrong. Clients shouldn’t drag that kind of baggage into
your relationship. It’s kind of like going on a date and the person ONLY
talking about how bad their ex was. It’s like “Okay… But I’m sitting right
here and I want to make this work!?” Avoid the bagage and just work with
people who can move on.

8. If the client wants you to check in daily, tell them to hire a W-2
employee instead. Overbearing clients are the worst. There are strategies
you can use to keep all clients feeling in-the-loop and heard. But if you
find that they’re asking for “check ins” too often, it might be a sign to stay
away. Besides, if they truly respected you as a fellow business owner, they
would not do that.

9. If a client admits to doing questionable things to get business, don’t

work with them. This one is pretty self-explanatory. But if they're not
ethical in their business, how do you think they’ll treat you? We once had
a prospect admit to buying fake traffic to his site so that he could raise the
rate he charged advertisers and laughed! He thought it was funny to rip
people off. So we hung up and never answered another call from him
No. 18
Hello and welcome to the eighteenth round up of tips in The Book of Copy
& Client Secrets.

In this one, we’re exploring some extremely lucrative opportunities,

● A subtle twist on one of the hottest trends in natural health that
could easily turn into a 7 or 8-figure supplement campaign (it did for
me last time)
● A new diet that’s so easy to do and easy to write for that a caveman
could do it (in fact, I think many did eat this way)
● When Broadway shows shut down, this is how they pivot (and how
you can claim a piece of the profits)
● What to do when clients say, “Can you lower your prices?”
● And much, much more…

Ready to profit?

Exploding trends

Vegan Collagen

Few supplements mean more to me than collagen.

“Why?” you may wonder.

Do I just love the idea of gulping down bone dust in a cup?

No - NAME - that is NOT the reason.

The reason is because collagen was the ingredient behind my first-ever

8-figure supplement funnel…

… And it subsequently gave my agency a *somewhat* legendary name in

the supplement industry.

Many conversations go like this: “Oh you’re the people behind THAT
funnel?! Can you talk today?”

Some of the secrets and strategies behind that funnel, I’ll probably never
reveal (sorry, some secrets must go to the grave).

While others I’ve talked about publicly on podcasts and in my freelance

copywriting course.

But the biggest factor behind the success was…

(See if you can guess before scrolling)

Being in on the trend early!
When I started working on the collagen funnel, collagen was JUST
starting to pick up traction in natural health circles.

And there’s simply no beating the advantage of having a product people

want, first, before a big trend explodes.

I’ll admit it: A huge portion of the success of that funnel was definitely
luck and timing.

Today, it’s hard to throw a stone down a supplement aisle without hitting
10 “collagen” powders, pills or creams.

So you might think the opportunity is dead.

But you’d be wrong.

Because there’s an important next step in the evolution of every great offer
that’s happening now...And it could lead to results just as big as the first
wave of collagen.

Interrupting your broadcast to share a quick copywriting lesson:

The key to writing explosive, record-breaking promotions is to uncover

and present new big ideas to the marketplace.

In plain english, a big idea is a marketing message that immediately

captures the attention of your target customers and presents both the
problem and the solution in a totally new way.

An example of a big idea is The Keto Diet. For decades, people believed
that the solution to losing weight was to cut out fatty foods and count
calories religiously.

But The Keto Diet presented a totally new problem and solution. It said
the problem wasn’t that people were eating too much fatty food or even
too much food at all. It was just that they were eating too many carbs. The
body was instead designed to run on fats. And if you gave it more fats,
while cutting carbs, you could basically eat as much bacon, steak and eggs
as your heart desired … and still lose weight.

It was a revolutionary idea (at the time). And the first weightloss
companies to market it, blew up overnight.
This is Phase 1 of any big idea and .

But once the ideas spreads so far and so many people are exposed to it, the
marketing will eventually stop working.

Why? It’s not a unique articulation of the problem and solution. So people
say, “yeah, yeah, heard that before.”

And this is where we enter Phase 2.

In Phase 2 of a big idea, there’s two options:

1. Either you come up with a better/faster/simpler/more trustworthy
take on the same big idea
2. Or you come up with a new big idea.

If you choose option one, for example, and come up with a

better/faster/simpler/more trustworthy take on the same big idea for the
keto market, you might convince your customers that the way most people
do keto is wrong.

You might say, “Most people eat “dirty meats” and “bad fats” so they end
up clogging up their arteries and getting sicker. So even if they lose weight,
it won’t lead to lasting changes.”

Enter your new, clean keto program.

It allows people to still eat like a king but it focuses on these 3 core kinds
of fats that unlock unreal energy, help you tap into stored fat faster and
don’t make you sick, you finally get the results you’re after.

This is just a made up example, but you can see how we’re still selling keto
— just with a new problem and solution.

And it can lead to another big surge in sales for the companies that nail it.

Typically brands will keep trying to present better/faster/simpler/more

trustworthy takes on the same idea until they’re left with no more claims
to make and just need a new big idea.

Markets have evolved this way since the beginning of time.

And this is what’s happening with collagen right now. It’s splintering into
new marketing angles.

The latest of which is Vegan Collagen.

It’s no secret that a lot of people don’t eat meat. And there is no more
passionate group of buyers than vegans.

And yet, for decades, vegans have been blocked out of participating in the
collagen market.
Why? Because most collagen comes from ground up bones and cartilage
from fish, cows and pigs.

Until now.

Today, a new subset of companies are popping up and leveraging all the
skin, hair and nails benefits that you get from consuming collagen…

….Just marketing it to vegans.

And they are likely to blow up quickly.

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend for profit.

For freelancers…

Get these people as clients…FAST.

You could be the genius behind a 7 or 8-figure funnel if you work with the
right brand now.

Here’s some of the few companies that offer vegan collagen today:
1. PlantFusion
2. Ora-Organic
3. Mary Ruth’s Organics

I guess this week is just a masterclass on the evolution of offers because we

have another with OMAD.

What’s a OMAD?

It’s an acronym that stands for One Meal A Day. And it’s exactly what it
sounds like: A new diet where people only eat one, massive meal per day.

And it’s the newest evolution in diets rooted in the benefits of fasting.

You might remember a few years ago when “Intermittent Fasting” first
burst onto the scene. It was a diet where you spent 16-20 hours fasting and
then got all your eating done within a 4-8 hour window.

It supposedly worked by helping you eat less calories.

The theory was if you ate two slightly bigger than normal meals but didn’t
eat breakfast or any snacks throughout the day, you’d feel more satiated
when you did eat…

And you’d ultimately consume less food.

Does it work? Science says maybe.

But since it’s been a solution for many years now, the market is evolving
into Phase 2…

… Which means marketers have been searching for a

better/faster/simpler/more trustworthy take on the same big idea.

And, apparently, what’s working is cutting it down from an 8 hour eating

window down to just one meal a day. Or OMAD.

Intermittent fasting was a powerful hook that lasted for quite a while so
OMAD might have some legs too.

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend for profit.

For freelancers…

Search “OMAD diet” on YouTube and put together a list of the top 20
channels creating content around the diet.

Reach out to the creators and offer to create a short $7.99 ebook on, “How
to succeed with the OMAD diet: The Habits, Routines and Recipes that
Make Weight Loss Effortless.”
Tell them you’ll write the copy for the landing page for the book and the
supporting email funnel and they can link it in the description of every
video they publish.

Charge $1k for the book, $2k for the landing page and emails and you’re
looking at an easy $3k payday that these guys/gals will make back quick.

We did a similar thing for another client in the blogging niche last year
and he made over $50k from the simple funnel we put together for him.

Not bad for a little $7 book right?

Now, someone go do this.


In report #4, I shared this chart:

It showed that since the lock downs, watch time on popular streaming
services has been soaring.

During the last week of March alone, Americans streamed 41 billion (yes
with a “b”) more minutes than the same time frame in February.

And according to the report, streaming is up by almost 2x compared to

the same time last year.

But I also told you about an important catch: Production houses have
been held to the same “stay at home” standards as the rest of us.

So new content releases are slowing dramatically.

And that means it’s created a unique problem.

On the one hand, demand for content is higher than ever. But on the
other hand, production has slowed to a drip, leaving some asking, “So...I
watched all of Netflix...What do I watch now?”

Well, for some people, BroadwayHD has an answer.

They allow you to stream your favorite broadway hits from home.

And since it’s been months (and might be much longer) before broadway
shows are ever a thing again, they’ve been blowing up recently.

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend for profit.

For freelancers…
This one is quite simple.

They’re email game sucks. HARD.

I checked their Facebook and they’re buying a ton of ads right now. But
they have no support with their emails.

And it’s costing them a lot of potential sales — for sure. How anyone
could send traffic to a page with no way of following up stuns me.
Seriously, go to the site and see if you can figure out how to opt in.

Someone fix this.

Here’s the person to reach out to.

Freelance tip of the week: Know your worth and never


Here’s an interesting thing that happened to my business partner and us

last week.

Someone scheduled a free consultation with us. We had a great call and
followed up with our plan for how we could work together.

To which he replied this:

He asked if we would cut our prices.

The old (rookie) version of me would have gotten an email like this and
shook in my shoes.

“Uhhhh - uhhh. Of course Mr. Client! I’ll just cut my price down to 1/10th
of that and how about I 2x the deliverables. I’m so sorry for sending that
email! Do you hate me!!??? I’ll go walk into moving traffic now!”

But the me today sent this:

I held my ground on the price, told him I understood if now wasn’t the
best time and offered to make an intro to other writers.

To which he replied with this:

That’s a yes! - to the full asking price that we originally stated...

...Which we wouldn’t have gotten had we taken his first message as the rule
of the land.

So the point is: As a freelancer, you should always know your worth and,
of course, work with clients to come up with a solution to their problems.
But never let them force you into compromising on price. That will lend
to resentment on your part and likely make them view you as way less of
an expert down the road.

Just something to keep in mind...Because from conversations with many

of you, this conversation plays out a lot…

Only you don’t always hold your ground. Do you?

Let this be a lesson: You should :)

No. 19
Hello and welcome to the nineteenth round up of tips in The Book of Copy
& Client Secrets.

In this one, we’re exploring some extremely lucrative opportunities,

● A new category of athletic gear
● The superfood that some believe could be even bigger than kale
● A dramatic before-and-after product that needs a VSL
● A big freelance mistake with pricing (and what to do insteads)
● And much, much more...

Ready to profit?
Exploding trends

Chickpea Snacks

First there was Kale. Now there’s …

… Chickpeas?

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock over the past decade, you can
probably guess the “healthy” food that broke out beyond anyone’s wildest
expectations: Kale.

What was once a rough, bitter vegetable that few people used turned into
one of the most popular greens of all time.
And when its sales really started to take off in late 2013, it wasn’t just used
in salads and smoothies. It was being turned into chips, crisps and
hundreds of “healthy” snacks. Just mention it as an ingredient and you
had a hit on your hands.

It was so widely used and consumed, it became a symbol of the health


According to Etsy, tens of millions of sweaters, socks, hats and other items
were sold with the stamp “Kale” on them in less than 4 years.

But like all health trends, it eventually faded out.

And in its wake, it left big shoes for the next fad food to fill.

Whomever would step in needed to be:

● Extremely versatile so it could be added to a variety of recipes
● Low in calories so you could market it to dieters
● And high in nutrition so that healthy consumers would feel great
about eating it.

Over the years, many contenders have stepped up to the plate. Brussel
sprouts, cauliflower and beets all showed tremendous promise.

But where they might have been nutritiously dense and low in calories,
they lacked in their versatility.
Some wanted — hoped — cauliflower to work so badly they even tried to
turn it into a flour-like substance for breads and doughs.

But anyone who’s ever tried a cauliflower pizza crust knows this is the only
appropriate reaction:

Chickpeas, however, check the boxes on all the criteria. They’re low
calorie/carb, work great as a flour or paste and can be used in a variety of
dishes. And they pack a nutritious punch of protein and fiber.

The limit to where you can swap them into foods is more constrained by
your imagination than it’s nutrition.

And snack companies are waking up to this.

A quick walk down the snack aisle will reveal a small handful of these
chickpea-inspired snacks already starting to pop up.

But here’s the best news: We’re still early enough in the trend that there’s a
ton of money to be made.

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend for profit.

For freelancers…
Put these up-and-and coming chickpea brands on your must-work-with
soon list:
● Biena
● Hippeas
● Bada Bean Bada Boom

Gaming Glasses

A new kind of athletic gear?

Going into 2020, nobody at ESPN or SportCenter could have imagined a

worse scenario for their business.

Executive in charge of planning: “Of course, there’s no way all sports will be

And yet, as we know, that’s exactly what’s happened. The vast majority of
sports have been pulled, postponed or cancelled for the year.

Well, except one: Gaming.

A newcomer to the sports world, Gaming is not restricted by the

constraints of traditional sports. You do it online, from wherever, and the
audience watches the same way.

And in the wake of cancellations for all sports, gaming has been getting
way more love and spotlight than normal lately.
This has led to more sponsorship deals, more product development and
the emergence of a new kind of industry — performance enhancement for

Just like everyone that watches LeBron wants to own the same clothes,
take the same supplements and wear the same shoes as hime, gamers are no

And this has led to a boom in companies working with gamers to offer
supplements, gamer chairs, clothes and, now, gaming glasses.

Before you shrug this off as a small opportunity, realize that the gaming
industry grosses over $100 billion annually.

And some of the new companies — like in the gaming performance

industry are already estimated to have broken 8-figures.

Combine that with the eyewear market, and for the right copywriter or
marketer, it could be a big opportunity.

Here’s how I recommend playing the trend for profit.

For freelancers...

Gunnar is the leader in the gaming eyewear market and they’re email game
Even a cursory view of their site reveals 10 more things they’re doing
wrong. Bad cart abandon. Terrible welcome series. And my gosh — this
pop up:

You sell a product to protect gamers eyes — literally the most valuable
body part to them other than their hands — and you can’t come up with
any copy better than “get 10% off your first purchase.”?

REALLY? Imagine if you had a short guide on the 6 dangers of

overexposing your eyes to blue light. And you embedded testimonials
from other top gamers through out. You’d get more leads on the site and
way more qualified buyers.

Someone go fix this. Here’s the person to reach out to.

Foot Mask
When I create these reports, I try to separate my personal feelings from the

But this is one I cannot lie about: it’s gross.

And more than once, I got a bit queasy looking at the before and after
pictures surrounding this topic. But I’m bringing it to you nonetheless.

What’s a foot mask?

“A chemical peel that's put on the foot in order to improve skin health and
reduce the incidence of calluses.”

And this is what it does…. (WARNING IF YOU’RE EASILY

And apparently people love them.

Search traffic surrounding them has surged almost 40,000% in the last 4
years and nearly 200% over the past 3 weeks. The companies that sell them
are undoubtedly benefiting from it.

The problem is most of the top products appear to be Amazon only

businesses and other sellers like Veauier and BabyFoot are leaving a lot of
potential sales on the table.
Their email game is weak, they’re not running ads on FB and their copy is
just begging to have a converting VSL done.

Someone needs to fix this. RIGHT NOW.

Here’s what I recommend you do to turn this trend into profits.

For freelancers…

You know those weird ads at the bottom of news sites that look like this:

This product has this kind of funnel written all over it. If you have the
chops, all you need to do is write a compelling VSL that tells the origin
story of this product, shares testimonials and pushes people into a free or
heavily discounted first order … and then put them on subscription.

You wouldn’t even need to be the best writer with before-and-afters that
are this compelling.

Even a bad VSL in this niche could easily bring a writer $25k-$80k in

This is the leading company in the niche to reach out to and do it.

Here’s their head of sales & marketing.

Freelance tip of the week: Don’t fall into the hourly rate

Before I deliver this tip, I need to give you some context. Because this is a
mistake I see a lot of freelancers make and it’s hurting them...Badly.

So first, let me ask you this question: Would you pay $75 for a bookmark?

