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Personal Background Respondent's age, what they are

Informatio currently doing, family members and
n - This their details including education,
section profession etc.,
include all
n about the
boy- her
Routine & Interests When respondent talked about their
routine, tasks and interests pursued
within their routine. This section would
also cover their technology access and
Contexts - Socio Cultural Context When respondents talked about
This external contexts like sociocultural
section norms and attitudes related to the
will community which implies a boys life in
include the terms of their education, career,
marriage, mobility etc.
mention of
that impact
a boy's
ability and
When respondents talked about
infrastructural considerations like education,
work opportunities, health, accessibility and
mobility etc.
Educational Context When respondents talked about their
educational context related to schools,
coaching, level and quality of education
Familial Context When respondents talked about family
dynamics and relationships that
impacted their lives and decisions
Relationship Context When respondents talked about
social relationships with peers
(female and male), teachers, other
members in the community
Professional Context When respondents talked about any
current planning for or already
undertaken professional prospect

Program Execution/ Frequency When the respondents talked about

Recall & Implementation duration, frequency of executing the
Comprehe sessions, no. of modules administered,
nsion - duration of administering the modules
section Time & Duration When respondents talked about the
will time and duration of participating in
include the Plan-It Girls
recall, and Location When respondents talked about the
comprehen location of activities, sessions,
sion stated discussions etc.
by boys as
well as the Memorability of Topics recalled When the respondent talked about the
experience Modules topics of modules transacted, and
of reason for recall, conceptual
participatin understanding and relatability of the
g in Plan-It
program. Reason for recall When the respondent talked about the
reason for recalling the topics/modules
g in Plan-It

Comprehension/ When the respondent articulated their

Conceptual understanding of the topics
Relatability to own When the respondent related the
life/events modules/topics to their own lives
Engagement with Methods, tools & When the respondent talked about
method of transaction & activities used in specific tools, resources, activities used
transactors transaction as devices to transact the curriculum -
This includes any physical material used,
and activities carried out by the YFs

Quality of When the respondent talked about the

transaction experience with the approach and
attitude of transaction by facilitators -
conversation, Q & A, explanation and
comprehension of concepts, demeanor,
response to queries etc.

Interaction with When the respondent talked about their

facilitators relationship with facilitators including
personal experiences, likes & dislikes,
specific experiences etc.
Impact - Self identity & awareness When the respondents talked about self
This identity, their personality, positive and
section negative traits, social habits, changes
will experienced in themselves in past 2
capture the years etc.
and action
ing to the
and any
stated or
due to the
Gender roles and Understanding & When the respondent talked about their
discrimination perspective perspective on gender, gender roles and
disparity in families and societies,
patriarchy, own experiences with gender
inequality etc. and changes experienced
in themselves in the past 2 years

Response and When the respondent talked about their

action taken intent to take action towards gender
Education & Aspiration When the respondent talked about their
perspective on aspirations, educational
prospects and aspirations for
themselves and changes experienced in
themselves in the past 2 years
Employability & Career Aspirations When the respondent talked about
career aspiration, future roles, qualities
required, skills required etc. and
changes experienced in themselves in
the past 2 years
Marriage When the respondent talked about
expectation, anticipation, feelings,
educational and ability to work after
marriage and changes experienced in
themselves in the past 2 years
Direct Impact of the program When the respondent talked about
learnings, application, intent to change,
current and future course of action
related to Plan-It Girls
1_Delhi_IDI Girl_1-10 February

M: Okay, we have discussed about this

girl, now we will discuss about you. Tell
me about yourself and your family, who
is there in your family?

R: I have my sister.

M: Is she older than you?

R: Yes.

M: Do you have only one sister?

R: Yes.

M: Who else?

R: My mother, my aunt is also there.

M: Does your aunt stay with you?

R: No.

M: So, you, your mother and your sister.

R: Yeah.

M: What about your father?

R: He is no more.

M: Okay, my father is also not there. Tell

me, what does your mother do?

R: She is a cleaner.

M: With MCB.
M: Tell me in the entire day, when do
you get up, how do you spend your day?

R: I get up at 6:45 a.m. Then I become

ready for school and I leave.
M: At what time do you have to reach

R: Now we have to get there till 7:30 a.m.

My sister tells us to hurry up. You have to
go school to study, the teacher asks us
why have you come late, or if someone
gets there till 9:00 then she scolds them,
I will call your parents this and that.

M: Till what time your school is on?

R: 12:40.

M: Till 12:40 the bell rings?

R: Yes. At 12:30 the bell rings and till

12:40 it is over.

M: What do you do after that?

R: After that I go home, change clothes,

have food, and have a rest.

M: At what time do you reach home?

R: By 1:00 to 1:30 I reach home.

M: After that you wash clothes?

R: No, I have a rest after that I go to

M: When you had periods earlier were
there any restrictions?

