Dini Agustina 19101018 UAS B.ingris

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Nama : Dini agustina

nim : 19101018

UAS : B. ingris I

prodi : S1 kebidanan

dosen : Johari nur, M.Pd



I wil come to your party tomorrow


1. I will come to your party tomorrow

2. I wil not come to party

3. wil you come to party tomorrow ?

4. we shall go out party tomorrow

5. we shall not come to party

she is going to visit this hospital next week

“BE + going to”

1. she will be hospital next week

2. she will not be hospital

3. I is going to hospital next week

4. I is not going to hospital

5. what is your I going to next week hospital?


1. ANSWER : the coronavirus that is dominating headlines today is a member of a large family
of viruses named after the way that they look
2. ANSWER : many of the symptoms are similar to the flu. you may have a dry and itchy cough,
fever , aneezi ng a lot and even difficuity breating most of the people tho get sick with this
coronavirus have mild cases. this means you will not feel the diseases

3. ANSWER : they call their doctor and get help

4.ANSWER : here are some thing you can do to protect your self family and friend from getting
sick :

1. wash your hend often using soap and water

2. sneeze into your elbow

3. avoid touching youre face

5. answer : we can take a part by keeping our health and stay at home to stop the virus spread
to others


My plan for the future is that I hope I become someone who makes my parents happy,
can become a successful person and become a professional midwife and can make people
around me happy.


1. Inspection is done directly (such as sight, hearing, and smell) and indirectly (with assistive

2. Palpation. Follow-up physical examination by touching the body and carried out in
conjunction with the inspection. Palpation is done using the palms, fingers, and fingertips.

3. Auscultation is the term for listening to the internal sounds of the body, usually using a
stethoscope. Auscultation is performed for the purposes of examining the circulatory system
and respiratory system (heart sounds and breath sounds), as well as the gastrointestinal
system (bowel sounds)

4. Percussion is tapping a body part and listening for vibrations to diagnose the boundaries,
size, or contents of a body cavity.

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