This isn’t some trick where I say — “Ah! Gotcha! The bookmark was
actually made of gold and encrusted in diamonds! SUCKER!!!!”

I’m talking about the slab of cardboard you use to mark where you
stopped reading in a book.
How’s $75 sound for that?

I hope most of us are in agreement that it's an absurd price to pay for a

And yet, $75 is exactly the price my girlfriend was recently quoted by a
designer we know and trust. She’d asked if the designer would make a
custom bookmark to send one of her friends.

Now, trust me when I say this — we’re all for supporting freelancers (and
even regularly overpay to support them). But this was a wild
miscalculation on the designers part. Because there’s no world where a
bookmark is worth $75.

And yet, I know exactly how the designer made this mistake. She took her
hourly rate ($100/hour), guessed it would take her about 45 minutes to do
and slapped on the $75 price tag….

In theory, this is the right call.

But in practice, it’s oh-so-wrong.

The reason is because that price doesn’t take into account context and
value. If someone says, “Hey! I want to send my friend this fun, tiny
bookmark as a surprise!”, they’re not anticipating a $75 gig.
It’s doesn’t matter what the designer technically *deserves* based on her
hourly rate. Your hourly rate is irrelevant to the client. All the client cares
about is the value they’ll get.

So in situations like this, you have two options: (1) Cut your fee down to a
rate that makes sense based on the market or (2) find a way to create more
value so you can charge even more.

I’m sure you can guess which option I recommend for you.

So how would I approach this situation if I was the designer?

Imagine if instead of throwing away a $75 quote, this designer upsold my

GF into a package where she would create 3 custom templates for gifts she
could send to her friends anytime she wanted. And then offered to send
here the raw files and show her how to make a simple edit to them so she
could customize them herself and send it whenever and to whoever she

Would this be worth *EVEN MORE* than $75? Maybe even $150 or

The answer is yes.

On the designers part, it probably wouldn’t take her double or triple the
time to do it and yet she would have locked in double or triple the
pay...and actually got the gig.
This is the difference between value and price.

Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.

Always remember this when you’re pricing your services. You don’t just
automatically earn more by raising your hourly rate. You earn more by
thinking about how to create more value and charge for it.
No. 20
Hello and welcome to the twentieth round up of tips in The Book of Copy
& Client Secrets.

In this one, we’re exploring some extremely lucrative opportunities,

● The biggest bitcoin scam in history and how it’s created a lucrative
online course opportunity
● A cheesy plant that holds big profit potential
● How to know your TRUE motivations and fears and use it to grow
your business (free assessment)
● And much, much more…

Ready to profit?

Exploding trends

Ethical Hacking
On July 15, one of the biggest hacks and bitcoin scams in history was
executed flawlessly.

What happened: Hundreds of HIGH ranking twitter accounts were

hacked, over $100,000 was stolen from innocent people and there’s little
hope of ever catching the perpetrators. And in its wake it created a
lucrative high-6 and even 7-figure career path.

Because this was no “normal hack.” First, it involved cryptocurrency,

which is hard to trace by design.

Second, the affected accounts included some of the biggest celebrities and
people on the planet. We’re talking about accounts with tens and
hundreds of millions of followers — Elon Musk, Barack Obama, Bill
Gates, Jeff Bezos, Joe Biden, Kim Kardashian and more.

Third, Twitter’s internal systems weren’t prepared for this kind of breach.
It appears that the hackers may have accessed to internal employees’
credentials and used their own system against them

Because during the whole thing THEY COULDN’T SHUT IT DOWN.

Twitter employees deleted tweets, but the hackers immediately reposted
them. The only way they were able to stop it was by banning ALL
VERIFIED ACCOUNTS from posting temporarily.

Eventually the hack was stopped. But not until a lot of damage was done.
It’s estimated that the scammers walked away with north of 6-figures in

Which is no chump change. But in the grand scheme of things, it could

have been a lot worse.
When you’re talking about potentially reaching hundreds of millions of
people, these guys (or gals) could have stolen billions. Imagine if they had
been less obvious with their tweets or if they got control of the president’s
account … or worse.

Many believe this was just a test of something much bigger to come.

And the entire event has Twitter on the edge of its seat.

But it’s also put a spotlight on and enormously raised demand for a
relatively new industry: The Ethical Hacker.

Ethical Hackers are hired by enterprise companies to “stress test”

organizations against vulnerabilities like the one twitter experienced.

In other words, they use their hacking powers for good instead of evil.
And they make some serious cash in the process.

Entry level positions in this field start at roughly $85k (when you’re in

But when you get good, many of these folks can do a single gig (they call it
a “Bug Bounty”) and bring home over 7-figures.

Yes, that’s over ONE MILLION DOLLARS to hack a computer.

The reason they can make that much is because how much a company like
Google or Facebook stands to lose by a breach to their system. Depending
on the data compromised, it could be BILLIONS, which means they could
pay a million dollar “Bug Bounty” a thousand times and still come out
ahead by fixing it.

With the recent Twitter hack, it’s put a new spotlight on how needed
“Ethical Hackers” can be.

Search volume for the term is up nearly 2,500% in the last month alone.
And right now, most of that traffic is being driven to sites that offer
(outdated) certifications for ethical hacking.

Like anything online, the industry is evolving rapidly. It’s in dire need of
leadership... and ripe for disrupting.

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend for profit.

For freelancers…
A big play I see for freelancers and savvy entrepreneurs is to partner with
top hackers to help them launch a course on Becoming a High Paid Ethical

You could share hacking tips, show people how to get big clients, walk
through the tech, etc.
And can you imagine the ads for a program like that? “WANT TO GET


You would blow. It. Up. On any ad network.

If you do it right, you could be a 50/50 partner in the venture. Where

you’re the “Chief Marketing Officer” in the partnership.

So you’d be in charge of designing the funnel, buying the traffic, sending

the emails, building the sales page, webinars etc. And they’d be in charge
of the content.

You could charge $1k-$3k for a course like this, and start by launching to
their own network and then expanding into colder audience/paid traffic.
Even 100 sales at the lowest price point would be a $50k pay day.

But I would be stunned if you didn’t gross $1m in a year. It’s such a
unique product in a unique market. And as far as I could find in my
research, it’s an industry that’s been built on anonymity … AND craving
someone to come out and talk about it and teach.

Also, think of the VSLs you could write on this topic! You could explore
truly mesmerizing ideas — like huge data breaches — and make it
fascinating by having people on camera hidden like this:
Someone do this. Start by looking for a list of ethical hackers and reaching
out to talk about a potential partnership.

Swiss Cheese Plant

Ready for the CHEESIEST jokes I know?

First up a little Q&A…

Q: What’s the most religious plant?

A: The Swiss Cheese Plant. Because it’s holy!

What? Are you not “fondue” that one?

It’s all gouda!

“Wow - Rob, that was so, so, so bad! BOOOOOOOOO! ” - NAME

Okay, fair. But before you boo me off stage, let me give an actual reason to
smile: This plant’s profit potential. Because when it comes to The Swiss
Cheese Plant, there’s a lot of cheddar to be made.

All the way back in report #2, we highlighted the boom in companies
selling plants like aloe vera directly to consumers online. And I told you
how online plant-distribution companies like The Sill and Bloomscape
quickly blew past 7-figures in sales by combining awesome funnels with
products people wanted.

But if you only look at their model (selling plants directly to consumers),
you might miss the real trail of profits for BOTH brands.

Because BOTH businesses have the same #1 selling product.

Any guess what it is?

If you’re like me, you might have thought succulents or tiny cactuses.

But turns out there’s one plant in particular DWARFING ALL OF


...The Swiss Cheese Plant.

Between The Sill and Bloomscape alone, we’re looking at a plant with tens
of thousands of verified reviews.

And on Etsy, some of the top rated Swiss Cheese Plant sellers have over
5,000+ verified sales.

At an average price of roughly $50, that’s $250,000 per seller on etsy …

FOR A PLANT, whose raw cost is mostly a few seeds ($0.10), soil ($0.50),
and water (~free).

So it’s definitely profitable. And now that you know the #1 plant for these
brands, you have the cheat code for what to focus on selling.

Here’s how I recommend you turn this trend into profits.

For freelancers and savvy entrepreneurs …

Create a community for these Swiss Cheese Plant-loving folks to hang out
and charge for it.
Someone has already done this with succulents, creating a community
called “Succulents and Sunshine.”

It has over 58,183 members paying $25/month. Which means they’re

probably grossing north of $1,450,000 every month. Yes, that’s over $1.4
million per month, just giving people a place to connect with other
succulent lovers and doing a few q&a’s.



To get your initial customers, you could model the landing page and ads of
this company. Just target customers of the brands you know are buying
swiss cheese plants in droves (the sill and bloomscape) and you'll be on
your way to thousands of recurring customers every month.

This would be a terrible one to sleep on.

Alternatively, if you don’t want to start your own thing, you could help
Succulents and Sunshine with their marketing. It’s okay, but they’re
definitely leaving a lot on the table from an email perspective. No cart
abandon. No real squeeze pages. No true follow up.

Freelance tip of the week: Know your enneagram

One of the best things you can do as a freelancer is understand your true
motivations and fears. It’s how you can set the right kinds of goals and
take the right kinds of actions you need to be taking for yourself — not
anybody else.

For example, you might be someone who’s incredibly motivated by

recognition and praise.

But if you’re building your business in a way that nobody can see the work
you do or the success you’re experiencing, it won’t matter if you're making
more money than you’ve ever made in your life. You’ll still feel empty.
Until you get the things you need to feel happy: PRAISE!

Alternatively, you might be someone that CRAVES security. But if you’re

building your business in a way that gives you wild swings in workload
and income, you will never truly feel happy or safe.
You might also crave freedom but be terrified of being alone, which is
going to make building your business alone really. Freaking. hard.

One of the best tools I’ve found for getting to these TRUE motivations
and fears is the enneagram. It’s a simple test you can take that gives you a
“Number” 1-9 for your motivations, fears, and drivers in life.

Personally, I’ve found it to be one of the most eye-opening things I’ve ever
done for working WITH my innate tendencies instead of against them.

My business partner and I use it to help each other navigate tough

situations in our business and life. Because knowing your number and
someone else’s game changing. It’s like having x-ray glasses that allow you
to see to the CORE of ANY problem.

I type all my clients and require my coaching students to do it too.

I recommend you try it out.

Here’s a free test you can take. I’m a 6.

No. 21
Hello and welcome to the twenty-first round up of tips in The Book of
Copy & Client Secrets.

In this one, we’re exploring some extremely lucrative opportunities,

● An explosively growing cosmetics company selling a product every 5
seconds that needs your help
● A new take on a old chair that’s benefiting massively from the
● A copy-free way to increase conversions
● And much, much more...

Ready to profit?

Exploding trends

Magnetic Lashes
How do you know if you’ve stumbled onto a *diablo* hot trend?

If you google the term and see anything close to this:

That’s not your eyes experiencing a glitch. That’s...

..As far as the eyes can see. In fact you have to scroll down the page about
65% before you can even get a non-paid link!
This means two things: (1) This term is hyper-competitive and (2)
hyper-profitable for someone.

So what exactly are “magnetic lashes?”

I’ll be honest with you — I’m very outside my lane here. So I apologize in
advance for any errors here :)

But according to my research, magnetic lashes are the cleaner, easier,

simpler way to apply and remove lashes.

Basically, the other option people have is to apply fake lashes. And it’s
TOUGH. It involves glue, extreme precision and peeling...lots of painful

Enter Magnetic eyelashes. You just apply a little magnetic (safe) liner and
two strips that stick together and wallah. It latches on and easily comes off.

It’s a 100x-1,000x improvement over the old method (which was a billion
plus dollar industry)…

Which has contributed to the rapid growth in the industry.

There’s been a nearly 400% increase in search traffic year over year for the
term “magnetic lashes.” And we’re not talking about going from 4 to 16
people. We’re talking about 135,000+ buyers searching for this term every

And growing...

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend for profit.

For freelancers…
Put the rapidly growing leader in the space, GLAMNETIC, on your
prospecting list ASAP.
Started in 2019, the company has seen explosive growth over the last year.
They’ve already amassed an army of 186k followers on Instagram in just
12 months.

But it’s not just followers. They’re growing buyers, too. According to their
website, “A product is being sold every 5 seconds.”

Which, if you take them at their word and just assume they’re selling one
of their cheapest products (the $29.99 starter kits) every 5 seconds, that’s
$518,227 every day…


And I suspect it’s more because they have a lot of higher ticket items for
But one thing to note is they’ve built their business (thus far) by working
with influencers and running ads in an explosive niche …

That game only carries brands so far.

And one glaring hole is their emails. Their game is WEAK AF.

I think they could as much as double their sales by just implementing a

few key funnels with their emails...

And they need you to do it! Because I looked at their LinkedIn and it’s
mostly a couple founders and then ALL INTERNS.

See for yourself:

Which, nothing against interns, but there’s no way they’re going to be

what carries them to the $1m-$2m/day level. That takes strategy. That
takes craft. That takes experience.

Don’t sleep on this one! It reminds me a lot of my early days when I was at
Ancient Nutrition. When I got started with them they were barely doing
$10k/day. By the time I left, we were regularly having $1m days and in
Whole Foods and Costco.

Based on GLAMNETIC’s growth rate, they will probably be a household

brand in 12 months. Now’s the time to get on the rocketship.
Moon Pod
What happens when you lock adults in doors for 5 months?

Well… Lots of things (which we won’t get into here).

But one of those is that beanbags make a comeback!

Meet Moon Pod, the company bringing back our favorite childhood seat
and marketing it with a luxurious twist.

According to their site, “Unlike traditional bean bag chairs, Moon Pod is
filled with responsive high-density beads and it mimics the sensations of
Flotation Therapy, which has been known to help reduce stress and
anxiety levels.”

I don’t know if I buy the very *liberal* use of scientific jargon on their

But I do know that my bean bag was one of my favorite chairs when I was
a kid and Moon Pod’s marketing is awesome.

And they’ve been perfectly positioned for the quarantine. I mean they sell
a product that offers seating (when more people are at home and needing
to sit than ever before) … and stress reduction (when stress is at an all time
high for so many!).

Plus, this product is not cheap. Coming in at nearly $299 per chair, it only
takes three of these per day to hit $1k/day. Sell 100/day (so doable) and
you have a $10m business.

I looked them up on similarweb and their site traffic (and I suspect sales)
has gone through the roof recently.

Here’s how I recommend you turn this trend into profits.

For freelancers and savvy entrepreneurs …

Help this dude out! It looks like this company took off so fast that nobody
could have anticipated it.

There’s only one employee for this company on LinkedIn (see here) and
when you look at the site you’ll know he’s under water.
The landing page is really, really, really lacking.

Their email game is almost non-existent.

Their ads are … meh.

To me, it’s clear they’re underwater. They just recently posted two jobs on, but it’s not nearly enough.

Now - go take over all their emails and copy!

Freelance tip of the week: Fix your page load speed &
double conversions
Right now we’re aggressively scaling an ad campaign for one of our clients.

We nailed the copy for the ad and the target and now they're going from
trickle of visitors everyday to a true floodgate of traffic (it’s up over
16,000% month over month) and scaling.

In the near future, we’ll probably be at north of 30k visits per day.

And one of the biggest needle movers for us right now has nothing to do
with copy or headlines...It’s page load speed.
The difference between a site that loads in 10 seconds and one that loads
in 1-3 seconds is like night and day.

Crazyegg discovered that once you get to a certain level of site traffic (5k+
visitors per day) every 1 second boost to page load speed increases
conversions by 7% on average.

Said another way, if a site makes $100,000 per day, each one-second
improvement generates another $7,000 daily.

The takeaway: Online shoppers will never learn to be patient with slow

So here’s my two step page speed check list.

