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Industrial Automation

Class test -1

Q.1] Automation system is also called .

Ans] Process automation.

Q.2] Which of the following statement is true regarding the automation process?

Ans] It is a process that automatically controls process like pulp factories.

Q.3] Which of the following are the components of process automation?

Ans] Sensors ,Controllers ,Actuators.

Q.4] A automation system is related to……………….

Ans] Distributed control system and Supervisory control and data acquisition


Q.5] SCADA stands for…………

Ans] Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition.

Q.6] DCS stands for……………

Ans] Distributed Control System.

Q.7] Which of the following components of Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition


Ans] Computers, Communication and Graphical User Interface .

Q.8] GUI stands for……….

Ans] Graphical User Interface.

Q.9] GUI in SCADA is used for____ process of managing Supervisory?

Ans] High Level.

Q.10] Process automation system is ____ level of automation.

Ans] Low Level.

Q.11] MES in automation systems stands for____?

Ans] Manufacturing Execution System.

Q.12] DCS process is applied in ____?

Ans] Computerized control system.

Q.13] DCS process is applied in ____?

Ans] Control loops with many in number.

Q.14] Does DCS has control of central operator supervisory?

Ans] No

Q.15] DCS ___ the reliability and ___ the cost of installation by monitoring remotely ?

Ans] Increases, Decreases

Q.16] Which of the following is the function of DCS?

Ans] If any processor functionally fails to work, it does not affect anoter process.

Q.17] How many levels are present in DCS manufacturing?

Ans] 5

Q.18] Which of the following is the correct statement for the level 0 mechanism in the

DCS manufacturing process?

Ans] It contains sensors like flow sensor and temperature sensor and elements which

controls the process.

Q.19] Which of the following is the correct statement for the level 1mechanism in the

DCS manufacturing process?

Ans] It contains processors distributed electronically and modules like input and


Q.20] Which of the following is the correct statement for the level 2 mechanism in the

DCS manufacturing process?

Ans] It contains a computer for the supervisorypurpose.

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