Test 5

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Limba engleză
Clasa a V-a

Full name :

 Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor cerinţelor din Partea I şi din Partea a II-a se
acordă 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se acordă 10 puncte.
 Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.

PARTEA I_________________________________________________________60 de puncte

1. Put the verbs in brackets to Present Continuous (10x2p =20p)

1. Father __________________ (read) the newspaper now.

2. She ___________________________ (cook) in the kitchen at the moment.
3. Look! It ________________________ (snow).
4. My sister ________________________ (watch) TV.
5. The children _______________________ (not/ play) football now.
6. He __________________________ (sleep) at the moment.
7. Listen! Mother _____________________ (play) the piano.
8. Ann _______________________ (do) her homework.
9. I ________________________ (go) to church.
10. The girls_____________________ (swim) in the sea now.

2. Complete the text with the verbs TO BE or TO HAVE (10x2p =20p)

Hello! My name _________ James. I _________ a boy and I ___________ two brothers. I
___________ tall and slim. I __________ black hair and blue eyes. I_________ very funny. My
mother__________ a doctor and my father _________ a pilot. My mother___________ blue
eyes, just like me. She _________ very pretty. My father__________ tall and he ___________
short hair and green eyes. They_________ the best parents in the world. I_________a cat and a
dog. My dog___________very big and my cat___________very little. My best friend
_________Tim. He___________a bike and we always play together after school.
I___________a bike too. My bike__________blue.

3. Complete the sentences with HAS GOT or HAVE GOT (5x2p=10p)

a. John ___________a black car.

b. I ____________an old computer.

c. Billy and Susan ___________ apples.

d. We________________ two bottles of juice.

e. She______________ a great family.

4. Write the correct plural form of the words (10x1p=10p)

a. bus - ____________ e.book-__________ i.man-____

b. child - ____________ f.chair-___________ j. baby-____
c. fish - ____________ g.boy-_____________
d. table - _____________ h.house-___________

PARTEA II_______________________________________________________30 de puncte

Describe your best friend (age, appearance, likes/dislikes) in at least four sentences.

My best friend is……..


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