First what I like to do is run our clients sites through google’s page speed
insight tool:

It will give your site a score and a bunch of recommendations. DO AS


Step two: Remove any uninstalled apps from your client’s/your store. One
of the things that slows down page load speed like crazy is lots of Javascript
running and competing on store. And if your clients are anything like
ours, they often download a shit-ton of shopify apps, use them during the
free trial and then totally cancel them…
So they’re just sitting there, taking up space and JS on the site for no

The solution? GET THEM OUT!

Step 3: Compress the heck out of any images. You can use tools like
tinypng to do this for free and it makes a HUGE difference in page load

For clients moving real volume (hint the clients I want you going after)
this matters a lot.
No. 22
Hello and welcome to the twenty-second round up of tips in The Book of
Copy & Client Secrets.

In this one, we’re exploring some extremely lucrative opportunities,

● The niche I’m most excited for in 2020 and 2021 and a hot new
startup who could lead the pack
● A company you could start with very little capital and marketing
effort and still probably walk away with 6 or 7 figures
● A new angle on personalized supplements that could be bigger than
the first wave
● A special guest column for our Freelance Tip of The Week!
● And much, much more..

Ready to profit?

Exploding trends

Nau Drinks
If you broke into my apartment in the middle of the night, kidnapped me,
tossed me in the trunk of your car, drove as fast as you could to an
undisclosed location, pulled me out and said, “IT’S ALL OVER UNLESS
My response would be: “Supplements for gamers!”

But also I would have to add - “What’s wrong with you! I was going to tell
you in next week's report! You know that right!? You didn’t have to do all

I’m kidding, of course, about the kidnapping. But I’m dead serious on
how big this industry stands to be.

In 2019, the gaming industry directly grossed over $150 billion dollars
annually. If you add in merch, gaming devices and more, that number is
easily doubled.

What’s more, it’s estimated that there are over 2.5 billion active gamers
around the world (almost 1 in 4 people) and that number continues to
grow each year.

And now that gaming is an official sport that ESPN and other sports
networks track, it’s not just a pastime for teenagers. It’s a serious sport
with serious money on the line.

Just how much?

In last year’s Fortnite tournament, the prize pool was over $30 million,
with the top 10 players all making over $1 million in a single competition.
Anytime you stand to make that kind of money, people will look for an
“edge.” And that’s why we’ve seen an enormous boom in performance and
supplement companies focused on helping gamers get that extra edge.

Because a small boost in reaction time, focus and creativity can have
enormous payoffs when gaming.
Nau Drinks is a newcomer to the supplements for gamers niche. And over
the last few months, they’ve watched their traffic and sales skyrocket.

Offering packets of vitamins that dissolve in water, they offer a “Clean and
Pure Cognitive Performance Drink for Gamers.”

Unlike other focus options, they are truly healthy. They’re sugar-free and,
more importantly, caffeine-free. This is a HUGE differentiator in the
gaming niche.

Gamers choose them over other brands for that very reason.
“When I was using [another brand], there was so much caffeine I would get
the jitters and couldn’t sleep. This is clean energy. I’d describe it as a gentle
boost. It’s like waking up from the most restful sleep. Not the anxiety and
shakiness you get from a ton of caffeine like other products have.” Said one
customer review on their site.

Because the niche and how they’ve differentiated themselves, I think this is
just the beginning of massive growth to come for Nau Drinks.

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend for profits.

For freelancers…
Nau is still a super tiny team (just 3 employees!) and really could use some
help with their emails, sales copy and ads. I’d recommend reaching out to
their head of marketing and sales (see here) and hooking them up with all
the essential email flows, a promotional calendar, new sales page copy and
(god) help them on the ads. They’re so bad.

Take that base work and then partner with a gaming influencer to flood
your store with traffic and boom. You just 10x’ed their sales.

This is easily a $10k-$30k client for the right freelancer.

2020 has been one the wildest and hardest years on record.
For some industries like airlines, they’ve watched their sales drop by as
much as 95% overnight.

If that number isn’t hitting you as strong as it should, let me say it another
way: Airlines have been trying to stay afloat on just 5% (or less) of their
normal sales...with all the same costs!

That’s not just tough. That’s nearly impossible.

But while we might not be taking to the skies, there appears to be one
bright spot in the travel industry.


Back in report #13, we saw early data that showed RV sales we spiking and
reported on some big potential trends in that niche.

But it looks like RVs were only one part of this massive shift in the way we

This summer, Americans are packing their cars, filling their tanks and
letting down their windows to drive across the country at unprecedented

In fact, satellite data on car travel shows that 1 million more people took
road trips this summer than last year.
Some of the big destinations include The Grand Canyon, Montana, Idaho
and Colorado.

And anyone who’s been on a long road trip knows, snacks and drinks are
key to managing your mood and energy along the way.

That’s why portable refrigeration maker, Ausranvik, has seen a nearly

8,600% spike in sales and search volume this summer. They offer portable
refrigerators that can travel in cars, boats and to nearly any outdoor area.

And people are gobbling them up.

In fact, they sold so many units over the past month, that they’ve been out
of stock and sold out for weeks.
At over $300 each, these things aren’t cheap. And they’re moving
thousands of units (possibly daily). Which means they’re probably making
over $1 million per month.

And I don’t see any sign of this trend dying soon. But Ausranvik has a
dirty secret they hope you’ll never find out.

They’re white-labeling and drop-shipping their product from Aliexpress!


Meaning, you can get an almost exact replica of their product on Alibaba
for just $85-125 … or 4-5x less than what they’re charging.
Which isn’t bad in and of itself.

But this team is ONLY selling their product on Amazon… They’re not
running ads… Their site has no email capture.

...And yet, they still probably have a multi-7-figure business.

Which means it’s just begging to be disrupted.

Here’s how I recommend turning this trend into profits.

For freelancers and savvy entrepreneurs …

Knock them off and do it better.

All of Ausranvik’s top selling products are available on Aliexpress for

dropshipping and whitelabeling.

You could start a totally new brand with their top 3 best selling fridges

And through a combination of paid Facebook ads and content marketing

you could be up to 50 sales a day in no time.


Here’s what I would do to get started.

Create a couple blog posts to rank for keywords related to Ausranvik.
They have no site SEO and people are google them every single month.

Things such as “Ausranvik fridge reviews,” “Ausranvik fridge - is it worth

it,” and “discount on Ausranvik fridge”

People are searching for terms like this every day. But because the company
doesn’t care about selling on their own site the only website ranking for
these terms is Amazon, where the product is sold.

Which means you could write posts that slam Ausranvik and pitch your
brand of fridges instead. And you could start ranking and then picking up
sales quickly.

With thousands of searches per month, you could be making 3-5 sales
from organic traffic in no time.

Combine that with Facebook ads that drive people to your own store
(instead of Amazon) and you could intelligently build a much bigger
brand than Ausranvik in no time.

And because you know emails and email funnels, you would have an
extreme advantage of turning every customer into return profits again and

Give this kind of business 2-3 years of steady effort and growth, and it
wouldn’t surprise me if you were able to sell the business for 8 figures.
It’s a huge undertaking and not for the faint of heart but doing this could
result in a huge payday. You up for the challenge?

In the last few years, there’s been a big shift in the supplement industry
towards creating personalized vitamins. Instead of making one bottle and
selling it a million times, you create a unique batch based on that person’s
unique dietary needs.

A few years ago this kind of thing would have never been possible. But
thanks to huge advances in manufacturing and technology, now
personalization can be done at scale.

Some companies, like Care/of, proved the model to be powerful, quickly

gaining hundreds of thousands of fans and customers — and even getting
a $43 million investment from a VC fund.

Since then other competitors have entered the scene and tried new
marketing angles. Some use quizzes to get customers. Others allowed for
consultation with an actual doctor to get your customized supplements.

But most of the work in the “Personalization” niche has focused on

vitamins while completely ignoring other huge parts of supplementation
(like protein, preworkouts and more).
Well, until now.

Meet Gainful, a personalized protein powder, based on your unique

nutritional needs and goals.

Protein supplementation is a huge market (billions

annually) and given that they’re the first in the niche this
could be huge.

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend for profits.

For freelancers and savvy entrepreneurs…

I’ve met the guy that heads up their growth (he worked at PerfectKeto
when I contracted with them. And, if I know him, he’s probably got
veeeeeeeeerrrrrryyyyy aggressive growth plans).
Reach out to him and discuss building a sick email funnel for the quiz
they’re blowing up all over facebook.

Spoiler alert: He’s a numbers nerd so you’ll need to bring some data to the
conversation if you want to impress him.

Connect with him here.

Freelance tip of the week:

Hi, everyone! Robert asked me to pop in this section to share a few of my

project management tips. Some people like to “hack” their productivity —
but usually spend more time reading those articles than actually doing the
tips?? — but I am not one of those people. My methods are simple and
literally anyone can do them, no buzz words required.

1. Track Your Time. Before I co-founded Click Here Agency with

Robert, I worked at a public relations agency for ~five years. There,
we had to track our time in .25 increments. This meant I had to
account for every 15 minutes spent doing an action.

Here’s the thing, while this method is a little intense, I’m actually
grateful for the practice. Because when you become aware of
virtually every minute you spend working, you start to realize just
how much time you spend on every project.
(You also will experience a mental shift when you discover how
much time you waste, but that’s a whole other email).

This leads to better task planning.

I can tell you exactly how long it takes for me to write a 7-part email
funnel. I know how many hours to slot for a VSL. I know if I have
time to take on a new project, if I need to start a project three days,
three weeks, or three hours before it’s due. And I know exactly how
long I can sneak out for a coffee and still hit my deadlines.

Knowing how much time it takes you to complete a task is

incredibly stress-reducing. All your projects become less daunting.
Because it takes out all the guesswork, and you’re suddenly not
overwhelmed by your to-do list. It just becomes a puzzle that you get
to piece together. So you can spend less time stressing and more time
creating the work week you want.

Here’s how you can do this, too, (without getting a job at an agency).
Start tracking your projects by 1) jotting down when you start a
project and when you finish it. Subtract breaks. Pause if you task
switch and add it up later. Or, 2) Use a timer app. Rob likes Toggl.
I’ve also heard great things about Harvest.

2. Plan In A Planner (duh). Once you know how long it takes you to
complete a task, plot it out.
I know, I know. You’ve heard get a planner your whole life. But
sometimes, trite means true. Here’s how I work backward to make
my planner work for me.

Every Monday morning, I write down all my deadlines for that week
first. Since I know how long it’ll take me to complete a project, I
then work backward to when I’ll need to start the project. Then I
literally write it down in my physical planner on the day I will do it.
My planner stays open and by my side the entire work week so I’m
never at a loss for what I should do or when I should it.

Having a visual to look at it keeps me motivated and on task.

3. Go Old School With A Whiteboard. If you find yourself balancing a

lot of projects or clients, this old-school tip is for you. Rob and I
have an actual whiteboard standing up in our office and every single
client, every deliverable, and every deadline is written on it. I literally
cannot sit at my desk without seeing it. This method works for us
because, again, it takes out the guesswork.

When I think about my month, I’m not anxious about how it’ll
shake out. It’s not some big, overwhelming monster in my head of
to-dos that I can’t visualize or tame. I just look at this organized,
deadline-driven board and get to work.
4. Create And Use Inbox Folders. Here’s what my inbox looks like right

I’m team #InboxZero. But more so, I’m team #UseInboxFolders!!

By creating folders (and subfolders if you’re working on several large,

distinct projects for the same client), you will be able to find every
email you’ll need. Incoming emails won’t get buried. You will feel
calm and collected. You will suddenly make millions of dollars. Okay,
maybe not the last one. But seriously, try this tip, and I promise, you
won’t believe how good a blank screen will make you feel.

5. Get A Chill Playlist. Whenever I need to focus, I put on my

headphones (Robert is a loud typer... ) and play one singular
playlist. I’ve listened to it so many times that it’s almost become a
Pavlov's dog situation. I hear it, I focus. Find a playlist that works for
you, and make it your “I’m going to deep focus while this plays”
go-to. Here’s mine, if you like chill, electricish songs.
No. 23 & 24

Hello and welcome to the twenty-fourth round up of tips in The Book of

Copy & Client Secrets.

In this one, we’re exploring some extremely lucrative opportunities

● A new kind of milk and a secret way to partner with the top
company in the niche
● A product aimed at helping prevent hearing damage in kids
● And much, much more..

Ready to profit?

Exploding trends

Camel Milk

Moooooooo-ve over milk, there’s a new calcium-rich beverage in town.

You’ve heard of almond, soy, cashew, goat and even oat milks, but did you
know that one of the world’s most nutritious milks comes from a camel.

Yes - A CAMEL.
The desert-roaming mammal famous for their humps and ability to go
abnormally long periods without water.

Turns out, of all mammalian milks, camel’s milk most closely resembles a
human mother’s milk (in terms of chemical and nutritional makeup).

This gives it a unique host of health benefits and, more importantly,

allows many to get those health benefits without the irritation and
inflammation that other milks can create in the body.

It’s also why many health experts and medical professionals say, “If you’re
going to drink any milk, this is the one you should drink.”

Around the world, many cultures have known about the benefits of this
secret for centuries. But only recently have consumers in the United States
started to wake up to this trend.

And now that they have, many companies can barely keep their camel’s
milk in stock.

This is despite a HEFTY price tag of nearly $18.00 per pint(!!!). Compared
to normal milk that’s 8-10x more expensive.

Many in the health community say it’s worth the extortion — I mean price
The leader in this field is DesertFarms. They have hundreds of thousands
of fans through their social media accounts and easily eclipsed 10k
customers since they were founded in 2016.

Yes, I said - 2016. They were early to the game. And because of that
head-start, they pretty much dominate all the first-page Google listings.

They also get to put all these fancy logos on their site because when the
trend was just beginning they were virtually the only DTC company with
a website:

They also have support from some of the juggernauts in the health niche:
Ben Greenfield, Dave Asprey, Dr. Isabella Wentz and more.

Some estimates say this could turn into a multi-billion dollar piece of the
dairy industry. Meaning even if DesertFarms eclipsed 8-figures, they have a
lot more room to run.

Here’s how I recommend getting a foot in the door with this company and
milking this trend for all it’s worth.

For freelancers and savvy entrepreneurs …

When you look at a company like DesertFarms and their rapid fast growth,
their consistent flow of orders every month and clear understanding of
direct response marketing, it can feel tough to get your foot in the door.

“They’re doing everything right! How can I possibly get them to notice me?!”

But I promise every company and every founder has a soft spot.

You just have to get good at finding them. Do it right and it almost
instantly grants you a conversation with the founder.

Note: Getting good at this is how I sent a single email to Ramit Sethi and
got a job with his company. I found his soft spot, went for it, and got a job 2
weeks later.

So what’s the soft spot with DesertFarms?

Back in late 2016, they were slapped with a warning and fine from the
Essentially, they were a bunch of new-ish founders who didn’t know
anything about supplement compliance. But they started saying their
product could also treat a number of diseases and disorders including
autism, diabetes, Crohn’s disease, and multiple sclerosis.

The FDA required them to remove any existence of these claims … or they
would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

DesertFarms complied.

Well... they thought they did.

But they forgot to scrub some of the hashtags on their Facebook and
Which resulted in another letter, another fine and a near closure of their
company. The founder talked about this in an interview and it clearly
scared him.

As someone who works in the supplement world, there is nothing more

scary than ONE fine from the FDA.

But two?

I’m sure the founder had a mini-heart-attack. To this day, their site is
scrubbed of virtually any health claims.
And THIS is a potential in. If you can reach out to the founder and let
them know you can help them with marketing their product
COMPLIANTLY, you’ll get his attention… and probably a phone call.

From there, there’s a ton of copywriting work to be done. New emails,

funnels, ads, etc.

Easily a $10k-$30k client for the right freelancer.

Here’s the founder. Now go get em.