R: There were restrictions from eating

sour things, restriction from tamarind
and all in periods. Restrictions from
eating the pickle, bath when you go
outside, don’t go to the temple, don’t
work in the kitchen more and all those

M: Earlier you can do all those things.

R: My mother used to go less in the

kitchen in these clothes.

M: Okay. Now I will ask you more

questions, the picture that you have
made, is how you were 3 years back, and
now how are you. One thing that you
told that you have now become
confident, if someone tells me that you
are going to fail, then you say, ‘so what?’
From where did you get this confidence?

R: My mother and sister tell me, that if

anyone says something, keep doing your
work, then I learned from it.

M: What does your mother say? You

should speak for yourself and what else?

R: We should tell the people on their

face, if they tell you that you have not
done this thing and all. You should tell
M: How is the financial condition of your
house? Is it okay?


R: It is okay. My aunt says not to go

outside because it is not safe. Don’t roam
here and there

M: When you had periods earlier were

there any restrictions?

R: There were restrictions from eating

sour things, restriction from tamarind
and all in periods. Restrictions from
eating the pickle, bath when you go
outside, don’t go to the temple, don’t
work in the kitchen more and all those
M: Did you start studying something

R: I practiced science and math at school,

I had started going to tuition.

M: Okay, what else?

R: Going out to the market and all.

M: Did you go out for the first time?

R: No, to the parks and all.

M: Did anything enjoyable happen in
your life?

R: [Silence]
M: Did you have any question in your
mind like this that you think that there is
no one with whom I can talk to?

R: Earlier my father was there, and my

elder sister used to share this with my
father, so she used not share these thing,
the things that used to happen outside I
used to share those things also, I used to
share with my mom and she used to do
with dad, I used to share things with my

M: What does father say?

R: He says bad cases are happening

outside, wear proper clothes not jeans
and top and all.

M: Okay. Now I will ask you more

questions, the picture that you have
made, is how you were 3 years back, and
now how are you. One thing that you
told that you have now become
confident, if someone tells me that you
are going to fail, then you say, ‘so what?’
From where did you get this confidence?

R: My mother and sister tell me, that if

anyone says something, keep doing your
work, then I learned from it.

M: What does your mother say? You

should speak for yourself and what else?

R: We should tell the people on their

M: Do other girls get married?

R: Some girls are not allowed to study;

their parents don’t let us study and tell
them to learn cooking at home.

M: What else happens at the age of 25?

R: Brothers roam out but mother does

not say anything to brother but her
mother asks her where you were, why
were you out for so long, the outside
environment is not good.
M: Okay. We have reached your age, so
now let us move forward; we are making
this new line now. We discussed upto the
age of 18, now we will discuss 18 to 21
years of age, so what happens in the life
of girls of your age at this stage?

R: We go for a job after passing 12th

M: Would you usually do a job only?

R: No, going to college also.

M: Okay, what else happens?

R: I will do some courses.

M: Like what?

R: Beauty parlor course.

M: What happens at the age of 21?

R: She does a job, along with that she

does courses also like some of them
want to do a course in nursing or
beautician or fashion designing.
M: Okay, we talked about school. Now
we will talk about the timeline you told
me about, you said that at the age of 16
years there were periods. Shall we talk
about periods?


R: Yes.

M: Can we talk about it?

R: Periods?

M: Yes periods.

R: Yes.

M: I have to ask a few questions about it

if you are comfortable.

R: Okay.

M: So tell me that when did your periods


R: When I was 13 years old.

M: Did you observe any other change in

your body with these?

R: Yes stomach ache.

M: But any other difference in your


R: I don’t understand.
M: Now tell me about this program Plan-
It, how was it and what did you learn in

R: It was good, earlier we used to

differentiate in girls and boys, my mom
used to say that they are of low or high
cast, then now we have come to know
that they are equal, there they make us
understand that.

M: What else?

R: It is not like it. All are humans and like

us only and then they told us that
sometimes if you feel frightened in the
interview, then don’t get frightened, take
that out.
M: I am asking about the girls of this age,
tell me, the people who have a brother in
their house and in the way their parents
behave with them, and give the work
and in the way they give it to the boys, is
there any difference in that?

R: Yes, my friend's brother goes outside

the house to search for the work. They
tell the girls that what will you do by
doing a job, I’m doing a job and you do
the household work that will help you

M: Do you notice any other difference?

R: No such difference, so she can sit for

studies after working. That is okay.
M: So you are going to school?

R: Yes I am.

M: Have you thought of leaving school?

R: No I haven’t but cousin had to give

ninth exam and she was afraid of the
exam so she quit school, her mother told
her to study and her father was also like
he used to hit her mother, like my aunty
also got married at 18 and she thought
that her daughter should not have a life
like her, so her mother explained her but
she didn’t understand.