As I’m writing this email, I’m jamming out to this song way louder than I

Two things on that:

1. Loud music is how I get into flow and write virtually anything
2. It’s a really good song that deserves to be FULLY jammed out to (Do
people even say “jam out” any more?)

But I’m a full grown adult that probably damaged my eardrums a long
time ago. What about the millions of kids who are turning their
headphones ALL the way up before their ears are fully developed?

Worse: Did you know that any damage done to your ears is permanent?
I don’t understand the full science. But essentially, there are these tiny
follicles in your ear and they pick up vibrations. Once damaged, these
parts never repair.

Which is why it’s so common for people to need hearing aids as they age.
It’s just the byproduct of years of accumulated damage to the follicles.

Reading that made me turn down the volume on this song a couple

And yet, most 5 year olds have no idea what’s happening inside their ear.
They just hear the game/video/song they like and turn it to a level that
they want.

Unchecked or unmonitored, kids can slowly start to increase the volume

until they’ve maxed out the volume on their headsets. And as a result,
their ears are being damaged with each play.

Enter BuddyPhones, the smarter way to let kids consume audio.

BuddyPhones is the world’s first volume-safe headphones for young
gamers. Essentially, they “throttle” the output sound so that it never
reaches levels that could damage a kid’s ears.

And they’ve quickly racked up a loyal base of tens of thousands of

customers and fans.
Since device usage in kids isn’t going anywhere soon (actually keeps
skyrocketing!), this is just the beginning of a massive trend in safer audio.

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend for profit.

For freelancers and savvy entrepreneurs …

Based on this site, this company clearly knows design and product. But
when it comes to direct response marketing magic, it’s um…

...Lackluster at best.

I mean, this is a serious pain point you can talk about — your child losing
their hearing!

And yet, they leave these to the consumer to know. If you got to the
product page, it’s basically just one big image and a couple bullets.

Which can work if you’ve qualified the traffic source sufficiently. But from
all the detective work I’ve done, I couldn’t find any ads this company was
running and the major traffic seems to be coming from features in
different magazines and press.
Hmm… I wonder why they can’t spend money on ads?

Their conversion rate SUCKS. (I’m intelligently guessing).

Hint: One of your marketing geniuses reading this should really help them
out. Here’s the team to reach out to.

Set them up with some solid email work (lots of smiling kids and snippets
from doctors saying how important it is to preserve hearing early in life), a
better product landing page (hint: you’re marketing to parents! Not kids.
These pages don’t understand who the true buyers of this product are),
and some ads! (anything is better than nothing).

Boom. That’s all the work it would take and you’d easily walk away with

Freelance tip of the week:

Back in July we signed a new client. This client had a top-selling product
on Amazon for years.

But when we started working with them, it was the official launch of their
direct to consumer site.

Our client basically let us have completely free reign to do whatever it took
to get the store off the ground.
So my business partner and I worked our funnel magic (doing most of the
things I teach in these newsletters).

And in the first 30 days, we generated 260 new customers, profitably.

Not a life-changing amount of orders….yet.

But we were essentially starting from scratch and it takes time to get a sales
engine running.

We kept pushing down the gas on our ads and email funnels and in the
next 15 days we generated double that amount — bringing the total new
customers to close to 800.

Now if each of those orders had been a single bottle of the product, we
would have been totally fine.

But because of the upsells and the way we designed the funnels, each new
customer bought 2.3 bottles on average.

Meaning we’d moved, over 1,800 units in just 45 days.

And guess what happened? We completely sold out of the product!

The younger me (and most copywriters) would have been THRILLED to

sell a client out of the product in just 45 days of working together.
The me today knows bad news.

For every day we can’t sell the product, that’s a day of lost revenue. A day
of lost momentum on our ads. And a day of having to rebuild the engine
we worked so hard to get running.

Luckily, my business partner and I have learned to anticipate these kinds

of issues.

And not only were we actively watching the inventory dwindle down
eerily fast to zero. But we proposed a simple fix to the client before we ran

Essentially, they have two “flavors” of the product — one regular, one with
something extra.

We were driving all the traffic to the regular product. But as we were about
to rin out, we proposed making the switch to the “extra” product through
the backend. We actually edited the inventory system so that the order
would fulfill as the “extra” product.

We did this without changing any links, any adjustments to the ads or
emails or anything.

All the customers saw was a little banner that showed “Now with [the
extra ingredient]” on the main product page.
This actually INCREASED the conversion rate.

And this allowed us to keep chugging along without ANY interruptions

in our scaling efforts. In fact, we’ve been scaling even faster over the past
few days than ever before. We might add over 2,000 customers before the
end of the month is over.

Our client is thrilled with this because they need at least two weeks before
the other product will be back in stock. And we’re selling units instead of
twiddling our thumbs because of we’re out of the product.

I tell this story to elucidate a point: Good freelancers do the work. Great
freelancers do the work and anticipate what’s next.

Great freelancers are thinking about things like:

● What are we going to do with these 1k-2k new customers we just
added? Can we send them custom emails so they buy again or try
something else?
● What if we run out of the product? What else can we offer them to
keep momentum going?
● What can we do to make ever sale more valuable? So that customers
buy not just 1 bottle but 2, 3, 4?

These might seem like little shifts. But I promise the difference between a
freelancer who does an average job and a freelancer who anticipates isn’t
night and day. It’s Earth vs Jupiter level difference in responsibility,
testimonials and pay.

Try your best to anticipate some part of your next gig and see if it doesn’t
make your client’s jaw hit the floor.
No. 25
Hello and welcome to the twenty-fifth round up of tips in The Book of
Copy & Client Secrets.

In this one, we’re exploring some extremely lucrative opportunities,


● A twist on a common breakfast food that you probably never

● A book that’s shattering sales records left and right and what it
means for the future of influencer advertising
● A brilliant thread on the 7 habits of highly effective LAZY people
● And much, much more..

Ready to profit?

Exploding trends

Pancake art

Now entering the magical world of …

Pancake art!
...Where flour, eggs and sugar come together to create this:

Yes, that’s a pancake.

Want to see how it’s made? Watch this video now.

(Warning: I apologize in advance for sending you down a mesmerizing
rabbit hole of pancakes)

Okay, enough with the fluffy content. Let’s talk business. How did this all

11 years ago, Daniel James Drake was working in a small diner in St. Louis,

His job wasn’t very glamorous. As a short order breakfast cook, his days
were spent making eggs, bacon and, you guessed it, pancakes.

One day, sales in the diner started to slow and the manager asked for ideas
to drum up sales.

Daniel offered up a wild idea: “What if we offered to make pancakes in any

shape our guests ask?”

His boss rolled his eyes and said, “Sure, whatever. Any real ideas?”

Turns out, Daniel’s idea was better than anyone could have imagined.

When he first started making pancake art, people asked for simple designs.
Things like pets, trees and cars. But as word spread about his pancake art,
people started asking for self-portraits and more intricate artwork.
Daniel took each challenge in stride, often making designs so good people
refused to eat them. People traveled from all over to get these famous

Daniel was becoming insanely popular. The diner was booming. His boss
was thrilled.

Then in 2010, something would happen that changed Daniel’s life forever.

Instagram started.

Patrons started posting his work on the platform in droves.

And just like that, his work exploded beyond his wildest dreams —
creating more demand than he could ever fulfill in a small town diner.

10 years later, he’s running Instagram and YouTube channels that reach
over 500,000 people.

And he just rolled out an information product that shows people how to
create this same kind of art for themselves.

And that last point is where the big play is here. Of course Daniel is
welcome to keep making pancakes and selling them one by one.

But the thing that I believe will take his business to 8-figures (or more) is
physical products.
Because here’s the thing about seeing these videos. After watching, it’s
very tempting to want to try to do it yourself.

There are loads of free tutorials online, which makes it harder for
information products to scale.

But you know what you need that you can’t get anywhere else? Specific
materials to be able to make the art.

Daniel sells a couple small items in his store, but I think he could start a
full-on plastic ware company and watch his sales explode.

Need proof? Look at this company, Whiskware. They were started by the
company behind Blenderbottle and have distribution in virtually every
major retailer — Bed Bath and Beyond, Target, Walmart, etc.

Based on some estimates, it’s easily an 8-figure company.

And guess what their #1 selling product is?

A Pancake Batter Mixer AND Pourer.

Hmm… I wonder who could launch a similar product with a built in

audience of a HALF A MILLION PEOPLE and growing.

Yup. Here’s how I recommend playing this trend.

For freelancers and savvy entrepreneurs …

If you reach out to Daniel, you’re going to have to sell him on this vision
in two parts.

Part one is helping him accomplish his current goals: Selling more of his
information products.

The good news for part one is it will be easy to get some wins. Why?
Because his store is doing very few things right. I bet if you just redid his
sales page and send like 5 well-written emails you could double his info
product sales for the month.

Layer in more complex funnels, a vsl and maybe a webinar or two and
boom. Sales will inevitably grow.

And you will be in the best of his graces by helping him with his biggest
priority at the moment.

Part two is harder. This involves pushing him into physical product

You will need to build up trust by helping him scale his digital stuff and
then gradually encourage him to launch a physical products brand (eerily
similar to the guys behind whiskware).
I would do this by coming to the table with all the research on suppliers.
Do the heavy lifting for how to roll it out all on your own.

So all he and his team has to do is say, “Yes.”

It’s almost guaranteed to work and this business would be way bigger than
anything he’d do with info.

Pro tip: if you come to the table with the product idea and all the research,
you should ask for an equity stake in the product line or a bonus for
hitting certain sales milestones .

This would be a fun challenge and possibly huge payday for the right

Here’s the guy who heads up all the operations for the company.

Your Next Five Moves

Your Next Five Moves is a new book by Patrick Bet David and it’s
absolutely blowing up right now.

Not only did it break the top 10 in all of Amazon, but it became a #1 Wall
Street Journal best-seller within a week of hitting shelves.
“Big deal Rob! You know books become best-sellers every week, right?”

Well, that’s definitely true.

But this best-seller is representative of a trend that I want to talk about:
The Dominating Power of YouTube Influencers.

According to Web Smith, an expert in DTC advertising and growth,

“There isn't a medium that is more influential than top tier Youtube

Smith said, “I’ve seen stories of brands working with a YouTube creator
and movinng 1,000+ units of a $1,400 product in minutes.”

Meaning millions of dollars can be generated in minutes after working

with top tier YouTubers.

How does that stack up to other channels' organic reach?

Here’s a typical breakdown for how 100,000 followers translates into sales
of a less than $100 product, according to a study by an independent
auditing agency.

Instagram Twitter YouTube

Audience size 100,000 100,000 100,000
Sales (in 300 40 4,000
Conversion 0.2% 0.04% 4.0%

Said another way, YouTube is 20 times better at driving conversions than

Instagram and 100 times better at driving sales than Twitter.

This is due to a number of factors:

● The nature of video content often builds deeper bonds between
YouTube creators and their audience.
● YouTube makes it easy on consumers to checkout, leading to higher
conversions. NOTE: Instagram is working on this with their shop
feature but it’s still a work in progress.
● Top-tier YouTube audiences are more often real than fake. The
nature of Instagram led many to buy lots of fake followers, giving
inflated numbers to their follower accounts that make them look
bigger than they are.

What’s this have to do with Bet-David’s book?

He’s the founder of the YouTube channel, Valuetainment, a channel that

focused on creating content for entrepreneurs.

He has 2.5 million+ subscribers on the channel.

And when he announced the book, it instantly broke the charts.

I should mention that Bet-David did this without a traditional book tour,
a ton of press hype and many stores black-listing him (because of the
controversial topics he’s covered on his channel).

Meaning, his success is almost solely the result of his organic audience.

It’s estimated that you need to move 10,000-20,000 copies in a single week
to get #1 on the WSJ list, which Bet-David far exceeded.

So on the low end, he sold 10k books.

Compare that Instagrammer with 2 million followers who failed to sell 36


It’s clear YouTube creators have serious power compared to other


Here’s how I recommend playing this trend for profit.

For freelancers and savvy entrepreneurs …

You might be thinking, “Rob, that’s great and all but what do I care if
having millions of subscribers moves lots of units. It would take forever
for me to build a channel up to that level.”

Well, here’s the shortcut for you and your clients…

You can either (1) pay these influencers directly to plug your products or
(2) get featured on their shows.

If you choose option 1, many YouTubers are still dramatically

underpricing themselves. One of my close friends partnered with a
YouTuber to plug his under eye de-puffer.

He paid $4,000 for a 90 second feature in front of 500,000 subscribers. He

generated over $65,000 in sales from that campaign.

How’s that for ROI?

I recommend making a list of the YouTubers in niche and reaching out

authentically to get your products featured… while this arbitrage
opportunity is still there.

If you choose option 2, there’s still a powerful effect. When Bet-David

mentions a book on his channel, their sales surge. Joe Rogan has created
best sellers single handedly. But even smaller channels with 10k-50k subs
can move a ton of volume.

Meaning, drop the podcast and Instagram features. Get on YouTube

channels instead.

Also, this was a wake up call for me to get some videos rolling on my
channel again!
Freelance tip of the week:
Read this thread on the 7 habits of highly effective lazy people. It’s one of
the best I’ve seen deconstructing lazy millionaires.

Some of the most successful solo-entrepreneurs/freelancers are 100% like


As you read it, ask yourself how you can adopt some of these “simple and
done … is better than perfect and never finished” in your own business.

No. 26
Hello and welcome to the twenty-sixth round up of tips in The Book of
Copy & Client Secrets.

In this one, we’re exploring some extremely lucrative opportunities,


● A way to inject much-needed cash into local businesses stolen from

the #1 subscription box for social good
● A water bottle trend just waiting to expand into another key areas of
nutrition (and double in size)
● The 3 levels of contacts every freelancer should have
● And much, much more..

Ready to profit?

Exploding trends

It’s time for a little Millennial Brand Bingo! Let’s see how many boxes this
brand can check:
Socially Primary Venture Uses Pastel Leverages
Conscious Audience Capital-Ba Color Neon
Messaging 20-35 Year cked Palette Signs In
Old Their
Women Marketing
Has Talks Has A Excessive Built On
Ethically About Cheeky Use of Shopify
Sourced The Brand Emojis
Products Importanc Voice
e of

Sold On Pineapples
FREE Has At Hosts
Subscripti & Plants Least 3 Weekly
on Abundant SPAC Posts Giveaways
In Their Declaring
IG Photos
E “Good
Heavy Uses Launched Aggressive Promotes
Reliance “Funky” With A Facebook Gluten-Fr
On Fonts Viral Advertisin ee Living
Influencer Video g & Making
Marketing Bread At
The Same
Posts Has A Ran By A Loves The Allows
Memes Podcast Forbes 30 Environm You To
Regularly Under 30 ent “Customiz
Founder e” Your

What’s that?

A cover-all card!?


The socially-conscious, ethically-sourced, quarterly subscription box,

Causebox, may just be the most millennial-branded company we’ve ever
put a spotlight on.

NOTE: I don’t say that as a hater. I say that as someone who’s blown away
by the execution and scale they’ve been able to achieve in just a few short

Started in 2014, Causebox is eerily similar to FabFitFun and other

mainstream quarterly subscription companies. Because like those brands,
they send an assortment of items to consumers with deep savings.

But they have a twist.

They only partner with businesses and brands doing social good. Only
small creators. Only ethically sourced brands.

It's a massive undertaking. But one that’s clearly found product market fit.

Their fans are some of the most loyal I’ve ever seen. Every time they post,
people gush about how amazing Causebox is and how much they love this
company’s mission in the comments.

But it’s not just the subjective data (loving comments and posts) telling a

Objectively they are crushing it too.

According to SimilarWeb, the company gets over 400,000 visits every

month. They have over 200,000 Instagram followers and have reportedly
eclipsed over 30,000 subscriptions.
At roughly $250/year for the orders and add-on items sold on the
backend, this company is easily pulling in 8-figures per year.

And the crazy part is they’re passing that money back to mission-driven
companies and great causes almost directly.

At that level of scale, it can be tough for the everyday freelancer to get
their foot in the door for a promotion or a couple funnels. It’s possible but
more than likely this will fall on their in-house team.

That said, I think there’s a much bigger opportunity than helping these
folks out with a couple emails. One that capitalizes on this trend and a few
others that have been surfacing over the last few months.

Here’s my take...

For freelancers and savvy entrepreneurs …

In the wake of the quarantine and forced closures, many local businesses
have been absolutely devastated.

Even with PPE loans, laxed eviction terms and emergency relief, some local
businesses have watched their sales drop off a cliff … with no end end site.

If you’re McDonalds or Best Buy, you’ll probably be okay — even if your

sales have declined.
But if you were a Mom & Pop business with 3 weeks cash in the bank, you
might not make it through this without deep, deep scars.

So how can you help? And how does this relate to Causebox?

Introducing Save _[[insert your city]_ Box.

I think this would do PARTICULARLY well because people want to help

local businesses now more than ever. You would probably even get
featured on the local news.

Here’s how it would work:

Leverage all the same principles that Causebox does (socially good, helping
people in need, etc.) … only focusing exclusively on local businesses.

To get this project off the ground, all you’d have to do is get in touch with
10-20 local businesses, offer to feature their products in a box with other
local brands in front of tons of local customers and promote them if they
send you some free samples, stand up a landing page for the offer.

Ask each brand to promote it on their social channels. Make some sales.
Invest that back into a couple of local influencers.

Make more sales.

Snowball that revenue into buying local Facebook ads and boom.
You will have a thriving local subscription box with thousands of
customers that helps local businesses get their product into the hands of
local customers.

Even if you break even or end up sending most of the money back to local
businesses, think about all the data you would be gathering on local

That’s data you could use for ads and future endeavors.

I checked and almost every major city is available with Save[[insert your
And more.


Please someone do this. If I wasn’t heads down working on a couple

projects, I’d be all over this.
I’m in love with these new HUGE water bottles from BuildLife.

The basic idea is that the bottle has time-driven benchmarks and
motivational quotes that help you drink a gallon of water each day.

But does it work?

I’ve owned mine 3 days and have hit my goal every time!

And I’m not the only one. People love it and recommend it to all their
friends because it works.
With thousands of verified Amazon reviews, this product has been
blowing up recently and probably on pace to do well over 7-figures this

Sales have done so well that tons of competitors have come in and knocked
them off. Some with slight variations on the quotes on the bottle. Others
just blatantly copying them.

I don’t know how much longer this water-bottle trend will last.

But it did get me thinking about other ways to leverage this same principle
of tracking and motivation in one product.

And I think I have an idea that could potentially double BuildLife’s


Here’s how I recommend playing this trend for profit.

For freelancers and savvy entrepreneurs …

Introducing The BuildLife Bar...

...A complete nutrition bar that delivers the same time-driven milestones
and motivation.

But instead of water, it’s about delivering all the nutrition you need for
the day in a complete nutrition bar.
With the right marketing, I think this could be huge.

Think Soylent meets real food and specific health goals.

You could sell it to bodybuilders for muscle growth,

developers/entrepreneurial types for focus/productivity and
weight-conscious people for weight loss.

You could either pitch it to the company’s founder as the next product in
the queue…

Or (if you’re super ambitious) do it yourself.

If you’re interested in that, a little while back, I did a ton of research on

starting a protein bar company and this was one of the best I stumbled on.

They will work with you on custom formulation and package. You get to
tell them the ingredients you want and they have an in-house scientist to
formulate and create everything.

Freelance tip of the week

Every copywriter/freelancer needs 3 types of contacts:
1. People ABOVE your skill level
2. People EQUAL to your skill level
3. People BELOW your skill level

And if you’re running a business, you should spend equal time with
people on each level.

Because they all have important functions in your business and life.

The people ABOVE you can point out blindspots, teach you cutting edge
tactics, be valuable life mentors, and even send you business.

For example, I’m good friends with one of my former colleagues from
Ancient Nutrition. He was the President of the organization.

As a copywriter, even he’d concede I know more than him. But when it
comes to big business strategy, negotiation, and product distribution, he’s
light years ahead of me.

I’m constantly trying to learn from him and keep him up to date on how
my business is progressing.

He LOVES hearing these updates and weighing in.

Because he’s way above me in terms of total business skill, he gets lots of
work that he’s not going to write and happily sends my agency referrals.

In 2020 alone, this has been worth close to $40k to my business. That’s the
power of keeping people ABOVE you in your network.
The people EQUAL to your skill can come in on big projects with you,
help you go faster and push you to innovate.

You need people like this in your network because if an enormous project
falls in your lap, you want to be able to put out a Bat Signal for help and
get shit done.

My business partner and I play this critical role for each other often. It’s a
true case of 1 + 1 = 3.

If we’re ever going against a solo freelancer, there’s no chance they win.

And I’m not just talking about speed. I’m also innovating and adhering to

If you don’t have an equal in your network, consider upping your

networking game until you have someone you can rely on frequently for
consistent help and valued expertise (on your same level of skill).

The people BELOW your skill can absorb small gigs (you don’t want to
do) and help you practice more of what you know through teaching.

In the past year, I’ve probably referred away close to $60k in business to
writers in my program and network.

Because the jobs were simply too small for my agency to take on.

It’s valuable for the freelancers because they get work. It’s valuable for the
prospects because they get vetted referrals.

This is also why I have a course and do coaching. Teaching helps me stay
sharp and makes sure I really know my stuff. Because it’s one thing to do
something. It’s something entirely different to teach.

As a freelancer, you should always be developing on ALL 3 levels at all

times. It’s how you innovate and retain key lessons and make sure you’re
always growing.

So I’d encourage you to make a list of the people in your life. Ask yourself
what level each are on and make sure you’re spending equal time on your
ABOVE, EQUAL and BELOW contacts.
No. 27
Hello and welcome to the twenty-seventh round up of tips in The Book of
Copy & Client Secrets.

In this one, we’re exploring some extremely lucrative opportunities,


● Your chance to find and create the next HGTV star and build a
6-figure business in the process
● A recently patented drug that could change the acne-treatment
industry forever...and how you could get a piece of the pie
● A powerful tip for any freelancer struggling to get clients

Ready to profit?

Exploding trends

Living Wall
I’m completely obsessed with this emerging design trend called The Living
Yes! That’s living plants hanging on the wall as art.

If you’re a student of design, you know that in hotels and restaurants, this
technique is nothing new. It’s been a staple method of modern designers
for ages.

But over the last few years, living walls have emerged as one of the most
popular easy to spruce up a home or apartment.

And since COVID hit, they’ve become more popular than ever.
Apparently when people can’t go outdoors, they bring the outdoors

Since March, search volume for “living wall plants” is up over 300%.

Some newly posted YouTube tutorials have over 5 million views. And a
handful of instagram accounts have surfaced that exclusively share living
wall content and broken 100k followers.

But it’s not just casual searches and views driving this trend. There’s a
massive amount of buyers behind it too.

On Etsy, a handful of sellers have surfaced offering “Living Wall

Installation Kits.”

The most popular ones have made over 10k sales. Since most kits sell for
$200+, that translates into over $2 million in sales.

Can you imagine making $2 MILLION SELLING SIMPLE KITS ON


It’s a decent chunk of change to go to a small handful of creators. And it’s

time someone disrupted it.

Here’s how I recommend freelancers and savvy entrepreneurs get their cut.
For freelancers and savvy entrepreneurs …

Launch your own mini-HGTV star!

Think about these 3 facts:

Fact 1: There’s a massive market of people who want to learn how to build
and install these kits in their home. *Literally* tens of thousands of people
are searching for it every month!

Fact 2: Most of the blogs and videos explaining how to create living wall
designs are limited in scope and, if I'm being honest, they leave a lot to be

Fact 3: The people in this market (mostly homeowners) are doing DIY
projects all the time. So after this one, they are almost certainly going to do
another one. Which means demand is replenished every time they finish a
project. Trust me, my mom falls in this camp and each time a project ends
she starts a new one.

Combined, these facts make the perfect market for an online course or
membership site.

All you'd have to do is launch a low-priced program on creating your first

living wall. Behind the paywall, promise to deliver other DIY projects each
month and you're on the way to building a big business.
All you need to do is reach out to one of the top YouTubers in the DIY
home design space and help them build a course.

You create the sales funnel and both of you profit.

You could easily take a 30-50% stake in the business venture (because
you’re doing most of the marketing and sales).

If you just sell 100 memberships for $49/month, that’s a $58,800 income

Sell 1,000 memberships and that’s a multiple 6-figure business.

Tri - faro-wha???

No, you’re not the only one who can’t pronounce this trend.

But search volume around it is surging in a massive way because the FDA
approved one company’s trifarotene cream for the topical treatment of

And this is huge news. Because trifarotene is in a category of its own when
it comes to acne treatment. This topical cream specifically targets retinoic
acid receptors.
In science speak, that basically means it stops acne creation where it starts.

One scientist put it like this: “If you say other acne treatments provide
relief to symptoms, this eliminates them before they can start.”

Which I don’t have to tell you is a massive, massive leap forward.

Acne treatment is a multi-billion dollar market. And now, one company

— Galderma — holds the patent for the most potent solution created in
history. Which means they stand to make fortunes without any fear of
competition during the 20 year-period the patent protects. Their cream is
in phase III consumer trials now and expected to release in early 2021.

So what’s the play? How can you get a piece of this pharmaceutical
company's profits?
Here’s what I think a smart freelancer could do.

For freelancers and savvy entrepreneurs …

In my research on trifarotene, I discovered that the acne treatment

industry isn’t just super-competitive …

It’s also one of the most regulated industries I’ve ever seen.

As someone who’s marketed skin cream before, I always knew that both
Facebook and Google were very restrictive around ads for acne treatments.
But I never knew the full extent of why.

I’ll give you the condensed version:

Basically, acne (and related skin issues) is classified as a disease.

A lot of us don’t think of it that way because minor skin issues are so

But the reasoning is that it’s something that affects your largest organ
(your skin) that can pose serious health issues if unaddressed.

So because acne is *technically* a disease, anything that claims to help treat

it is a drug.

And all drugs are immediately subject to FDA regulation, testing and

This is why many moisturizers and face washes can only say things like,
“Promotes glowing skin” or “helps with the appearance of fine lines” or
“gives you clearer skin” …

… And never make mention of the words “acne.”

Why? Because these companies legally can’t say anything close to that
unless they want to change their product from a product to a drug in the
FDA’s eyes.
This dramatically limits how brands in the skin cream space can advertise.
They can’t create content or bid on keywords related to acne (despite the
huge search volume) unless they want to risk their company getting shut

So pharmaceutical companies win all the business.

But what if there was a 100% legal way to build a massive list of people
interested in acne solutions that didn’t need FDA oversight?

A way that could probably turn you into the world’s number one affiliate
for any skin care brand.

A way that could make you well over 8-figures.

A way that also doesn’t require you to be an expert in skin care to pull off.

Sound crazy? Maybe a little. But it’s been done before in a totally different
(and actually tougher) field.

Ever heard of Ty Bollinger?

He’s the creator of a documentary called The Truth About Cancer.

In this multi-part series, Ty brought on a panel of natural health doctors

and experts to tell what he called, “The Truth About Cancer.”
Picking up tens of millions of views in just a few short days, the
documentary launched Ty’s career into the stratosphere.

The video series told in a dramatic style and shared practical tips and
solutions from a host of experts for how to combat cancer naturally. It also
pointed out flaws with the modern medicine system.

In the beginning, Ty gated the video series with a simple email opt in
which brought him millions of email subscribers.

And at the end of the series, he allowed people to buy copies of the
docuseries. He reportedly sold 10s of thousands of copies and then made
affiliate offers on the backend that made him north of 20 million dollars.

Today he runs one of the biggest health sites in the world.

And the entire business was launched off the back of just a few videos told
in dramatic style.

The craziest part is Ty himself has very few credentials. He’s just someone
who lost family members to cancer and a curious interviewer.

I think you could do the same exact thing with acne right now. It has a lot
of the same industry dynamics (lots of regulation, people that crave
natural solutions and possibly even more affected people).

Think The Truth About Acne.

It would be a powerful lead magnet that could get you millions of

To get started, study the framework Ty used in his video series, put
together your list of guest experts, conduct the interviews, find a solid
editor, and push forward to a launch date.

It’s a massive undertaking for sure, but if you were willing to give an
honest go, I really think this could be a powerful and lucrative
opportunity to build something big.

Freelance tip of the week

If you’re a freelancer who’s been struggling to get clients, here’s an
eye-opening exercise.

Last week I got an email from someone asking what she should do since
she kept talking to prospects and never closing deals.

She said, “No matter what I do I can’t get hired anywhere! What should I
do Rob?”

My answer stunned her. I think she expected me to pitch my course.

But the truth is the best way to learn why you’re bombing sales calls is to
go through the exercise of hiring someone to do something for YOU!

The more I’ve hired people to do things for me over the years, the better
I’ve gotten at getting hired. Because you learn what to look out for and
what’s a giant red flag.

If you do this, I think you will very quickly understand a couple core

1. What actually matters in the hiring process (aka what’s going

through the head of your potential clients)
2. What types of questions to prepare for and how to effectively field
3. How good it can feel to have someone solve a problem for you (and
why price is almost always inconsequential to the value you add)
4. And, most fundamentally, why having someone show up in your
inbox offering exactly what you need is an AMAZING experience

So if you’re a freelancer who’s been struggling to get clients, it might be

time for you to take some of your own medicine.

Try hiring someone to do something for you.

As you talk to them, notice the things that are on your mind. Notice the
questions you have.
Pay attention to what you most want to see from someone. This is
probably the single best thing you can do to improve your own closing
No. 28
Hello and welcome to the twenty-eighth round up of tips in The Book of
Copy & Client Secrets.

In this one, we’re exploring some new and profitable opportunities,


● A piece of protective biker gear that could be the start a 7 or 8-figure

● The “it drink” of the sports season that’s just waiting to be disrupted
● One of the most powerful ways to grow as a copywriter that has
almost nothing to do with writing
● And much, much more…

Ready to profit?

Exploding trends

One of the greatest things about being a copywriter is you get to find out
about weird, obscure products and niches all the time.

For example, we recently booked a meeting with the #1 brand in the world
for selling —- WAIT FOR IT —


When I saw this brand booked a call with us, I turned to my business
partner and said, “no way this is a thing, right?!”

Then, we dug into the industry and talked with the client and my jaw was
on the floor. I soon learned this is a HUGE, HUUUUUGE industry.

And if you think about it, it makes sense. Owning a horse isn’t cheap. It
can run you north of 6-figures a year (for many owners it's much more). So
you better believe someone who’s investing that much into their animal
wants to keep it in tip-top-shape.

But that’s just one example of the odd niches we’ve worked in over the
years. We’ve written copy for weird niches like:
● An exercise program specifically for women with thyroid issues
● A product that helps restaurants grow their sales during COVID
with a unique revenue stream
● Mineral water from the Great Salt Lakes that helps hair grow faster
● Custom, print on-demand wallpaper designs

And that’s just in the last couple months!

The point is, I’ve learned niches are powerful. In fact, some of the best
promotions and copy I’ve ever touched has come from writing to super
weird niche audiences.

So when I saw this new jacket for motorcycle owners trending, I looked

And what I found told me this was one of those niche products that could
do extremely well.


It’s a Full Body Armor Jacket for motorcyclists.