M: But have you ever thought of quitting


R: No, there is no such thing, my mother

says study as much as you like, it will be
useful to you.

M: Do you enjoy school and studies?

R: Yes, I like to study and I like to play


M: Is there any subject that you like

besides sports?

R: I like Hindi and Sanskrit.

M: How are your school teachers?

R: There was a girl who failed in ninth, so

the teacher told her to do a stitching
M: What do you think when we say

R: It feels good.

M: Do you have any fear?

R: Yes, because there is no one from our

house, but my mom will go with me, but
she says that I won’t go with you. That
you feel scared when your mother-in-
law will taunt you

M: But you like it?

R: No, but I have to do it in life.


M: Do you think you can choose your


R: Time will tell that.

M: Now you know your family and village

people, do you think you can choose or

R: My mom, then you will like, keep him

in front of me, I will make you marry him,
don’t run because then it would damage
the name, as I have one neighbor, she
ran away.

M: Then do you think that the one you

will like, it can be the one?
M: Now we will talk about last 2 years,
when you participated in this Plan-it
Program, so tell me this thing that you
have talked about self-confidence and
all, that you can go out and talk on your
own and all, and all these things, so if
need anything in school or in home, do
you feel the need?

R: When I have periods, then I tell ma’am

to give me pad and ma’am gives it, it is
there in the staff room. There is one
white color medicine in our school, so
when we eat it, the germs inside our
stomach get killed, so we get it every
M: Tell me about the Plan-it program?

R: What should I tell?

M: First tell me the thing that you were

telling me and then tell?

R: Once my neighbor came to me, so she

was having periods, so she started crying
that what would I do, then her mom said
that what should I do, so I told her that
show her to a doctor, so her mom said
that it is not good to show a doctor, what
he will do and took her back.

M: Now tell me about this program Plan-

It, how was it and what did you learn in

R: It was good, earlier we used to

differentiate in girls and boys, my mom
File Name

Themes Codes Description

Personal Background Respondent's age, what they are

Informatio currently doing, family members and
n - This their details including education,
section will profession etc.,
include all
n about
the girl -
her age,
Routine & Interests When respondent talked about her
routine, tasks and interests pursued
within her routine. This section would
also cover their technology access and
Contexts - Socio Cultural Context
include the
mention of
that impact
a girl's
ability and

When respondents
talked about
Educational Context
Familial Context
Relationship Context
Professional Context

Program Execution/ Frequency

Recall & Implement Time &
Comprehe ation Duration
nsion -
This Location
section Memorabil Topics
will ity of recalled
include the Modules
Reason for
recall, and recall
sion stated Comprehe
by grils as Conceptua
well as the l
experience understan
of ding
g in Plan-It
Girls Relatability
to own
program. life/events
g in Plan-It

Engageme Methods,
nt with tools &
method of activities
transactio used in
n& transactio
transactor n
Quality of
Impact - Self identity When the respondents talked about
This self identity, their personality, positive
section will and negative traits, social habits,
capture changes experienced in themselves in
the past 2 years etc.
thoughts, Gender Roles and When the respondent talked about
intent, Disrimination their perspective on gender, gender
capability roles and disparity in families and
and action societies, patriarchy, own experiences
correspon with gender inequality etc. and
ding to the changes experienced in themselves in
Plan-It the past 2 years
and any
changes When the respondent talked about
stated or their relationship with facilitators
inferred, including personal experiences, likes &
due to the dislikes, specific experiences etc.
Education & When the respondent talked about
Aspiration their perspective on aspirations,
educational prospects and aspirations
for themselves and changes
experienced in themselves in the past
2 years

Employability & When the respondent talked about

Career Aspirations career aspiration, future roles, qualities
required, skills required etc. and
changes experienced in themselves in
the past 2 years

Direct Impact of the When the respondent talked about

program learnings, application, intent to
change, current and future course of
action related to Plan-It Girls
2_Delhi_IDI Girl_1-10 February

So, I was asking that you know how things

happen at your place, now we will talk about
our home, now tell me who all live in your

R: My elder brother, the father is not there.

M: Who does your brother do?

R: He does a private job, he is in hospital,

and he looks after the patients.

M: What is his age?

R: 35.

M: What else?

R: He and sister are married then after that

one more sister who is also married.

M: Okay, what are their ages, do they stay at

your home?

R: No, one of my sisters lives with us

because her husband’s job is in Delhi, and
one more sister is there and she is married.

M: Where is she?

R: Tigri Khanpur.

M: So, she lives somewhere else?

R: Yes, she stays with her in-laws.

M: Okay, so the sister that lives with you,

Okay, so we have made your map, so you
have taken two hours talking with me, so if
you were not here, what would you be

R: Now I’m doing a nursing course and as I

was not well, I’m not going for one week,
the doctor has told me to rest.