And it’s got all the hallmarks of a product that could take off fast:

1) A passionate and easily identifiable niche. I don’t know if I’ve ever

met a motorcycle owner who is NOT passionate about their bike.
And it’s easy to find them too. Most bike owners like the motorcycle
brand they own on Facebook or follow content related to biking.
2) It addresses an immediate pain point in a unique way. Bikers need
protection when driving. One slip up won’t just leave them with a
scraped knee. It could leave them with scars for life... Or worse. But
the problem is most protective gear is clunky, making drivers feel
immobile. The result? Most opt out of real protective gear and went
for leather jackets instead. Enter the HEROBIKER. It’s serious,
protective armour. It can sustain a full on crash! And it’s totally
mobile. And kind of makes riders look like a superhero when it’s on.
In other words, it makes people actually want to wear something
that makes them safer. THAT is magic in marketing.
3) Viral in nature. Imagine you’re a biker and you wear this jacket
around all your biker friends for the first time. Do you honestly
think they're not going to ask you, “WHERE DID YOU GET
THAT!!??” Of course they will. So the product spreads almost the
instant it hits consumers hands.

And rapid sales growth is exactly what’s happened. HEROBIKER is one

of the top-selling products on Amazon in the entire automotive category.

And they’re the #8 seller of “Powersports Protective Jackets.”

I suspect if you give them time they’ll likely pass by brands that have been
around for decades.

What’s crazy is this is really just the beginning of the types of products
they could offer to motorcyclists and grow even more. They could branch
into gloves, helmets, shoes and more to sell products more to their
customers. It’ll probably be an 8-figure business in a few short years.

So how do you claim your piece of this niche pie?

For freelancers and savvy entrepreneurs …

HEROBIKE has a little secret they don’t want you to know.

All their products are drop-shipped from ALIEXPRESS.

Meaning, they’ve built this incredible business and brand with what’s
essentially a whitelabeled product that all of us have access to.

So what should you do?

I recommend ethically stealing their idea to launch your own brand in the
motorcycle gear niche.

Getting it off the ground would be simple. Make your core offer the
HEROBIKE jacket (from Aliexpress).
But instead of launching on Amazon and giving all your customers away,
you could build your own site.

Launch your business by running traffic on Facebook to anyone interested

in motorcycles.

The ad and landing page could be super simple. Something like:

“POLL: Who’s the better driver…

Motorcyclists or Car Owners?
Click here to see the results.”

Show the results on the thank you page and present the motorcyclists an
offer to get the HEROBIKER jacket with a discount. Upsell them 2 more
for the price of onne. Downsell them gloves.

And wallah. You’re officially in the motorcycle gear industry.

Stick at it for a few months. Keep growing your funnel and buying more
customers. Eventually you’ll have a massive list of 10k-50k+ buyers that
make your business sellable if you want to walk away. Or you could just
keep sending incredible biking offers to your list of buyers and rolling in
the profits.

My only question is who’s doing this and how can I help!!??

At-home slushie machine
Things I look for in a brand I want to work with:
1) High ticket products with high margins.
2) Super high-intent search traffic.
3) FUN PRODUCTS! That would be awesome to test out.

When it comes to all 3 points, at-home slushie machines take the cake.

These bad boys start at $900 and go all the way up to $3k.

According to a recent report on the cold slush industry, people are buying
these slush makers in droves over the last few months.
Why? In large part because their favorite bars are closed. And they need
them because they’re making alcoholic slushies from home to watch
sports, have friends over, party and more.

What’s shocking isn’t that people want a delicious way to enjoy their

It’s that there’s no single brand built around this opportunity. Almost all
the results that come up when you search “slush machine” are for websites
that sell into commercial kitchens and gas stations.

And no average customer will understand what they’re looking at.

This is a big mistake. Because according to Ubersuggest, there are over

33,000 quality searches looking for these at home slushie machines every
And the lion’s share are going to a few legacy brands who have no idea
how to connect to their new (and growing) customer base.

Here’s how you can get a piece of their sales.

For freelancers and savvy entrepreneurs:

Start a slush recipe site!

Why? Almost all the sales for slush machines occur on a few key words:
● Best slush machine
● Best at home slush machine
● Slush machine recipes

And yet, if you search these terms, you’ll find almost no content sites. It’s
ALL commercial kitchen sites.

And the sites you do see, look like they were built in the 1990s and never
touched again.

This is so silly and a huge opportunity for anyone interested in creating a

few solid pieces of organic content.

Why? Because almost all of the high end slush machine companies also
have affiliate programs you can join that pay between 5 and 15% per sale.
At roughly $1k-3k per item, that’s not chump change.

Meaning you can create content that ranks for their terms, and send
qualified traffic over to their stores and then make between $50 and $450
per sale.

Not too bad for a content site that would probably take you a weekend to
build and a couple days every month keeping up new content.

Scoop up just 10% of the search traffic around these keywords, and you’ll
have 3,000 people coming to your blog every month.

If only 2% of those visitors convert into sales, that’s possibly $3,000 per
month in commissions.

By the way, this strategy can totally work (if you have patience). My
business partner and I created a couple pieces of content on super niche
words like this in the CBD space. 1 year later our content is ranking above
Healthline and

This content sends the brand tens of thousands of organic visitors to this

In other words, if you’re into slushies, this is a way to never have to pay for
one again in your life.

Freelance tip of the week

When I started writing for Nutrition, I really had no
idea what I was doing.
The only marketing experience I had was writing emails and sales pages for
Ramit Sethi’s IWT.

But when it came to supplement marketing, I was out of my league.

I remember asking the then President the best way to get up to speed. I
was about to be the ONLY copywriter at the company and really nervous
about filling those shoes.

He gave me a long list of books to read, tips to try and then, just as he was
walking off, he turned to me and said, “Oh and answer 200 support tickets
by Friday.”

I looked at him, curious, wondering if he was serious. Based on the

expression on his face, I knew he wasn’t kidding.

Well, out of all the things on his list, answering support tickets turned out
to be most HELPFUL experiences of my life.

Don’t get me wrong — I wanted to BANG my head against the wall the
whole. And I almost lost all hope in humanity.

But there’s pretty much no better way to *truly* understand who you are
selling to than seeing your customers questions and sticking points in
their own words.
When you see the types of questions the average person had, you learn
marketers might like your tricky headlines and technobabble sounding

But the average person wants simple, clear, easy and concise.

If you’ve never looked in the support box for your clients, you definitely
should. You might be surprised what you learn about the emails and sales
pages you’re creating.

To this day, we ask for shared access to the inboxes to see the replies to
emails and such.

Pro tip: It’s also one of the best ways to learn exactly what your emails and
headlines should be.

Just take the most common things people are asking and answer them in
your sales materials!

Some of our most successful ads and emails come from doing just that.
No. 29
Hello and welcome to the twenty-ninth round up of tips in The Book of
Copy & Client Secrets.

In this one, we’re exploring some new and potentially extremely profitable
opportunities, including:

● A revolutionary new way to rapidly produce polished videos and

sales content
● The next big personal finance referral trend (Hint: not Robinhood
or Webull!)
● The Perfect Upsell Formula
● And much, much more…

Ready to profit?

Exploding trends

Yotta Bank
Brace yourself —

Every YouTuber in the finance space is probably about to start pushing

this new gamified bank called Yotta.
If you watch any videos related to personal finance, you’ve undoubtedly
heard creators mention how you can get “2 free stocks with Webull” or “a
free stock with Robinhood” when you sign up using their link.

There’s a reason why.

Those promotions worked incredibly well!

It helped those stock trading apps rapidly acquire new customers. And
more notably, it allowed them to penetrate one of the most notoriously
entrenched industries in the world: Stock Trading.

Prior to these two trading apps bursting onto the scene, the stock trading
industry was dominated by old guard financial institutions like Merrill
Lynch, TD Ameritrade and Vanguard.

And nobody could disrupt them! They had more money to spend on
advertising and customer acquisitions so they would always win.

Even when newcomers like Scottrade and Etrade tried to enter the market
and introduced lower-cost trading, they ultimately always got stuck and
experienced a slow-down in acquiring new customers. This left them
vulnerable to being bought by the old guard companies (which is exactly
what happened).

But Webull and Robinhood were different. They figured out an insanely
lucrative and viral strategy for acquiring new customers.
It involved 3 parts. They would:
1. Gamify their apps with monetary rewards so people were
encouraged to share it with their friends
2. Partner with huge YouTube influencers to get traction and hook
them with great income potential for referring people to the app.
Some influencers make more than $10,000 per month just through
recommending webull and robinhood to their audiences.
3. Experience exponential growth through the compound effect of
referral loops and partnerships

This strategy helped Robinhood grow to 10 million users in just 3 short

years. It’s also what helped Webull eclipse that same feat in even less time
(just under one year).

And it’s got a lot of the old guard companies scared. Why? Because they
are not nearly as savvy when it comes to social media and influencer
marketing as these brands.

It’s proving to be a method of disrupting a trillion dollar industry.

And now that many see this as THE playbook for disrupting the personal
finance sector, one company has their eyes set on an even tougher (but
even more lucrative) industry: BANKING.

Meet Yotta, the gamified bank.

It works by rewarding customers for saving through the app with tickets
to a weekly drawing where you could win a prize - all the way up to $10

Saving money grants you a ticket to each week’s drawing but so does
referring friends, which people are starting to do in droves.

If we look at the Webull and Robinhood playbook, Yotta has followed step
1 — gamification — to a tee.

And now they’re moving on to step two and beginning to partner with
YouTube influencers, which means it’s about to be EVERYWHERE in

We’ve already seen the biggest personal finance YouTuber, Graham

Stephan, not just plug the company in a recent video on his channel. But
he also bought into the company with an investment.

Why? Because he knows this could be huge.

And I think this is just the start of a tidal wave of people about to start
pushing this company and it’s referral program.

For freelancers and savvy entrepreneurs:

Setup an account today! Be the first to refer it to people in your network
and you stand to make some fast referral points — and possibly even win
$10 million!
Right now, it just launched. So over-achievers might even consider
creating a short video review on YouTube about it.

The search volume around Yatta banking is increasing every day and there
are only a few videos about it to date. Which means early movers will get
the advantage of being able to pick up lots of views and referrals.

It reminds me of the early days of the AirBnB affiliate program.

Some of the people who first blogged about AirBnB and loaded up their
posts with affiliate links earned so much money in travel credit that they
said, “We’ll never be able to use it all.”

The same could happen here.

You could earn thousands of entries into the weekly drawings … and
possibly even $10 million if you win the large prize.

🤖 Beep-bop-boop! 🤖
Meet the world’s first publicly available A.I. powered text to presentation
generator: Synthesia.

It’s both one of the coolest and one of the weirdest things I’ve ever seen.
It works by allowing you to choose an “AI presenter” for your video like

Then, you upload text for the AI presenter to read…

And it generates a fully functional, fully presented video for you like this:

In other words, you can create videos in a matter of minutes. No need for
film crews, studios, actors or cameras.
Why’s that important?

You already know consumers prefer video over text and video gets more
engagement than text by almost 3:1.

But what you might not truly feel the pain of is how hard it is to produce
video content on a regular basis.

The reason is simple. There are a lot of moving parts with video!!

When you create a video, you need a camera person, an editor, a sound
person, and oftentimes a script to go off of.

Over the years, I’ve worked with dozens of different businesses and the #1
constraint of video is PRODUCTION.

But with this tool, you eliminate that step all together. You can go from
written work to presented video in minutes.

The possibilities for how we (as copywriters) could use this are unlimited.
Imagine being able to create new customer welcome videos, upsell scripts,
cart abandon videos and VSLs in the same day!

And then if you decide you want to split-test something, you just make the
text change and render a new video — THE SAME DAY. Compare that to
weeks of redoing everything with an editor.
Omg, I’m getting chills just thinking about how powerful this could be.

The only downside right now is the tech is still in early development. So
it’s a little buggy (in my opinion) and you can only select one of their 10 or
so prebuilt avatars. But they have plans to allow you to upload your own
avatars in the near future and then, this would take off to another level.

Here’s how to profit from this trend..

For freelancers …

This would be a valuable service to test out for your clients. Start with
customer welcome videos and cart abandon videos. And plan on doing
VSLs as soon as they have more avatars/custom avatars available.

For savvy entrepreneurs…

You could launch entire brands built around avatars that you create and
write for under a pseudonym.

Wherever you fall on the spectrum, you want to be on the waitlist for this
product when it’s released to the general public.

You could probably even get a small affiliate cut back by hooking up all
your clients with it when they launch more features in the future.

Go here to learn more about it and start using it to rapidly create video
Freelance tip of the week

Back when I was at Ancient Nutrition, I was charged with building a

funnel for one of our top-selling products that could:
1. Convert on cold traffic
2. Be profitable on Day 1
3. And could withstand an ad spend of over $10,000 per day

The only way to make a funnel like this work and be profitable on Day 1 is
through nailing your upsells.

Upsells are basically one-time offers you present to customers after

ordering that give them the chance to add more products to their order.

The reason you want to do this is clear: If you can sell another bottle to
the customer you already paid for, suddenly your profit on the sale jumps
from $ per sale to $$$.

That also means you can pay a lot more money to generate purchases and
still be profitable.

In other words, the better you can get at upsells, the better your funnel
will convert, and the more you can pay for customers and the more you
can scale.
At Ancient Nutrition, we spent a lot of money to figure what the perfect
profit-maximizing upsells should bbe.

We tried offering complementary products, allowing customers to get a

free bottle of the same product if they just added more to their cart, and

Eventually we cracked the code.

The winning formula was the one allowing customers to buy the exact
same product they just bought at an even deeper discount.

It ultimately got the highest take-rate, which then allowed us to offer

another upsell.

The economics broke down like this:

Complementar Buy 2, Second Bottle For
y Get 1 Half Off
Product FREE
Price of $37.99 $88 $22

Conversio 8% 18% 58%

n rate of

Boost to $3.04 $15.84 $12.76


New $47.04 $59.84 $56.76


Costs $32 $56 $28

Average $15.04 $3.84 $28.76
Profit Per

Introducing complementary products converted the worst. This is because

there’s an education factor that goes into buying something new. If
someone just bought a gut supplement and then you’re selling them
something for their brain health, they aren’t likely to say yes because it’s
out of frame. They’re not thinking about their brain. Their thinking
about their gut.

Going for a larger cart with the FREE bottles converted okay, but we
found that the price jump was simply too huge for most people to
stomach. In other words, only a small number of people would say yes to
an $88 add on to a small $44 order. So it was actually one of the least
profitable things to add — despite the huge cart.

The best was to simply offer the same thing they just bought at between
40%-50% off. It’s congruent with the first thing they bought (so there’s no
education around what they’re buying). And it’s less than what they just
paid… so it’s almost a no brainer.

So that’s the perfect upsell. We do this for almost all of our clients and it
works like a charm every time.

If you’re running traffic to any type of physical products (and the margins
are good), I would highly recommend implementing it. It’s proven over
and over again to get the highest take rate.
No. 30
Hello and welcome to the 30th round up of tips in The Book of Copy &
Client Secrets.

In this one, we’re exploring some new and extremely profitable

opportunities, including:

● A phone with intentionally terrible features that you can level up

even if you are terrible at marketing too!
● A software that makes hosting events easy (that you could easily ride
the wave of and potentially make up to $25k from)
● A teardown of a student’s REJECTED pitch to a prospect

Ready to profit?

Exploding trends

The Light Phone

Do you experience one or more of the following symptoms:
● Difficulty focusing on being present
● Compulsively checking or refreshing certain apps
● Persistent failed attempts to use your phone less
● A need to have your phone around you at all times

Then you could be exhibiting signs of what experts call “nomophobia.”

Or as it’s more commonly known smartphone addiction.

And let’s be honest…

It makes sense why most of us feel compelled and attached to these little

Because there are thousands of the world’s smartest programmers at

Facebook, Google and Instagram working on designing applications and
feeds that we're quite literally addicted to.

In fact, apps often leverage the same psychological principles that

designers use to build the world’s most addictive games… SLOT

They do things like overwhelm your visual cortex, give you variable
rewards and constantly flood your brain with dopamine through refreshes
and alerts.