M: So, you are now at home?

R: Yes, I go at 8:00 a.m. and come back

around 5:00 p.m.

M: What do you do for fun when you are


R: I go to my friend’s house; we play a lot

and talk a lot.

M: Where does your friend live?

R: Near my house but still I’m not able to

meet him.

M: Okay, and do you like anything else like

movies or anything?

R: I like to listen to songs.

M: What songs do you listen to?

R: Punjabi songs, sad songs I like and I like

party songs also.

M: So, you dance also?

So this is a girl, and this girl is like you, she
goes to the same school as you, so same as
you, so what we will do is we will talk about
the main stages of her life, I would ask you
and you tell me, so I want to know, when
she was ten years old what all did happen in
the girls life, then we want to know between
13 to 16 years, between 16 to 18, between
18 to 21 years and from 21 years till 25
years, this is the end, so whatever things
that you will tell me I will write it here, so
tell me that so the ten years old girl of the
same area like you but smaller than you,
how is her life, what does she do?

R: It’s nice, she plays.

M: Where does she play?

R: Outside her house, and she doesn’t have

any restrictions because she is small.

M: So, she can do whatever wants, does she

play in the park or where?

R: Park, outside her home, with anyone she

can play.

M: Okay, and does she eat?

R: Yes, she eats everything like biscuits and

all the outside things.

M: Okay, does she study?

R: She studies, but she doesn’t pay attention

to it as much as playing because she is small.
Okay. Now we will talk about school and the
job. What do you want to do in your life

R: I want to become a nurse.

M: So you have decided?

R: Yes.

M: You are taking training for the same


R: I am currently doing GDA; it is a small part

of the nursing course. I want to do GNM and
the course fees is Rs. 2 lakhs. For now, we
don't have a good financial condition, I will
first do a job and make some money and
then I will take admission to this course.

M: Okay, and for that, what all you are

supposed to do, what are the studies, what
exam you are supposed to go through, have
you taken information about these things?

R: Yes.

M: from where you got all this information?

R: The place where I am doing this course,

our teacher told us about it. He said GDA
first, after that what you are supposed to do
I will tell you later, there will be applications
about this exam, so you will have to fill those
application forms, there are introduce you
like to clear those interview as well, then
you have to pay the fees, only then you will
So, I was asking that you know how things
happen at your place, now we will talk about
our home, now tell me who all live in your

R: My elder brother, the father is not there.

M: Who does your brother do?

R: He does a private job, he is in hospital,

and he looks after the patients.

M: What is his age?

R: 35.

M: What else?

R: He and sister are married then after that

one more sister who is also married.

M: Okay, what are their ages, do they stay at

your home?

R: No, one of my sisters lives with us

because her husband’s job is in Delhi, and
one more sister is there and she is married.

M: Where is she?

R: Tigri Khanpur.

M: So, she lives somewhere else?

R: Yes, she stays with her in-laws.

M: Okay, so the sister that lives with you,

What do you think about how your
relationship with your family members is?
How is it, are you able to talk to them?

R: I don't talk to the elder brother because I

am scared of him. I don't speak at all in front
of him. It's not like he doesn't talk, he does,
but when I was young, I used to talk with
him freely, but not now. I talk freely with my
younger brother. He is elder than me.

M: Does your elder brother scold you?

R: No, he doesn't, but he is stressed because

of his wife and then the responsibilities of
the house. He is the eldest in the house.
When he comes back from the job, I give
tea; whatever things are needed, I ask him, I
don't talk unnecessarily with him. With
mom, I can talk freely, I also talk freely with
my elder sister, but with the elder brother, I
talk less.

M: If there is any important thing happening

in the house, do they ask you about your

R: Yes.

M: You also give them suggestions?

R: Yes, when I was young, we went shopping

for my sister-in-law. It's been a long time,
maybe 5 to 6 years, so whatever jewelry,
clothes we bought for the sister-in-law, I
went with my brother and mom, aunty was
also there.
Do you feel any gender discrimination at the
place where you are going for studies?

R: So far, I haven't seen anything like that

because nowadays there are a lot of things
that have changed. Gender discrimination is
very rare nowadays. We have schools of that

M: What they are being taught, you are also

being taught a similar thing.

R: Yes.

M: it's not like you are being taught

something less big just because you are a

R: No, there is nothing like that. All classes of

boys and girls are conducted together. Our
girl school is in Udaipur; even though it is
also going to be a common school for boys
and girls, this is what I heard.

M: I want to talk about your school. How

was your relation with your teachers when
you were in school?

R: I had a good relationship with my class

teacher. Only one teacher scolded me a lot
because I was not good at studies, and she
used to scold me but used to love me as
well; she was my English teacher. She is very

M: Did you ever feel that you can talk openly

with your teachers, or you also had the fear

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