But all these apps come at a cost to our mental and emotional health.

In fact, studies show overusing some apps like Instagram are directly
linked to declines in mental health. Why? Because it causes us to compare
ourselves to others constantly and can even lead to depression. Since the
pandemic and as political issues are on the rise in America, many of us
have been indoors, on our phones more than ever and in desperate need of
a digital detox.
One company, The Light Phone, wants to help.

It’s the world’s first phone that’s designed to be used as little as possible.

Unlike an iPhone that has hundreds (or even thousands) of functions, it

only has 4.
1. Calling/Texting
2. Alarms
3. Listening to music
4. Calling an Uber

That’s it!

You might think that an intentionally less-smart and functionally-worse

phone would sound good in theory, but then struggle to actually sell in the
real world.

But that’s not what happened to The Light Phone.

They launched on KickStarter in 2019 and raised $3,513,838 USD from

10,732 backers.

And they completely sold out of the inventory for their launch.

In other words, this is clearly something that people want right now. In
fact, since the pandemic both search traffic to their site and sales have been
And many analysts say that this is just the beginning of the wave of people
interested in a digitally minimal lifestyle.

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend for profit

For freelancers…

There’s a difference between intentionally soft marketing and complete


And when it comes to The Light Phone, I’d say they’re criminally
irresponsible marketers.

Why? Because they don’t have even the slightest hint of a funnel set up on
their site. No email pop up. No cart abandonment flows. Not even really a
product page.

I get it!

They want to be “cool” and “sleek” and not “advertise.”

But that’s not how you make consistent, predictable sales.

If they really want to make the kind of impact they say they do on society,
they need to be 100x better at acquiring customers.

They probably think they don’t need to do marketing in the traditional

way because they had such a big Kickstarter launch.

But if you look at the graveyard of companies that launched on

Kickstarter, got addicted to that easy money, and thought that would be
how you get customers for life…

… Only to wake up to the harsh reality that that’s not even close to true,
you realize these guys need to watch out.

The good news for The Light Phone team is it seems like their cofounder
is receptive to marketing. He has a background in advertising.

He might just need some help getting things off the ground.
I recommend reaching out to him and seeing if you can get a conversation
around email and content marketing started.

Here’s his LinkedIn.

For savvy entrepreneurs:

Consider starting a Light Phone case company.

Remember, when it came to the Gold Rush, it was those that sold the
pickaxes and shovels that got rich… Not the ones who tried to mine gold.
Will The Light Phone founders become billionaires?

I don’t know.

But in this instance, you could probably start a phone case company from
scratch specifically built around minimalist designs for the phone and get
incredibly wealthy.

To get started, you could get a sample, custom built phone case created for
as little as $15 here.

Then, launch on Kickstarter the same way that The Light Phone did. Talk
about how you wanted a minimalist case for a minimalist phone.

Send it out to some of the fans of the original campaign. All you’d need is a
hundred backers to get some momentum to fund your initial order.
From there, all you’d have to do is stand up a simple google ad on the term
“light phone cases” and you’re in business.

Who knows … You might even get bought out by the team at The Light

See how you can start a phone case company from scratch here.

If you run an event company or conference, it’s no secret this year has been

Almost every event since March simply hasn’t happened. And many events
have even pushed ahead and cancelled their 2021 plans, too.

The fact is, there’s no way to know when things will return to normal.

But while 99% of the event industry has been decimated, there has been
one area experiencing massive growth.

Virtual event companies!

And it makes perfect sense.

Why cancel when you could do the entire thing virtually!?

That sounds good in theory until you realize that just making your event
virtual can very quickly turn into the world’s most boring zoom call if you
don’t do it right.

Like all events, virtual events require planning, ambience, music, lighting
and more to go well.

Which is why virtual event companies are booming right now. Because
while the switch might be easy, it’s not as simply as turning on Zoom and
going live.

One company in particular has seen a massive uptick this year —


They help creators host virtual summits with an all-in-one software. So

that you can charge for tickets, easily display speakers and keep in touch
with attendees during and after the event.

It’s pretty genius.

And for as little as $33 per month, you really can’t beat it for hosting a

Here’s how you can profit from this event wave.

For freelancers …

This would be a valuable service to pitch your clients!

If, for example, you have a client in the health space, you could pitch them
on the idea of hosting a virtual summit with a few speakers. The topic
could be, “Your 2021 Health Reset”

All you have to do is get signed up with HeySummit.

Stand up a landing page. Charge for the tickets, have all the speakers plug
their list, and share the leads at the end. It could turn into a massive lead
gen and revenue opportunity to kick off the new year.

The same kind of idea can be applied to virtually any type of client.

To set it all up, get the guest speakers and follow up with the attendees
post launch, you could easily charge $25k. And this software would make
it so easy even a non-event planner could do it.

Freelance tip of the week

See if you can spot what went wrong!

One of my students sent me a conversation between her and a prospect.

She couldn’t figure out why she botched the deal!
The prospect was having difficulty effectively onboarding new clients into
her services and really needed someone to design a flow to smooth out the

My student was the perfect person to do it. But after a quick back and
forth ended up losing the client.

See if you can spot the reason why:

Prospect: We’re having issues with onboarding new students. They just get
confused and don’t know what to do.

Student: Got it! I can jump in the email funnels and see what they’re
currently getting stuck and what I might be able to add to really make it
clear on how to use your program to the fullest extent.

Prospect: Sweet! I’m available now to chat through it and get you logged
in. Basically, the contacts are getting no emails after they buy right now.
Only the login info.

Student: Ah. I see. I can definitely fix that. Give me 3 minutes and we can
hop on zoom. Btw, this project will be $100/hr with probably a 2 hour
minimum. That cool?

Prospect: Awh. That’s outside my budget. Thanks though! I’ll try to find
someone to help and will reach out to you if I need anything. Thanks!
In other words, REJECTED!!

But why?

Because she didn’t dig into the pain!

This is a common mistake I see so many freelancers make. They think just
because a prospect says they have a problem that they will want to pay you
to solve it.

But that’s not true.

You have to make them FEEL the pain — quantify it — really dig in.

So how could she have redone this convo?

I would’ve dug a little deeper before you pitched a price.

In this case, the prospect is really screwing things up with new clients.
And I suspect that it’s causing refunds and a lot of strain on customer

So let’s redo that convo…

Prospect: We’re having issues with onboarding new students. They just get
confused and don’t know what to do.
Student: Got it. What’s happening when they get confused?

Prospect: They’re emailing us constantly and some are asking for refunds.

Student: I can see how that would be frustrating for you. How much is
your course?

Prospect: $3k

Student: Got it. Yeah, whenever you’re selling high ticket programs, you
want to give your students the best experience possible. That way you can
keep those sales on the books and get them to refer you around to all their
friends. Are you spending money on Facebook and google to generate
these leads?

Prospect: Yeah, about $30k per month.

Student: That’s great! I definitely think I can help you out here. If I
sketched out a quick proposal, would you want to see it?

Prospect: Absolutely.

Student: Excellent. So as I mentioned, I specialize in building email

programs just like yours. Normally, I would tackle this project from both
sides — both the acquisition emails and the backend emails. But in this
case, we really just want to focus on the backend. But I’d love to audit the
front end emails just to get some more context. Then, I’ll build a series of
about 7-10 emails that will show your customers how to use the product,
connect with you more and answer some of the common questions you’ve
been getting. I think with this approach you could easily save 5-10 $3k
sales per month from refunding and build a ton of good will with your
customers. I’m excited and can turn this project around in about 5-7 days.
So I’ll do the audit, email drafting and load the campaigns for just $3k,
which you should easily make back with even one saved sale.

And I’ll include one month of support after — so we can optimize the
emails and work out any kinks after.

Sound good?

Prospect: Let’s do this!


It might seem like it’s just a longer answer. But length isn’t the point.
Osychologically, this is pulling on so many strings. It’s making the client
feel like they NEED your solution and that’s what you must trigger if you
want to consistently close deals.

Try going through this kind of exercise fo drilling into the pain before you
send your next proposal over and see if you don’t get a dramatically
different response.
No. 31
Hello and welcome to the 31st round up of tips in The Book of Copy &
Client Secrets.

In this one, we’re exploring some new and extremely profitable

opportunities, including:

● A new kind of divorce

● How things are heating up in an age-old industry
● A fast way to easily create slides for your VSLs
● And much, much more…

Ready to profit?

Exploding trends

Sleep Divorce
Is there anything worse than waking up in the middle of the night to your
partner grunting, breathing heavily and committing the most horrible
sleeping sin of all…


I know because in my relationship I’m the snorer!

And on more than one occasion I’ve woken up to my girlfriend holding a
pillow down over my head saying, “YOU WANT TO KEEP

I’m kidding, I’m kidding.

She doesn’t say that when she tries to smother me ;)

But jokes aside, snoring is a serious problem. An estimated 40 percent of

adult men and 24 percent of adult women are habitual snorers.

And it’s led to the rise of a new kind of divorce — Sleep divorces.

This is where partners sleep in separate beds or on separate sides of the

room or, in the most extreme cases, in separate rooms altogether.

It’s apparently an effective method for avoiding conflict and promoting a

long, healthy relationship.

In fact, The New York Times wrote, “ could be the key to saving a
relationship if one partner is particularly disturbing in bed.”

When I first heard about this, I thought the concept seemed weird, even as
a snorer.

But it turns out, this is more common than you would think.
According to a 2017 survey from the National Sleep Foundation, almost
one in four married couples sleep in separate beds.

Which got me thinking… There’s a whole lot of mattress companies selling

beds to couples who sleep together, but what if you built one that actively
sold to couples who slept separately?

Of course, you don’t need to go through the trouble of starting your own
mattress brand to do this.

Here’s how I recommend playing this trend for profit.

For savvy entrepreneurs…

Mattress companies have famously high affiliate payouts for their
products. In fact, they’ve been slammed for this in the past.

But in this case, it’s to your benefit.

You could start a blog aimed at helping couples navigate loud snoring and
difficulties sleeping in the same bed.

Some of the keywords are ripe for the picken.

For example, all these keywords have an excess of 10,000 searches every
● my husband snores so loud that i can't sleep
● my husband's snoring is killing me
● snoring partner sleep deprivation
● my husband snores and won't do anything about it
● how to stop snoring immediately
● snoring partner shortens your life
● how to stop someone from snoring

And yet, almost all the first page results are quick listicles with little
substance or flair.

I think you could build the blog without having to write any of the
content yourself. All you’d need to do is ask couples to write the content
for you.

They could share their own challenges and tips as they went through a
sleep divorce together.

And then, you could religiously and consistently market anti-snoring

products on the site, affordable mattresses that make buying two beds
simple and earplugs.

Give it some time, and a few dozen pieces of content, and I imagine you
could easily build this into a multi-thousand dollar income stream
through ads.

And since sleep is a timeless thing to talk about, you could always use the
audience you build to launch your own DTC product around a better
night's sleep (hint: a natural sleep aid) down the road and build that into a
huge business too.

The possibilities are endless. But it’s something I’d only recommend to
someone serious about growing the site overtime and having fun with it.
The numbers don’t lie though. This could be huge and it’s only growing
into an even bigger opportunity with each passing night.

Flavor God
It’s about time we spice things up in an age-old industry… SPICES.

For decades, the lion’s share of the $11.5 billion in annual spice sales went
to companies like McCormick, Old Bay, and Mortons.

In fact, it estimated that these companies own more than 80% of the spice
aisle in every grocery store in North America.

Talk about monopoly power!

But there’s a new, formidable opponent entering the ring… FLAVOR


Never before have brands had the option of selling directly to consumers.
It used to be you had to get your product in the grocery store to sell it.

Not anymore.
Through social media marketing and online advertising, they’ve built up a
cult following of more than 2 million Instagram fans and a brand that
does an estimated $50 million in annual sales.

And many of the classic brands are getting scared.

They’ve even started trying to build a presence of social media in response.

Because they don’t want to watch their monopoly powers completely

evaporate before their eyes.

And believe me — they have a vested interest in keeping things the way
they are.

It shocked me to learn that the spice industry is insanely profitable.

We’re talking margins as good as selling air.

Because they often buy cheap ingredients like salt, pepper and garlic
powder in huge amounts and then blend them together, it’s common to
profit 60-70% on every bottle of packaged spices.

So how do you claim a piece of this industry?

For freelancers …
Put spice companies like Flavor God and FeastModeFlavors on your
prospecting list ASAP. These are solid brands in a category that’s growing
like a rocketship. And catching them now would be like guaranteeing
yourself a front row seat to moon when they land there.

For savvy entrepreneurs…

This might be a long shot… but if you have a crazy uncle or grandma with
a secret spice blend, now’s the time for them to launch a blend and sell it

Your first run could be VERY lean.

Just have them mix up the blend, buy some containers (here).

And hand place the labels.

Launch on a Shopify Store to your friends and family and keep pouring
the profits from every sale back into the ads and email campaigns.

Who knows… Maybe NAME’s family could take over the McCormick at
the spice monopoly table?

Freelance tip of the week

Do you write VSLs for your clients or your own products?

If so, I’ve just found the fastest way ever to get them over into a slide deck
for you to record over.
It’s a free extension you can ad right into your slides app using this link.

Once you add it to your g-drive, you can import ALL the content from
your documents in as little as 4 clicks. All you do is select the google
document you want to pull content from, tell it how many characters per

Given that some of my scripts are over 20,000 words and 50 pages long,
this saves me HOURS and HOURS of copy and pasting.

I cannot recommend this more.

Pro tip: Sometimes it imports a little weird “Cont’d” at the top of some

But all you have to do is “Find/Replace” the issue with a blank space and
that comes out fast.

Tomorrow or Wednesday, I’m actually launching a video I did this for so

you can see it in action if you’re curious.
No. 32

It’s the thirty-second round up of tips in The Book of Copy & Client

In this one, I’m sharing my personal Black Friday/Cyber Monday


Ready to profit?

The Big Business of Digital Curation

If you’ve seen my guide on writing 6-figure emails, you know I’ve been a
fan of the site Really Good Emails for years.

What is Really Good Emails?

It’s a site that collects the web's best, and most attractive emails. They
show off both design and code.

And it’s a virtual treasure trove of great email ideas.

If you’ve never seen it before. Warning: You could spend hours combing
through 1,000s of example emails in every category you can imagine —
from customer appreciation emails to surveys to sales emails.
Note: If you have any clients in the ecommerce space, I highly recommend
checking it out at least once a week for email inspiration and ideas to test
in your clients’ businesses.

For years, it was just a simple site that catalogued emails and nothing

But early this year, that changed.

Someone decided to buy it off the original site owner and has turned it
into a serious business in a matter of months.

How so?

First they took their own advice and started building an email list. They
turned on email capture on the site, and now send a couple monthly
emails where they curate great email marketing specific content and sell ad

Given the niche (email marketing service providers for SMBs) and the size
of the list (reportedly 10k+ subscribers), I bet they’re easily charging
$1k-$3k per sponsored email send.

And since they send 10-15 emails per month, that’s $10k-$45k they’re
probably making … from a site that just curates content from great emails
across the web…
You have no idea how much I’m kicking myself for missing this.

Because when I first found the site (4 years ago), I actually thought about
reaching out to the owner and asking to buy it off of them.

But I couldn’t find any contact info so I kind of just forgot about it until I
saw it surging in popularity recently.

Nevertheless, my mistake is your chance to profit.

Because this is just the beginning of the possibilities with this very
lucrative business model.
The model being these 4 simple steps:
- Step 1: Build a site that curates content for a super specific niche for
people to study/swipe
- Step 2: Share this site in circles where those people hang out
- Step 3: Sell highly relevant ad space to that demo
- Step 4: Keep accelerating this cycle over and over again.

Another site that works on this same premise is

They collect examples of great copywriting — from ads to emails to sales


And it’s a highly useful tool for copywriters who want to model great ads.

Many copywriters know this to be true. Step 1 and 2 accomplished.

And recently, they launched a merch store with t-shirts that are highly
relevant to copywriters.

Note: I actually think cheap merch is the worst way to monetize the site
and that they would do much better by selling other ad inventory but
nevertheless the model still holds true and has a ton of potential to grow.

I actually talked to the site owner (his name is Mike) via email earlier this
year and he said they just passed 5k email subscribers this year and plan to
launch several copywriting courses to the audience later on.
So that’s two sites that effectively do NO CONTENT creation.

ATTRACT massive amounts of highly specific people to them.

And MONETIZE that audience through ads.

It’s such a great business idea that I wanted to brainstorm a few more ways
that you could use this concept to get momentum behind a niche brand.

Idea 1: Really Good Ads

You could follow the same basic premise of Really Good Emails only do
yours with ads. If you want to build a list of marketers/advertisers, this
could be a massively powerful way to attract a lot of them to your site in

In the beginning, you could just email brands after you feature their ads
on your site saying, “Your ad won!”

Many of the marketers that work at the companies will go check. Note:
This is what Really Good Emails did to me.

Once you get some users, what kind of ads could you sell?

You could sell ad space to ad tracking software or any type of analytics

tools. You could also do partnerships with brands like The Harmon
Brothers and exclusively promote their video ads course on the site.
As far as growing even faster, you could even build your list with ads on
FB. For example, you could run an ad to marketers that asks people to vote
on which ad they think won - A or B? Enter your email to see the results.

Boom. I bet you could build a list of a few thousand people like this fast.

Idea 2:

Don’t want to go the advertiser/marketer route?

Here’s a way to build a massive list of designers and graphic artists instead.

All you’d need to do is curate a list of awesome designs around the web
and make it “a thing” for designers to get featured. Maybe even allow them
to plug their portfolio on the site to make it truly beneficial for them to
get spotlighted on the site.

As far as ads, you could do sponsorships with Adobe, Canva, and

99Designs and probably very quickly build the site to a few thousand
subscribers (and a few thousand dollars per month in recurring income).

And where you go from there is only limited by your own imagination.

I love these digital curation businesses because they are some of the best
ways to build a highly useful site in a targeted niche and then monetize it.
I genuinely would love it if someone would build one of these.

Freelance tip of the week

If you have clients that will be running a sale during Black Friday/Cyber
Monday (note: they should), now is the time to nail everything down —
well in advance — so that you can maximize sales and profits over those 4
days without any stress or headaches.

Here’s a quick checklist of the things I prioritize for our clients.

1. Lock in your offer. The last thing you want is to do is scramble to

put together a deal at the last minute. Before October ends, you
should know exactly what your deals will be, any special segments
you’ll be sending to and testing any new tools you’ll need on your
store to pull it off. For our agency, we like to keep things simple for
our clients and do sitewide sales or free gifts with purchase over a
certain amount. This ensures there aren’t a bunch of codes floating
around and the message is super clean the whole weekend. Whatever
your deal is, just make sure it’s good. You BFCM sale should not be
something your customers have seen before. If for example, you
regularly run 20% off sales, BFCM should be at least 30%.
2. Work on your email deliverability. It doesn’t matter how good your
offer is if nobody is getting your emails! Now is the time to be
cleaning your list and making sure open rates are top notch before
BFCM. In Klaviyo, I like to run a segment of non-engagers (haven’t
opened an email in 60 days) and remove and barely engagers (opened
less than 3 emails in 30 days) and go ahead and start suppressing
them to get deliverability in the best possible place you can before
BFCM weekend. List hygiene is highly underrated. Here’s a guide on
3. Build hot lists. Once you have your offer locked and deliverability
improving, I recommend you start building out a hot list for BFCM.
You can ask people to opt in for “early access to BFCM” starting as
early as November 1. You can then start teasing out the deals and
even polling the “hot list” audience for what specifically they want to
see over the weekend.
4. Update all your cart abandon emails and welcome series to reflect the
BFCM deal for the weekend. You can do this simply in Klaviyo by
cloning the current flow and then tailoring it to BFCM. Note, you’ll
need to turn off the old ones (temporarily). As soon as the holiday
ends, switch back.
5. Customize your upsells with “Black Friday Special” messaging. This
is pretty straight forward but the congruence can go a long way to
helping you boost sales over the weekend.
6. Consider making a special deal for anyone who buys during the
weekend to come back and place another order with even more
savings. This creates a little return path back to the store that I’ve
seen boost sales by up to 10-15%.

And then enjoy a great weekend with your family!

BFCM is a big shopping time but that doesn’t mean it has to be stressful.
As long as you plan ahead and schedule everything in advance, it can be
your and/or your clients biggest day of sales… without any headaches.
No. 33
The Big Business of Private Label Supplements
If you forced me to pick one business to focus on for the rest of my life, it
would be scaling health and wellness products online.

The reasons are simple:

(1) It’s an almost-recession proof industry. ie People almost always care
about health.
(2) I love it and ...
(3) I’m really, really good at it.

As the only copywriter aboard the rocket ship that was Ancient Nutrition,
I learned what it takes to grow a tiny little supplement company from a
few hundred customers to a brand that made its way into Whole Foods,
Costco and Target … and eventually got bought by VCs for over $300

I’ve scaled businesses in the same situation dozens of times since.

But here’s the thing: Growing brands quickly is a ton of fun.

Only now that my business partner and I have done it over a dozen times,
we can’t shake the feeling that we want to build a supplement brand of
our own.
Plus, we have a unique advantage.

Since we spend tens of thousands of dollars per month on ads for many
different brands in this niche, we have a front-row seat to the types of
offers that are working best right now.

So we know exactly the kind of product we’d like to build. And we

obviously know how we’d take it to market and grow it.

Recently, I decided to pull the trigger to see exactly what it would take to
get a manufacturer for the physical product brand we want to build.

And what I found honestly shocked me.

Why? Because what I thought would be a simple google search, turned

into a super confusing process, where I could barely make heads or tails of
how to source product ingredients, what was needed in terms of a
minimum order quantities and how to even get in touch with the

And keep in mind... I’m someone who knows what kind of products I’m
looking for!

Imagine your average consumer who wants to start their own supplement
Better yet, put yourself in the shoes of a fitness influencer who’s got
thousands of followers they’d love to monetize and is thinking about
starting their own physical products brand.

The way most sites are currently packaged up there’s no way they’re going
to be able to figure it out on their own.

Which told me the industry is ripe for disruption and in desperate need of
good marketers like you and me to not just make things more clear… but
scale it.

And the profit potential for someone who gets it right is enormous.

Because if you run any significant volume through a private label

manufacturer, you’re talking about multi-6 or 7-figures in sales for them
AND you.

So it’s worth getting right on all sides.

I brainstormed a couple ways to profit from this.

Idea 1: Help The #1 "Print On Demand" Supplement Company Scale

Their Offer

One reason it’s incredibly hard to start a physical products brand is

because you have to source the ingredients for the product AND the
packaging AND you have to figure out shipping AND have a place to
store the product (ie a warehouse).

That’s a lot of “ANDS”.

And the last thing anyone wants is to be sitting on a ton of inventory for a
product that nobody buys.

Which could totally happen if you place a giant order for an untested
product for the first time.

This was the huge value proposition that companies like Printful and
Teespring offered and used to completely disrupt the merch industry.

They allowed influencers to simply upload branded products to their shop

and then only create and ship the product when it was purchased by a

This is called — Print on Demand — and it was a huge innovation that

moved the merch industry forward.

The supplement industry has been in need of the same thing.

And one company Rocktomic has the solution.

They created the first mass market “Print on Demand” Supplement

business … and I think this is going to be a huge leap forward for the
industry as a whole.

Think about how compelling the pitch to an influencer with 10k-100k

followers is…

“No more huge piles of inventory, no more sorting through sites that were
built in the 1990s, no more figuring out logistics…. Just tell us the
products you want to create, upload your custom branding and we’ll take
care of the rest.”

If they do for supplements what Printful and Teespring did for merch,
they’ll be a $100 million business in a few years flat.

And I know they’re going to need more creative, copy and promotion
ideas down the road.

If you have any interests in being on a rocketship as it grows, now’s the

time to reach out.

And here's the person to reach out to.

Idea 2: Help Influencers Launch Their Entire Supplement Store & Take

If you didn’t want to work on the inside with the Rocktomic team, you
could just use their platform as a springboard for building influencers’s
Your pitch would be: If you have an audience of 10,000-100,000 followers,
I can show you how to turn that in $10k-100k in monthly income for you
with no upfront costs.

Full disclosure: This would be tougher, but if you could find the right
sized influencer, you could pitch them on an end-to-end launch of their
store and could be rolling in some serious cash a year from now.

This isn’t easy.

You would do the product sourcing, the store setup, the email marketing
and more — and they would bring the eyeballs.

But for that work, you could split the profits 50/50 or 60/40.

And then all you’d need to do is set them up with a Rocktomic

print-on-demand account and run the marketing for them.

With the right partner, you could be on your way to starting your own
Ancient Nutrition-like supplement business in a few years time.

Heck, I might try this for one of our clients who we’ve been begging to
start a physical product brand for some time.
Freelance tip of the week
Here’s a weird new thing I’m testing for our clients right now…

As you can probably guess, I’m planning to send a lot of emails on behalf
of our clients over Black Friday/Cyber Monday.

Which will hopefully translate into a lot of sales.

But it will inevitably also mean a lot of unsubscribes.

It doesn’t hurt my feelings when people unsubscribe from an email list.

But it does kind of suck because in our clients case because it’s almost
always leads they’ve paid to acquire.

And if you think about it, at some point, these people DID want what we
were offering them. It’s just that something triggered them to leave.

Maybe they didn’t like an email? Maybe they got too many emails at once?
Maybe they’re no longer interested?

Recently I watched a training from our email service provider where they
recommended optimizing the unsubscribe page to encourage people to tell
you why they’re leaving.

Or give people the option to update their preferences before completely

leaving the list.

But seeing that gave me the idea to start optimizing that unsubscribe page
— and actually packing it with a great offer as a little going away gift.

Here’s what that looks like right now:

Over the past few weeks, this little change has actually resulted in a couple
hundred dollars in sales from leads that would have left our client’s lists.

Which is pretty neat.

But I’m going to customize it for BF with a few more unbeatable offers,
like free + shipping or 50% off.
I’ll keep you posted on what I find out. But it just goes to show you that
you should always be looking for pages within your funnels that get a lot
of eyeballs and think about how you can optimize them.

This was a super weird test that’s turned leads that wanted to leave into
buyers for the brands we manage.

If you’re managing lists for clients, it’s at least worth a test. Let me know
how it goes!
No. 35

Hello and welcome to the thirty-sixth edition of The Book of Copy &
Client Secrets.

The holiday season is right around the corner and one thing soon to be on
everyone’s mind is gifts.

And this year, more people are expected to turn to online shopping than
ever before.

So I wanted to share a simple, elegant and timely campaign idea for you or
your clients that allows you to keep engagement high while still
monetizing your list during the holidays.

This works for both ecommerce companies and personal brands.

And it’s genuinely one of the most fun campaigns you’ll write.

Note: It’s especially powerful if you plan to hit your list hard over Black
Friday/Cyber Monday, but still want to grow your sales leading up to

Let’s get into it!

Monetizing Gift Guides

If you followed my tips for having a successful BFCM, it’s likely you’re
going to move a lot of units next week.

But what happens if you sell so much of your product to your customers
that they don’t need any more for months and months?

If for example, you’re writing copy for a brand that sells mineral water or
turmeric oil, your customers can only buy so much before they’re totally
stocked up.

So how can you still make sales and keep engagement high with your

Enter Monetizable Gift Guides.

These are curated a list of products you know tour customers will love,
packaged and shared over the holiday season.

If you brand them as a gift guide, it’s a fun, entertaining way to profitably
promote other products and brands to your customer base — while
actually boosting engagement and generating sales.

For example, one of our clients sells a thyroid detox program and is
extremely focused on eliminating toxins from your home and every day
So her fans love when she shares one of her favorite water purifiers with a
holiday deal.

But how does this make money?

Excellent question!

There’s two ways you can go about it. You can either sign up for the
affiliate program of the different products you promote in your gift guide.
That’s the most straight-foward way to do it.

But if you are writing on behalf of a really large brand (100k+ email
subscribers), you could also try reaching out the brand before you plug
them and do a rev share deal.

For example, the client I mentioned that promotes the water filter gets a
special payout from promoting them because her list is massive. And
whenever she plugs them they’re sales skyrocket.

Also, I should mention these water filters aren’t cheap. Coming in at

roughly, $500-$1,500, a 10-20% cut on every sale really starts to add up.

How long should the gift guide be?

We recommend between 5 and 10 products.

Any less and you don’t end up having enough diversity in the types of
things you're mentioning to make it compelling and fun for everyone

And any more than 10 people end up with too many options, which can
actually hurt conversions.

How much can I expect to make?

Depending on your audience size, you can expect to make between $1-$10
per subscriber for a well written gift guide.

Which isn’t too shabby.

So if you audience is fatigued after your holiday sale, this is a way you can
actually keep engagement high while still making sales to your customers.

To maximize performance, I recommend you do a mix of high ticket and

mid-ticket products in your gift guide.

Any final tips?

Just make sure to keep it authentic and fun. If you just plug a product to
plug it to your list, people can spot it from a mile away.

We like to make it as REAL as possible. Include actual photos of your

client or you using the product if you have it.
Share your tiny and specific reasons you love it. Like the way it sits on your
shelf or the way you felt when you opened it up.

Freelance tip of the week

Last week, we had to do a very difficult thing: Fire a long-standing client.

It’s never easy to let clients go. Especially not ones that you’ve worked with
for a while.

But in many cases, it’s the best course of action for everyone.

So I wanted to share some tips for what to watch for in clients that you
should fire. And if you guys enjoy this, I’ll share some tips for messaging it
next week’s tip. Because it’s definitely awkward to have to let a client go,
but if you go in with the right mindset it can make you come across as an
expert and trusted advisor.

What to watch for:

1. If clients' expectations become more and more unrealistic no matter
how much you try to tame them, that’s a huge warning sign to walk
before things get messy. The simple fact is building a business takes
time and money. And no matter how good you are, you can’t bring
clients 10.51 ROAS forever. It’s not just impossible, but it’s
impractical. And yet some clients believe that can be done no matter
how much you coach them on a different path. If clients can’t
understand that even when you try to tame expectations and set
realistic goals, it’s often a sign you need to walk. Because not only
will they never give you a good recommendation but it’s also likely
they will fire YOU down the line.
2. If you’re consistently pulling more weight than they are, leave before
things sour. When you work with a client, you want them to trust
you and lean on you to be in your zone of genius as you do your
work. But if you find them starting to do less and less while giving
you more and more work, it’s often a signal you shouldn’t partner
with over the long term. This is especially true if they’re not paying
you more or offering you equity to do everything in their business.
Otherwise you end up in a situation where you’re effectively the
CEO of the business without the CEO upside or decision making
power. And it will almost always come back to bite you. I like
relationships where everyone pulls their weight and I get to be
celebrated for my wins and learn from my losses. If you only get the
downside with no upside, what’s the point in sticking around?
3. If you feel in your gut that things are beginning to go south, walk
before it gets messy. This is the hardest to quantify but the easiest
way to know if you should fire a client is when you feel it in your
gut. This has happened to me several times before and I’ve almost
never been wrong about clients. My advice is to trust your gut before
things get messy.
Hey there!
Congratulations on making it ALL the way
to the end of this book.
It definitely wasn’t a short read.
But hopefully it was a profitable one :)
So first, let me say, THANK YOU for reading.
Second, if you enjoyed this book and would like to unlock
another gift. Shoot me an email at with the subject line, “LOVED
Include your thoughts on the book.
And I’ll hook you up with another cool gift.

Thanks again,

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